sd_bus_message_skip systemd sd_bus_message_skip 3 sd_bus_message_skip Skip elements in a bus message #include <systemd/sd-bus.h> int sd_bus_message_skip sd_bus_message *m const char* types Description sd_bus_message_skip() is somewhat similar to sd_bus_message_read3, but instead of reading the contents of the message, it only moves the "read pointer". Subsequent read operations will read the elements that are after the elements that were skipped. The types argument has the same meaning as in sd_bus_message_read(). It may also be NULL, to skip a single element of any type. Return Value On success, sd_bus_message_skip() returns 0 or a positive integer. On failure, it returns a negative errno-style error code. Errors Returned errors may indicate the following problems: -EINVAL The m parameter is NULL. -EBADMSG The message cannot be parsed. -EPERM The message is not sealed. -ENXIO The message end has been reached and the requested elements cannot be read. -ENOMEM Memory allocation failed. History sd_bus_message_skip() was added in version 240. See Also systemd1 sd-bus3 sd_bus_message_read3 sd_bus_message_read_basic3