sd_bus_message_rewind systemd sd_bus_message_rewind 3 sd_bus_message_rewind Return to beginning of message or current container #include <systemd/sd-bus.h> int sd_bus_message_rewind sd_bus_message *m int complete Description sd_bus_message_rewind() moves the "read pointer" in the message m to either the beginning of the message (if complete is true) or to the beginning of the currently open container. If no container is open, complete has no effect. Return Value On success, this function returns 0 or a positive integer. The value is zero if the current container or whole message in case no container is open is empty, and positive otherwise. On failure, it returns a negative errno-style error code. Errors Returned errors may indicate the following problems: -EINVAL The m parameter is NULL. -EPERM The message m has not been sealed. History sd_bus_message_rewind() was added in version 240. See Also systemd1 sd-bus3 sd_bus_message_read3