#!/usr/bin/env bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later # shellcheck disable=SC2235,SC2233 set -eux set -o pipefail # shellcheck source=test/units/generator-utils.sh . "$(dirname "$0")/generator-utils.sh" GENERATOR_BIN="/usr/lib/systemd/system-generators/systemd-fstab-generator" NETWORK_FS_RX="^(afs|ceph|cifs|gfs|gfs2|ncp|ncpfs|nfs|nfs4|ocfs2|orangefs|pvfs2|smb3|smbfs|davfs|glusterfs|lustre|sshfs)$" OUT_DIR="$(mktemp -d /tmp/fstab-generator.XXX)" FSTAB="$(mktemp)" at_exit() { mountpoint -q /proc/cmdline && umount /proc/cmdline rm -fr "${OUT_DIR:?}" "${FSTAB:?}" } trap at_exit EXIT test -x "${GENERATOR_BIN:?}" FSTAB_GENERAL=( # Valid entries "/dev/test2 /nofail ext4 nofail 0 0" "/dev/test3 /regular btrfs defaults 0 0" "/dev/test4 /x-systemd.requires xfs x-systemd.requires=foo.service 0 0" "/dev/test5 /x-systemd.before-after xfs x-systemd.before=foo.service,x-systemd.after=bar.mount 0 0" "/dev/test6 /x-systemd.wanted-required-by xfs x-systemd.wanted-by=foo.service,x-systemd.required-by=bar.device 0 0" "/dev/test7 /x-systemd.requires-mounts-for xfs x-systemd.requires-mounts-for=/foo/bar/baz 0 0" "/dev/test8 /x-systemd.automount-idle-timeout vfat x-systemd.automount,x-systemd.idle-timeout=50s 0 0" "/dev/test9 /x-systemd.makefs xfs x-systemd.makefs 0 0" "/dev/test10 /x-systemd.growfs xfs x-systemd.growfs 0 0" "/dev/test11 /_netdev ext4 defaults,_netdev 0 0" "/dev/test12 /_rwonly ext4 x-systemd.rw-only 0 0" "/dev/test13 /chaos1 zfs x-systemd.rw-only,x-systemd.requires=hello.service,x-systemd.after=my.device 0 0" "/dev/test14 /chaos2 zfs x.systemd.wanted-by=foo.service,x-systemd.growfs,x-systemd.makefs 0 0" "/dev/test15 /fstype/auto auto defaults 0 0" "/dev/test16 /fsck/me ext4 defaults 0 1" "/dev/test17 /also/fsck/me ext4 defaults,x-systemd.requires-mounts-for=/var/lib/foo 0 99" "/dev/test18 /swap swap defaults 0 0" "/dev/test19 /swap/makefs swap defaults,x-systemd.makefs 0 0" "/dev/test20 /var xfs defaults,x-systemd.device-timeout=1h 0 0" "/dev/test21 /usr ext4 defaults 0 1" "/dev/test22 /initrd/mount ext2 defaults,x-systemd.rw-only,x-initrd.mount 0 1" "/dev/test23 /initrd/mount/nofail ext3 defaults,nofail,x-initrd.mount 0 1" "/dev/test24 /initrd/mount/deps ext4 x-initrd.mount,x-systemd.before=early.service,x-systemd.after=late.service 0 1" # Incomplete, but valid entries "/dev/incomplete1 /incomplete1" "/dev/incomplete2 /incomplete2 ext4" "/dev/incomplete3 /incomplete3 ext4 defaults" "/dev/incomplete4 /incomplete4 ext4 defaults 0" # Remote filesystems "/dev/remote1 /nfs nfs bg 0 0" "/dev/remote2 /nfs4 nfs4 bg 0 0" "bar.tld:/store /remote/storage nfs ro,x-systemd.wanted-by=store.service 0 0" "user@host.tld:/remote/dir /remote/top-secret sshfs rw,x-systemd.before=naughty.service 0 0" "foo.tld:/hello /hello/world ceph defaults 0 0" "// /cifs-storage cifs automount,nofail 0 0" ) FSTAB_GENERAL_ROOT=( # rootfs with bunch of options we should ignore and fsck enabled "/dev/test1 / ext4 noauto,nofail,x-systemd.automount,x-systemd.wanted-by=foo,x-systemd.required-by=bar 0 1" "${FSTAB_GENERAL[@]}" ) FSTAB_MINIMAL=( "/dev/loop1 /foo/bar ext3 defaults 0 0" ) FSTAB_DUPLICATE=( "/dev/dup1 / ext4 defaults 0 1" "/dev/dup2 / ext4 defaults,x-systemd.requires=foo.mount 0 2" ) FSTAB_INVALID=( # Ignored entries "/dev/ignored1 /sys/fs/cgroup/foo ext4 defaults 0 0" "/dev/ignored2 /sys/fs/selinux ext4 defaults 0 0" "/dev/ignored3 /dev/console ext4 defaults 0 0" "/dev/ignored4 /proc/kmsg ext4 defaults 0 0" "/dev/ignored5 /proc/sys ext4 defaults 0 0" "/dev/ignored6 /proc/sys/kernel/random/boot_id ext4 defaults 0 0" "/dev/ignored7 /run/host ext4 defaults 0 0" "/dev/ignored8 /run/host/foo ext4 defaults 0 0" "/dev/ignored9 /autofs autofs defaults 0 0" "/dev/invalid1 not-a-path ext4 defaults 0 0" "" "/dev/invalid1" " " "\\" "$" ) check_fstab_mount_units() { local what where fstype opts passno unit local item opt split_options filtered_options supp service device arg local array_name="${1:?}" local out_dir="${2:?}/normal" # Get a reference to the array from its name local -n fstab_entries="$array_name" # Running the checks in a container is pretty much useless, since we don't # generate any mounts, but don't skip the whole test to test the "skip" # paths as well in_container && return 0 for item in "${fstab_entries[@]}"; do # Don't use a pipe here, as it would make the variables out of scope read -r what where fstype opts _ passno <<< "$item" # Skip non-initrd mounts in initrd if in_initrd_host && ! [[ "$opts" =~ x-initrd.mount ]]; then continue fi if [[ "$fstype" == swap ]]; then unit="$(systemd-escape --suffix=swap --path "${what:?}")" cat "$out_dir/$unit" grep -qE "^What=$what$" "$out_dir/$unit" if [[ "$opts" != defaults ]]; then grep -qE "^Options=$opts$" "$out_dir/$unit" fi if [[ "$opts" =~ x-systemd.makefs ]]; then service="$(systemd-escape --template=systemd-mkswap@.service --path "$what")" test -e "$out_dir/$service" fi continue fi # If we're parsing host's fstab in initrd, prefix all mount targets # with /sysroot in_initrd_host && where="/sysroot${where:?}" unit="$(systemd-escape --suffix=mount --path "${where:?}")" cat "$out_dir/$unit" # Check the general stuff grep -qE "^What=$what$" "$out_dir/$unit" grep -qE "^Where=$where$" "$out_dir/$unit" if [[ -n "$fstype" ]] && [[ "$fstype" != auto ]]; then grep -qE "^Type=$fstype$" "$out_dir/$unit" fi if [[ -n "$opts" ]] && [[ "$opts" != defaults ]]; then # Some options are not propagated to the generated unit if [[ "$where" == / || "$where" == /usr ]]; then filtered_options="$(opt_filter "$opts" "(noauto|nofail|x-systemd.(wanted-by=|required-by=|automount|device-timeout=))")" else filtered_options="$(opt_filter "$opts" "^x-systemd.device-timeout=")" fi if [[ "${filtered_options[*]}" != defaults ]]; then grep -qE "^Options=.*$filtered_options.*$" "$out_dir/$unit" fi fi if ! [[ "$opts" =~ (noauto|x-systemd.(wanted-by=|required-by=|automount)) ]]; then # We don't create the Requires=/Wants= symlinks for noauto/automount mounts # and for mounts that use x-systemd.wanted-by=/required-by= if in_initrd_host; then if [[ "$where" == / ]] || ! [[ "$opts" =~ nofail ]]; then link_eq "$out_dir/initrd-fs.target.requires/$unit" "../$unit" else link_eq "$out_dir/initrd-fs.target.wants/$unit" "../$unit" fi elif [[ "$fstype" =~ $NETWORK_FS_RX || "$opts" =~ _netdev ]]; then # Units with network filesystems should have a Requires= dependency # on the remote-fs.target, unless they use nofail or are an nfs "bg" # mounts, in which case the dependency is downgraded to Wants= if [[ "$opts" =~ nofail ]] || [[ "$fstype" =~ ^(nfs|nfs4) && "$opts" =~ bg ]]; then link_eq "$out_dir/remote-fs.target.wants/$unit" "../$unit" else link_eq "$out_dir/remote-fs.target.requires/$unit" "../$unit" fi else # Similarly, local filesystems should have a Requires= dependency on # the local-fs.target, unless they use nofail, in which case the # dependency is downgraded to Wants=. Rootfs is a special case, # since we always ignore nofail there if [[ "$where" == / ]] || ! [[ "$opts" =~ nofail ]]; then link_eq "$out_dir/local-fs.target.requires/$unit" "../$unit" else link_eq "$out_dir/local-fs.target.wants/$unit" "../$unit" fi fi fi if [[ "${passno:=0}" -ne 0 ]]; then # Generate systemd-fsck@.service dependencies, if applicable if in_initrd && [[ "$where" == / || "$where" == /usr ]]; then continue fi if [[ "$where" == / ]]; then link_endswith "$out_dir/local-fs.target.wants/systemd-fsck-root.service" "/lib/systemd/system/systemd-fsck-root.service" else service="$(systemd-escape --template=systemd-fsck@.service --path "$what")" grep -qE "^After=$service$" "$out_dir/$unit" if [[ "$where" == /usr ]]; then grep -qE "^Wants=$service$" "$out_dir/$unit" else grep -qE "^Requires=$service$" "$out_dir/$unit" fi fi fi # Check various x-systemd options # # First, split them into an array to make splitting them even further # easier IFS="," read -ra split_options <<< "$opts" # and process them one by one. # # Note: the "machinery" below might (and probably does) miss some # combinations of supported options, so tread carefully for opt in "${split_options[@]}"; do if [[ "$opt" =~ ^x-systemd.requires= ]]; then service="$(opt_get_arg "$opt")" grep -qE "^Requires=$service$" "$out_dir/$unit" grep -qE "^After=$service$" "$out_dir/$unit" elif [[ "$opt" =~ ^x-systemd.before= ]]; then service="$(opt_get_arg "$opt")" grep -qE "^Before=$service$" "$out_dir/$unit" elif [[ "$opt" =~ ^x-systemd.after= ]]; then service="$(opt_get_arg "$opt")" grep -qE "^After=$service$" "$out_dir/$unit" elif [[ "$opt" =~ ^x-systemd.wanted-by= ]]; then service="$(opt_get_arg "$opt")" if [[ "$where" == / ]]; then # This option is ignored for rootfs mounts (! link_eq "$out_dir/$service.wants/$unit" "../$unit") else link_eq "$out_dir/$service.wants/$unit" "../$unit" fi elif [[ "$opt" =~ ^x-systemd.required-by= ]]; then service="$(opt_get_arg "$opt")" if [[ "$where" == / ]]; then # This option is ignored for rootfs mounts (! link_eq "$out_dir/$service.requires/$unit" "../$unit") else link_eq "$out_dir/$service.requires/$unit" "../$unit" fi elif [[ "$opt" =~ ^x-systemd.requires-mounts-for= ]]; then arg="$(opt_get_arg "$opt")" grep -qE "^RequiresMountsFor=$arg$" "$out_dir/$unit" elif [[ "$opt" == x-systemd.device-bound ]]; then # This is implied for fstab mounts : elif [[ "$opt" == x-systemd.automount ]]; then # The $unit should have an accompanying automount unit supp="$(systemd-escape --suffix=automount --path "$where")" if [[ "$where" == / ]]; then # This option is ignored for rootfs mounts test ! -e "$out_dir/$supp" (! link_eq "$out_dir/local-fs.target.requires/$supp" "../$supp") else test -e "$out_dir/$supp" link_eq "$out_dir/local-fs.target.requires/$supp" "../$supp" fi elif [[ "$opt" =~ ^x-systemd.idle-timeout= ]]; then # The timeout applies to the automount unit, not the original # mount one arg="$(opt_get_arg "$opt")" supp="$(systemd-escape --suffix=automount --path "$where")" grep -qE "^TimeoutIdleSec=$arg$" "$out_dir/$supp" elif [[ "$opt" =~ ^x-systemd.device-timeout= ]]; then arg="$(opt_get_arg "$opt")" device="$(systemd-escape --suffix=device --path "$what")" grep -qE "^JobRunningTimeoutSec=$arg$" "$out_dir/${device}.d/50-device-timeout.conf" elif [[ "$opt" == x-systemd.makefs ]]; then service="$(systemd-escape --template=systemd-makefs@.service --path "$what")" test -e "$out_dir/$service" link_eq "$out_dir/${unit}.requires/$service" "../$service" elif [[ "$opt" == x-systemd.rw-only ]]; then grep -qE "^ReadWriteOnly=yes$" "$out_dir/$unit" elif [[ "$opt" == x-systemd.growfs ]]; then service="$(systemd-escape --template=systemd-growfs@.service --path "$where")" link_endswith "$out_dir/${unit}.wants/$service" "/lib/systemd/system/systemd-growfs@.service" elif [[ "$opt" == bg ]] && [[ "$fstype" =~ ^(nfs|nfs4)$ ]]; then # We "convert" nfs bg mounts to fg, so we can do the job-control # ourselves grep -qE "^Options=.*\bx-systemd.mount-timeout=infinity\b" "$out_dir/$unit" grep -qE "^Options=.*\bfg\b.*" "$out_dir/$unit" elif [[ "$opt" =~ ^x-systemd\. ]]; then echo >&2 "Unhandled mount option: $opt" exit 1 fi done done } : "fstab-generator: regular" printf "%s\n" "${FSTAB_GENERAL_ROOT[@]}" >"$FSTAB" cat "$FSTAB" SYSTEMD_FSTAB="$FSTAB" run_and_list "$GENERATOR_BIN" "$OUT_DIR" check_fstab_mount_units FSTAB_GENERAL_ROOT "$OUT_DIR" # Skip the rest when running in a container, as it makes little sense to check # initrd-related stuff there and fstab-generator might have a bit strange # behavior during certain tests, like https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/27156 if in_container; then echo "Running in a container, skipping the rest of the fstab-generator tests..." exit 0 fi # In this mode we treat the entries as "regular" ones : "fstab-generator: initrd - initrd fstab" printf "%s\n" "${FSTAB_GENERAL[@]}" >"$FSTAB" cat "$FSTAB" SYSTEMD_IN_INITRD=1 SYSTEMD_FSTAB="$FSTAB" SYSTEMD_SYSROOT_FSTAB=/dev/null run_and_list "$GENERATOR_BIN" "$OUT_DIR" SYSTEMD_IN_INITRD=1 SYSTEMD_FSTAB="$FSTAB" SYSTEMD_SYSROOT_FSTAB=/dev/null check_fstab_mount_units FSTAB_GENERAL "$OUT_DIR" # In this mode we prefix the mount target with /sysroot and ignore all mounts # that don't have the x-initrd.mount flag : "fstab-generator: initrd - host fstab" printf "%s\n" "${FSTAB_GENERAL_ROOT[@]}" >"$FSTAB" cat "$FSTAB" SYSTEMD_IN_INITRD=1 SYSTEMD_FSTAB=/dev/null SYSTEMD_SYSROOT_FSTAB="$FSTAB" run_and_list "$GENERATOR_BIN" "$OUT_DIR" SYSTEMD_IN_INITRD=1 SYSTEMD_FSTAB=/dev/null SYSTEMD_SYSROOT_FSTAB="$FSTAB" check_fstab_mount_units FSTAB_GENERAL_ROOT "$OUT_DIR" # Check the default stuff that we (almost) always create in initrd : "fstab-generator: initrd default" SYSTEMD_PROC_CMDLINE="root=/dev/sda2" SYSTEMD_IN_INITRD=1 SYSTEMD_FSTAB=/dev/null SYSTEMD_SYSROOT_FSTAB=/dev/null run_and_list "$GENERATOR_BIN" "$OUT_DIR" test -e "$OUT_DIR/normal/sysroot.mount" test -e "$OUT_DIR/normal/systemd-fsck-root.service" link_eq "$OUT_DIR/normal/initrd-root-fs.target.requires/sysroot.mount" "../sysroot.mount" link_eq "$OUT_DIR/normal/initrd-root-fs.target.requires/sysroot.mount" "../sysroot.mount" : "fstab-generator: run as systemd-sysroot-fstab-check in initrd" ln -svf "$GENERATOR_BIN" /tmp/systemd-sysroot-fstab-check (! /tmp/systemd-sysroot-fstab-check foo) (! SYSTEMD_IN_INITRD=0 /tmp/systemd-sysroot-fstab-check) printf "%s\n" "${FSTAB_GENERAL[@]}" >"$FSTAB" SYSTEMD_IN_INITRD=1 SYSTEMD_SYSROOT_FSTAB="$FSTAB" /tmp/systemd-sysroot-fstab-check : "fstab-generator: duplicate" printf "%s\n" "${FSTAB_DUPLICATE[@]}" >"$FSTAB" cat "$FSTAB" (! SYSTEMD_FSTAB="$FSTAB" run_and_list "$GENERATOR_BIN" "$OUT_DIR") : "fstab-generator: invalid" printf "%s\n" "${FSTAB_INVALID[@]}" >"$FSTAB" cat "$FSTAB" # Don't care about the exit code here SYSTEMD_PROC_CMDLINE="" SYSTEMD_FSTAB="$FSTAB" run_and_list "$GENERATOR_BIN" "$OUT_DIR" || : # No mounts should get created here [[ "$(find "$OUT_DIR" -name "*.mount" | wc -l)" -eq 0 ]] : "fstab-generator: kernel args - fstab=0" printf "%s\n" "${FSTAB_MINIMAL[@]}" >"$FSTAB" SYSTEMD_FSTAB="$FSTAB" SYSTEMD_PROC_CMDLINE="fstab=0" run_and_list "$GENERATOR_BIN" "$OUT_DIR" (! SYSTEMD_FSTAB="$FSTAB" check_fstab_mount_units FSTAB_MINIMAL "$OUT_DIR") SYSTEMD_IN_INITRD=1 SYSTEMD_FSTAB="$FSTAB" SYSTEMD_PROC_CMDLINE="fstab=0" run_and_list "$GENERATOR_BIN" "$OUT_DIR" (! SYSTEMD_IN_INITRD=1 SYSTEMD_FSTAB="$FSTAB" check_fstab_mount_units FSTAB_MINIMAL "$OUT_DIR") : "fstab-generator: kernel args - rd.fstab=0" printf "%s\n" "${FSTAB_MINIMAL[@]}" >"$FSTAB" SYSTEMD_FSTAB="$FSTAB" SYSTEMD_PROC_CMDLINE="rd.fstab=0" run_and_list "$GENERATOR_BIN" "$OUT_DIR" SYSTEMD_FSTAB="$FSTAB" check_fstab_mount_units FSTAB_MINIMAL "$OUT_DIR" SYSTEMD_IN_INITRD=1 SYSTEMD_FSTAB="$FSTAB" SYSTEMD_PROC_CMDLINE="rd.fstab=0" run_and_list "$GENERATOR_BIN" "$OUT_DIR" (! SYSTEMD_IN_INITRD=1 SYSTEMD_FSTAB="$FSTAB" check_fstab_mount_units FSTAB_MINIMAL "$OUT_DIR") : "fstab-generator: kernel args - systemd.swap=0" printf "%s\n" "${FSTAB_GENERAL_ROOT[@]}" >"$FSTAB" cat "$FSTAB" SYSTEMD_FSTAB="$FSTAB" SYSTEMD_PROC_CMDLINE="systemd.swap=0" run_and_list "$GENERATOR_BIN" "$OUT_DIR" # No swap units should get created here [[ "$(find "$OUT_DIR" -name "*.swap" | wc -l)" -eq 0 ]] # Possible TODO # - combine the rootfs & usrfs arguments and mix them with fstab entries # - systemd.volatile= : "fstab-generator: kernel args - root= + rootfstype= + rootflags=" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 EXPECTED_FSTAB=( "/dev/disk/by-label/rootfs / ext4 noexec,ro 0 1" ) CMDLINE="root=LABEL=rootfs rootfstype=ext4 rootflags=noexec" SYSTEMD_IN_INITRD=1 SYSTEMD_FSTAB=/dev/null SYSTEMD_SYSROOT_FSTAB=/dev/null SYSTEMD_PROC_CMDLINE="$CMDLINE" run_and_list "$GENERATOR_BIN" "$OUT_DIR" # The /proc/cmdline here is a dummy value to tell the in_initrd_host() function # we're parsing host's fstab, but it's all on the kernel cmdline instead SYSTEMD_IN_INITRD=1 SYSTEMD_SYSROOT_FSTAB=/proc/cmdline check_fstab_mount_units EXPECTED_FSTAB "$OUT_DIR" # This is a very basic sanity test that involves manual checks, since adding it # to the check_fstab_mount_units() function would make it way too complex # (yet another possible TODO) : "fstab-generator: kernel args - mount.usr= + mount.usrfstype= + mount.usrflags=" CMDLINE="mount.usr=UUID=be780f43-8803-4a76-9732-02ceda6e9808 mount.usrfstype=ext4 mount.usrflags=noexec,nodev" SYSTEMD_IN_INITRD=1 SYSTEMD_FSTAB=/dev/null SYSTEMD_SYSROOT_FSTAB=/dev/null SYSTEMD_PROC_CMDLINE="$CMDLINE" run_and_list "$GENERATOR_BIN" "$OUT_DIR" cat "$OUT_DIR/normal/sysroot-usr.mount" "$OUT_DIR/normal/sysusr-usr.mount" # The general idea here is to mount the device to /sysusr/usr and then # bind-mount /sysusr/usr to /sysroot/usr grep -qE "^What=/dev/disk/by-uuid/be780f43-8803-4a76-9732-02ceda6e9808$" "$OUT_DIR/normal/sysusr-usr.mount" grep -qE "^Where=/sysusr/usr$" "$OUT_DIR/normal/sysusr-usr.mount" grep -qE "^Type=ext4$" "$OUT_DIR/normal/sysusr-usr.mount" grep -qE "^Options=noexec,nodev,ro$" "$OUT_DIR/normal/sysusr-usr.mount" link_eq "$OUT_DIR/normal/initrd-usr-fs.target.requires/sysusr-usr.mount" "../sysusr-usr.mount" grep -qE "^What=/sysusr/usr$" "$OUT_DIR/normal/sysroot-usr.mount" grep -qE "^Where=/sysroot/usr$" "$OUT_DIR/normal/sysroot-usr.mount" grep -qE "^Options=bind$" "$OUT_DIR/normal/sysroot-usr.mount" link_eq "$OUT_DIR/normal/initrd-fs.target.requires/sysroot-usr.mount" "../sysroot-usr.mount"