#!/usr/bin/env bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later # shellcheck disable=SC2016 set -eux set -o pipefail # shellcheck source=test/units/util.sh . "$(dirname "$0")"/util.sh mkfifo /tmp/syncfifo1 /tmp/syncfifo2 sync_in() { read -r x < /tmp/syncfifo1 test "$x" = "$1" } sync_out() { echo "$1" > /tmp/syncfifo2 } export SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL=debug # Test NotifyAccess= override through sd_notify() systemctl --no-block start notify.service sync_in a assert_eq "$(systemctl show notify.service -p NotifyAccess --value)" "all" assert_eq "$(systemctl show notify.service -p StatusText --value)" "Test starts" sync_out b sync_in c assert_eq "$(systemctl show notify.service -p NotifyAccess --value)" "main" assert_eq "$(systemctl show notify.service -p StatusText --value)" "Sending READY=1 in an unprivileged process" assert_rc 3 systemctl --quiet is-active notify.service sync_out d sync_in e systemctl --quiet is-active notify.service [[ "$(systemctl show notify.service -P StatusText)" != BOGUS* ]] assert_eq "$(systemctl show notify.service -P StatusErrno)" "1" assert_eq "$(systemctl show notify.service -P StatusBusError)" "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs" assert_eq "$(systemctl show notify.service -P StatusVarlinkError)" "org.varlink.service.InvalidParameter" sync_out f sync_in g assert_eq "$(systemctl show notify.service -P StatusErrno)" "1" assert_eq "$(systemctl show notify.service -P StatusBusError)" "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs" assert_eq "$(systemctl show notify.service -P StatusVarlinkError)" "org.varlink.service.InvalidParameter" sync_out h sync_in i assert_eq "$(systemctl show notify.service -p StatusText --value)" "OK" assert_eq "$(systemctl show notify.service -p NotifyAccess --value)" "none" systemctl stop notify.service assert_eq "$(systemctl show notify.service -p NotifyAccess --value)" "all" rm /tmp/syncfifo1 /tmp/syncfifo2 # Explicitly test busctl's BUSERROR= reporting and systemctl status should show it (! systemd-run --wait --unit="TEST-80-BUSERROR.service" -p NotifyAccess=main busctl introspect org.freedesktop.systemd1 /bogus/001) assert_eq "$(systemctl show TEST-80-BUSERROR.service -P StatusBusError)" "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownObject" assert_in "D-Bus: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownObject" "$(systemctl status TEST-80-BUSERROR.service)" # Now test basic fdstore behaviour MYSCRIPT="/tmp/myscript$RANDOM.sh" cat >> "$MYSCRIPT" <<'EOF' #!/usr/bin/env bash set -eux set -o pipefail test "$FDSTORE" -eq 7 N="/tmp/$RANDOM" echo $RANDOM > "$N" systemd-notify --fd=4 --fdname=quux --pid=parent 4< "$N" rm "$N" systemd-notify --ready exec sleep infinity EOF chmod +x "$MYSCRIPT" MYUNIT="myunit$RANDOM.service" systemd-run -u "$MYUNIT" -p Type=notify -p FileDescriptorStoreMax=7 "$MYSCRIPT" test "$(systemd-analyze fdstore "$MYUNIT" | wc -l)" -eq 2 systemd-analyze fdstore "$MYUNIT" --json=short systemd-analyze fdstore "$MYUNIT" --json=short | grep -P -q '\[{"fdname":"quux","type":.*,"devno":\[.*\],"inode":.*,"rdevno":null,"path":"/tmp/.*","flags":"ro"}\]' systemctl stop "$MYUNIT" rm "$MYSCRIPT" systemd-analyze log-level debug # Test fdstore pinning (this will pull in fdstore-pin.service fdstore-nopin.service) systemctl start fdstore-pin.target assert_eq "$(systemctl show fdstore-pin.service -P FileDescriptorStorePreserve)" yes assert_eq "$(systemctl show fdstore-nopin.service -P FileDescriptorStorePreserve)" restart assert_eq "$(systemctl show fdstore-pin.service -P SubState)" running assert_eq "$(systemctl show fdstore-nopin.service -P SubState)" running assert_eq "$(systemctl show fdstore-pin.service -P NFileDescriptorStore)" 1 assert_eq "$(systemctl show fdstore-nopin.service -P NFileDescriptorStore)" 1 # The file descriptor store should survive service restarts systemctl restart fdstore-pin.service fdstore-nopin.service assert_eq "$(systemctl show fdstore-pin.service -P NFileDescriptorStore)" 1 assert_eq "$(systemctl show fdstore-nopin.service -P NFileDescriptorStore)" 1 assert_eq "$(systemctl show fdstore-pin.service -P SubState)" running assert_eq "$(systemctl show fdstore-nopin.service -P SubState)" running # It should not survive the service stop plus a later start (unless pinned) systemctl stop fdstore-pin.service fdstore-nopin.service assert_eq "$(systemctl show fdstore-pin.service -P NFileDescriptorStore)" 1 assert_eq "$(systemctl show fdstore-nopin.service -P NFileDescriptorStore)" 0 assert_eq "$(systemctl show fdstore-pin.service -P SubState)" dead-resources-pinned assert_eq "$(systemctl show fdstore-nopin.service -P SubState)" dead systemctl start fdstore-pin.service fdstore-nopin.service assert_eq "$(systemctl show fdstore-pin.service -P NFileDescriptorStore)" 1 assert_eq "$(systemctl show fdstore-nopin.service -P NFileDescriptorStore)" 0 assert_eq "$(systemctl show fdstore-pin.service -P SubState)" running assert_eq "$(systemctl show fdstore-nopin.service -P SubState)" running systemctl stop fdstore-pin.service fdstore-nopin.service assert_eq "$(systemctl show fdstore-pin.service -P NFileDescriptorStore)" 1 assert_eq "$(systemctl show fdstore-nopin.service -P NFileDescriptorStore)" 0 assert_eq "$(systemctl show fdstore-pin.service -P SubState)" dead-resources-pinned assert_eq "$(systemctl show fdstore-nopin.service -P SubState)" dead systemctl clean fdstore-pin.service --what=fdstore assert_eq "$(systemctl show fdstore-pin.service -P NFileDescriptorStore)" 0 assert_eq "$(systemctl show fdstore-nopin.service -P NFileDescriptorStore)" 0 assert_eq "$(systemctl show fdstore-pin.service -P SubState)" dead assert_eq "$(systemctl show fdstore-nopin.service -P SubState)" dead touch /testok