sd_journal_seek_head systemd sd_journal_seek_head 3 sd_journal_seek_head sd_journal_seek_tail sd_journal_seek_monotonic_usec sd_journal_seek_realtime_usec sd_journal_seek_cursor Seek to a position in the journal #include <systemd/sd-journal.h> int sd_journal_seek_head sd_journal *j int sd_journal_seek_tail sd_journal *j int sd_journal_seek_monotonic_usec sd_journal *j sd_id128_t boot_id uint64_t usec int sd_journal_seek_realtime_usec sd_journal *j uint64_t usec int sd_journal_seek_cursor sd_journal *j const char *cursor Description sd_journal_seek_head() seeks to the beginning of the journal, i.e. to the position before the oldest available entry. Similarly, sd_journal_seek_tail() may be used to seek to the end of the journal, i.e. the position after the most recent available entry. sd_journal_seek_monotonic_usec() seeks to a position with the specified monotonic timestamp, i.e. CLOCK_MONOTONIC. Since monotonic time restarts on every reboot a boot ID needs to be specified as well. sd_journal_seek_realtime_usec() seeks to a position with the specified realtime (wallclock) timestamp, i.e. CLOCK_REALTIME. Note that the realtime clock is not necessarily monotonic. If a realtime timestamp is ambiguous, it is not defined which position is sought to. sd_journal_seek_cursor() seeks to the position at the specified cursor string. For details on cursors, see sd_journal_get_cursor3. If no entry matching the specified cursor is found the call will seek to the next closest entry (in terms of time) instead. Note that these calls do not actually make any entry the new current entry, this needs to be done in a separate step with a subsequent sd_journal_next3 invocation (or a similar call). Only then, entry data may be retrieved via sd_journal_get_data3 or an entry cursor be retrieved via sd_journal_get_cursor3. If no entry exists that matches exactly the specified seek address, the next closest is sought to. If sd_journal_next3 is used, the closest following entry will be sought to, if sd_journal_previous3 is used the closest preceding entry is sought to. After the seek is done, and sd_journal_next3 or a similar call has been made, sd_journal_test_cursor3 may be used to verify whether the newly selected entry actually matches the cursor. Return Value The functions return 0 on success or a negative errno-style error code. Notes History sd_journal_seek_head(), sd_journal_seek_tail(), sd_journal_seek_monotonic_usec(), sd_journal_seek_realtime_usec(), and sd_journal_seek_cursor() were added in version 187. See Also systemd1 sd-journal3 sd_journal_open3 sd_journal_next3 sd_journal_get_data3 sd_journal_get_cursor3 sd_journal_get_realtime_usec3