binfmt.d systemd binfmt.d 5 binfmt.d Configure additional binary formats for executables at boot /etc/binfmt.d/*.conf /run/binfmt.d/*.conf /usr/local/lib/binfmt.d/*.conf /usr/lib/binfmt.d/*.conf Description At boot, systemd-binfmt.service8 reads configuration files from the above directories to register in the kernel additional binary formats for executables. Configuration Format Each file contains a list of binfmt_misc kernel binary format rules. Consult the kernel's Kernel Support for miscellaneous Binary Formats (binfmt_misc) documentation file for more information on registration of additional binary formats and how to write rules. Empty lines and lines beginning with ; and # are ignored. Note that this means you may not use those symbols as the delimiter in binary format rules. Example /etc/binfmt.d/wine.conf example: # Start WINE on Windows executables :DOSWin:M::MZ::/usr/bin/wine: See Also systemd1 systemd-binfmt.service8 systemd-delta1 wine8