test: exercise a couple of error paths in nspawn's OCI code as well

This commit is contained in:
Frantisek Sumsal 2023-05-17 13:09:02 +02:00
parent 7244c6db42
commit f0193b4b63

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@ -382,4 +382,84 @@ touch /opt/readonly/foo && exit 1
exit 0
systemd-nspawn --oci-bundle="$OCI"
timeout 30 systemd-nspawn --oci-bundle="$OCI"
# Test a couple of invalid configs
# Invalid object
'"foo" : { }'
'"process" : { "foo" : [ ] }'
# Non-absolute mount
'"mounts" : [ { "destination" : "foo", "type" : "tmpfs", "source" : "tmpfs" } ]'
# Invalid rlimit
'"process" : { "rlimits" : [ { "type" : "RLIMIT_FOO", "soft" : 0, "hard" : 0 } ] }'
# rlimit without RLIMIT_ prefix
'"process" : { "rlimits" : [ { "type" : "CORE", "soft" : 0, "hard" : 0 } ] }'
# Invalid env assignment
'"process" : { "env" : [ "foo" ] }'
'"process" : { "env" : [ "foo=bar", 1 ] }'
# Invalid process args
'"process" : { "args" : [ ] }'
'"process" : { "args" : [ "" ] }'
'"process" : { "args" : [ "foo", 1 ] }'
# Invalid capabilities
'"process" : { "capabilities" : { "bounding" : [ 1 ] } }'
'"process" : { "capabilities" : { "bounding" : [ "FOO_BAR" ] } }'
# Unsupported option (without JSON_PERMISSIVE)
'"linux" : { "resources" : { "cpu" : { "realtimeRuntime" : 1 } } }'
# Invalid namespace
'"linux" : { "namespaces" : [ { "type" : "foo" } ] }'
# Namespace path for a non-network namespace
'"linux" : { "namespaces" : [ { "type" : "user", "path" : "/foo/bar" } ] }'
# Duplicate namespace
'"linux" : { "namespaces" : [ { "type" : "ipc" }, { "type" : "ipc" } ] }'
# Invalid device type
'"linux" : { "devices" : [ { "type" : "foo", "path" : "/dev/foo" } ] }'
# Invalid cgroups path
'"linux" : { "cgroupsPath" : "/foo/bar/baz" }'
'"linux" : { "cgroupsPath" : "foo/bar/baz" }'
# Invalid sysctl assignments
'"linux" : { "sysctl" : { "vm.swappiness" : 60 } }'
'"linux" : { "sysctl" : { "foo..bar" : "baz" } }'
# Invalid seccomp assignments
'"linux" : { "seccomp" : { } }'
'"linux" : { "seccomp" : { "defaultAction" : 1 } }'
'"linux" : { "seccomp" : { "defaultAction" : "foo" } }'
'"linux" : { "seccomp" : { "defaultAction" : "SCMP_ACT_ALLOW", "syscalls" : [ { "action" : "SCMP_ACT_ERRNO", "names" : [ ] } ] } }'
# Invalid masked paths
'"linux" : { "maskedPaths" : [ "/foo", 1 ] }'
'"linux" : { "maskedPaths" : [ "/foo", "bar" ] }'
# Invalid read-only paths
'"linux" : { "readonlyPaths" : [ "/foo", 1 ] }'
'"linux" : { "readonlyPaths" : [ "/foo", "bar" ] }'
# Invalid hooks
'"hooks" : { "prestart" : [ { "path" : "/bin/sh", "timeout" : 0 } ] }'
# Invalid annotations
'"annotations" : { "" : "bar" }'
'"annotations" : { "foo" : 1 }'
for snippet in "${INVALID_SNIPPETS[@]}"; do
: "Snippet: $snippet"
cat >"$OCI/config.json" <<EOF
"ociVersion" : "1.0.0",
"root" : {
"path" : "rootfs"
(! systemd-nspawn --oci-bundle="$OCI" sh -c 'echo hello')
# Invalid OCI bundle version
cat >"$OCI/config.json" <<EOF
"ociVersion" : "6.6.6",
"root" : {
"path" : "rootfs"
(! systemd-nspawn --oci-bundle="$OCI" sh -c 'echo hello')