test: Rework TEST-02-UNITTESTS

Currently, A large amount of unit test output is logged directly
to the console instead of to the per test log file as any subprocesses
executed by a test manager will detect that stderr is not connected
to the journal and log directly to /dev/console instead.

To solve this issue, let's make sure all tests are connected directly
to the journal by running them with systemd-run. We also simplify the
entire test script by getting rid of the custom queue and replicating
it with xargs instead. By using bash's function export feature, we can
make our run_test() function available to the bash subprocess spawned
by xargs.

Once a test is finished, we read its logs from the journal and put them
in the appropriate file if needed.
This commit is contained in:
Daan De Meyer 2024-04-20 21:13:18 +02:00
parent e660fee2d0
commit 741d59b326
2 changed files with 21 additions and 48 deletions

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
set -eux
set -o pipefail
(! journalctl -q -o short-monotonic --grep "didn't pass validation" >>/failed)
(! journalctl -q -o short-monotonic --grep "didn't pass validation" | grep -v "test-varlink-idl" >>/failed)
# Here, the redundant '[ ]' in the pattern is required in order not to match the logged command itself.
(! journalctl -q -o short-monotonic --grep 'Warning: cannot close sd-bus connection[ ].*after fork' >>/failed)

View file

@ -20,10 +20,10 @@ fi
mapfile -t TEST_LIST < <(find /usr/lib/systemd/tests/unit-tests/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "${TESTS_GLOB}")
# Reset state
rm -fv /failed /skipped /testok
touch /lock
if ! systemd-detect-virt -qc; then
# Make sure ping works for unprivileged users (for test-bpf-firewall)
@ -34,21 +34,28 @@ fi
# Arguments:
# $1: test path
# $2: test exit code
report_result() {
if [[ $# -ne 2 ]]; then
echo >&2 "check_result: missing arguments"
run_test() {
if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
echo >&2 "run_test: missing arguments"
exit 1
local name="${1##*/}"
local ret=$2
local test="$1"
local name="${test##*/}"
echo "Executing test $name as unit $name.service"
systemd-run --quiet --property Delegate=1 --unit="$name" --wait "$test" && ret=0 || ret=$?
exec {LOCK_FD}> /lock
flock --exclusive ${LOCK_FD}
if [[ $ret -ne 0 && $ret != 77 && $ret != 127 ]]; then
echo "$name failed with $ret"
echo "$name" >>/failed-tests
echo "--- $name begin ---"
cat "/$name.log"
journalctl --unit="$name" --no-hostname -o short-monotonic
echo "--- $name end ---"
} >>/failed
elif [[ $ret == 77 || $ret == 127 ]]; then
@ -56,55 +63,21 @@ report_result() {
echo "$name" >>/skipped-tests
echo "--- $name begin ---"
cat "/$name.log"
journalctl --unit="$name" --no-hostname -o short-monotonic
echo "--- $name end ---"
} >>/skipped
echo "$name OK"
echo "$name" >>/testok
exec {LOCK_FD}<&-
set +x
# Associative array for running tasks, where running[test-path]=PID
declare -A running=()
for task in "${TEST_LIST[@]}"; do
# If there's MAX_QUEUE_SIZE running tasks, keep checking the running queue
# until one of the tasks finishes, so we can replace it.
while [[ ${#running[@]} -ge $MAX_QUEUE_SIZE ]]; do
for key in "${!running[@]}"; do
if ! kill -0 "${running[$key]}" &>/dev/null; then
# Task has finished, report its result and drop it from the queue
wait "${running[$key]}" && ec=0 || ec=$?
report_result "$key" "$ec"
unset "running[$key]"
# Break from inner for loop and outer while loop to skip
# the sleep below when we find a free slot in the queue
break 2
export -f run_test
# Precisely* calculated constant to keep the spinlock from burning the CPU(s)
sleep 0.01
if [[ -x $task ]]; then
echo "Executing test '$task'"
$task &>"$log_file" &
# Wait for remaining running tasks
for key in "${!running[@]}"; do
echo "Waiting for test '$key' to finish"
wait "${running[$key]}" && ec=0 || ec=$?
report_result "$key" "$ec"
unset "running[$key]"
set -x
find /usr/lib/systemd/tests/unit-tests/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "${TESTS_GLOB}" -print0 |
xargs -0 -I {} --max-procs="$MAX_QUEUE_SIZE" bash -ec "run_test {}"
# Test logs are sometimes lost, as the system shuts down immediately after
journalctl --sync