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#compdef systemctl
(( $+functions[_systemctl_command] )) || _systemctl_command()
local -a _systemctl_cmds
"list-sockets:List sockets"
"list-timers:List timers"
"list-units:List units"
"start:Start (activate) one or more units"
"stop:Stop (deactivate) one or more units"
"reload:Reload one or more units"
"restart:Start or restart one or more units"
"condrestart:Restart one or more units if active"
"try-restart:Restart one or more units if active"
"reload-or-restart:Reload one or more units if possible, otherwise start or restart"
"force-reload:Reload one or more units if possible, otherwise restart if active"
"hibernate:Hibernate the system"
"hybrid-sleep:Hibernate and suspend the system"
"reload-or-try-restart:Reload one or more units if possible, otherwise restart if active"
"isolate:Start one unit and stop all others"
"kill:Send signal to processes of a unit"
"is-active:Check whether units are active"
"is-failed:Check whether units are failed"
"status:Show runtime status of one or more units"
"show:Show properties of one or more units/jobs or the manager"
"cat:Show the source unit files and drop-ins"
"reset-failed:Reset failed state for all, one, or more units"
"list-unit-files:List installed unit files"
"enable:Enable one or more unit files"
"disable:Disable one or more unit files"
"reenable:Reenable one or more unit files"
"preset:Enable/disable one or more unit files based on preset configuration"
"help:Show documentation for specified units"
"list-dependencies:Show unit dependency tree"
"mask:Mask one or more units"
"unmask:Unmask one or more units"
"link:Link one or more units files into the search path"
"is-enabled:Check whether unit files are enabled"
"list-jobs:List jobs"
"cancel:Cancel all, one, or more jobs"
"snapshot:Create a snapshot"
"delete:Remove one or more snapshots"
"show-environment:Dump environment"
"set-environment:Set one or more environment variables"
"unset-environment:Unset one or more environment variables"
"daemon-reload:Reload systemd manager configuration"
"daemon-reexec:Reexecute systemd manager"
"default:Enter system default mode"
"rescue:Enter system rescue mode"
"emergency:Enter system emergency mode"
"halt:Shut down and halt the system"
"suspend:Suspend the system"
"poweroff:Shut down and power-off the system"
"reboot:Shut down and reboot the system"
"kexec:Shut down and reboot the system with kexec"
"exit:Ask for user instance termination"
if (( CURRENT == 1 )); then
_describe -t commands 'systemctl command' _systemctl_cmds || compadd "$@"
local curcontext="$curcontext"
# Deal with any aliases
case $cmd in
condrestart) cmd="try-restart";;
force-reload) cmd="reload-or-try-restart";;
if (( $#cmd )); then
local update_policy
zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:" cache-policy update_policy
if [[ -z "$update_policy" ]]; then
zstyle ":completion:${curcontext}:" cache-policy _systemctl_caching_policy
_call_function ret _systemctl_$cmd || _message 'no more arguments'
_message "unknown systemctl command: $words[1]"
return ret
local -a _modes
_modes=("--user" "--system")
systemctl ${words:*_modes} --full --no-legend --no-pager "$@"
# Fills the unit list
if ( [[ ${+_sys_all_units} -eq 0 ]] || _cache_invalid SYS_ALL_UNITS ) &&
! _retrieve_cache SYS_ALL_UNITS;
_sys_all_units=( $(__systemctl list-units --all | { while read -r a b; do echo -E - " $a"; done; }) )
_store_cache SYS_ALL_UNITS _sys_all_units
# Fills the unit list including all file units
local -a all_unit_files;
local -a really_all_units;
if ( [[ ${+_sys_really_all_units} -eq 0 ]] || _cache_invalid SYS_REALLY_ALL_UNITS ) &&
! _retrieve_cache SYS_REALLY_ALL_UNITS;
all_unit_files=( $(__systemctl list-unit-files | { while read -r a b; do echo -E - " $a"; done; }) )
really_all_units=($_sys_all_units $all_unit_files)
_store_cache SYS_REALLY_ALL_UNITS _sys_really_all_units
_filter_units_by_property() {
local property=$1 value=$2 ; shift ; shift
local -a units ; units=($*)
local prop unit
for ((i=1; $i <= ${#units[*]}; i++)); do
# FIXME: "Failed to issue method call: Unknown unit" errors are ignored for
# now (related to DBUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_OBJECT). in the future, we need to
# revert to calling 'systemctl show' once for all units, which is way
# faster
prop=${(f)"$(_call_program units "$service show --no-pager --property="$property" ${unit} 2>/dev/null")"}
if [[ "${prop}" = "$property=$value" ]]; then
echo " ${unit}"
_systemctl_all_units() { { __systemctl list-unit-files; __systemctl list-units --all; } | { while read -r a b; do echo -E - " $a"; done; } }
_systemctl_active_units() {_sys_active_units=( $(__systemctl list-units | { while read -r a b; do echo -E - " $a"; done; }) )}
_systemctl_startable_units(){_sys_startable_units=($(__systemctl list-units --state inactive,failed -- $(_systemctl_all_units) | { while read -r a b c d; do [[ $b == "loaded" ]] && echo -E - " $a"; done; }) )}
_systemctl_restartable_units(){_sys_restartable_units=($(__systemctl list-units --state inactive,failed,active -- $(_systemctl_all_units) | { while read -r a b c d; do [[ $b == "loaded" ]] && echo -E - " $a"; done; }) )}
_systemctl_failed_units() {_sys_failed_units=( $(__systemctl list-units --failed | { while read -r a b; do echo -E - " $a"; done; }) )}
_systemctl_enabled_units() {_sys_enabled_units=( $(__systemctl list-unit-files | { while read -r a b; do [[ $b == "enabled" ]] && echo -E - " $a"; done; }) )}
_systemctl_disabled_units(){_sys_disabled_units=($(__systemctl list-unit-files | { while read -r a b; do [[ $b == "disabled" ]] && echo -E - " $a"; done; }) )}
_systemctl_masked_units() {_sys_masked_units=( $(__systemctl list-unit-files | { while read -r a b; do [[ $b == "masked" ]] && echo -E - " $a"; done; }) )}
# Completion functions for ALL_UNITS
for fun in is-active is-failed is-enabled status show cat mask preset help list-dependencies ; do
(( $+functions[_systemctl_$fun] )) || _systemctl_$fun()
compadd "$@" -a - _sys_really_all_units
# Completion functions for ENABLED_UNITS
for fun in disable reenable ; do
(( $+functions[_systemctl_$fun] )) || _systemctl_$fun()
compadd "$@" -a - _sys_enabled_units _sys_disabled_units
# Completion functions for DISABLED_UNITS
(( $+functions[_systemctl_enable] )) || _systemctl_enable()
compadd "$@" -a - _sys_disabled_units
# Completion functions for FAILED_UNITS
(( $+functions[_systemctl_reset-failed] )) || _systemctl_reset-failed()
compadd "$@" -a - _sys_failed_units || _message "no failed unit found"
# Completion functions for STARTABLE_UNITS
(( $+functions[_systemctl_start] )) || _systemctl_start()
compadd "$@" - $( _filter_units_by_property CanStart yes \
${_sys_startable_units[*]} )
# Completion functions for STOPPABLE_UNITS
for fun in stop kill try-restart condrestart ; do
(( $+functions[_systemctl_$fun] )) || _systemctl_$fun()
compadd "$@" - $( _filter_units_by_property CanStop yes \
${_sys_active_units[*]} )
# Completion functions for ISOLATABLE_UNITS
(( $+functions[_systemctl_isolate] )) || _systemctl_isolate()
compadd "$@" - $( _filter_units_by_property AllowIsolate yes \
${_sys_all_units[*]} )
# Completion functions for RELOADABLE_UNITS
for fun in reload reload-or-try-restart force-reload ; do
(( $+functions[_systemctl_$fun] )) || _systemctl_$fun()
compadd "$@" - $( _filter_units_by_property CanReload yes \
${_sys_active_units[*]} )
# Completion functions for RESTARTABLE_UNITS
for fun in restart reload-or-restart ; do
(( $+functions[_systemctl_$fun] )) || _systemctl_$fun()
compadd "$@" - $( _filter_units_by_property CanStart yes \
${_sys_restartable_units[*]} )
# Completion functions for MASKED_UNITS
(( $+functions[_systemctl_unmask] )) || _systemctl_unmask()
compadd "$@" -a - _sys_masked_units || _message "no masked unit found"
# Completion functions for JOBS
(( $+functions[_systemctl_cancel] )) || _systemctl_cancel()
compadd "$@" - $(__systemctl list-jobs \
| cut -d' ' -f1 2>/dev/null ) || _message "no job found"
# Completion functions for SNAPSHOTS
(( $+functions[_systemctl_delete] )) || _systemctl_delete()
compadd "$@" - $(__systemctl list-units --type snapshot --all \
| cut -d' ' -f1 2>/dev/null ) || _message "no snapshot found"
# Completion functions for ENVS
for fun in set-environment unset-environment ; do
(( $+functions[_systemctl_$fun] )) || _systemctl_$fun()
local fun=$0 ; fun=${fun##_systemctl_}
local suf
if [[ "${fun}" = "set-environment" ]]; then
compadd "$@" ${suf} - $(systemctl show-environment \
| while read line; do echo " ${line%%\=}";done )
(( $+functions[_systemctl_link] )) || _systemctl_link() {
# no systemctl completion for:
# [STANDALONE]='daemon-reexec daemon-reload default
# emergency exit halt kexec list-jobs list-units
# list-unit-files poweroff reboot rescue show-environment'
# [NAME]='snapshot'
local _sysunits
local -a oldcache
# rebuild if cache is more than a day old
oldcache=( "$1"(mh+1) )
(( $#oldcache )) && return 0
_sysunits=($(__systemctl --all | cut -d' ' -f1))
if (( $#_sysunits )); then
for unit in $_sysunits; do
[[ "$unit" -nt "$1" ]] && return 0
return 1
_unit_states() {
local -a _states
_states=(loaded failed active inactive not-found listening running waiting plugged mounted exited dead masked)
_values -s , "${_states[@]}"
_unit_types() {
local -a _types
_types=(automount busname device mount path service snapshot socket swap target timer)
_values -s , "${_types[@]}"
_unit_properties() {
if ( [[ ${+_sys_all_properties} -eq 0 ]] || _cache_invalid SYS_ALL_PROPERTIES ) &&
! _retrieve_cache SYS_ALL_PROPERTIES;
_sys_all_properties=( $( {__systemctl show --all;
@rootlibexecdir@/systemd --dump-configuration-items; } | {
while IFS='=' read -r a b; do [ -n "$b" ] && echo "$a"; done
}) )
_store_cache SYS_ALL_PROPRTIES _sys_all_properties
_values -s , "${_sys_all_properties[@]}"
_arguments -s \
{-h,--help}'[Show help]' \
'--version[Show package version]' \
{-t+,--type=}'[List only units of a particular type]:unit type:_unit_types' \
'--state=[Display units in the specifyied state]:unit state:_unit_states' \
{-p+,--property=}'[Show only properties by specific name]:unit property:_unit_properties' \
{-a,--all}'[Show all units/properties, including dead/empty ones]' \
'--reverse[Show reverse dependencies]' \
'--after[Show units ordered after]' \
'--before[Show units ordered before]' \
'--failed[Show only failed units]' \
{-l,--full}"[Don't ellipsize unit names on output]" \
'--fail[When queueing a new job, fail if conflicting jobs are pending]' \
'--show-types[When showing sockets, show socket type]' \
'--irreversible[Mark transactions as irreversible]' \
'--ignore-dependencies[When queueing a new job, ignore all its dependencies]' \
{-i,--ignore-inhibitors}'[When executing a job, ignore jobs dependencies]' \
{-q,--quiet}'[Suppress output]' \
'--no-block[Do not wait until operation finished]' \
'--no-legend[Do not print a legend, i.e. the column headers and the footer with hints]' \
'--no-pager[Do not pipe output into a pager]' \
'--system[Connect to system manager]' \
'--user[Connect to user service manager]' \
"--no-wall[Don't send wall message before halt/power-off/reboot]" \
'--global[Enable/disable unit files globally]' \
"--no-reload[When enabling/disabling unit files, don't reload daemon configuration]" \
'--no-ask-password[Do not ask for system passwords]' \
'--kill-who=[Who to send signal to]:killwho:(main control all)' \
{-s+,--signal=}'[Which signal to send]:signal:_signals' \
{-f,--force}'[When enabling unit files, override existing symlinks. When shutting down, execute action immediately]' \
'--root=[Enable unit files in the specified root directory]:directory:_directories' \
'--runtime[Enable unit files only temporarily until next reboot]' \
{-H+,--host=}'[Operate on remote host]:userathost:_sd_hosts_or_user_at_host' \
{-P,--privileged}'[Acquire privileges before execution]' \
{-n+,--lines=}'[Journal entries to show]:number of entries' \
{-o+,--output=}'[Change journal output mode]:modes:_sd_outputmodes' \
'--plain[When used with list-dependencies, print output as a list]' \
'*::systemctl command:_systemctl_command'