Jelle Raaijmakers 634d1e0197 LibGUI+WindowServer: Improve window resizing performance
The old `GUI::Window` resizing behavior created a new backing store for
each resize event (i.e. every visible window size). This caused a lot of
trashing and on my machine, caused up to 25% of CPU time spent in
creating new backing stores.

The new behavior is a bit more sensible:

  * If the window size is shrinking, the backing store is already large
    enough to contain the entire window - so we don't create a new one.

  * If the window size is growing, as soon as the backing store can no
    longer contain the window, it is inflated with a large margin (of an
    arbitrary chosen 64 pixels) in both directions to accommodate some
    leeway in resizing before an even larger backing store is required.

  * When the user stops resizing the window, the backing store is
    resized to the exact dimensions of the window.

For me, this brings the CPU time for creating backing stores down to 0%.
2023-01-17 18:16:02 +01:00

326 lines
11 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2018-2021, Andreas Kling <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/DeprecatedString.h>
#include <AK/Error.h>
#include <AK/Function.h>
#include <AK/NonnullOwnPtr.h>
#include <AK/OwnPtr.h>
#include <AK/Variant.h>
#include <AK/WeakPtr.h>
#include <LibCore/Object.h>
#include <LibGUI/FocusSource.h>
#include <LibGUI/Forward.h>
#include <LibGUI/ResizeDirection.h>
#include <LibGUI/WindowMode.h>
#include <LibGUI/WindowType.h>
#include <LibGfx/Forward.h>
#include <LibGfx/Rect.h>
#include <LibGfx/StandardCursor.h>
namespace GUI {
class WindowBackingStore;
class Window : public Core::Object {
virtual ~Window() override;
static Window* from_window_id(int);
bool is_modified() const;
void set_modified(bool);
bool is_modal() const { return m_window_mode != WindowMode::Modeless; }
bool is_blocking() const { return m_window_mode == WindowMode::Blocking; }
bool is_popup() const { return m_window_type == WindowType::Popup; }
bool is_autocomplete() const { return m_window_type == WindowType::Autocomplete; }
bool is_fullscreen() const { return m_fullscreen; }
void set_fullscreen(bool);
bool is_maximized() const { return m_maximized; }
void set_maximized(bool);
bool is_minimized() const { return m_minimized; }
void set_minimized(bool);
bool is_frameless() const { return m_frameless; }
void set_frameless(bool);
void set_forced_shadow(bool);
bool is_resizable() const { return m_resizable; }
void set_resizable(bool resizable) { m_resizable = resizable; }
bool is_obeying_widget_min_size() { return m_obey_widget_min_size; }
void set_obey_widget_min_size(bool);
bool is_minimizable() const { return m_minimizable; }
void set_minimizable(bool minimizable) { m_minimizable = minimizable; }
bool is_closeable() const { return m_closeable; }
void set_closeable(bool closeable) { m_closeable = closeable; }
void set_double_buffering_enabled(bool);
void set_has_alpha_channel(bool);
bool has_alpha_channel() const { return m_has_alpha_channel; }
void set_opacity(float);
float opacity() const { return m_opacity_when_windowless; }
void set_alpha_hit_threshold(float);
float alpha_hit_threshold() const { return m_alpha_hit_threshold; }
WindowType window_type() const { return m_window_type; }
void set_window_type(WindowType);
WindowMode window_mode() const { return m_window_mode; }
void set_window_mode(WindowMode);
int window_id() const { return m_window_id; }
void make_window_manager(unsigned event_mask);
DeprecatedString title() const;
void set_title(DeprecatedString);
enum class CloseRequestDecision {
Function<void()> on_close;
Function<CloseRequestDecision()> on_close_request;
Function<void(bool is_preempted)> on_input_preemption_change;
Function<void(bool is_active_window)> on_active_window_change;
int x() const { return rect().x(); }
int y() const { return rect().y(); }
int width() const { return rect().width(); }
int height() const { return rect().height(); }
Gfx::IntRect rect() const;
Gfx::IntRect applet_rect_on_screen() const;
Gfx::IntSize size() const { return rect().size(); }
void set_rect(Gfx::IntRect const&);
void set_rect(int x, int y, int width, int height) { set_rect({ x, y, width, height }); }
Gfx::IntPoint position() const { return rect().location(); }
Gfx::IntSize minimum_size() const;
void set_minimum_size(Gfx::IntSize);
void set_minimum_size(int width, int height) { set_minimum_size({ width, height }); }
void move_to(int x, int y) { move_to({ x, y }); }
void move_to(Gfx::IntPoint point) { set_rect({ point, size() }); }
void resize(int width, int height) { resize({ width, height }); }
void resize(Gfx::IntSize size) { set_rect({ position(), size }); }
void center_on_screen();
void center_within(Window const&);
virtual void event(Core::Event&) override;
bool is_visible() const;
bool is_active() const;
bool is_focusable() const { return is_active() || is_popup() || is_autocomplete(); }
void show();
void hide();
virtual void close();
void move_to_front();
void start_interactive_resize(ResizeDirection resize_direction);
Widget* main_widget() { return m_main_widget; }
Widget const* main_widget() const { return m_main_widget; }
void set_main_widget(Widget*);
template<class T, class... Args>
inline ErrorOr<NonnullRefPtr<T>> set_main_widget(Args&&... args)
auto widget = TRY(T::try_create(forward<Args>(args)...));
return widget;
Widget* default_return_key_widget() { return m_default_return_key_widget; }
Widget const* default_return_key_widget() const { return m_default_return_key_widget; }
void set_default_return_key_widget(Widget*);
Widget* focused_widget() { return m_focused_widget; }
Widget const* focused_widget() const { return m_focused_widget; }
void set_focused_widget(Widget*, FocusSource = FocusSource::Programmatic);
void update();
void update(Gfx::IntRect const&);
void set_automatic_cursor_tracking_widget(Widget*);
Widget* automatic_cursor_tracking_widget() { return m_automatic_cursor_tracking_widget.ptr(); }
Widget const* automatic_cursor_tracking_widget() const { return m_automatic_cursor_tracking_widget.ptr(); }
Widget* hovered_widget() { return m_hovered_widget.ptr(); }
Widget const* hovered_widget() const { return m_hovered_widget.ptr(); }
void set_hovered_widget(Widget*);
Gfx::Bitmap* back_bitmap();
Gfx::IntSize size_increment() const { return m_size_increment; }
void set_size_increment(Gfx::IntSize);
Gfx::IntSize base_size() const { return m_base_size; }
void set_base_size(Gfx::IntSize);
Optional<Gfx::IntSize> const& resize_aspect_ratio() const { return m_resize_aspect_ratio; }
void set_resize_aspect_ratio(int width, int height) { set_resize_aspect_ratio(Gfx::IntSize(width, height)); }
void set_no_resize_aspect_ratio() { set_resize_aspect_ratio({}); }
void set_resize_aspect_ratio(Optional<Gfx::IntSize> const& ratio);
void set_cursor(Gfx::StandardCursor);
void set_cursor(NonnullRefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap>);
void set_icon(Gfx::Bitmap const*);
void apply_icon();
Gfx::Bitmap const* icon() const { return m_icon.ptr(); }
Vector<Widget&> focusable_widgets(FocusSource) const;
void schedule_relayout();
void refresh_system_theme();
static void for_each_window(Badge<ConnectionToWindowServer>, Function<void(Window&)>);
static void update_all_windows(Badge<ConnectionToWindowServer>);
void notify_state_changed(Badge<ConnectionToWindowServer>, bool minimized, bool maximized, bool occluded);
virtual bool is_visible_for_timer_purposes() const override { return m_visible_for_timer_purposes; }
Action* action_for_shortcut(Shortcut const&);
void did_add_widget(Badge<Widget>, Widget&);
void did_remove_widget(Badge<Widget>, Widget&);
Window* find_parent_window();
void set_progress(Optional<int>);
void update_cursor(Badge<Widget>) { update_cursor(); }
void did_disable_focused_widget(Badge<Widget>);
Menu& add_menu(DeprecatedString name);
ErrorOr<NonnullRefPtr<Menu>> try_add_menu(DeprecatedString name);
ErrorOr<void> try_add_menu(NonnullRefPtr<Menu> menu);
void flash_menubar_menu_for(MenuItem const&);
void flush_pending_paints_immediately();
Menubar& menubar() { return *m_menubar; }
Menubar const& menubar() const { return *m_menubar; }
void set_blocks_emoji_input(bool b) { m_blocks_emoji_input = b; }
bool blocks_emoji_input() const { return m_blocks_emoji_input; }
void set_always_on_top(bool always_on_top = true);
void propagate_shortcuts_up_to_application(KeyEvent& event, Widget* widget);
Window(Core::Object* parent = nullptr);
virtual void wm_event(WMEvent&);
virtual void screen_rects_change_event(ScreenRectsChangeEvent&);
virtual void applet_area_rect_change_event(AppletAreaRectChangeEvent&);
virtual void enter_event(Core::Event&);
virtual void leave_event(Core::Event&);
void update_min_size();
void update_cursor();
void focus_a_widget_if_possible(FocusSource);
void handle_drop_event(DropEvent&);
void handle_mouse_event(MouseEvent&);
void handle_multi_paint_event(MultiPaintEvent&);
void handle_key_event(KeyEvent&);
void handle_resize_event(ResizeEvent&);
void handle_input_preemption_event(Core::Event&);
void handle_became_active_or_inactive_event(Core::Event&);
void handle_close_request();
void handle_theme_change_event(ThemeChangeEvent&);
void handle_fonts_change_event(FontsChangeEvent&);
void handle_screen_rects_change_event(ScreenRectsChangeEvent&);
void handle_applet_area_rect_change_event(AppletAreaRectChangeEvent&);
void handle_drag_move_event(DragEvent&);
void handle_entered_event(Core::Event&);
void handle_left_event(Core::Event&);
void server_did_destroy();
ErrorOr<NonnullOwnPtr<WindowBackingStore>> create_backing_store(Gfx::IntSize);
Gfx::IntSize backing_store_size(Gfx::IntSize) const;
void set_current_backing_store(WindowBackingStore&, bool flush_immediately = false) const;
void flip(Vector<Gfx::IntRect, 32> const& dirty_rects);
void force_update();
bool are_cursors_the_same(AK::Variant<Gfx::StandardCursor, NonnullRefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap>> const&, AK::Variant<Gfx::StandardCursor, NonnullRefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap>> const&) const;
WeakPtr<Widget> m_previously_focused_widget;
OwnPtr<WindowBackingStore> m_front_store;
OwnPtr<WindowBackingStore> m_back_store;
NonnullRefPtr<Menubar> m_menubar;
RefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap> m_icon;
int m_window_id { 0 };
float m_opacity_when_windowless { 1.0f };
float m_alpha_hit_threshold { 0.0f };
RefPtr<Widget> m_main_widget;
WeakPtr<Widget> m_default_return_key_widget;
WeakPtr<Widget> m_focused_widget;
WeakPtr<Widget> m_automatic_cursor_tracking_widget;
WeakPtr<Widget> m_hovered_widget;
Gfx::IntRect m_rect_when_windowless;
Gfx::IntSize m_minimum_size_when_windowless { 0, 0 };
DeprecatedString m_title_when_windowless;
Vector<Gfx::IntRect, 32> m_pending_paint_event_rects;
Gfx::IntSize m_size_increment;
Gfx::IntSize m_base_size;
WindowType m_window_type { WindowType::Normal };
WindowMode m_window_mode { WindowMode::Modeless };
AK::Variant<Gfx::StandardCursor, NonnullRefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap>> m_cursor { Gfx::StandardCursor::None };
AK::Variant<Gfx::StandardCursor, NonnullRefPtr<Gfx::Bitmap>> m_effective_cursor { Gfx::StandardCursor::None };
bool m_has_alpha_channel { false };
bool m_double_buffering_enabled { true };
bool m_resizable { true };
bool m_obey_widget_min_size { true };
Optional<Gfx::IntSize> m_resize_aspect_ratio {};
bool m_minimizable { true };
bool m_closeable { true };
bool m_maximized { false };
bool m_minimized { false };
bool m_fullscreen { false };
bool m_frameless { false };
bool m_forced_shadow { false };
bool m_layout_pending { false };
bool m_visible_for_timer_purposes { true };
bool m_visible { false };
bool m_moved_by_client { false };
bool m_blocks_emoji_input { false };
bool m_resizing { false };
struct AK::Formatter<GUI::Window> : Formatter<Core::Object> {