Shannon Booth e800605ad3 AK+LibURL: Move AK::URL into a new URL library
This URL library ends up being a relatively fundamental base library of
the system, as LibCore depends on LibURL.

This change has two main benefits:
 * Moving AK back more towards being an agnostic library that can
   be used between the kernel and userspace. URL has never really fit
   that description - and is not used in the kernel.
 * URL _should_ depend on LibUnicode, as it needs punnycode support.
   However, it's not really possible to do this inside of AK as it can't
   depend on any external library. This change brings us a little closer
   to being able to do that, but unfortunately we aren't there quite
   yet, as the code generators depend on LibCore.
2024-03-18 14:06:28 -04:00

191 lines
6 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2020-2022, the SerenityOS developers.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include "Cell.h"
#include "Forward.h"
#include "Readers/XSV.h"
#include <AK/ByteString.h>
#include <AK/HashMap.h>
#include <AK/HashTable.h>
#include <AK/StringBuilder.h>
#include <AK/Traits.h>
#include <AK/Types.h>
#include <AK/WeakPtr.h>
#include <AK/Weakable.h>
#include <LibCore/EventReceiver.h>
namespace Spreadsheet {
class CellChange {
CellChange(Cell&, ByteString const&);
CellChange(Cell&, CellTypeMetadata const&);
auto& cell() { return m_cell; }
auto& previous_data() { return m_previous_data; }
auto& new_data() { return m_new_data; }
auto& previous_type_metadata() { return m_previous_type_metadata; }
auto& new_type_metadata() { return m_new_type_metadata; }
Cell& m_cell;
ByteString m_previous_data;
ByteString m_new_data;
CellTypeMetadata m_previous_type_metadata;
CellTypeMetadata m_new_type_metadata;
class Sheet : public Core::EventReceiver {
constexpr static size_t default_row_count = 100;
constexpr static size_t default_column_count = 26;
virtual ~Sheet() override = default;
Optional<Position> parse_cell_name(StringView) const;
Optional<size_t> column_index(StringView column_name) const;
Optional<ByteString> column_arithmetic(StringView column_name, int offset);
Cell* from_url(const URL::URL&);
Cell const* from_url(const URL::URL& url) const { return const_cast<Sheet*>(this)->from_url(url); }
Optional<Position> position_from_url(const URL::URL& url) const;
/// Resolve 'offset' to an absolute position assuming 'base' is at 'offset_base'.
/// Effectively, "Walk the distance between 'offset' and 'offset_base' away from 'base'".
Position offset_relative_to(Position const& base, Position const& offset, Position const& offset_base) const;
JsonObject to_json() const;
static RefPtr<Sheet> from_json(JsonObject const&, Workbook&);
Vector<Vector<ByteString>> to_xsv() const;
static RefPtr<Sheet> from_xsv(Reader::XSV const&, Workbook&);
ByteString const& name() const { return m_name; }
void set_name(StringView name) { m_name = name; }
JsonObject gather_documentation() const;
HashTable<Position> const& selected_cells() const { return m_selected_cells; }
HashTable<Position>& selected_cells() { return m_selected_cells; }
HashMap<Position, NonnullOwnPtr<Cell>> const& cells() const { return m_cells; }
HashMap<Position, NonnullOwnPtr<Cell>>& cells() { return m_cells; }
Cell* at(Position const& position);
Cell const* at(Position const& position) const { return const_cast<Sheet*>(this)->at(position); }
Cell const* at(StringView name) const { return const_cast<Sheet*>(this)->at(name); }
Cell* at(StringView);
Cell const& ensure(Position const& position) const { return const_cast<Sheet*>(this)->ensure(position); }
Cell& ensure(Position const& position)
if (auto cell = at(position))
return *cell;
m_cells.set(position, make<Cell>(ByteString::empty(), position, *this));
return *at(position);
size_t add_row();
ByteString add_column();
size_t row_count() const { return m_rows; }
size_t column_count() const { return m_columns.size(); }
Vector<ByteString> const& columns() const { return m_columns; }
ByteString const& column(size_t index)
for (size_t i = column_count(); i < index; ++i)
VERIFY(column_count() > index);
return m_columns[index];
ByteString const& column(size_t index) const
VERIFY(column_count() > index);
return m_columns[index];
void update();
void update(Cell&);
void disable_updates() { m_should_ignore_updates = true; }
void enable_updates()
m_should_ignore_updates = false;
if (m_update_requested) {
m_update_requested = false;
JS::ThrowCompletionOr<JS::Value> evaluate(StringView, Cell* = nullptr);
SheetGlobalObject& global_object() const { return *m_global_object; }
Cell*& current_evaluated_cell() { return m_current_cell_being_evaluated; }
bool has_been_visited(Cell* cell) const { return m_visited_cells_in_update.contains(cell); }
Workbook const& workbook() const { return m_workbook; }
enum class CopyOperation {
Vector<CellChange> copy_cells(Vector<Position> from, Vector<Position> to, Optional<Position> resolve_relative_to = {}, CopyOperation copy_operation = CopyOperation::Copy);
/// Gives the bottom-right corner of the smallest bounding box containing all the written data, optionally limited to the given column.
Position written_data_bounds(Optional<size_t> column_index = {}) const;
bool columns_are_standard() const;
ByteString generate_inline_documentation_for(StringView function, size_t argument_index);
JS::Realm& realm() const { return *m_root_execution_context->realm; }
JS::VM& vm() const { return realm().vm(); }
explicit Sheet(Workbook&);
explicit Sheet(StringView name, Workbook&);
ByteString m_name;
Vector<ByteString> m_columns;
size_t m_rows { 0 };
HashMap<Position, NonnullOwnPtr<Cell>> m_cells;
HashTable<Position> m_selected_cells;
Workbook& m_workbook;
mutable JS::GCPtr<SheetGlobalObject> m_global_object;
NonnullRefPtr<JS::VM> m_vm;
NonnullOwnPtr<JS::ExecutionContext> m_root_execution_context;
Cell* m_current_cell_being_evaluated { nullptr };
HashTable<Cell*> m_visited_cells_in_update;
bool m_should_ignore_updates { false };
bool m_update_requested { false };
mutable Optional<JsonObject> m_cached_documentation;
namespace AK {
struct Traits<Spreadsheet::Position> : public DefaultTraits<Spreadsheet::Position> {
static constexpr bool is_trivial() { return false; }
static unsigned hash(Spreadsheet::Position const& p)
return p.hash();