Shannon Booth e2e7c4d574 Everywhere: Use to_number<T> instead of to_{int,uint,float,double}
In a bunch of cases, this actually ends up simplifying the code as
to_number will handle something such as:

Optional<I> opt;
if constexpr (IsSigned<I>)
    opt = view.to_int<I>();
    opt = view.to_uint<I>();

For us.

The main goal here however is to have a single generic number conversion
API between all of the String classes.
2023-12-23 20:41:07 +01:00

95 lines
3.6 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2021, Cesar Torres <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include "M3UParser.h"
#include <AK/OwnPtr.h>
#include <AK/RefPtr.h>
#include <AK/ScopeGuard.h>
#include <AK/Utf8View.h>
#include <LibCore/File.h>
NonnullOwnPtr<M3UParser> M3UParser::from_file(StringView path)
auto file_result = Core::File::open(path, Core::File::OpenMode::Read).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors();
auto contents = file_result->read_until_eof().release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors();
auto use_utf8 = path.ends_with(".m3u8"sv, CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive);
return from_memory(ByteString { contents, NoChomp }, use_utf8);
NonnullOwnPtr<M3UParser> M3UParser::from_memory(ByteString const& m3u_contents, bool utf8)
auto parser = make<M3UParser>();
VERIFY(!m3u_contents.is_empty() && !m3u_contents.is_whitespace());
parser->m_m3u_raw_data = m3u_contents;
parser->m_use_utf8 = utf8;
return parser;
NonnullOwnPtr<Vector<M3UEntry>> M3UParser::parse(bool include_extended_info)
auto vec = make<Vector<M3UEntry>>();
if (m_use_utf8) {
// TODO: Implement M3U8 parsing
return vec;
auto lines = m_m3u_raw_data.split_view('\n');
bool has_extended_info_tag = include_extended_info && (lines[0] == "#EXTM3U");
M3UExtendedInfo metadata_for_next_file {};
for (auto& line : lines) {
line = line.trim_whitespace();
if (!has_extended_info_tag || !line.starts_with('#')) {
vec->append({ line, metadata_for_next_file });
metadata_for_next_file = {};
auto tag = [&line](StringView tag_name) -> Optional<StringView> {
if (line.starts_with(tag_name)) {
auto value = line.substring_view(tag_name.length());
return value;
return {};
if (auto ext_inf = tag("#EXTINF:"sv); ext_inf.has_value()) {
auto separator = ext_inf.value().find(',');
auto seconds = ext_inf.value().substring_view(0, separator.value());
VERIFY(!seconds.is_whitespace() && !seconds.is_null() && !seconds.is_empty());
metadata_for_next_file.track_length_in_seconds = seconds.to_number<unsigned>();
auto display_name = ext_inf.value().substring_view(seconds.length() + 1);
VERIFY(!display_name.is_empty() && !display_name.is_null() && !display_name.is_empty());
metadata_for_next_file.track_display_title = display_name;
// TODO: support the alternative, non-standard #EXTINF value of a key=value dictionary
if (auto playlist = tag("#PLAYLIST:"sv); playlist.has_value())
m_parsed_playlist_title = move(playlist.value());
else if (auto ext_grp = tag("#EXTGRP:"sv); ext_grp.has_value())
metadata_for_next_file.group_name = move(ext_grp.value());
else if (auto ext_alb = tag("#EXTALB:"sv); ext_alb.has_value())
metadata_for_next_file.album_title = move(ext_alb.value());
else if (auto ext_art = tag("#EXTART:"sv); ext_art.has_value())
metadata_for_next_file.album_artist = move(ext_art.value());
else if (auto ext_genre = tag("#EXTGENRE:"sv); ext_genre.has_value())
metadata_for_next_file.album_genre = move(ext_genre.value());
// TODO: Support M3A files (M3U files with embedded mp3 files)
return vec;