Sam Atkins e0fd5beb36 LibGUI+Applications: Default the SpinBox min/max to the full int range
By default, a SpinBox's value should be unlimited, (or as close as we
can get to that,) and then the GML or code can impose a limit if
needed. This saves the developer from entering an arbitrary "big" max
value when they want the value to have no maximum.

I've audited the use of SpinBox and added `min: 0`, and removed a `max`,
where appropriate. All existing SpinBoxes constructed in code have a
range set explicitly as far as I can tell.
2024-01-14 13:46:14 +00:00

245 lines
7.7 KiB

@GUI::Widget {
fill_with_background_color: true
layout: @GUI::VerticalBoxLayout {
spacing: 2
@GUI::ToolbarContainer {
name: "toolbar_container"
@GUI::Toolbar {
name: "toolbar"
collapsible: true
@GUI::Widget {
layout: @GUI::HorizontalBoxLayout {}
@GUI::Widget {
name: "left_column_container"
preferred_width: "shrink"
layout: @GUI::VerticalBoxLayout {}
@FontEditor::GlyphEditorWidget {
name: "glyph_editor_widget"
visible: false
@GUI::Widget {
name: "width_control_container"
preferred_height: "shrink"
visible: false
layout: @GUI::VerticalBoxLayout {}
@GUI::SpinBox {
name: "glyph_editor_width_spinbox"
preferred_width: "fit"
min: 0
@GUI::CheckBox {
name: "glyph_editor_present_checkbox"
preferred_width: "fit"
text: "Present"
focus_policy: "TabFocus"
@GUI::ToolbarContainer {
name: "glyph_toolbar_container"
@GUI::Toolbar {
name: "glyph_mode_toolbar"
@GUI::Toolbar {
name: "glyph_transform_toolbar"
@GUI::Widget {
name: "right_column_container"
layout: @GUI::VerticalBoxLayout {
spacing: 6
@GUI::HorizontalSplitter {
opportunistic_resizee: "First"
@GUI::Widget {
layout: @GUI::VerticalBoxLayout {}
@GUI::GlyphMapWidget {
name: "glyph_map_widget"
@GUI::GroupBox {
name: "font_metadata_groupbox"
title: "Metadata"
preferred_height: "shrink"
layout: @GUI::VerticalBoxLayout {
margins: [6, 6, 6, 6]
@GUI::Widget {
layout: @GUI::HorizontalBoxLayout {}
@GUI::Label {
name: "name_label"
fixed_width: 100
text_alignment: "CenterLeft"
text: "Name:"
@GUI::TextBox {
name: "name_textbox"
@GUI::Widget {
layout: @GUI::HorizontalBoxLayout {}
@GUI::Label {
name: "family_label"
fixed_width: 100
text_alignment: "CenterLeft"
text: "Family:"
@GUI::TextBox {
name: "family_textbox"
@GUI::Widget {
layout: @GUI::HorizontalBoxLayout {}
@GUI::Label {
name: "weight_label"
fixed_width: 100
text_alignment: "CenterLeft"
text: "Weight:"
@GUI::ComboBox {
name: "weight_combobox"
model_only: true
@GUI::Widget {
layout: @GUI::HorizontalBoxLayout {}
@GUI::Label {
name: "slope_label"
fixed_width: 100
text_alignment: "CenterLeft"
text: "Slope:"
@GUI::ComboBox {
name: "slope_combobox"
model_only: true
@GUI::Widget {
layout: @GUI::HorizontalBoxLayout {}
@GUI::Label {
name: "presentation_label"
fixed_width: 100
text_alignment: "CenterLeft"
text: "Presentation size:"
@GUI::SpinBox {
name: "presentation_spinbox"
min: 0
max: 255
@GUI::Widget {
layout: @GUI::HorizontalBoxLayout {}
@GUI::Label {
name: "mean_line_label"
fixed_width: 100
text_alignment: "CenterLeft"
text: "Mean line:"
@GUI::SpinBox {
name: "mean_line_spinbox"
min: 0
@GUI::Widget {
layout: @GUI::HorizontalBoxLayout {}
@GUI::Label {
name: "baseline_label"
fixed_width: 100
text_alignment: "CenterLeft"
text: "Baseline:"
@GUI::SpinBox {
name: "baseline_spinbox"
min: 0
@GUI::Widget {
layout: @GUI::HorizontalBoxLayout {}
@GUI::Label {
name: "spacing_label"
fixed_width: 100
text_alignment: "CenterLeft"
text: "Glyph spacing:"
@GUI::SpinBox {
name: "spacing_spinbox"
min: 0
max: 255
@GUI::CheckBox {
name: "fixed_width_checkbox"
text: "Fixed width"
autosize: true
@GUI::Widget {
name: "unicode_block_container"
preferred_width: 175
layout: @GUI::VerticalBoxLayout {}
@GUI::TextBox {
name: "search_textbox"
placeholder: "Search"
@GUI::ListView {
name: "unicode_block_listview"
@GUI::Statusbar {
name: "statusbar"
segment_count: 2