Ali Mohammad Pur 5e1499d104 Everywhere: Rename {Deprecated => Byte}String
This commit un-deprecates DeprecatedString, and repurposes it as a byte
As the null state has already been removed, there are no other
particularly hairy blockers in repurposing this type as a byte string
(what it _really_ is).

This commit is auto-generated:
  $ xs=$(ack -l \bDeprecatedString\b\|deprecated_string AK Userland \
    Meta Ports Ladybird Tests Kernel)
  $ perl -pie 's/\bDeprecatedString\b/ByteString/g;
    s/deprecated_string/byte_string/g' $xs
  $ clang-format --style=file -i \
    $(git diff --name-only | grep \.cpp\|\.h)
  $ gn format $(git ls-files '*.gn' '*.gni')
2023-12-17 18:25:10 +03:30

103 lines
3.5 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling <>
* Copyright (c) 2022-2023, the SerenityOS developers.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/Queue.h>
#include <LibGUI/Button.h>
#include <LibGUI/Dialog.h>
#include <LibGUI/FileSystemModel.h>
#include <LibGUI/ImageWidget.h>
#include <LibGUI/Label.h>
#include <LibGUI/TextBox.h>
#include <LibThreading/BackgroundAction.h>
class PropertiesWindow final : public GUI::Window {
static ErrorOr<NonnullRefPtr<PropertiesWindow>> try_create(ByteString const& path, bool disable_rename, Window* parent = nullptr);
virtual ~PropertiesWindow() override = default;
virtual void close() final;
PropertiesWindow(ByteString const& path, Window* parent = nullptr);
ErrorOr<void> create_widgets(bool disable_rename);
ErrorOr<void> create_general_tab(GUI::TabWidget&, bool disable_rename);
ErrorOr<void> create_file_type_specific_tabs(GUI::TabWidget&);
ErrorOr<void> create_archive_tab(GUI::TabWidget&, NonnullOwnPtr<Core::MappedFile>);
ErrorOr<void> create_audio_tab(GUI::TabWidget&, NonnullOwnPtr<Core::MappedFile>);
ErrorOr<void> create_font_tab(GUI::TabWidget&, NonnullOwnPtr<Core::MappedFile>, StringView mime_type);
ErrorOr<void> create_image_tab(GUI::TabWidget&, NonnullOwnPtr<Core::MappedFile>, StringView mime_type);
ErrorOr<void> create_pdf_tab(GUI::TabWidget&, NonnullOwnPtr<Core::MappedFile>);
struct PermissionMasks {
mode_t read;
mode_t write;
mode_t execute;
class DirectoryStatisticsCalculator final : public RefCounted<DirectoryStatisticsCalculator> {
DirectoryStatisticsCalculator(ByteString path);
void start();
void stop();
Function<void(off_t total_size_in_bytes, size_t file_count, size_t directory_count)> on_update;
off_t m_total_size_in_bytes { 0 };
size_t m_file_count { 0 };
size_t m_directory_count { 0 };
RefPtr<Threading::BackgroundAction<int>> m_background_action;
Queue<ByteString> m_work_queue;
static StringView const get_description(mode_t const mode)
if (S_ISREG(mode))
return "File"sv;
if (S_ISDIR(mode))
return "Directory"sv;
if (S_ISLNK(mode))
return "Symbolic link"sv;
if (S_ISCHR(mode))
return "Character device"sv;
if (S_ISBLK(mode))
return "Block device"sv;
if (S_ISFIFO(mode))
return "FIFO (named pipe)"sv;
if (S_ISSOCK(mode))
return "Socket"sv;
if (mode & S_IXUSR)
return "Executable"sv;
return "Unknown"sv;
static GUI::Button& make_button(String, GUI::Widget& parent);
ErrorOr<void> setup_permission_checkboxes(GUI::CheckBox& box_read, GUI::CheckBox& box_write, GUI::CheckBox& box_execute, PermissionMasks masks, mode_t mode);
void permission_changed(mode_t mask, bool set);
bool apply_changes();
void update();
ByteString make_full_path(ByteString const& name);
RefPtr<GUI::Button> m_apply_button;
RefPtr<GUI::TextBox> m_name_box;
RefPtr<GUI::ImageWidget> m_icon;
RefPtr<GUI::Label> m_size_label;
RefPtr<DirectoryStatisticsCalculator> m_directory_statistics_calculator;
RefPtr<GUI::Action> m_on_escape;
ByteString m_name;
ByteString m_parent_path;
ByteString m_path;
mode_t m_mode { 0 };
mode_t m_old_mode { 0 };
bool m_permissions_dirty { false };
bool m_name_dirty { false };