Andreas Kling ae3ffdd521 AK: Make it possible to not using AK classes into the global namespace
This patch adds the `USING_AK_GLOBALLY` macro which is enabled by
default, but can be overridden by build flags.

This is a step towards integrating Jakt and AK types.
2022-11-26 15:51:34 +01:00

226 lines
4.6 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2021, Ali Mohammad Pur <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/StdLibExtras.h>
#include <AK/TypeList.h>
namespace AK::Detail {
template<typename... Ts>
struct Tuple {
template<typename T>
struct Tuple<T> {
Tuple(T&& value) requires(!IsSame<T&&, const T&>)
: value(forward<T>(value))
Tuple(const T& value)
: value(value)
template<typename U>
U& get()
static_assert(IsSame<T, U>, "Invalid tuple access");
return value;
template<typename U>
const U& get() const
return const_cast<Tuple<T>&>(*this).get<U>();
template<typename U, unsigned index>
U& get_with_index()
static_assert(IsSame<T, U> && index == 0, "Invalid tuple access");
return value;
template<typename U, unsigned index>
const U& get_with_index() const
return const_cast<Tuple<T>&>(*this).get_with_index<U, index>();
T value;
template<typename T, typename... TRest>
struct Tuple<T, TRest...> : Tuple<TRest...> {
template<typename FirstT, typename... RestT>
Tuple(FirstT&& first, RestT&&... rest)
: Tuple<TRest...>(forward<RestT>(rest)...)
, value(forward<FirstT>(first))
Tuple(T&& first, TRest&&... rest)
: Tuple<TRest...>(move(rest)...)
, value(move(first))
template<typename U>
U& get()
if constexpr (IsSame<T, U>)
return value;
return Tuple<TRest...>::template get<U>();
template<typename U>
const U& get() const
return const_cast<Tuple<T, TRest...>&>(*this).get<U>();
template<typename U, unsigned index>
U& get_with_index()
if constexpr (IsSame<T, U> && index == 0)
return value;
return Tuple<TRest...>::template get_with_index<U, index - 1>();
template<typename U, unsigned index>
const U& get_with_index() const
return const_cast<Tuple<T, TRest...>&>(*this).get_with_index<U, index>();
T value;
namespace AK {
template<typename... Ts>
struct Tuple : Detail::Tuple<Ts...> {
using Types = TypeList<Ts...>;
using Detail::Tuple<Ts...>::Tuple;
using Indices = MakeIndexSequence<sizeof...(Ts)>;
Tuple(Tuple&& other)
: Tuple(move(other), Indices())
Tuple(Tuple const& other)
: Tuple(other, Indices())
Tuple& operator=(Tuple&& other)
set(move(other), Indices());
return *this;
Tuple& operator=(Tuple const& other)
set(other, Indices());
return *this;
template<typename T>
auto& get()
return Detail::Tuple<Ts...>::template get<T>();
template<unsigned index>
auto& get()
return Detail::Tuple<Ts...>::template get_with_index<typename Types::template Type<index>, index>();
template<typename T>
auto& get() const
return Detail::Tuple<Ts...>::template get<T>();
template<unsigned index>
auto& get() const
return Detail::Tuple<Ts...>::template get_with_index<typename Types::template Type<index>, index>();
template<typename F>
auto apply_as_args(F&& f)
return apply_as_args(forward<F>(f), Indices());
template<typename F>
auto apply_as_args(F&& f) const
return apply_as_args(forward<F>(f), Indices());
static constexpr auto size() { return sizeof...(Ts); }
template<unsigned... Is>
Tuple(Tuple&& other, IndexSequence<Is...>)
: Detail::Tuple<Ts...>(move(other.get<Is>())...)
template<unsigned... Is>
Tuple(Tuple const& other, IndexSequence<Is...>)
: Detail::Tuple<Ts...>(other.get<Is>()...)
template<unsigned... Is>
void set(Tuple&& other, IndexSequence<Is...>)
((get<Is>() = move(other.get<Is>())), ...);
template<unsigned... Is>
void set(Tuple const& other, IndexSequence<Is...>)
((get<Is>() = other.get<Is>()), ...);
template<typename F, unsigned... Is>
auto apply_as_args(F&& f, IndexSequence<Is...>)
return forward<F>(f)(get<Is>()...);
template<typename F, unsigned... Is>
auto apply_as_args(F&& f, IndexSequence<Is...>) const
return forward<F>(f)(get<Is>()...);
template<class... Args>
Tuple(Args... args) -> Tuple<Args...>;
using AK::Tuple;