Idan Horowitz b4cdd6a55c Kernel: Prevent integer overflow in USB::Hub::check_for_port_updates()
The maximum valid value is 255, so max + 1 doesn't fit in a u8.
2024-05-27 17:35:42 +02:00

320 lines
14 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2021, Luke Wilde <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <Kernel/Arch/Delay.h>
#include <Kernel/Bus/USB/USBClasses.h>
#include <Kernel/Bus/USB/USBController.h>
#include <Kernel/Bus/USB/USBHub.h>
#include <Kernel/Bus/USB/USBRequest.h>
#include <Kernel/FileSystem/SysFS/Subsystems/Bus/USB/BusDirectory.h>
#include <Kernel/Library/IOWindow.h>
#include <Kernel/Library/StdLib.h>
namespace Kernel::USB {
ErrorOr<NonnullLockRefPtr<Hub>> Hub::try_create_root_hub(NonnullLockRefPtr<USBController> controller, DeviceSpeed device_speed)
// NOTE: Enumeration does not happen here, as the controller must know what the device address is at all times during enumeration to intercept requests.
auto pipe = TRY(ControlPipe::create(controller, 0, 8, 0));
auto hub = TRY(adopt_nonnull_lock_ref_or_enomem(new (nothrow) Hub(controller, device_speed, move(pipe))));
return hub;
ErrorOr<NonnullLockRefPtr<Hub>> Hub::try_create_from_device(Device const& device)
auto pipe = TRY(ControlPipe::create(device.controller(), 0, device.device_descriptor().max_packet_size, device.address()));
auto hub = TRY(adopt_nonnull_lock_ref_or_enomem(new (nothrow) Hub(device, move(pipe))));
return hub;
Hub::Hub(NonnullLockRefPtr<USBController> controller, DeviceSpeed device_speed, NonnullOwnPtr<ControlPipe> default_pipe)
: Device(move(controller), 1 /* Port 1 */, device_speed, move(default_pipe))
Hub::Hub(Device const& device, NonnullOwnPtr<ControlPipe> default_pipe)
: Device(device, move(default_pipe))
ErrorOr<void> Hub::enumerate_and_power_on_hub()
// USBDevice::enumerate_device must be called before this.
VERIFY(m_address > 0);
TRY(m_sysfs_device_info_node.with([&](auto& node) -> ErrorOr<void> {
node = TRY(SysFSUSBDeviceInformation::create(*this));
return {};
if (m_device_descriptor.device_class != USB_CLASS_HUB) {
dbgln("USB Hub: Trying to enumerate and power on a device that says it isn't a hub.");
return EINVAL;
dbgln_if(USB_DEBUG, "USB Hub: Enumerating and powering on for address {}", m_address);
USBHubDescriptor descriptor {};
// Get the first hub descriptor. All hubs are required to have a hub descriptor at index 0. USB 2.0 Specification Section
auto transfer_length = TRY(m_default_pipe->submit_control_transfer(USB_REQUEST_TRANSFER_DIRECTION_DEVICE_TO_HOST | USB_REQUEST_TYPE_CLASS, HubRequest::GET_DESCRIPTOR, (DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_HUB << 8), 0, sizeof(USBHubDescriptor), &descriptor));
// FIXME: This be "not equal to" instead of "less than", but control transfers report a higher transfer length than expected.
if (transfer_length < sizeof(USBHubDescriptor)) {
dbgln("USB Hub: Unexpected hub descriptor size. Expected {}, got {}", sizeof(USBHubDescriptor), transfer_length);
return EIO;
if constexpr (USB_DEBUG) {
dbgln("USB Hub Descriptor for {:04x}:{:04x}", m_vendor_id, m_product_id);
dbgln("Number of Downstream Ports: {}", descriptor.number_of_downstream_ports);
dbgln("Hub Characteristics: {:#04x}", static_cast<u16>(descriptor.hub_characteristics));
dbgln("Power On to Power Good Time: {} ms ({} * 2ms)", descriptor.power_on_to_power_good_time * 2, descriptor.power_on_to_power_good_time);
dbgln("Hub Controller Current: {} mA", descriptor.hub_controller_current);
// FIXME: Queue the status change interrupt
// Enable all the ports
for (u8 port_index = 0; port_index < descriptor.number_of_downstream_ports; ++port_index) {
auto result = m_default_pipe->submit_control_transfer(USB_REQUEST_TRANSFER_DIRECTION_HOST_TO_DEVICE | USB_REQUEST_TYPE_CLASS | USB_REQUEST_RECIPIENT_OTHER, HubRequest::SET_FEATURE, HubFeatureSelector::PORT_POWER, port_index + 1, 0, nullptr);
if (result.is_error())
dbgln("USB: Failed to power on port {} on hub at address {}.", port_index + 1, m_address);
// Wait for the ports to power up. power_on_to_power_good_time is in units of 2 ms and we want in us, so multiply by 2000.
microseconds_delay(descriptor.power_on_to_power_good_time * 2000);
memcpy(&m_hub_descriptor, &descriptor, sizeof(USBHubDescriptor));
return {};
// USB 2.0 Specification Section
ErrorOr<void> Hub::get_port_status(u8 port, HubStatus& hub_status)
// Ports are 1-based.
if (port == 0 || port > m_hub_descriptor.number_of_downstream_ports)
return EINVAL;
auto transfer_length = TRY(m_default_pipe->submit_control_transfer(USB_REQUEST_TRANSFER_DIRECTION_DEVICE_TO_HOST | USB_REQUEST_TYPE_CLASS | USB_REQUEST_RECIPIENT_OTHER, HubRequest::GET_STATUS, 0, port, sizeof(HubStatus), &hub_status));
// FIXME: This be "not equal to" instead of "less than", but control transfers report a higher transfer length than expected.
if (transfer_length < sizeof(HubStatus)) {
dbgln("USB Hub: Unexpected hub status size. Expected {}, got {}.", sizeof(HubStatus), transfer_length);
return EIO;
return {};
// USB 2.0 Specification Section
ErrorOr<void> Hub::clear_port_feature(u8 port, HubFeatureSelector feature_selector)
// Ports are 1-based.
if (port == 0 || port > m_hub_descriptor.number_of_downstream_ports)
return EINVAL;
TRY(m_default_pipe->submit_control_transfer(USB_REQUEST_TRANSFER_DIRECTION_HOST_TO_DEVICE | USB_REQUEST_TYPE_CLASS | USB_REQUEST_RECIPIENT_OTHER, HubRequest::CLEAR_FEATURE, feature_selector, port, 0, nullptr));
return {};
// USB 2.0 Specification Section
ErrorOr<void> Hub::set_port_feature(u8 port, HubFeatureSelector feature_selector)
// Ports are 1-based.
if (port == 0 || port > m_hub_descriptor.number_of_downstream_ports)
return EINVAL;
TRY(m_default_pipe->submit_control_transfer(USB_REQUEST_TRANSFER_DIRECTION_HOST_TO_DEVICE | USB_REQUEST_TYPE_CLASS | USB_REQUEST_RECIPIENT_OTHER, HubRequest::SET_FEATURE, feature_selector, port, 0, nullptr));
return {};
void Hub::remove_children_from_sysfs()
for (auto& child : m_children) {
child.sysfs_device_info_node({}).with([](auto& node) {
SysFSUSBBusDirectory::the().unplug({}, *node);
void Hub::check_for_port_updates()
for (u8 port_index = 0; port_index < m_hub_descriptor.number_of_downstream_ports; ++port_index) {
u8 port_number = port_index + 1;
dbgln_if(USB_DEBUG, "USB Hub: Checking for port updates on port {}...", port_number);
HubStatus port_status {};
if (auto result = get_port_status(port_number, port_status); result.is_error()) {
dbgln("USB Hub: Error occurred when getting status for port {}: {}. Checking next port instead.", port_number, result.error());
if (port_status.change & PORT_STATUS_CONNECT_STATUS_CHANGED) {
// Clear the connection status change notification.
if (auto result = clear_port_feature(port_number, HubFeatureSelector::C_PORT_CONNECTION); result.is_error()) {
dbgln("USB Hub: Error occurred when clearing port connection change for port {}: {}.", port_number, result.error());
if (port_status.status & PORT_STATUS_CURRENT_CONNECT_STATUS) {
dbgln("USB Hub: Device attached to port {}!", port_number);
// Debounce the port. USB 2.0 Specification Page 150
// Debounce interval is 100 ms (100000 us). USB 2.0 Specification Page 188 Table 7-14.
constexpr u32 debounce_interval = 100 * 1000;
// We must check if the device disconnected every so often. If it disconnects, we must reset the debounce timer.
// This doesn't seem to be specified. Let's check every 10ms (10000 us).
constexpr u32 debounce_disconnect_check_interval = 10 * 1000;
u32 debounce_timer = 0;
dbgln_if(USB_DEBUG, "USB Hub: Debouncing...");
// FIXME: Timeout
while (debounce_timer < debounce_interval) {
debounce_timer += debounce_disconnect_check_interval;
if (auto result = get_port_status(port_number, port_status); result.is_error()) {
dbgln("USB Hub: Error occurred when getting status while debouncing port {}: {}.", port_number, result.error());
if (!(port_status.change & PORT_STATUS_CONNECT_STATUS_CHANGED))
dbgln_if(USB_DEBUG, "USB Hub: Connection status changed while debouncing, resetting debounce timer.");
debounce_timer = 0;
if (auto result = clear_port_feature(port_number, HubFeatureSelector::C_PORT_CONNECTION); result.is_error()) {
dbgln("USB Hub: Error occurred when clearing port connection change while debouncing port {}: {}.", port_number, result.error());
// Reset the port
dbgln_if(USB_DEBUG, "USB Hub: Debounce finished. Driving reset...");
if (auto result = set_port_feature(port_number, HubFeatureSelector::PORT_RESET); result.is_error()) {
dbgln("USB Hub: Error occurred when resetting port {}: {}.", port_number, result.error());
// FIXME: Timeout
for (;;) {
// Wait at least 10 ms for the port to reset.
// This is T DRST in the USB 2.0 Specification Page 186 Table 7-13.
constexpr u16 reset_delay = 10 * 1000;
if (auto result = get_port_status(port_number, port_status); result.is_error()) {
dbgln("USB Hub: Error occurred when getting status while resetting port {}: {}.", port_number, result.error());
if (port_status.change & PORT_STATUS_RESET_CHANGED)
// Stop asserting reset. This also causes the port to become enabled.
if (auto result = clear_port_feature(port_number, HubFeatureSelector::C_PORT_RESET); result.is_error()) {
dbgln("USB Hub: Error occurred when resetting port {}: {}.", port_number, result.error());
// Wait 10 ms for the port to recover.
// This is T RSTRCY in the USB 2.0 Specification Page 188 Table 7-14.
constexpr u16 reset_recovery_delay = 10 * 1000;
dbgln_if(USB_DEBUG, "USB Hub: Reset complete!");
// The port is ready to go. This is where we start communicating with the device to set up a driver for it.
if (auto result = get_port_status(port_number, port_status); result.is_error()) {
dbgln("USB Hub: Error occurred when getting status for port {} after reset: {}.", port_number, result.error());
// FIXME: Check for high speed.
auto speed = port_status.status & PORT_STATUS_LOW_SPEED_DEVICE_ATTACHED ? USB::Device::DeviceSpeed::LowSpeed : USB::Device::DeviceSpeed::FullSpeed;
auto device_or_error = USB::Device::try_create(m_controller, port_number, speed);
if (device_or_error.is_error()) {
dbgln("USB Hub: Failed to create device for port {}: {}", port_number, device_or_error.error());
auto device = device_or_error.release_value();
dbgln_if(USB_DEBUG, "USB Hub: Created device with address {}!", device->address());
if (device->device_descriptor().device_class == USB_CLASS_HUB) {
auto hub_or_error = Hub::try_create_from_device(*device);
if (hub_or_error.is_error()) {
dbgln("USB Hub: Failed to upgrade device to hub for port {}: {}", port_number, device_or_error.error());
dbgln_if(USB_DEBUG, "USB Hub: Upgraded device at address {} to hub!", device->address());
auto hub = hub_or_error.release_value();
hub->sysfs_device_info_node({}).with([](auto& node) {
SysFSUSBBusDirectory::the().plug({}, *node);
} else {
device->sysfs_device_info_node({}).with([](auto& node) {
SysFSUSBBusDirectory::the().plug({}, *node);
} else {
dbgln("USB Hub: Device detached on port {}!", port_number);
LockRefPtr<Device> device_to_remove = nullptr;
for (auto& child : m_children) {
if (port_number == child.port()) {
device_to_remove = &child;
if (device_to_remove) {
device_to_remove->sysfs_device_info_node({}).with([](auto& node) {
SysFSUSBBusDirectory::the().unplug({}, *node);
if (device_to_remove->device_descriptor().device_class == USB_CLASS_HUB) {
auto* hub_child = static_cast<Hub*>(device_to_remove.ptr());
} else {
dbgln_if(USB_DEBUG, "USB Hub: No child set up on port {}, ignoring detachment.", port_number);
for (auto& child : m_children) {
if (child.device_descriptor().device_class == USB_CLASS_HUB) {
auto& hub_child = static_cast<Hub&>(child);
dbgln_if(USB_DEBUG, "USB Hub: Checking for port updates on child hub at address {}...", child.address());