Ali Mohammad Pur 5e1499d104 Everywhere: Rename {Deprecated => Byte}String
This commit un-deprecates DeprecatedString, and repurposes it as a byte
As the null state has already been removed, there are no other
particularly hairy blockers in repurposing this type as a byte string
(what it _really_ is).

This commit is auto-generated:
  $ xs=$(ack -l \bDeprecatedString\b\|deprecated_string AK Userland \
    Meta Ports Ladybird Tests Kernel)
  $ perl -pie 's/\bDeprecatedString\b/ByteString/g;
    s/deprecated_string/byte_string/g' $xs
  $ clang-format --style=file -i \
    $(git diff --name-only | grep \.cpp\|\.h)
  $ gn format $(git ls-files '*.gn' '*.gni')
2023-12-17 18:25:10 +03:30

138 lines
4.4 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2018-2021, Andreas Kling <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include "Process.h"
#include <LibFileSystem/FileSystem.h>
namespace Profiler {
Thread* Process::find_thread(pid_t tid, EventSerialNumber serial)
auto it = threads.find(tid);
if (it == threads.end())
return nullptr;
for (auto& thread : it->value) {
if (thread.start_valid < serial && (thread.end_valid == EventSerialNumber {} || thread.end_valid > serial))
return &thread;
return nullptr;
void Process::handle_thread_create(pid_t tid, EventSerialNumber serial)
auto it = threads.find(tid);
if (it == threads.end()) {
threads.set(tid, {});
it = threads.find(tid);
auto thread = Thread { tid, serial, {} };
void Process::handle_thread_exit(pid_t tid, EventSerialNumber serial)
auto* thread = find_thread(tid, serial);
if (!thread)
thread->end_valid = serial;
HashMap<ByteString, OwnPtr<MappedObject>> g_mapped_object_cache;
static MappedObject* get_or_create_mapped_object(ByteString const& path)
if (auto it = g_mapped_object_cache.find(path); it != g_mapped_object_cache.end())
return it->value.ptr();
auto file_or_error = Core::MappedFile::map(path);
if (file_or_error.is_error()) {
g_mapped_object_cache.set(path, {});
return nullptr;
auto elf = ELF::Image(file_or_error.value()->bytes());
if (!elf.is_valid()) {
g_mapped_object_cache.set(path, {});
return nullptr;
auto new_mapped_object = adopt_own(*new MappedObject {
.file = file_or_error.release_value(),
.elf = elf,
auto* ptr = new_mapped_object.ptr();
g_mapped_object_cache.set(path, move(new_mapped_object));
return ptr;
void LibraryMetadata::handle_mmap(FlatPtr base, size_t size, ByteString const& name)
StringView path;
if (name.contains(""sv))
path = ""sv;
else if (!name.contains(':'))
path = name.substring_view(0, name.view().find(':').value());
// Each loaded object has at least 4 segments associated with it: .rodata, .text, .relro, .data.
// We only want to create a single LibraryMetadata object for each library, so we need to update the
// associated base address and size as new regions are discovered.
// We don't allocate a temporary String object if an entry already exists.
// This assumes that ByteString::hash and StringView::hash return the same result.
auto string_view_compare = [&path](auto& entry) { return path == entry.key.view(); };
if (auto existing_it = m_libraries.find(path.hash(), string_view_compare); existing_it != m_libraries.end()) {
auto& entry = *existing_it->value;
entry.base = min(entry.base, base);
entry.size = max(entry.size + size, base - entry.base + size);
} else {
ByteString path_string = path.to_byte_string();
ByteString full_path;
if (path_string.starts_with('/'))
full_path = path_string;
else if (FileSystem::looks_like_shared_library(path_string))
full_path = ByteString::formatted("/usr/lib/{}", path);
full_path = path_string;
auto* mapped_object = get_or_create_mapped_object(full_path);
if (!mapped_object) {
full_path = ByteString::formatted("/usr/local/lib/{}", path);
mapped_object = get_or_create_mapped_object(full_path);
if (!mapped_object)
m_libraries.set(path_string, adopt_own(*new Library { base, size, path_string, mapped_object, {} }));
Debug::DebugInfo const& LibraryMetadata::Library::load_debug_info(FlatPtr base_address) const
if (debug_info == nullptr)
debug_info = make<Debug::DebugInfo>(object->elf, ByteString::empty(), base_address);
return *debug_info.ptr();
ByteString LibraryMetadata::Library::symbolicate(FlatPtr ptr, u32* offset) const
if (!object)
return ByteString::formatted("?? <{:p}>", ptr);
return object->elf.symbolicate(ptr - base, offset);
LibraryMetadata::Library const* LibraryMetadata::library_containing(FlatPtr ptr) const
for (auto& it : m_libraries) {
auto& library = *it.value;
if (ptr >= library.base && ptr < (library.base + library.size))
return &library;
return nullptr;