
318 lines
14 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2021, Tim Flynn <>
* Copyright (c) 2022, the SerenityOS developers.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include "CookieJar.h"
#include <AK/IPv4Address.h>
#include <AK/StringBuilder.h>
#include <AK/StringView.h>
#include <AK/URL.h>
#include <AK/Vector.h>
#include <LibWeb/Cookie/ParsedCookie.h>
namespace Browser {
String CookieJar::get_cookie(const URL& url, Web::Cookie::Source source)
auto domain = canonicalize_domain(url);
if (!domain.has_value())
return {};
auto cookie_list = get_matching_cookies(url, domain.value(), source);
StringBuilder builder;
for (auto const& cookie : cookie_list) {
// If there is an unprocessed cookie in the cookie-list, output the characters %x3B and %x20 ("; ")
if (!builder.is_empty())
builder.append("; "sv);
// Output the cookie's name, the %x3D ("=") character, and the cookie's value.
builder.appendff("{}={}",, cookie.value);
void CookieJar::set_cookie(const URL& url, Web::Cookie::ParsedCookie const& parsed_cookie, Web::Cookie::Source source)
auto domain = canonicalize_domain(url);
if (!domain.has_value())
store_cookie(parsed_cookie, url, move(domain.value()), source);
void CookieJar::dump_cookies() const
constexpr auto key_color = "\033[34;1m"sv;
constexpr auto attribute_color = "\033[33m"sv;
constexpr auto no_color = "\033[0m"sv;
StringBuilder builder;
builder.appendff("{} cookies stored\n", m_cookies.size());
for (auto const& cookie : m_cookies) {
builder.appendff("{}{}{} - ", key_color,, no_color);
builder.appendff("{}{}{} - ", key_color, cookie.key.domain, no_color);
builder.appendff("{}{}{}\n", key_color, cookie.key.path, no_color);
builder.appendff("\t{}Value{} = {}\n", attribute_color, no_color, cookie.value.value);
builder.appendff("\t{}CreationTime{} = {}\n", attribute_color, no_color, cookie.value.creation_time.to_string());
builder.appendff("\t{}LastAccessTime{} = {}\n", attribute_color, no_color, cookie.value.last_access_time.to_string());
builder.appendff("\t{}ExpiryTime{} = {}\n", attribute_color, no_color, cookie.value.expiry_time.to_string());
builder.appendff("\t{}Secure{} = {:s}\n", attribute_color, no_color,;
builder.appendff("\t{}HttpOnly{} = {:s}\n", attribute_color, no_color, cookie.value.http_only);
builder.appendff("\t{}HostOnly{} = {:s}\n", attribute_color, no_color, cookie.value.host_only);
builder.appendff("\t{}Persistent{} = {:s}\n", attribute_color, no_color, cookie.value.persistent);
Vector<Web::Cookie::Cookie> CookieJar::get_all_cookies() const
Vector<Web::Cookie::Cookie> cookies;
for (auto const& cookie : m_cookies)
return cookies;
Optional<String> CookieJar::canonicalize_domain(const URL& url)
if (!url.is_valid())
return {};
// FIXME: Implement RFC 5890 to "Convert each label that is not a Non-Reserved LDH (NR-LDH) label to an A-label".
bool CookieJar::domain_matches(String const& string, String const& domain_string)
// A string domain-matches a given domain string if at least one of the following conditions hold:
// The domain string and the string are identical.
if (string == domain_string)
return true;
// All of the following conditions hold:
// - The domain string is a suffix of the string.
// - The last character of the string that is not included in the domain string is a %x2E (".") character.
// - The string is a host name (i.e., not an IP address).
if (!string.ends_with(domain_string))
return false;
if (string[string.length() - domain_string.length() - 1] != '.')
return false;
if (AK::IPv4Address::from_string(string).has_value())
return false;
return true;
bool CookieJar::path_matches(String const& request_path, String const& cookie_path)
// A request-path path-matches a given cookie-path if at least one of the following conditions holds:
// The cookie-path and the request-path are identical.
if (request_path == cookie_path)
return true;
if (request_path.starts_with(cookie_path)) {
// The cookie-path is a prefix of the request-path, and the last character of the cookie-path is %x2F ("/").
if (cookie_path.ends_with('/'))
return true;
// The cookie-path is a prefix of the request-path, and the first character of the request-path that is not included in the cookie-path is a %x2F ("/") character.
if (request_path[cookie_path.length()] == '/')
return true;
return false;
String CookieJar::default_path(const URL& url)
// 1. Let uri-path be the path portion of the request-uri if such a portion exists (and empty otherwise).
String uri_path = url.path();
// 2. If the uri-path is empty or if the first character of the uri-path is not a %x2F ("/") character, output %x2F ("/") and skip the remaining steps.
if (uri_path.is_empty() || (uri_path[0] != '/'))
return "/";
StringView uri_path_view = uri_path;
size_t last_separator = uri_path_view.find_last('/').value();
// 3. If the uri-path contains no more than one %x2F ("/") character, output %x2F ("/") and skip the remaining step.
if (last_separator == 0)
return "/";
// 4. Output the characters of the uri-path from the first character up to, but not including, the right-most %x2F ("/").
return uri_path.substring(0, last_separator);
void CookieJar::store_cookie(Web::Cookie::ParsedCookie const& parsed_cookie, const URL& url, String canonicalized_domain, Web::Cookie::Source source)
// 2. Create a new cookie with name cookie-name, value cookie-value. Set the creation-time and the last-access-time to the current date and time.
Web::Cookie::Cookie cookie {, parsed_cookie.value };
cookie.creation_time = Core::DateTime::now();
cookie.last_access_time = cookie.creation_time;
if (parsed_cookie.expiry_time_from_max_age_attribute.has_value()) {
// 3. If the cookie-attribute-list contains an attribute with an attribute-name of "Max-Age": Set the cookie's persistent-flag to true.
// Set the cookie's expiry-time to attribute-value of the last attribute in the cookie-attribute-list with an attribute-name of "Max-Age".
cookie.persistent = true;
cookie.expiry_time = parsed_cookie.expiry_time_from_max_age_attribute.value();
} else if (parsed_cookie.expiry_time_from_expires_attribute.has_value()) {
// If the cookie-attribute-list contains an attribute with an attribute-name of "Expires": Set the cookie's persistent-flag to true.
// Set the cookie's expiry-time to attribute-value of the last attribute in the cookie-attribute-list with an attribute-name of "Expires".
cookie.persistent = true;
cookie.expiry_time = parsed_cookie.expiry_time_from_expires_attribute.value();
} else {
// Set the cookie's persistent-flag to false. Set the cookie's expiry-time to the latest representable gddate.
cookie.persistent = false;
cookie.expiry_time = Core::DateTime::create(9999, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59);
// 4. If the cookie-attribute-list contains an attribute with an attribute-name of "Domain":
if (parsed_cookie.domain.has_value()) {
// Let the domain-attribute be the attribute-value of the last attribute in the cookie-attribute-list with an attribute-name of "Domain".
cookie.domain = parsed_cookie.domain.value();
// 5. If the user agent is configured to reject "public suffixes" and the domain-attribute is a public suffix:
// FIXME: Support rejection of public suffixes. The full list is here:
// 6. If the domain-attribute is non-empty:
if (!cookie.domain.is_empty()) {
// If the canonicalized request-host does not domain-match the domain-attribute: Ignore the cookie entirely and abort these steps.
if (!domain_matches(canonicalized_domain, cookie.domain))
// Set the cookie's host-only-flag to false. Set the cookie's domain to the domain-attribute.
cookie.host_only = false;
} else {
// Set the cookie's host-only-flag to true. Set the cookie's domain to the canonicalized request-host.
cookie.host_only = true;
cookie.domain = move(canonicalized_domain);
// 7. If the cookie-attribute-list contains an attribute with an attribute-name of "Path":
if (parsed_cookie.path.has_value()) {
// Set the cookie's path to attribute-value of the last attribute in the cookie-attribute-list with an attribute-name of "Path".
cookie.path = parsed_cookie.path.value();
} else {
cookie.path = default_path(url);
// 8. If the cookie-attribute-list contains an attribute with an attribute-name of "Secure", set the cookie's secure-only-flag to true. = parsed_cookie.secure_attribute_present;
// 9. If the cookie-attribute-list contains an attribute with an attribute-name of "HttpOnly", set the cookie's http-only-flag to false.
cookie.http_only = parsed_cookie.http_only_attribute_present;
// 10. If the cookie was received from a "non-HTTP" API and the cookie's http-only-flag is set, abort these steps and ignore the cookie entirely.
if (source != Web::Cookie::Source::Http && cookie.http_only)
// 11. If the cookie store contains a cookie with the same name, domain, and path as the newly created cookie:
CookieStorageKey key {, cookie.domain, cookie.path };
if (auto old_cookie = m_cookies.find(key); old_cookie != m_cookies.end()) {
// If the newly created cookie was received from a "non-HTTP" API and the old-cookie's http-only-flag is set, abort these
// steps and ignore the newly created cookie entirely.
if (source != Web::Cookie::Source::Http && old_cookie->value.http_only)
// Update the creation-time of the newly created cookie to match the creation-time of the old-cookie.
cookie.creation_time = old_cookie->value.creation_time;
// Remove the old-cookie from the cookie store.
// 12. Insert the newly created cookie into the cookie store.
m_cookies.set(key, move(cookie));
Vector<Web::Cookie::Cookie&> CookieJar::get_matching_cookies(const URL& url, String const& canonicalized_domain, Web::Cookie::Source source)
auto now = Core::DateTime::now();
// 1. Let cookie-list be the set of cookies from the cookie store that meets all of the following requirements:
Vector<Web::Cookie::Cookie&> cookie_list;
for (auto& cookie : m_cookies) {
// Either: The cookie's host-only-flag is true and the canonicalized request-host is identical to the cookie's domain.
// Or: The cookie's host-only-flag is false and the canonicalized request-host domain-matches the cookie's domain.
bool is_host_only_and_has_identical_domain = cookie.value.host_only && (canonicalized_domain == cookie.value.domain);
bool is_not_host_only_and_domain_matches = !cookie.value.host_only && domain_matches(canonicalized_domain, cookie.value.domain);
if (!is_host_only_and_has_identical_domain && !is_not_host_only_and_domain_matches)
// The request-uri's path path-matches the cookie's path.
if (!path_matches(url.path(), cookie.value.path))
// If the cookie's secure-only-flag is true, then the request-uri's scheme must denote a "secure" protocol.
if ( && (url.scheme() != "https"))
// If the cookie's http-only-flag is true, then exclude the cookie if the cookie-string is being generated for a "non-HTTP" API.
if (cookie.value.http_only && (source != Web::Cookie::Source::Http))
// 2. The user agent SHOULD sort the cookie-list in the following order:
// - Cookies with longer paths are listed before cookies with shorter paths.
// - Among cookies that have equal-length path fields, cookies with earlier creation-times are listed before cookies with later creation-times.
cookie_list.insert_before_matching(cookie.value, [&cookie](auto& entry) {
if (cookie.value.path.length() > entry.path.length()) {
return true;
} else if (cookie.value.path.length() == entry.path.length()) {
if (cookie.value.creation_time.timestamp() < entry.creation_time.timestamp())
return true;
return false;
// 3. Update the last-access-time of each cookie in the cookie-list to the current date and time.
cookie.value.last_access_time = now;
return cookie_list;
void CookieJar::purge_expired_cookies()
time_t now = Core::DateTime::now().timestamp();
Vector<CookieStorageKey> keys_to_evict;
for (auto const& cookie : m_cookies) {
if (cookie.value.expiry_time.timestamp() < now)
for (auto const& key : keys_to_evict)