Andreas Kling 5b1f697460 AK+Kernel: Make automatically locking RefPtr & co a kernel-only thing
Some time ago, automatic locking was added to the AK smart pointers to
paper over various race conditions in the kernel. Until we've actually
solved the issues in the kernel, we're stuck with the locking.

However, we don't need to punish single-threaded userspace programs with
the high cost of locking. This patch moves the thread-safe variants of
RefPtr, NonnullRefPtr, WeakPtr and RefCounted into Kernel/Library/.
2021-10-07 19:27:30 +02:00

356 lines
8.3 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#ifdef KERNEL
# include <Kernel/Library/ThreadSafeRefPtr.h>
# include <AK/Assertions.h>
# include <AK/Atomic.h>
# include <AK/Format.h>
# include <AK/NonnullRefPtr.h>
# include <AK/StdLibExtras.h>
# include <AK/Traits.h>
# include <AK/Types.h>
namespace AK {
template<typename T>
class OwnPtr;
template<typename T, typename PtrTraits>
class RefPtr {
template<typename U, typename P>
friend class RefPtr;
template<typename U>
friend class WeakPtr;
enum AdoptTag {
RefPtr() = default;
RefPtr(T const* ptr)
: m_ptr(const_cast<T*>(ptr))
RefPtr(T const& object)
: m_ptr(const_cast<T*>(&object))
RefPtr(AdoptTag, T& object)
: m_ptr(&object)
RefPtr(RefPtr&& other)
: m_ptr(other.leak_ref())
ALWAYS_INLINE RefPtr(NonnullRefPtr<T> const& other)
: m_ptr(const_cast<T*>(other.ptr()))
template<typename U>
ALWAYS_INLINE RefPtr(NonnullRefPtr<U> const& other) requires(IsConvertible<U*, T*>)
: m_ptr(const_cast<T*>(static_cast<T const*>(other.ptr())))
template<typename U>
ALWAYS_INLINE RefPtr(NonnullRefPtr<U>&& other) requires(IsConvertible<U*, T*>)
: m_ptr(static_cast<T*>(&other.leak_ref()))
template<typename U, typename P = RefPtrTraits<U>>
RefPtr(RefPtr<U, P>&& other) requires(IsConvertible<U*, T*>)
: m_ptr(static_cast<T*>(other.leak_ref()))
RefPtr(RefPtr const& other)
: m_ptr(other.m_ptr)
template<typename U, typename P = RefPtrTraits<U>>
RefPtr(RefPtr<U, P> const& other) requires(IsConvertible<U*, T*>)
: m_ptr(const_cast<T*>(static_cast<T const*>(other.ptr())))
m_ptr = reinterpret_cast<T*>(explode_byte(0xe0));
# endif
template<typename U>
RefPtr(OwnPtr<U> const&) = delete;
template<typename U>
RefPtr& operator=(OwnPtr<U> const&) = delete;
void swap(RefPtr& other)
AK::swap(m_ptr, other.m_ptr);
template<typename U, typename P = RefPtrTraits<U>>
void swap(RefPtr<U, P>& other) requires(IsConvertible<U*, T*>)
AK::swap(m_ptr, other.m_ptr);
ALWAYS_INLINE RefPtr& operator=(RefPtr&& other)
RefPtr tmp { move(other) };
return *this;
template<typename U, typename P = RefPtrTraits<U>>
ALWAYS_INLINE RefPtr& operator=(RefPtr<U, P>&& other) requires(IsConvertible<U*, T*>)
RefPtr tmp { move(other) };
return *this;
template<typename U>
ALWAYS_INLINE RefPtr& operator=(NonnullRefPtr<U>&& other) requires(IsConvertible<U*, T*>)
RefPtr tmp { move(other) };
return *this;
ALWAYS_INLINE RefPtr& operator=(NonnullRefPtr<T> const& other)
RefPtr tmp { other };
return *this;
template<typename U>
ALWAYS_INLINE RefPtr& operator=(NonnullRefPtr<U> const& other) requires(IsConvertible<U*, T*>)
RefPtr tmp { other };
return *this;
ALWAYS_INLINE RefPtr& operator=(RefPtr const& other)
RefPtr tmp { other };
return *this;
template<typename U>
ALWAYS_INLINE RefPtr& operator=(RefPtr<U> const& other) requires(IsConvertible<U*, T*>)
RefPtr tmp { other };
return *this;
ALWAYS_INLINE RefPtr& operator=(T const* ptr)
RefPtr tmp { ptr };
return *this;
ALWAYS_INLINE RefPtr& operator=(T const& object)
RefPtr tmp { object };
return *this;
RefPtr& operator=(std::nullptr_t)
return *this;
ALWAYS_INLINE bool assign_if_null(RefPtr&& other)
if (this == &other)
return is_null();
*this = move(other);
return true;
template<typename U, typename P = RefPtrTraits<U>>
ALWAYS_INLINE bool assign_if_null(RefPtr<U, P>&& other)
if (this == &other)
return is_null();
*this = move(other);
return true;
ALWAYS_INLINE void clear()
m_ptr = nullptr;
bool operator!() const { return !m_ptr; }
[[nodiscard]] T* leak_ref()
return exchange(m_ptr, nullptr);
NonnullRefPtr<T> release_nonnull()
auto* ptr = leak_ref();
return NonnullRefPtr<T>(NonnullRefPtr<T>::Adopt, *ptr);
ALWAYS_INLINE T* ptr() { return as_ptr(); }
ALWAYS_INLINE const T* ptr() const { return as_ptr(); }
ALWAYS_INLINE T* operator->()
return as_nonnull_ptr();
ALWAYS_INLINE const T* operator->() const
return as_nonnull_ptr();
ALWAYS_INLINE T& operator*()
return *as_nonnull_ptr();
ALWAYS_INLINE const T& operator*() const
return *as_nonnull_ptr();
ALWAYS_INLINE operator const T*() const { return as_ptr(); }
ALWAYS_INLINE operator T*() { return as_ptr(); }
ALWAYS_INLINE operator bool() { return !is_null(); }
bool operator==(std::nullptr_t) const { return is_null(); }
bool operator!=(std::nullptr_t) const { return !is_null(); }
bool operator==(const RefPtr& other) const { return as_ptr() == other.as_ptr(); }
bool operator!=(const RefPtr& other) const { return as_ptr() != other.as_ptr(); }
bool operator==(RefPtr& other) { return as_ptr() == other.as_ptr(); }
bool operator!=(RefPtr& other) { return as_ptr() != other.as_ptr(); }
bool operator==(const T* other) const { return as_ptr() == other; }
bool operator!=(const T* other) const { return as_ptr() != other; }
bool operator==(T* other) { return as_ptr() == other; }
bool operator!=(T* other) { return as_ptr() != other; }
ALWAYS_INLINE bool is_null() const { return !m_ptr; }
ALWAYS_INLINE T* as_ptr() const
return m_ptr;
ALWAYS_INLINE T* as_nonnull_ptr() const
return m_ptr;
T* m_ptr { nullptr };
template<typename T>
struct Formatter<RefPtr<T>> : Formatter<const T*> {
void format(FormatBuilder& builder, const RefPtr<T>& value)
Formatter<const T*>::format(builder, value.ptr());
template<typename T>
struct Traits<RefPtr<T>> : public GenericTraits<RefPtr<T>> {
using PeekType = T*;
using ConstPeekType = const T*;
static unsigned hash(const RefPtr<T>& p) { return ptr_hash(p.ptr()); }
static bool equals(const RefPtr<T>& a, const RefPtr<T>& b) { return a.ptr() == b.ptr(); }
template<typename T, typename U>
inline NonnullRefPtr<T> static_ptr_cast(const NonnullRefPtr<U>& ptr)
return NonnullRefPtr<T>(static_cast<const T&>(*ptr));
template<typename T, typename U, typename PtrTraits = RefPtrTraits<T>>
inline RefPtr<T> static_ptr_cast(const RefPtr<U>& ptr)
return RefPtr<T, PtrTraits>(static_cast<const T*>(ptr.ptr()));
template<typename T, typename PtrTraitsT, typename U, typename PtrTraitsU>
inline void swap(RefPtr<T, PtrTraitsT>& a, RefPtr<U, PtrTraitsU>& b) requires(IsConvertible<U*, T*>)
template<typename T>
inline RefPtr<T> adopt_ref_if_nonnull(T* object)
if (object)
return RefPtr<T>(RefPtr<T>::Adopt, *object);
return {};
template<typename T, class... Args>
requires(IsConstructible<T, Args...>) inline RefPtr<T> try_make_ref_counted(Args&&... args)
return adopt_ref_if_nonnull(new (nothrow) T(forward<Args>(args)...));
// FIXME: Remove once P0960R3 is available in Clang.
template<typename T, class... Args>
inline RefPtr<T> try_make_ref_counted(Args&&... args)
return adopt_ref_if_nonnull(new (nothrow) T { forward<Args>(args)... });
using AK::adopt_ref_if_nonnull;
using AK::RefPtr;
using AK::static_ptr_cast;
using AK::try_make_ref_counted;