Shannon Booth e2e7c4d574 Everywhere: Use to_number<T> instead of to_{int,uint,float,double}
In a bunch of cases, this actually ends up simplifying the code as
to_number will handle something such as:

Optional<I> opt;
if constexpr (IsSigned<I>)
    opt = view.to_int<I>();
    opt = view.to_uint<I>();

For us.

The main goal here however is to have a single generic number conversion
API between all of the String classes.
2023-12-23 20:41:07 +01:00

267 lines
10 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2018-2021, Andreas Kling <>
* Copyright (c) 2022, Ariel Don <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/CharacterTypes.h>
#include <AK/CheckedFormatString.h>
#include <AK/GenericLexer.h>
#include <AK/Time.h>
#include <LibCore/ArgsParser.h>
#include <LibCore/System.h>
#include <LibFileSystem/FileSystem.h>
#include <LibMain/Main.h>
#include <LibTimeZone/TimeZone.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <time.h>
static ByteString program_name;
template<typename... Parameters>
[[noreturn]] static void err(CheckedFormatString<Parameters...>&& fmtstr, Parameters const&... parameters)
warn("{}: ", program_name);
warnln(move(fmtstr), parameters...);
inline bool validate_timestamp(unsigned year, unsigned month, unsigned day, unsigned hour, unsigned minute, unsigned second)
return (year >= 1970) && (month >= 1 && month <= 12) && (day >= 1 && day <= static_cast<unsigned>(days_in_month(year, month))) && (hour <= 23) && (minute <= 59) && (second <= 59);
static void parse_time(StringView input_time, timespec& atime, timespec& mtime)
// Parse [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.SS] format, where brackets signify optional
// parameters.
if (input_time.length() < 8)
err("invalid time format '{}' -- too short", input_time);
else if (input_time.length() > 15)
err("invalid time format '{}' -- too long", input_time);
Vector<u8> parameters;
GenericLexer lexer(input_time);
unsigned year, month, day, hour, minute, second;
auto lex_number = [&]() {
auto literal = lexer.consume(2);
if (literal.length() < 2)
err("invalid time format '{}' -- expected 2 digits per parameter", input_time);
auto maybe_parameter = literal.to_number<unsigned>();
if (maybe_parameter.has_value())
err("invalid time format '{}'", input_time);
while (!lexer.is_eof() && lexer.next_is(is_ascii_digit))
if (parameters.size() > 6)
err("invalid time format '{}' -- too many parameters", input_time);
if (lexer.consume_specific('.')) {
second = parameters.take_last();
} else {
second = 0;
auto current_year = seconds_since_epoch_to_year(time(nullptr));
auto current_century = current_year / 100;
if (parameters.size() == 6)
year = parameters.take_first() * 100 + parameters.take_first();
else if (parameters.size() == 5)
year = current_century * 100 + parameters.take_first();
year = current_year;
minute = parameters.take_last();
hour = parameters.take_last();
day = parameters.take_last();
month = parameters.take_last();
if (validate_timestamp(year, month, day, hour, minute, second))
atime = mtime = AK::UnixDateTime::from_unix_time_parts(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, 0).to_timespec();
err("invalid time format '{}'", input_time);
static void parse_datetime(StringView input_datetime, timespec& atime, timespec& mtime)
// Parse YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:SS[.frac][tz] or YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:SS[,frac][tz]
// formats, where brackets signify optional parameters.
GenericLexer lexer(input_datetime);
unsigned year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond;
StringView time_zone;
auto lex_number = [&](unsigned& value, size_t n) {
auto maybe_value = lexer.consume(n).to_number<unsigned>();
if (!maybe_value.has_value())
err("invalid datetime format '{}' -- expected number at index {}", input_datetime, lexer.tell());
value = maybe_value.value();
lex_number(year, 4);
if (!lexer.consume_specific('-'))
err("invalid datetime format '{}' -- expected '-' after year", input_datetime);
lex_number(month, 2);
if (!lexer.consume_specific('-'))
err("invalid datetime format '{}' -- expected '-' after month", input_datetime);
lex_number(day, 2);
// Parse the time designator -- a single 'T' or ' ' according to POSIX.
if (!lexer.consume_specific('T') && !lexer.consume_specific(' '))
err("invalid datetime format '{}' -- expected 'T' or ' ' for time designator", input_datetime);
lex_number(hour, 2);
if (!lexer.consume_specific(':'))
err("invalid datetime format '{}' -- expected ':' after hour", input_datetime);
lex_number(minute, 2);
if (!lexer.consume_specific(':'))
err("invalid datetime format '{}' -- expected ':' after minute", input_datetime);
lex_number(second, 2);
millisecond = 0;
if (!lexer.is_eof()) {
if (lexer.consume_specific(',') || lexer.consume_specific('.')) {
auto fractional_second = lexer.consume_while(is_ascii_digit);
if (fractional_second.is_empty())
err("invalid datetime format '{}' -- expected floating seconds", input_datetime);
for (u8 i = 0; i < 3 && i < fractional_second.length(); ++i) {
unsigned n = fractional_second[i] - '0';
switch (i) {
case 0:
millisecond += 100 * n;
case 1:
millisecond += 10 * n;
case 2:
millisecond += n;
time_zone = lexer.consume_all();
if (!time_zone.is_empty() && time_zone != "Z")
err("invalid datetime format '{}' -- failed to parse time zone", input_datetime);
if (validate_timestamp(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)) {
auto timestamp = AK::UnixDateTime::from_unix_time_parts(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond);
auto time = timestamp.to_timespec();
if (time_zone.is_empty() && TimeZone::system_time_zone() != "UTC") {
auto offset = TimeZone::get_time_zone_offset(TimeZone::system_time_zone(), timestamp);
if (offset.has_value())
time.tv_sec -= offset.value().seconds;
err("failed to get the system time zone");
atime = mtime = time;
} else {
err("invalid datetime format '{}'", input_datetime);
static void reference_time(StringView reference_path, timespec& atime, timespec& mtime)
auto maybe_buffer = Core::System::stat(reference_path);
if (maybe_buffer.is_error())
err("failed to reference times of '{}': {}", reference_path, maybe_buffer.release_error());
auto buffer = maybe_buffer.release_value();
atime.tv_sec = buffer.st_atime;
atime.tv_nsec = buffer.st_atim.tv_nsec;
mtime.tv_sec = buffer.st_mtime;
mtime.tv_nsec = buffer.st_mtim.tv_nsec;
ErrorOr<int> serenity_main(Main::Arguments arguments)
TRY(Core::System::pledge("stdio rpath cpath fattr"));
program_name = arguments.strings[0];
Vector<ByteString> paths;
timespec times[2];
auto& atime = times[0];
auto& mtime = times[1];
bool update_atime = false;
bool update_mtime = false;
bool no_create_file = false;
ByteString input_datetime = "";
ByteString input_time = "";
ByteString reference_path = "";
Core::ArgsParser args_parser;
args_parser.set_general_help("Create a file or update file access time and/or modification time.");
args_parser.add_ignored(nullptr, 'f');
args_parser.add_option(update_atime, "Change access time of file", nullptr, 'a');
args_parser.add_option(no_create_file, "Do not create a file if it does not exist", nullptr, 'c');
args_parser.add_option(update_mtime, "Change modification time of file", nullptr, 'm');
args_parser.add_option(input_datetime, "Use specified datetime instead of current time", nullptr, 'd', "datetime");
args_parser.add_option(input_time, "Use specified time instead of current time", nullptr, 't', "time");
args_parser.add_option(reference_path, "Use time of file specified by reference path instead of current time", nullptr, 'r', "reference");
args_parser.add_positional_argument(paths, "Files to touch", "path", Core::ArgsParser::Required::Yes);
if (input_datetime.is_empty() + input_time.is_empty() + reference_path.is_empty() < 2)
err("cannot specify a time with more than one option");
if (!input_datetime.is_empty())
parse_datetime(input_datetime, atime, mtime);
else if (!input_time.is_empty())
parse_time(input_time, atime, mtime);
else if (!reference_path.is_empty())
reference_time(reference_path, atime, mtime);
atime.tv_nsec = mtime.tv_nsec = UTIME_NOW;
// According to POSIX, if neither -a nor -m are specified, then the program
// should behave as if both are specified.
if (!update_atime && !update_mtime)
update_atime = update_mtime = true;
if (update_atime && !update_mtime)
mtime.tv_nsec = UTIME_OMIT;
if (update_mtime && !update_atime)
atime.tv_nsec = UTIME_OMIT;
auto has_errors = false;
for (auto path : paths) {
if (FileSystem::exists(path)) {
if (utimensat(AT_FDCWD, path.characters(), times, 0) == -1) {
warnln("failed to touch '{}': {}", path, strerror(errno));
has_errors = true;
} else if (!no_create_file) {
auto error_or_fd = Core::System::open(path, O_CREAT, 0100644);
if (error_or_fd.is_error()) {
warnln("failed to open '{}': {}", path, strerror(error_or_fd.error().code()));
has_errors = true;
if (futimens(error_or_fd.value(), times) == -1) {
warnln("failed to touch '{}': {}", path, strerror(errno));
has_errors = true;
return has_errors ? 1 : 0;