Dan Klishch 5ed7cd6e32 Everywhere: Use east const in more places
These changes are compatible with clang-format 16 and will be mandatory
when we eventually bump clang-format version. So, since there are no
real downsides, let's commit them now.
2024-04-19 06:31:19 -04:00

442 lines
18 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2021, Ben Wiederhake <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
* You may want to invoke the checker like this:
* $ ninja -C Build/lagom
* $ export SERENITY_SOURCE_DIR=/path/to/serenity
* $ find AK Base Documentation Kernel Meta Ports Tests Userland -type f -name '*.md' -print0 | xargs -0 Build/lagom/bin/markdown-check
#include <AK/Format.h>
#include <AK/HashMap.h>
#include <AK/HashTable.h>
#include <AK/LexicalPath.h>
#include <AK/RecursionDecision.h>
#include <AK/Vector.h>
#include <LibCore/ArgsParser.h>
#include <LibCore/File.h>
#include <LibFileSystem/FileSystem.h>
#include <LibMain/Main.h>
#include <LibManual/PageNode.h>
#include <LibManual/Path.h>
#include <LibManual/SectionNode.h>
#include <LibMarkdown/Document.h>
#include <LibMarkdown/Visitor.h>
#include <LibURL/URL.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
static bool is_missing_file_acceptable(String const& filename)
StringView const acceptable_missing_files[] = {
// FIXME: Please write these manpages!
// These ones are okay:
for (auto const& suffix : acceptable_missing_files) {
if (filename.ends_with_bytes(suffix))
return true;
return false;
struct FileLink {
ByteString file_path; // May be empty, but not null
ByteString anchor; // May be null ("", "bar.png"), may be empty ("")
ByteString label; // May be empty, but not null
class MarkdownLinkage final : Markdown::Visitor {
~MarkdownLinkage() = default;
static MarkdownLinkage analyze(Markdown::Document const&, bool verbose);
bool has_anchor(ByteString const& anchor) const { return m_anchors.contains(anchor); }
HashTable<ByteString> const& anchors() const { return m_anchors; }
bool has_invalid_link() const { return m_has_invalid_link; }
Vector<FileLink> const& file_links() const { return m_file_links; }
MarkdownLinkage(bool verbose)
: m_verbose(verbose)
auto const* source_directory = getenv("SERENITY_SOURCE_DIR");
if (source_directory != nullptr) {
m_serenity_source_directory = source_directory;
} else {
warnln("The environment variable SERENITY_SOURCE_DIR was not found. Link checking inside Serenity's filesystem will fail.");
virtual RecursionDecision visit(Markdown::Heading const&) override;
virtual RecursionDecision visit(Markdown::Text::LinkNode const&) override;
HashTable<ByteString> m_anchors;
Vector<FileLink> m_file_links;
bool m_has_invalid_link { false };
bool m_verbose { false };
ByteString m_serenity_source_directory;
MarkdownLinkage MarkdownLinkage::analyze(Markdown::Document const& document, bool verbose)
MarkdownLinkage linkage(verbose);
return linkage;
class StringCollector final : Markdown::Visitor {
StringCollector() = default;
virtual ~StringCollector() = default;
ByteString build() { return m_builder.to_byte_string(); }
static ByteString from(Markdown::Heading const& heading)
StringCollector collector;
static ByteString from(Markdown::Text::Node const& node)
StringCollector collector;
virtual RecursionDecision visit(ByteString const& text) override
return RecursionDecision::Recurse;
StringBuilder m_builder;
static ByteString slugify(ByteString const& text)
// TODO: This feels like it belongs into LibWeb.
ByteString slug = text.to_lowercase();
// Reverse-engineered through github, using:
// find AK/ Base/ Documentation/ Kernel/ Meta/ Ports/ Tests/ Userland/ -name '*.md' | xargs grep --color=always -Pin '^##+ .*[^a-z0-9 ?()`_:/!&|.$'"'"',<>"+-]'
slug = slug.replace(" "sv, "-"sv, ReplaceMode::All)
.replace("!"sv, ""sv, ReplaceMode::All)
.replace("?"sv, ""sv, ReplaceMode::All)
.replace("("sv, ""sv, ReplaceMode::All)
.replace(")"sv, ""sv, ReplaceMode::All)
.replace(":"sv, ""sv, ReplaceMode::All)
.replace("/"sv, "-"sv, ReplaceMode::All)
.replace("&"sv, ""sv, ReplaceMode::All)
.replace("|"sv, ""sv, ReplaceMode::All)
.replace("."sv, ""sv, ReplaceMode::All)
.replace("$"sv, ""sv, ReplaceMode::All)
.replace("'"sv, ""sv, ReplaceMode::All)
.replace(","sv, ""sv, ReplaceMode::All)
.replace("\""sv, ""sv, ReplaceMode::All)
.replace("+"sv, ""sv, ReplaceMode::All)
.replace("\\"sv, ""sv, ReplaceMode::All)
.replace("<"sv, ""sv, ReplaceMode::All)
.replace(">"sv, ""sv, ReplaceMode::All);
// What about "="?
return slug;
RecursionDecision MarkdownLinkage::visit(Markdown::Heading const& heading)
return RecursionDecision::Recurse;
RecursionDecision MarkdownLinkage::visit(Markdown::Text::LinkNode const& link_node)
ByteString const& href = link_node.href;
if (href.is_empty()) {
// Nothing to do here.
return RecursionDecision::Recurse;
auto url = URL::create_with_url_or_path(href);
if (url.is_valid()) {
if (url.scheme() == "https" || url.scheme() == "http") {
if (m_verbose)
outln("Not checking external link {}", href);
return RecursionDecision::Recurse;
if (url.scheme() == "help") {
if ( != "man"_string) {
warnln("help:// URL without 'man': {}", href);
m_has_invalid_link = true;
return RecursionDecision::Recurse;
if (url.path_segment_count() < 2) {
warnln("help://man URL is missing section or page: {}", href);
m_has_invalid_link = true;
return RecursionDecision::Recurse;
// Remove leading '/' from the path.
auto file = ByteString::formatted("{}/Base/usr/share/man/man{}.md", m_serenity_source_directory, url.serialize_path().substring(1));
m_file_links.append({ file, ByteString(), StringCollector::from(*link_node.text) });
return RecursionDecision::Recurse;
if (url.scheme() == "file") {
auto file_path = url.serialize_path();
if (file_path.contains("man"sv) && file_path.ends_with(".md"sv)) {
warnln("Inter-manpage link without the help:// scheme: {}\nPlease use help URLs of the form 'help://man/<section>/<subsection...>/<page>'", href);
m_has_invalid_link = true;
return RecursionDecision::Recurse;
// TODO: Check more possible links other than icons.
if (file_path.starts_with("/res/icons/"sv)) {
auto file = ByteString::formatted("{}/Base{}", m_serenity_source_directory, file_path);
m_file_links.append({ file, ByteString(), StringCollector::from(*link_node.text) });
} else if (file_path.starts_with("/bin"sv)) {
StringBuilder builder;
auto link_text = builder.string_view();
if (link_text != "Open"sv) {
warnln("Binary link named '{}' is not allowed, binary links must be called 'Open'. Linked binary: {}", link_text, href);
m_has_invalid_link = true;
} else if (m_verbose) {
outln("Not checking local link {}", href);
return RecursionDecision::Recurse;
ByteString label = StringCollector::from(*link_node.text);
Optional<size_t> last_hash = href.find_last('#');
if (last_hash.has_value()) {
m_file_links.append({ href.substring(0, last_hash.value()), href.substring(last_hash.value() + 1), label });
} else {
m_file_links.append({ href, ByteString(), label });
return RecursionDecision::Recurse;
static ErrorOr<String> generate_link_graph(HashMap<NonnullRefPtr<Manual::PageNode const>, Vector<NonnullRefPtr<Manual::PageNode const>>> const& page_links)
auto const header = "digraph manpage_links {\n"sv;
StringBuilder builder;
// Not displayed to the user.
HashMap<NonnullRefPtr<Manual::PageNode const>, String> page_identifiers;
for (auto const& page : page_links.keys()) {
auto path = TRY(page->path());
StringBuilder identifier_builder;
// Only allow alphanumerics, replace everything else with underscores.
for (auto const& character : path.code_points()) {
if (AK::is_ascii_alphanumeric(character))
auto const identifier = TRY(identifier_builder.to_string());
TRY(builder.try_appendff("{} [label=\"{}({})\"];\n", identifier, TRY(page->name()), page->section_number()));
TRY(page_identifiers.try_set(page, identifier));
for (auto const& from_page_list : page_links) {
auto const& from_page = from_page_list.key;
for (auto const& to_page : from_page_list.value) {
auto const to_page_identifier = page_identifiers.get(to_page);
// Target page doesn't actually exist; it's probably an ignored page.
if (!to_page_identifier.has_value())
TRY(builder.try_appendff("{} -> {};\n", page_identifiers.get(from_page).value(), page_identifiers.get(to_page).value()));
return builder.to_string();
ErrorOr<int> serenity_main(Main::Arguments arguments)
Core::ArgsParser args_parser;
Vector<StringView> file_paths;
bool output_link_graph { false };
bool verbose_output { false };
StringView base_path = "/"sv;
args_parser.add_positional_argument(file_paths, "Path to markdown files to read and parse", "paths", Core::ArgsParser::Required::Yes);
args_parser.add_option(base_path, "System base path (default: \"/\")", "base", 'b', "path");
args_parser.add_option(output_link_graph, "Output a page link graph into \"manpage-links.gv\". The recommended tool to process this graph is `fdp`.", "link-graph", 'g');
args_parser.add_option(verbose_output, "Print extra information about skipped links", "verbose", 'v');
if (verbose_output)
outln("Reading and parsing Markdown files ...");
// FIXME: Use ByteString for file paths
HashMap<String, MarkdownLinkage> files;
for (auto path : file_paths) {
auto file_or_error = Core::File::open(path, Core::File::OpenMode::Read);
if (file_or_error.is_error()) {
warnln("Failed to open {}: {}", path, file_or_error.error());
// Since this should never happen anyway, fail early.
return file_or_error.release_error();
auto file = file_or_error.release_value();
auto content_buffer_or_error = file->read_until_eof();
if (content_buffer_or_error.is_error()) {
warnln("Failed to read {}: {}", path, file_or_error.error());
// Since this should never happen anyway, fail early.
return file_or_error.release_error();
auto content_buffer = content_buffer_or_error.release_value();
auto content = StringView(content_buffer);
auto document = Markdown::Document::parse(content);
if (!document) {
warnln("Failed to parse {} due to an unspecified error.", path);
// Since this should never happen anyway, fail early.
return 1;
files.set(TRY(String::from_byte_string(TRY(FileSystem::real_path(path)))), MarkdownLinkage::analyze(*document, verbose_output));
if (verbose_output)
outln("Checking links ...");
bool any_problems = false;
for (auto const& file_item : files) {
if (file_item.value.has_invalid_link()) {
outln("File '{}' has invalid links.", file_item.key);
any_problems = true;
auto file_lexical_path = LexicalPath(file_item.key.to_byte_string());
auto file_dir = file_lexical_path.dirname();
for (auto const& file_link : file_item.value.file_links()) {
String pointee_file;
if (file_link.file_path.is_empty()) {
pointee_file = file_item.key;
} else {
pointee_file = TRY(String::from_byte_string(LexicalPath::absolute_path(file_dir, file_link.file_path)));
if (!FileSystem::exists(pointee_file) && !is_missing_file_acceptable(pointee_file)) {
outln("File '{}' points to '{}' (label '{}'), but '{}' does not exist!",
file_item.key, file_link.file_path, file_link.label, pointee_file);
any_problems = true;
if (file_link.anchor.is_empty()) {
// No anchor to test for.
auto pointee_linkage = files.find(pointee_file);
if (pointee_linkage == files.end()) {
outln("File '{}' points to file '{}', which exists, but was not scanned. Add it to the command-line arguments and re-run.",
file_item.key, pointee_file);
any_problems = true;
if (!pointee_linkage->value.has_anchor(file_link.anchor)) {
outln("File '{}' points to '{}#{}' (label '{}'), but file '{}' does not have any heading that results in the anchor '{}'.",
file_item.key, file_link.file_path, file_link.anchor, file_link.label, pointee_file, file_link.anchor);
out(" The following anchors seem to be available:\n ");
bool any_anchors = false;
for (auto const& anchor : pointee_linkage->value.anchors()) {
if (any_anchors)
out(", ");
out("'{}'", anchor);
any_anchors = true;
if (!any_anchors)
any_problems = true;
if (output_link_graph) {
// First, collect all pages, and collect links between pages in a second step after all pages must have been collected.
HashMap<String, NonnullRefPtr<Manual::PageNode const>> pages;
for (auto const& file : files) {
auto base_relative_path = TRY(String::formatted("/{}", LexicalPath::relative_path(file.key, base_path)));
auto page = Manual::Node::try_create_from_query({ base_relative_path });
if (page.is_error()) {
dbgln("Not including {} in the link graph since it's not a man page.", file.key);
TRY(pages.try_set(file.key, page.value()));
for (auto const& link : file.value.file_links()) {
auto base_relative_path = TRY(String::formatted("/{}", LexicalPath::relative_path(link.file_path, base_path)));
auto maybe_target_page = Manual::Node::try_create_from_query({ base_relative_path });
if (maybe_target_page.is_error()) {
dbgln("Not including {} in the link graph since it's not a man page.", link.file_path);
TRY(pages.try_set(TRY(String::from_byte_string(link.file_path)), maybe_target_page.value()));
HashMap<NonnullRefPtr<Manual::PageNode const>, Vector<NonnullRefPtr<Manual::PageNode const>>> page_links;
for (auto const& file : files) {
auto page = pages.get(file.key);
if (!page.has_value())
Vector<NonnullRefPtr<Manual::PageNode const>> linked_pages;
for (auto const& link : file.value.file_links()) {
auto linked_page = pages.get(TRY(String::from_byte_string(link.file_path)));
if (!linked_page.has_value())
TRY(page_links.try_set(*page.value(), move(linked_pages)));
auto const graph_text = TRY(generate_link_graph(page_links));
auto const graph_file = TRY(Core::File::open("manpage-links.gv"sv, Core::File::OpenMode::Write | Core::File::OpenMode::Truncate));
if (any_problems) {
outln("Done. Some errors were encountered, please check above log.");
return 1;
} else if (verbose_output) {
outln("Done. No problems detected.");
return 0;