Andreas Kling 8994dcb4f9 Everywhere: Use HTTP::HeaderMap for request headers
No longer just for response headers! The same type is obviously useful
and ergonomic when making requests as well.

(cherry picked from commit 260c5c50ad19f19d0d4c30984e512f56c055ecff)

Updated various SerenityOS components to make it build.
2024-06-10 12:01:57 +02:00

425 lines
16 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling <>
* Copyright (c) 2022, Thomas Keppler <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include <AK/Base64.h>
#include <AK/CharacterTypes.h>
#include <AK/GenericLexer.h>
#include <AK/LexicalPath.h>
#include <AK/MaybeOwned.h>
#include <AK/NumberFormat.h>
#include <AK/String.h>
#include <LibCore/ArgsParser.h>
#include <LibCore/EventLoop.h>
#include <LibCore/System.h>
#include <LibFileSystem/FileSystem.h>
#include <LibHTTP/HttpResponse.h>
#include <LibMain/Main.h>
#include <LibProtocol/Request.h>
#include <LibProtocol/RequestClient.h>
#include <LibURL/URL.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
// FIXME: Move this somewhere else when it's needed (e.g. in the Browser)
class ContentDispositionParser {
ContentDispositionParser(StringView value)
GenericLexer lexer(value);
if (lexer.consume_specific("inline"sv)) {
m_kind = Kind::Inline;
if (!lexer.is_eof())
m_might_be_wrong = true;
if (lexer.consume_specific("attachment"sv)) {
m_kind = Kind::Attachment;
if (lexer.consume_specific(";"sv)) {
if (lexer.consume_specific("filename="sv)) {
// RFC 2183: "A short (length <= 78 characters)
// parameter value containing only non-`tspecials' characters SHOULD be
// represented as a single `token'."
// Some people seem to take this as generic advice of "if it doesn't have special characters,
// it's safe to specify as a single token"
// So let's just be as lenient as possible.
if (lexer.next_is('"'))
m_filename = lexer.consume_quoted_string();
m_filename = lexer.consume_until(is_any_of("()<>@,;:\\\"/[]?= "sv));
} else {
m_might_be_wrong = true;
if (lexer.consume_specific("form-data"sv)) {
m_kind = Kind::FormData;
while (lexer.consume_specific(";"sv)) {
if (lexer.consume_specific("name="sv)) {
m_name = lexer.consume_quoted_string();
} else if (lexer.consume_specific("filename="sv)) {
if (lexer.next_is('"'))
m_filename = lexer.consume_quoted_string();
m_filename = lexer.consume_until(is_any_of("()<>@,;:\\\"/[]?= "sv));
} else {
m_might_be_wrong = true;
// FIXME: Support 'filename*'
m_might_be_wrong = true;
enum class Kind {
StringView filename() const { return m_filename; }
StringView name() const { return m_name; }
Kind kind() const { return m_kind; }
bool might_be_wrong() const { return m_might_be_wrong; }
StringView m_filename;
StringView m_name;
Kind m_kind { Kind::Inline };
bool m_might_be_wrong { false };
/// Wraps a stream to silently ignore writes when the condition isn't true.
template<typename ConditionT>
class ConditionalOutputStream final : public Stream {
ConditionalOutputStream(ConditionT&& condition, MaybeOwned<Stream> stream)
: m_stream(move(stream))
, m_condition(condition)
virtual ErrorOr<Bytes> read_some(Bytes) override
return Error::from_errno(EBADF);
virtual ErrorOr<size_t> write_some(ReadonlyBytes bytes) override
// Pretend that we wrote the whole buffer if the condition is untrue.
if (!m_condition())
return bytes.size();
return m_stream->write_some(bytes);
virtual bool is_eof() const override
return true;
virtual bool is_open() const override
return m_stream->is_open();
virtual void close() override
MaybeOwned<Stream> m_stream;
ConditionT m_condition;
ErrorOr<int> serenity_main(Main::Arguments arguments)
StringView url_str;
bool save_at_provided_name = false;
bool should_follow_url = false;
bool verbose_output = false;
StringView data;
StringView proxy_spec;
ByteString method = "GET";
StringView method_override;
HTTP::HeaderMap request_headers;
String credentials;
Core::ArgsParser args_parser;
"Request a file from an arbitrary URL. This command uses RequestServer, "
"and thus supports at least http, https, and gemini.");
args_parser.add_option(save_at_provided_name, "Write to a file named as the remote file", nullptr, 'O');
args_parser.add_option(data, "(HTTP only) Send the provided data via an HTTP POST request", "data", 'd', "data");
args_parser.add_option(method_override, "(HTTP only) HTTP method to use for the request (eg, GET, POST, etc)", "method", 'm', "method");
args_parser.add_option(should_follow_url, "(HTTP only) Follow the Location header if a 3xx status is encountered", "follow", 'l');
args_parser.add_option(Core::ArgsParser::Option {
.argument_mode = Core::ArgsParser::OptionArgumentMode::Required,
.help_string = "Add a header entry to the request",
.long_name = "header",
.short_name = 'H',
.value_name = "key:value",
.accept_value = [&](StringView header) {
auto split = header.find(':');
if (!split.has_value())
return false;
request_headers.set(header.substring_view(0, split.value()), header.substring_view(split.value() + 1));
return true;
} });
args_parser.add_option(Core::ArgsParser::Option {
.argument_mode = Core::ArgsParser::OptionArgumentMode::Required,
.help_string = "(HTTP only) Provide basic authentication credentials",
.long_name = "auth",
.short_name = 'u',
.value_name = "username:password",
.accept_value = [&](StringView input) {
if (!input.contains(':'))
return false;
// NOTE: Input is explicitly not trimmed, but instead taken in raw;
// Space prepended usernames and appended passwords might be legal in the user's context.
auto maybe_credentials = String::from_utf8(input);
if (maybe_credentials.is_error())
return false;
credentials = maybe_credentials.release_value();
return true;
} });
args_parser.add_option(proxy_spec, "Specify a proxy server to use for this request (proto://ip:port)", "proxy", 'p', "proxy");
args_parser.add_option(verbose_output, "(HTTP only) Log request and response metadata", "verbose", 'v');
args_parser.add_positional_argument(url_str, "URL to download from", "url");
// If writing to a file was requested, we'll open a new file descriptor with the same number later.
// Until then, we just clone the stdout file descriptor, because we shouldn't be reopening the actual stdout.
int const output_fd = TRY(Core::System::dup(STDOUT_FILENO));
if (!method_override.is_empty()) {
method = method_override;
} else if (!data.is_empty()) {
method = "POST";
// FIXME: Content-Type?
URL::URL url(url_str);
if (!url.is_valid()) {
warnln("'{}' is not a valid URL", url_str);
return 1;
bool const is_http_url = url.scheme().is_one_of("http"sv, "https"sv);
Core::ProxyData proxy_data {};
if (!proxy_spec.is_empty())
proxy_data = TRY(Core::ProxyData::parse_url(proxy_spec));
Core::EventLoop loop;
bool received_actual_headers = false;
bool should_save_stream_data = false;
bool following_url = false;
u64 previous_downloaded_size = 0;
u64 current_bytes_per_second_speed = 0;
u32 const report_time_in_ms = 100;
u32 const speed_update_time_in_ms = 1000;
auto previous_report_time = MonotonicTime::now();
auto previous_speed_update_time = previous_report_time;
RefPtr<Protocol::Request> request;
auto protocol_client = TRY(Protocol::RequestClient::try_create());
auto output_stream = ConditionalOutputStream { [&] { return should_save_stream_data; }, TRY(Core::File::adopt_fd(output_fd, Core::File::OpenMode::Write)) };
auto const has_credentials = !credentials.is_empty();
auto const has_manual_authorization_header = request_headers.contains("Authorization");
if (is_http_url && has_credentials && !has_manual_authorization_header) {
// 11.2. Authentication Parameters
// The authentication scheme is followed by additional information necessary for achieving authentication via
// that scheme as (...) or a single sequence of characters capable of holding base64-encoded information.
auto const encoded_credentials = TRY(encode_base64(credentials.bytes()));
auto const authorization = TRY(String::formatted("Basic {}", encoded_credentials));
request_headers.set("Authorization", authorization.to_byte_string());
} else {
if (is_http_url && has_credentials && has_manual_authorization_header)
warnln("* Skipping encoding provided authorization, manual header present.");
if (!is_http_url && has_credentials)
warnln("* Skipping adding Authorization header, request was not for the HTTP protocol.");
auto update_progress = [&](Optional<u64> maybe_total_size, u64 downloaded_size, bool force_update) {
auto current_time = MonotonicTime::now();
if (!force_update && (current_time - previous_report_time).to_milliseconds() < report_time_in_ms)
previous_report_time = current_time;
if (maybe_total_size.has_value()) {
warn("\033]9;{};{};\033\\", downloaded_size, maybe_total_size.value());
warn("Download progress: {} / {}", human_readable_size(downloaded_size), human_readable_size(maybe_total_size.value()));
} else {
warn("Download progress: {} / ???", human_readable_size(downloaded_size));
auto time_diff_ms = (current_time - previous_speed_update_time).to_milliseconds();
if ((force_update && previous_downloaded_size == 0) || time_diff_ms > speed_update_time_in_ms) {
auto size_diff = downloaded_size - previous_downloaded_size;
previous_speed_update_time = current_time;
previous_downloaded_size = downloaded_size;
current_bytes_per_second_speed = size_diff * 1000 / time_diff_ms;
if (previous_downloaded_size == 0)
warn(" at --.-B/s");
warn(" at {}/s", human_readable_size(current_bytes_per_second_speed));
Function<void()> setup_request = [&] {
if (!request) {
warnln("Failed to start request for '{}'", url_str);
if (verbose_output && is_http_url) {
warnln("* Setting up request");
warnln("> Method={}, URL={}", method, url);
for (auto const& header : request_headers.headers()) {
warnln("> {}: {}",, header.value);
auto on_headers_received = [&](auto& response_headers, auto status_code) {
if (received_actual_headers)
dbgln("Received headers! response code = {}", status_code.value_or(0));
received_actual_headers = true; // And not trailers!
should_save_stream_data = true;
if (verbose_output && is_http_url) {
warnln("* Received headers");
auto const value = status_code.value_or(0);
auto const reason_phrase = (value != 0)
? HTTP::HttpResponse::reason_phrase_for_code(value)
: "UNKNOWN"sv;
warnln("< Code={}, Reason={}", value, reason_phrase);
for (auto const& header : response_headers.headers()) {
warnln("< {}: {}",, header.value);
if (!following_url && save_at_provided_name) {
ByteString output_name;
if (auto content_disposition = response_headers.get("Content-Disposition"); content_disposition.has_value()) {
auto& value = content_disposition.value();
ContentDispositionParser parser(value);
output_name = parser.filename();
if (output_name.is_empty())
output_name = url.serialize_path();
LexicalPath path { output_name };
output_name = path.basename();
// The URL didn't have a name component, e.g. ''
if (output_name.is_empty() || output_name == "/") {
int i = -1;
do {
output_name = url.serialized_host().release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors().to_byte_string();
if (i > -1)
output_name = ByteString::formatted("{}.{}", output_name, i);
} while (FileSystem::exists(output_name));
int target_file_fd = open(output_name.characters(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644);
if (target_file_fd < 0) {
perror("target file open");
if (dup2(target_file_fd, output_fd) < 0) {
perror("target file dup2");
if (close(target_file_fd) < 0) {
perror("target file close");
auto status_code_value = status_code.value_or(0);
if (should_follow_url && status_code_value >= 300 && status_code_value < 400) {
if (auto location = response_headers.get("Location"); location.has_value()) {
auto was_following_url = following_url;
following_url = true;
received_actual_headers = false;
should_save_stream_data = false;
Core::deferred_invoke([&, was_following_url, url = location.value()] {
warnln("{}Following to {}", was_following_url ? "" : "\n", url);
request = protocol_client->start_request(method, url, request_headers, ReadonlyBytes {}, proxy_data);
} else {
following_url = false;
if (status_code_value >= 400)
warnln("Request returned error {}", status_code_value);
auto on_data_received = [&](auto data) {
auto on_finished = [&](bool success, u64 total_size) {
if (following_url)
if (success)
update_progress(total_size, total_size, true);
if (!success)
warnln("Request failed :(");
request->set_unbuffered_request_callbacks(move(on_headers_received), move(on_data_received), move(on_finished));
request->on_progress = [&](Optional<u64> maybe_total_size, u64 downloaded_size) {
update_progress(move(maybe_total_size), downloaded_size, false);
request = protocol_client->start_request(method, url, request_headers, data.bytes(), proxy_data);
dbgln("started request with id {}", request->id());
return loop.exec();