mirror of https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity synced 2024-07-01 11:15:37 +00:00
Ali Mohammad Pur 5e1499d104 Everywhere: Rename {Deprecated => Byte}String
This commit un-deprecates DeprecatedString, and repurposes it as a byte
As the null state has already been removed, there are no other
particularly hairy blockers in repurposing this type as a byte string
(what it _really_ is).

This commit is auto-generated:
  $ xs=$(ack -l \bDeprecatedString\b\|deprecated_string AK Userland \
    Meta Ports Ladybird Tests Kernel)
  $ perl -pie 's/\bDeprecatedString\b/ByteString/g;
    s/deprecated_string/byte_string/g' $xs
  $ clang-format --style=file -i \
    $(git diff --name-only | grep \.cpp\|\.h)
  $ gn format $(git ls-files '*.gn' '*.gni')
2023-12-17 18:25:10 +03:30

122 lines
3.1 KiB

* Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling <kling@serenityos.org>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/Concepts.h>
#include <AK/Error.h>
#include <AK/JsonArraySerializer.h>
#include <AK/JsonValue.h>
#include <AK/Vector.h>
namespace AK {
class JsonArray {
template<typename Callback>
using CallbackErrorType = decltype(declval<Callback>()(declval<JsonValue const&>()).release_error());
JsonArray() = default;
~JsonArray() = default;
JsonArray(JsonArray const& other)
: m_values(other.m_values)
JsonArray(JsonArray&& other)
: m_values(move(other.m_values))
template<IterableContainer ContainerT>
JsonArray(ContainerT const& source)
for (auto& value : source)
JsonArray& operator=(JsonArray const& other)
if (this != &other)
m_values = other.m_values;
return *this;
JsonArray& operator=(JsonArray&& other)
if (this != &other)
m_values = move(other.m_values);
return *this;
[[nodiscard]] size_t size() const { return m_values.size(); }
[[nodiscard]] bool is_empty() const { return m_values.is_empty(); }
[[nodiscard]] JsonValue const& at(size_t index) const { return m_values.at(index); }
[[nodiscard]] JsonValue const& operator[](size_t index) const { return at(index); }
[[nodiscard]] JsonValue take(size_t index) { return m_values.take(index); }
void must_append(JsonValue value) { m_values.append(move(value)); }
void clear() { m_values.clear(); }
ErrorOr<void> append(JsonValue value) { return m_values.try_append(move(value)); }
void set(size_t index, JsonValue value) { m_values.at(index) = move(value); }
template<typename Builder>
typename Builder::OutputType serialized() const;
template<typename Builder>
void serialize(Builder&) const;
[[nodiscard]] ByteString to_byte_string() const { return serialized<StringBuilder>(); }
template<typename Callback>
void for_each(Callback callback) const
for (auto const& value : m_values)
template<FallibleFunction<JsonValue const&> Callback>
ErrorOr<void, CallbackErrorType<Callback>> try_for_each(Callback&& callback) const
for (auto const& value : m_values)
return {};
[[nodiscard]] Vector<JsonValue> const& values() const { return m_values; }
void ensure_capacity(size_t capacity) { m_values.ensure_capacity(capacity); }
Vector<JsonValue> m_values;
template<typename Builder>
inline void JsonArray::serialize(Builder& builder) const
auto serializer = MUST(JsonArraySerializer<>::try_create(builder));
for_each([&](auto& value) { MUST(serializer.add(value)); });
template<typename Builder>
inline typename Builder::OutputType JsonArray::serialized() const
Builder builder;
return builder.to_byte_string();
using AK::JsonArray;