#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eu SCRIPT=`dirname $0` export SERENITY_ROOT=`realpath $SCRIPT/../` prefix=$SERENITY_ROOT/Ports export CC=i686-pc-serenity-gcc export CXX=i686-pc-serenity-g++ export PATH=$SERENITY_ROOT/Toolchain/Local/i686/bin:$PATH export SERENITY_ARCH=i686 MD5SUM=md5sum if [ `uname -s` = "OpenBSD" ]; then MD5SUM="md5 -q" fi . "$@" shift : "${makeopts:=-j$(nproc)}" : "${installopts:=}" : "${workdir:=$port-$version}" : "${configscript:=configure}" : "${configopts:=}" : "${useconfigure:=false}" : "${depends:=}" : "${patchlevel:=1}" : "${auth_type:=md5}" : "${auth_import_key:=}" : "${auth_opts:=}" run_nocd() { echo "+ $@ (nocd)" ("$@") } run() { echo "+ $@" (cd "$workdir" && "$@") } run_replace_in_file(){ run perl -p -i -e "$1" $2 } # Checks if a function is defined. In this case, if the function is not defined in the port's script, then we will use our defaults. This way, ports don't need to include these functions every time, but they can override our defaults if needed. func_defined() { PATH= command -V "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1 } func_defined post_fetch || post_fetch() { : } fetch() { if [ "$auth_type" == "sig" ] && [ ! -z "${auth_import_key}" ]; then # import gpg key if not existing locally # The default keyserver keys.openpgp.org prints "new key but contains no user ID - skipped" # and fails. Use a different key server. gpg --list-keys $auth_import_key || gpg --keyserver hkps://keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-key $auth_import_key fi OLDIFS=$IFS IFS=$'\n' for f in $files; do IFS=$OLDIFS read url filename auth_sum<<< $(echo "$f") echo "URL: ${url}" # download files if [ -f "$filename" ]; then echo "$filename already exists" else run_nocd curl ${curlopts:-} "$url" -L -o "$filename" fi # check md5sum if given if [ ! -z "$auth_sum" ]; then if [ "$auth_type" == "md5" ] || [ "$auth_type" == "sha256" ] || [ "$auth_type" == "sha1" ]; then echo "Expecting ${auth_type}sum: $auth_sum" if [ "$auth_type" == "md5" ]; then calc_sum="$($MD5SUM $filename | cut -f1 -d' ')" elif [ "$auth_type" == "sha256" ]; then calc_sum="$(sha256sum $filename | cut -f1 -d' ')" elif [ "$auth_type" == "sha1" ]; then calc_sum="$(sha1sum $filename | cut -f1 -d' ')" fi echo "${auth_type}sum($filename) = '$calc_sum'" if [ "$calc_sum" != "$auth_sum" ]; then # remove downloaded file to re-download on next run rm -f $filename echo "${auth_type}sum's mismatching, removed erronous download. Please run script again." exit 1 fi fi fi # extract if [ ! -f "$workdir"/.${filename}_extracted ]; then case "$filename" in *.tar.gz|*.tar.bz|*.tar.bz2|*.tar.xz|*.tar.lz|.tbz*|*.txz|*.tgz) run_nocd tar xf "$filename" run touch .${filename}_extracted ;; *.gz) run_nocd gunzip "$filename" run touch .${filename}_extracted ;; *.zip) run_nocd bsdtar xf "$filename" || run_nocd unzip -qo "$filename" run touch .${filename}_extracted ;; *.asc) run_nocd gpg --import "$filename" || true ;; *) echo "Note: no case for file $filename." ;; esac fi done # check signature if [ "$auth_type" == "sig" ]; then if $(gpg --verify $auth_opts); then echo "- Signature check OK." else echo "- Signature check NOT OK" for f in $files; do rm -f $f done rm -rf "$workdir" echo " Signature mismatching, removed erronous download. Please run script again." exit 1 fi fi post_fetch } func_defined patch_internal || patch_internal() { # patch if it was not yet patched (applying patches multiple times doesn't work!) if [ -d patches ]; then for filepath in patches/*.patch; do filename=$(basename $filepath) if [ ! -f "$workdir"/.${filename}_applied ]; then run patch -p"$patchlevel" < "$filepath" run touch .${filename}_applied fi done fi } func_defined pre_configure || pre_configure() { : } func_defined configure || configure() { run ./"$configscript" --host=i686-pc-serenity $configopts } func_defined build || build() { run make $makeopts } func_defined install || install() { run make DESTDIR="$SERENITY_ROOT"/Build/Root $installopts install } func_defined post_install || post_install() { echo } func_defined clean || clean() { rm -rf "$workdir" *.out } func_defined clean_dist || clean_dist() { OLDIFS=$IFS IFS=$'\n' for f in $files; do IFS=$OLDIFS read url filename hash <<< $(echo "$f") rm -f "$filename" done } func_defined clean_all || clean_all() { rm -rf "$workdir" *.out OLDIFS=$IFS IFS=$'\n' for f in $files; do IFS=$OLDIFS read url filename hash <<< $(echo "$f") rm -f "$filename" done } addtodb() { if [ ! -f "$prefix"/packages.db ]; then echo "Note: $prefix/packages.db does not exist. Creating." touch "$prefix"/packages.db fi if ! grep -E "^(auto|manual) $port $version" "$prefix"/packages.db > /dev/null; then echo "Adding $port $version to database of installed ports!" if [ "${1:-}" = "--auto" ]; then echo "auto $port $version" >> "$prefix"/packages.db else echo "manual $port $version" >> "$prefix"/packages.db if [ ! -z "${dependlist:-}" ]; then echo "dependency $port$dependlist" >> "$prefix/packages.db" fi fi else >&2 echo "Warning: $port $version already installed. Not adding to database of installed ports!" fi } installdepends() { for depend in $depends; do dependlist="${dependlist:-} $depend" done for depend in $depends; do if ! grep "$depend" "$prefix"/packages.db > /dev/null; then (cd "../$depend" && ./package.sh --auto) fi done } uninstall() { if grep "^manual $port " "$prefix"/packages.db > /dev/null; then if [ -f plist ]; then for f in `cat plist`; do case $f in */) run rmdir "$SERENITY_ROOT/Build/Root/$f" || true ;; *) run rm -rf "$SERENITY_ROOT/Build/Root/$f" ;; esac done # Without || true, mv will not be executed if you are uninstalling your only remaining port. grep -v "^manual $port " "$prefix"/packages.db > packages.dbtmp || true mv packages.dbtmp "$prefix"/packages.db else >&2 echo "Error: This port does not have a plist yet. Cannot uninstall." fi else >&2 echo "Error: $port is not installed. Cannot uninstall." fi } do_installdepends() { echo "Installing dependencies of $port!" installdepends } do_fetch() { echo "Fetching $port!" fetch } do_patch() { echo "Patching $port!" patch_internal } do_configure() { if [ "$useconfigure" = "true" ]; then echo "Configuring $port!" pre_configure chmod +x "${workdir}"/"$configscript" configure else echo "This port does not use a configure script. Skipping configure step." fi } do_build() { echo "Building $port!" build } do_install() { echo "Installing $port!" install post_install addtodb "${1:-}" } do_clean() { echo "Cleaning workdir and .out files in $port!" clean } do_clean_dist() { echo "Cleaning dist in $port!" clean_dist } do_clean_all() { echo "Cleaning all in $port!" clean_all } do_uninstall() { echo "Uninstalling $port!" uninstall } do_all() { do_installdepends do_fetch do_patch do_configure do_build do_install "${1:-}" } if [ -z "${1:-}" ]; then do_all else case "$1" in fetch|patch|configure|build|install|installdepends|clean|clean_dist|clean_all|uninstall) do_$1 ;; --auto) do_all $1 ;; *) >&2 echo "I don't understand $1! Supported arguments: fetch, patch, configure, build, install, installdepends, clean, clean_dist, clean_all, uninstall." exit 1 ;; esac fi