#include #include #include #include namespace AK { bool String::operator==(const String& other) const { if (!m_impl) return !other.m_impl; if (!other.m_impl) return false; if (length() != other.length()) return false; return !memcmp(characters(), other.characters(), length()); } bool String::operator==(const StringView& other) const { if (!m_impl) return !other.m_characters; if (!other.m_characters) return false; if (length() != other.length()) return false; return !memcmp(characters(), other.characters_without_null_termination(), length()); } bool String::operator<(const String& other) const { if (!m_impl) return other.m_impl; if (!other.m_impl) return false; return strcmp(characters(), other.characters()) < 0; } String String::empty() { return StringImpl::the_empty_stringimpl(); } String String::isolated_copy() const { if (!m_impl) return {}; if (!m_impl->length()) return empty(); char* buffer; auto impl = StringImpl::create_uninitialized(length(), buffer); memcpy(buffer, m_impl->characters(), m_impl->length()); return String(move(*impl)); } String String::substring(int start, int length) const { if (!length) return {}; ASSERT(m_impl); ASSERT(start + length <= m_impl->length()); // FIXME: This needs some input bounds checking. return { characters() + start, length }; } StringView String::substring_view(int start, int length) const { if (!length) return {}; ASSERT(m_impl); ASSERT(start + length <= m_impl->length()); // FIXME: This needs some input bounds checking. return { characters() + start, length }; } Vector String::split(const char separator) const { return split_limit(separator, 0); } Vector String::split_limit(const char separator, int limit) const { if (is_empty()) return {}; Vector v; int substart = 0; for (int i = 0; i < length() && (v.size() + 1) != limit; ++i) { char ch = characters()[i]; if (ch == separator) { int sublen = i - substart; if (sublen != 0) v.append(substring(substart, sublen)); substart = i + 1; } } int taillen = length() - substart; if (taillen != 0) v.append(substring(substart, taillen)); if (characters()[length() - 1] == separator) v.append(empty()); return v; } Vector String::split_view(const char separator, bool keep_empty) const { if (is_empty()) return {}; Vector v; int substart = 0; for (int i = 0; i < length(); ++i) { char ch = characters()[i]; if (ch == separator) { int sublen = i - substart; if (sublen != 0 || keep_empty) v.append(substring_view(substart, sublen)); substart = i + 1; } } int taillen = length() - substart; if (taillen != 0 || keep_empty) v.append(substring_view(substart, taillen)); if (characters()[length() - 1] == separator && keep_empty) v.append(empty()); return v; } ByteBuffer String::to_byte_buffer() const { if (!m_impl) return nullptr; return ByteBuffer::copy(reinterpret_cast(characters()), length()); } int String::to_int(bool& ok) const { bool negative = false; int value = 0; int i = 0; if (is_empty()) { ok = false; return 0; } if (characters()[0] == '-') { i++; negative = true; } for (; i < length(); i++) { if (characters()[i] < '0' || characters()[i] > '9') { ok = false; return 0; } value = value * 10; value += characters()[i] - '0'; } ok = true; return negative ? -value : value; } unsigned String::to_uint(bool& ok) const { unsigned value = 0; for (int i = 0; i < length(); ++i) { if (characters()[i] < '0' || characters()[i] > '9') { ok = false; return 0; } value = value * 10; value += characters()[i] - '0'; } ok = true; return value; } String String::number(u64 value) { #ifdef __serenity__ return String::format("%Q", value); #else return String::format("%llu", value); #endif } String String::number(u32 value) { return String::format("%u", value); } String String::number(i32 value) { return String::format("%d", value); } String String::format(const char* fmt, ...) { StringBuilder builder; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); builder.appendvf(fmt, ap); va_end(ap); return builder.to_string(); } bool String::starts_with(const StringView& str) const { if (str.is_empty()) return true; if (is_empty()) return false; if (str.length() > length()) return false; return !memcmp(characters(), str.characters_without_null_termination(), str.length()); } bool String::ends_with(const StringView& str) const { if (str.is_empty()) return true; if (is_empty()) return false; if (str.length() > length()) return false; return !memcmp(characters() + (length() - str.length()), str.characters_without_null_termination(), str.length()); } String String::repeated(char ch, int count) { if (!count) return empty(); char* buffer; auto impl = StringImpl::create_uninitialized(count, buffer); memset(buffer, ch, count); return *impl; } bool String::matches(const StringView& mask, CaseSensitivity case_sensitivity) const { if (case_sensitivity == CaseSensitivity::CaseInsensitive) { String this_lower = this->to_lowercase(); String mask_lower = String(mask).to_lowercase(); return this_lower.match_helper(mask_lower); } return match_helper(mask); } bool String::match_helper(const StringView& mask) const { if (is_null()) return false; const char* string_ptr = characters(); const char* mask_ptr = mask.characters_without_null_termination(); const char* mask_end = mask_ptr + mask.length(); // Match string against mask directly unless we hit a * while ((*string_ptr) && (mask_ptr < mask_end) && (*mask_ptr != '*')) { if ((*mask_ptr != *string_ptr) && (*mask_ptr != '?')) return false; mask_ptr++; string_ptr++; } const char* cp = nullptr; const char* mp = nullptr; while (*string_ptr) { if ((mask_ptr < mask_end) && (*mask_ptr == '*')) { // If we have only a * left, there is no way to not match. if (++mask_ptr == mask_end) return true; mp = mask_ptr; cp = string_ptr + 1; } else if ((mask_ptr < mask_end) && ((*mask_ptr == *string_ptr) || (*mask_ptr == '?'))) { mask_ptr++; string_ptr++; } else if ((cp != nullptr) && (mp != nullptr)) { mask_ptr = mp; string_ptr = cp++; } else { break; } } // Handle any trailing mask while ((mask_ptr < mask_end) && (*mask_ptr == '*')) mask_ptr++; // If we 'ate' all of the mask and the string then we match. return (mask_ptr == mask_end) && !*string_ptr; } }