/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2022, Andreas Kling * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace AK { namespace Detail { void StringData::operator delete(void* ptr) { free(ptr); } StringData::StringData(size_t byte_count) : m_byte_count(byte_count) { } StringData::StringData(StringData const& superstring, size_t start, size_t byte_count) : m_byte_count(byte_count) , m_substring(true) { auto& data = const_cast(substring_data()); data.start_offset = start; data.superstring = &superstring; superstring.ref(); } StringData::~StringData() { if (m_substring) substring_data().superstring->unref(); } void StringData::unref() const { if (m_is_fly_string && m_ref_count == 2) { m_is_fly_string = false; // Otherwise unref from did_destory_fly_string_data will cause infinite recursion. FlyString::did_destroy_fly_string_data({}, bytes_as_string_view()); } RefCounted::unref(); } constexpr size_t allocation_size_for_string_data(size_t length) { return sizeof(StringData) + (sizeof(char) * length); } ErrorOr> StringData::create_uninitialized(size_t byte_count, u8*& buffer) { VERIFY(byte_count); void* slot = malloc(allocation_size_for_string_data(byte_count)); if (!slot) { return Error::from_errno(ENOMEM); } auto new_string_data = adopt_ref(*new (slot) StringData(byte_count)); buffer = const_cast(new_string_data->bytes().data()); return new_string_data; } ErrorOr> StringData::create_substring(StringData const& superstring, size_t start, size_t byte_count) { // Strings of MAX_SHORT_STRING_BYTE_COUNT bytes or less should be handled by the String short string optimization. VERIFY(byte_count > String::MAX_SHORT_STRING_BYTE_COUNT); void* slot = malloc(sizeof(StringData) + sizeof(StringData::SubstringData)); if (!slot) { return Error::from_errno(ENOMEM); } return adopt_ref(*new (slot) StringData(superstring, start, byte_count)); } void StringData::compute_hash() const { auto bytes = this->bytes(); if (bytes.size() == 0) m_hash = 0; else m_hash = string_hash(reinterpret_cast(bytes.data()), bytes.size()); m_has_hash = true; } } String String::from_utf8_without_validation(ReadonlyBytes bytes) { String result; MUST(result.replace_with_new_string(bytes.size(), [&](Bytes buffer) { bytes.copy_to(buffer); return ErrorOr {}; })); return result; } ErrorOr String::from_utf8(StringView view) { if (!Utf8View { view }.validate()) return Error::from_string_literal("String::from_utf8: Input was not valid UTF-8"); String result; TRY(result.replace_with_new_string(view.length(), [&](Bytes buffer) { view.bytes().copy_to(buffer); return ErrorOr {}; })); return result; } ErrorOr String::from_stream(Stream& stream, size_t byte_count) { String result; TRY(result.replace_with_new_string(byte_count, [&](Bytes buffer) -> ErrorOr { TRY(stream.read_until_filled(buffer)); if (!Utf8View { StringView { buffer } }.validate()) return Error::from_string_literal("String::from_stream: Input was not valid UTF-8"); return {}; })); return result; } ErrorOr String::repeated(u32 code_point, size_t count) { VERIFY(is_unicode(code_point)); Array code_point_as_utf8; size_t i = 0; size_t code_point_byte_length = UnicodeUtils::code_point_to_utf8(code_point, [&](auto byte) { code_point_as_utf8[i++] = static_cast(byte); }); auto total_byte_count = code_point_byte_length * count; String result; TRY(result.replace_with_new_string(total_byte_count, [&](Bytes buffer) { if (code_point_byte_length == 1) { buffer.fill(code_point_as_utf8[0]); } else { for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) memcpy(buffer.data() + (i * code_point_byte_length), code_point_as_utf8.data(), code_point_byte_length); } return ErrorOr {}; })); return result; } StringView String::bytes_as_string_view() const { return StringView(bytes()); } bool String::is_empty() const { return bytes().size() == 0; } ErrorOr String::vformatted(StringView fmtstr, TypeErasedFormatParams& params) { StringBuilder builder; TRY(vformat(builder, fmtstr, params)); return builder.to_string(); } ErrorOr> String::split(u32 separator, SplitBehavior split_behavior) const { return split_limit(separator, 0, split_behavior); } ErrorOr> String::split_limit(u32 separator, size_t limit, SplitBehavior split_behavior) const { Vector result; if (is_empty()) return result; bool keep_empty = has_flag(split_behavior, SplitBehavior::KeepEmpty); size_t substring_start = 0; for (auto it = code_points().begin(); it != code_points().end() && (result.size() + 1) != limit; ++it) { u32 code_point = *it; if (code_point == separator) { size_t substring_length = code_points().iterator_offset(it) - substring_start; if (substring_length != 0 || keep_empty) TRY(result.try_append(TRY(substring_from_byte_offset_with_shared_superstring(substring_start, substring_length)))); substring_start = code_points().iterator_offset(it) + it.underlying_code_point_length_in_bytes(); } } size_t tail_length = code_points().byte_length() - substring_start; if (tail_length != 0 || keep_empty) TRY(result.try_append(TRY(substring_from_byte_offset_with_shared_superstring(substring_start, tail_length)))); return result; } Optional String::find_byte_offset(u32 code_point, size_t from_byte_offset) const { auto code_points = this->code_points(); if (from_byte_offset >= code_points.byte_length()) return {}; for (auto it = code_points.iterator_at_byte_offset(from_byte_offset); it != code_points.end(); ++it) { if (*it == code_point) return code_points.byte_offset_of(it); } return {}; } Optional String::find_byte_offset(StringView substring, size_t from_byte_offset) const { auto view = bytes_as_string_view(); if (from_byte_offset >= view.length()) return {}; auto index = memmem_optional( view.characters_without_null_termination() + from_byte_offset, view.length() - from_byte_offset, substring.characters_without_null_termination(), substring.length()); if (index.has_value()) return *index + from_byte_offset; return {}; } bool String::operator==(FlyString const& other) const { return static_cast(*this) == other.data({}); } bool String::operator==(StringView other) const { return bytes_as_string_view() == other; } ErrorOr String::substring_from_byte_offset(size_t start, size_t byte_count) const { if (!byte_count) return String {}; return String::from_utf8(bytes_as_string_view().substring_view(start, byte_count)); } ErrorOr String::substring_from_byte_offset(size_t start) const { VERIFY(start <= bytes_as_string_view().length()); return substring_from_byte_offset(start, bytes_as_string_view().length() - start); } ErrorOr String::substring_from_byte_offset_with_shared_superstring(size_t start, size_t byte_count) const { return String { TRY(StringBase::substring_from_byte_offset_with_shared_superstring(start, byte_count)) }; } ErrorOr String::substring_from_byte_offset_with_shared_superstring(size_t start) const { VERIFY(start <= bytes_as_string_view().length()); return substring_from_byte_offset_with_shared_superstring(start, bytes_as_string_view().length() - start); } bool String::operator==(char const* c_string) const { return bytes_as_string_view() == c_string; } u32 String::ascii_case_insensitive_hash() const { return case_insensitive_string_hash(reinterpret_cast(bytes().data()), bytes().size()); } Utf8View String::code_points() const { return Utf8View(bytes_as_string_view()); } ErrorOr Formatter::format(FormatBuilder& builder, String const& utf8_string) { return Formatter::format(builder, utf8_string.bytes_as_string_view()); } ErrorOr String::replace(StringView needle, StringView replacement, ReplaceMode replace_mode) const { return StringUtils::replace(*this, needle, replacement, replace_mode); } ErrorOr String::reverse() const { // FIXME: This handles multi-byte code points, but not e.g. grapheme clusters. // FIXME: We could avoid allocating a temporary vector if Utf8View supports reverse iteration. auto code_point_length = code_points().length(); Vector code_points; TRY(code_points.try_ensure_capacity(code_point_length)); for (auto code_point : this->code_points()) code_points.unchecked_append(code_point); auto builder = TRY(StringBuilder::create(code_point_length * sizeof(u32))); while (!code_points.is_empty()) TRY(builder.try_append_code_point(code_points.take_last())); return builder.to_string(); } ErrorOr String::trim(Utf8View const& code_points_to_trim, TrimMode mode) const { auto trimmed = code_points().trim(code_points_to_trim, mode); return String::from_utf8(trimmed.as_string()); } ErrorOr String::trim(StringView code_points_to_trim, TrimMode mode) const { return trim(Utf8View { code_points_to_trim }, mode); } ErrorOr String::trim_ascii_whitespace(TrimMode mode) const { return trim(" \n\t\v\f\r"sv, mode); } bool String::contains(StringView needle, CaseSensitivity case_sensitivity) const { return StringUtils::contains(bytes_as_string_view(), needle, case_sensitivity); } bool String::contains(u32 needle, CaseSensitivity case_sensitivity) const { auto needle_as_string = String::from_code_point(needle); return contains(needle_as_string.bytes_as_string_view(), case_sensitivity); } bool String::starts_with(u32 code_point) const { if (is_empty()) return false; return *code_points().begin() == code_point; } bool String::starts_with_bytes(StringView bytes, CaseSensitivity case_sensitivity) const { return bytes_as_string_view().starts_with(bytes, case_sensitivity); } bool String::ends_with(u32 code_point) const { if (is_empty()) return false; u32 last_code_point = 0; for (auto it = code_points().begin(); it != code_points().end(); ++it) last_code_point = *it; return last_code_point == code_point; } bool String::ends_with_bytes(StringView bytes, CaseSensitivity case_sensitivity) const { return bytes_as_string_view().ends_with(bytes, case_sensitivity); } unsigned Traits::hash(String const& string) { return string.hash(); } ByteString String::to_byte_string() const { return ByteString(bytes_as_string_view()); } ErrorOr String::from_byte_string(ByteString const& byte_string) { return String::from_utf8(byte_string.view()); } bool String::equals_ignoring_ascii_case(StringView other) const { return StringUtils::equals_ignoring_ascii_case(bytes_as_string_view(), other); } String String::repeated(String const& input, size_t count) { VERIFY(!Checked::multiplication_would_overflow(count, input.bytes().size())); String result; size_t input_size = input.bytes().size(); MUST(result.replace_with_new_string(count * input_size, [&](Bytes buffer) { if (input_size == 1) { buffer.fill(input.bytes().first()); } else { for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) input.bytes().copy_to(buffer.slice(i * input_size, input_size)); } return ErrorOr {}; })); return result; } }