/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * Copyright (c) 2021, Emanuele Torre * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include struct Count { StringView name; bool exists { true }; unsigned lines { 0 }; unsigned characters { 0 }; unsigned words { 0 }; unsigned max_line_length { 0 }; size_t bytes { 0 }; }; bool g_output_line = false; bool g_output_byte = false; bool g_output_word = false; bool g_output_max_line_length = false; static void wc_out(Count const& count) { if (g_output_line) out("{:7} ", count.lines); if (g_output_word) out("{:7} ", count.words); if (g_output_byte) out("{:7} ", count.bytes); if (g_output_max_line_length) out("{:7} ", count.max_line_length); outln("{:>14}", count.name); } static ErrorOr get_count(StringView file_specifier) { Count count; auto maybe_file = Core::File::open_file_or_standard_stream(file_specifier, Core::File::OpenMode::Read); if (maybe_file.is_error()) { warnln("wc: unable to open {}", file_specifier.is_empty() ? "stdin"sv : file_specifier); count.exists = false; return count; } auto file = TRY(Core::InputBufferedFile::create(maybe_file.release_value())); count.name = file_specifier; bool start_a_new_word = true; unsigned current_line_length = 0; u8 ch; for (Bytes bytes = TRY(file->read_some({ &ch, 1 })); bytes.size() != 0; bytes = TRY(file->read_some(bytes))) { count.bytes++; if (ch != '\n') current_line_length++; if (is_ascii_space(ch)) { start_a_new_word = true; if (ch == '\n') { count.lines++; if (current_line_length > count.max_line_length) count.max_line_length = current_line_length; current_line_length = 0; } } else if (start_a_new_word) { start_a_new_word = false; count.words++; } } return count; } static Count get_total_count(Vector const& counts) { Count total_count { "total"sv }; for (auto& count : counts) { total_count.lines += count.lines; total_count.words += count.words; total_count.characters += count.characters; total_count.bytes += count.bytes; if (count.max_line_length > total_count.max_line_length) total_count.max_line_length = count.max_line_length; } return total_count; } ErrorOr serenity_main(Main::Arguments arguments) { TRY(Core::System::pledge("stdio rpath")); Vector file_specifiers; Core::ArgsParser args_parser; args_parser.add_option(g_output_line, "Output line count", "lines", 'l'); args_parser.add_option(g_output_byte, "Output byte count", "bytes", 'c'); args_parser.add_option(g_output_word, "Output word count", "words", 'w'); args_parser.add_option(g_output_max_line_length, "Output byte count of the longest line", "max-line-length", 'L'); args_parser.add_positional_argument(file_specifiers, "File to process", "file", Core::ArgsParser::Required::No); args_parser.parse(arguments); if (!g_output_line && !g_output_byte && !g_output_word && !g_output_max_line_length) g_output_line = g_output_byte = g_output_word = true; Vector counts; for (auto const& file_specifier : file_specifiers) counts.append(TRY(get_count(file_specifier))); TRY(Core::System::pledge("stdio")); if (file_specifiers.is_empty()) counts.append(TRY(get_count(""sv))); else if (file_specifiers.size() > 1) counts.append(get_total_count(counts)); for (auto const& count : counts) { if (count.exists) wc_out(count); } return 0; }