/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2021, Andreas Kling * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Kernel { static Singleton, LockRank::None>> s_arp_table; static Singleton> s_routing_table; class ARPTableBlocker final : public Thread::Blocker { public: ARPTableBlocker(IPv4Address ip_addr, Optional& addr); virtual StringView state_string() const override { return "Routing (ARP)"sv; } virtual Type blocker_type() const override { return Type::Routing; } virtual bool setup_blocker() override; virtual void will_unblock_immediately_without_blocking(UnblockImmediatelyReason) override; bool unblock_if_matching_ip_address(bool from_add_blocker, IPv4Address const& ip_address, MACAddress const& mac_address) { if (m_ip_address != ip_address) return false; { SpinlockLocker lock(m_lock); if (m_did_unblock) return false; m_did_unblock = true; m_mac_address = mac_address; } if (!from_add_blocker) unblock_from_blocker(); return true; } IPv4Address const& ip_address() const { return m_ip_address; } private: IPv4Address const m_ip_address; Optional& m_mac_address; bool m_did_unblock { false }; }; class ARPTableBlockerSet final : public Thread::BlockerSet { public: void unblock_blockers_waiting_for_ipv4_address(IPv4Address const& ipv4_address, MACAddress const& mac_address) { BlockerSet::unblock_all_blockers_whose_conditions_are_met([&](auto& b, void*, bool&) { VERIFY(b.blocker_type() == Thread::Blocker::Type::Routing); auto& blocker = static_cast(b); return blocker.unblock_if_matching_ip_address(false, ipv4_address, mac_address); }); } protected: virtual bool should_add_blocker(Thread::Blocker& b, void*) override { VERIFY(b.blocker_type() == Thread::Blocker::Type::Routing); auto& blocker = static_cast(b); auto maybe_mac_address = arp_table().with([&](auto const& table) -> auto { return table.get(blocker.ip_address()); }); if (!maybe_mac_address.has_value()) return true; return !blocker.unblock_if_matching_ip_address(true, blocker.ip_address(), maybe_mac_address.value()); } }; static Singleton s_arp_table_blocker_set; ARPTableBlocker::ARPTableBlocker(IPv4Address ip_addr, Optional& addr) : m_ip_address(ip_addr) , m_mac_address(addr) { } bool ARPTableBlocker::setup_blocker() { return add_to_blocker_set(*s_arp_table_blocker_set); } void ARPTableBlocker::will_unblock_immediately_without_blocking(UnblockImmediatelyReason) { auto addr = arp_table().with([&](auto const& table) -> auto { return table.get(ip_address()); }); SpinlockLocker lock(m_lock); if (!m_did_unblock) { m_did_unblock = true; m_mac_address = move(addr); } } SpinlockProtected, LockRank::None>& arp_table() { return *s_arp_table; } void update_arp_table(IPv4Address const& ip_addr, MACAddress const& addr, UpdateTable update) { arp_table().with([&](auto& table) { if (update == UpdateTable::Set) table.set(ip_addr, addr); if (update == UpdateTable::Delete) table.remove(ip_addr); }); s_arp_table_blocker_set->unblock_blockers_waiting_for_ipv4_address(ip_addr, addr); if constexpr (ARP_DEBUG) { arp_table().with([&](auto const& table) { dmesgln("ARP table ({} entries):", table.size()); for (auto& it : table) dmesgln("{} :: {}", it.value.to_string(), it.key.to_string()); }); } } SpinlockProtected& routing_table() { return *s_routing_table; } ErrorOr update_routing_table(IPv4Address const& destination, IPv4Address const& gateway, IPv4Address const& netmask, u16 flags, RefPtr adapter, UpdateTable update) { dbgln_if(ROUTING_DEBUG, "update_routing_table {} {} {} {} {} {}", destination, gateway, netmask, flags, adapter, update == UpdateTable::Set ? "Set" : "Delete"); auto route_entry = adopt_ref_if_nonnull(new (nothrow) Route { destination, gateway, netmask, flags, adapter.release_nonnull() }); if (!route_entry) return ENOMEM; TRY(routing_table().with([&](auto& table) -> ErrorOr { if (update == UpdateTable::Set) { for (auto const& route : table) { if (route == *route_entry) return EEXIST; } table.append(*route_entry); } if (update == UpdateTable::Delete) { for (auto& route : table) { dbgln_if(ROUTING_DEBUG, "candidate: {} {} {} {} {}", route.destination, route.gateway, route.netmask, route.flags, route.adapter); if (route.matches(*route_entry)) { // FIXME: Remove all entries, not only the first one. table.remove(route); return {}; } } return ESRCH; } return {}; })); return {}; } bool RoutingDecision::is_zero() const { return adapter.is_null() || next_hop.is_zero(); } static MACAddress multicast_ethernet_address(IPv4Address const& address) { return MACAddress { 0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, (u8)(address[1] & 0x7f), address[2], address[3] }; } RoutingDecision route_to(IPv4Address const& target, IPv4Address const& source, RefPtr const through, AllowBroadcast allow_broadcast, AllowUsingGateway allow_using_gateway) { auto matches = [&](auto& adapter) { if (!through) return true; return through == adapter; }; auto if_matches = [&](auto& adapter, auto const& mac) -> RoutingDecision { if (!matches(adapter)) return { nullptr, {} }; return { adapter, mac }; }; if (target[0] == 0 && target[1] == 0 && target[2] == 0 && target[3] == 0) return if_matches(*NetworkingManagement::the().loopback_adapter(), NetworkingManagement::the().loopback_adapter()->mac_address()); if (target[0] == 127) return if_matches(*NetworkingManagement::the().loopback_adapter(), NetworkingManagement::the().loopback_adapter()->mac_address()); auto target_addr = target.to_u32(); auto source_addr = source.to_u32(); RefPtr local_adapter = nullptr; RefPtr chosen_route = nullptr; NetworkingManagement::the().for_each([source_addr, &target_addr, &local_adapter, &matches, &through](NetworkAdapter& adapter) { auto adapter_addr = adapter.ipv4_address().to_u32(); auto adapter_mask = adapter.ipv4_netmask().to_u32(); if (target_addr == adapter_addr) { local_adapter = NetworkingManagement::the().loopback_adapter(); return; } if (!adapter.link_up() || (adapter_addr == 0 && !through)) return; if (source_addr != 0 && source_addr != adapter_addr) return; if ((target_addr & adapter_mask) == (adapter_addr & adapter_mask) && matches(adapter)) local_adapter = adapter; }); u32 longest_prefix_match = 0; routing_table().for_each([&target_addr, &matches, &longest_prefix_match, &chosen_route](auto& route) { auto route_addr = route.destination.to_u32(); auto route_mask = route.netmask.to_u32(); if (route_addr == 0 && matches(*route.adapter)) { dbgln_if(ROUTING_DEBUG, "Resorting to default route found for adapter: {}", route.adapter->name()); chosen_route = route; } // We have a direct match and we can exit the routing table earlier. if (target_addr == route_addr) { dbgln_if(ROUTING_DEBUG, "Target address has a direct match in the routing table"); chosen_route = route; return; } if ((target_addr & route_mask) == (route_addr & route_mask) && (route_addr != 0)) { auto prefix = (target_addr & (route_addr & route_mask)); if (chosen_route && prefix == longest_prefix_match) { chosen_route = (route.netmask.to_u32() > chosen_route->netmask.to_u32()) ? route : chosen_route; dbgln_if(ROUTING_DEBUG, "Found a matching prefix match. Using longer netmask: {}", chosen_route->netmask); } if (prefix > longest_prefix_match) { dbgln_if(ROUTING_DEBUG, "Found a longer prefix match - route: {}, netmask: {}", route.destination.to_string(), route.netmask); longest_prefix_match = prefix; chosen_route = route; } } }); if (local_adapter && target == local_adapter->ipv4_address()) return { local_adapter, local_adapter->mac_address() }; if (!local_adapter && !chosen_route) { dbgln_if(ROUTING_DEBUG, "Routing: Couldn't find a suitable adapter for route to {}", target); return { nullptr, {} }; } RefPtr adapter = nullptr; IPv4Address next_hop_ip; if (local_adapter) { dbgln_if(ROUTING_DEBUG, "Routing: Got adapter for route (direct): {} ({}/{}) for {}", local_adapter->name(), local_adapter->ipv4_address(), local_adapter->ipv4_netmask(), target); adapter = local_adapter; next_hop_ip = target; } else if (chosen_route && allow_using_gateway == AllowUsingGateway::Yes) { dbgln_if(ROUTING_DEBUG, "Routing: Got adapter for route (using gateway {}): {} ({}/{}) for {}", chosen_route->gateway, chosen_route->adapter->name(), chosen_route->adapter->ipv4_address(), chosen_route->adapter->ipv4_netmask(), target); adapter = chosen_route->adapter; next_hop_ip = chosen_route->gateway; } else { return { nullptr, {} }; } // If it's a broadcast, we already know everything we need to know. // FIXME: We should also deal with the case where `target_addr` is // a broadcast to a subnet rather than a full broadcast. if (target_addr == 0xffffffff && matches(adapter)) { if (allow_broadcast == AllowBroadcast::Yes) return { adapter, { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff } }; return { nullptr, {} }; } if (adapter == NetworkingManagement::the().loopback_adapter()) return { adapter, adapter->mac_address() }; if ((target_addr & (IPv4Address { 240, 0, 0, 0 }.to_u32())) == IPv4Address { 224, 0, 0, 0 }.to_u32()) return { adapter, multicast_ethernet_address(target) }; { auto addr = arp_table().with([&](auto const& table) -> auto { return table.get(next_hop_ip); }); if (addr.has_value()) { dbgln_if(ARP_DEBUG, "Routing: Using cached ARP entry for {} ({})", next_hop_ip, addr.value().to_string()); return { adapter, addr.value() }; } } dbgln_if(ARP_DEBUG, "Routing: Sending ARP request via adapter {} for IPv4 address {}", adapter->name(), next_hop_ip); ARPPacket request; request.set_operation(ARPOperation::Request); request.set_target_hardware_address({ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff }); request.set_target_protocol_address(next_hop_ip); request.set_sender_hardware_address(adapter->mac_address()); request.set_sender_protocol_address(adapter->ipv4_address()); adapter->send({ 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff }, request); if (NetworkTask::is_current()) { // FIXME: Waiting for the ARP response from inside the NetworkTask would // deadlock, so let's hope that whoever called route_to() tries again in a bit. dbgln_if(ARP_DEBUG, "Routing: Not waiting for ARP response from inside NetworkTask, sent ARP request using adapter {} for {}", adapter->name(), target); return { nullptr, {} }; } Optional addr; if (!Thread::current()->block({}, next_hop_ip, addr).was_interrupted()) { if (addr.has_value()) { dbgln_if(ARP_DEBUG, "Routing: Got ARP response using adapter {} for {} ({})", adapter->name(), next_hop_ip, addr.value().to_string()); return { adapter, addr.value() }; } } dbgln_if(ROUTING_DEBUG, "Routing: Couldn't find route using adapter {} for {}", adapter->name(), target); return { nullptr, {} }; } }