const fs = require("fs"); const Mastodon = require("mastodon"); const { ACCESS_TOKEN } = process.env; const tootLength = 500; // Mastodon always considers links to be 23 chars, see const mastodonLinkLength = 23; const mastodon = new Mastodon({ access_token: ACCESS_TOKEN, timeout_ms: 60 * 1000, api_url: "", }); (async () => { const githubEvent = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(0).toString()); const toots = []; for (const commit of githubEvent["commits"]) { const authorLine = `Author: ${commit["author"]["name"]}`; const maxMessageLength = tootLength - authorLine.length - mastodonLinkLength - 2; // -2 for newlines const commitMessage = commit["message"].length > maxMessageLength ? commit["message"].substring(0, maxMessageLength - 2) + "…" // Ellipsis counts as 2 characters : commit["message"]; toots.push(`${commitMessage}\n${authorLine}\n${commit["url"]}`); } for (const toot of toots) { try { await"statuses", { status: toot, visibility: "unlisted" }); } catch (e) { console.error("Failed to post a toot!", e.message); } } })();