/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * Copyright (c) 2021, Max Wipfli * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace AK { // FIXME: It could make sense to force users of URL to use URLParser::basic_parse() explicitly instead of using a constructor. URL::URL(StringView string) : URL(URLParser::basic_parse(string)) { if constexpr (URL_PARSER_DEBUG) { if (m_valid) dbgln("URL constructor: Parsed URL to be '{}'.", serialize()); else dbgln("URL constructor: Parsed URL to be invalid."); } } URL URL::complete_url(StringView relative_url) const { if (!is_valid()) return {}; return URLParser::basic_parse(relative_url, *this); } DeprecatedString URL::username(ApplyPercentDecoding apply_percent_decoding) const { return apply_percent_decoding == ApplyPercentDecoding::Yes ? percent_decode(m_username) : m_username; } DeprecatedString URL::password(ApplyPercentDecoding apply_percent_decoding) const { return apply_percent_decoding == ApplyPercentDecoding::Yes ? percent_decode(m_password) : m_password; } DeprecatedString URL::path_segment_at_index(size_t index, ApplyPercentDecoding apply_percent_decoding) const { VERIFY(index < path_segment_count()); return apply_percent_decoding == ApplyPercentDecoding::Yes ? percent_decode(m_paths[index]) : m_paths[index]; } DeprecatedString URL::basename(ApplyPercentDecoding apply_percent_decoding) const { if (!m_valid) return {}; if (m_paths.is_empty()) return {}; auto& last_segment = m_paths.last(); return apply_percent_decoding == ApplyPercentDecoding::Yes ? percent_decode(last_segment) : last_segment; } DeprecatedString URL::query(ApplyPercentDecoding apply_percent_decoding) const { return apply_percent_decoding == ApplyPercentDecoding::Yes ? percent_decode(m_query) : m_query; } DeprecatedString URL::fragment(ApplyPercentDecoding apply_percent_decoding) const { return apply_percent_decoding == ApplyPercentDecoding::Yes ? percent_decode(m_fragment) : m_fragment; } // NOTE: This only exists for compatibility with the existing URL tests which check for both .is_null() and .is_empty(). static DeprecatedString deprecated_string_percent_encode(DeprecatedString const& input, URL::PercentEncodeSet set = URL::PercentEncodeSet::Userinfo, URL::SpaceAsPlus space_as_plus = URL::SpaceAsPlus::No) { if (input.is_null() || input.is_empty()) return input; return URL::percent_encode(input.view(), set, space_as_plus); } void URL::set_scheme(DeprecatedString scheme) { m_scheme = move(scheme); m_valid = compute_validity(); } void URL::set_username(DeprecatedString username, ApplyPercentEncoding apply_percent_encoding) { if (apply_percent_encoding == ApplyPercentEncoding::Yes) username = deprecated_string_percent_encode(username, PercentEncodeSet::Userinfo); m_username = move(username); m_valid = compute_validity(); } void URL::set_password(DeprecatedString password, ApplyPercentEncoding apply_percent_encoding) { if (apply_percent_encoding == ApplyPercentEncoding::Yes) password = deprecated_string_percent_encode(password, PercentEncodeSet::Userinfo); m_password = move(password); m_valid = compute_validity(); } void URL::set_host(DeprecatedString host) { m_host = move(host); m_valid = compute_validity(); } void URL::set_port(Optional port) { if (port == default_port_for_scheme(m_scheme)) { m_port = {}; return; } m_port = move(port); m_valid = compute_validity(); } void URL::set_paths(Vector paths, ApplyPercentEncoding apply_percent_encoding) { if (apply_percent_encoding == ApplyPercentEncoding::Yes) { Vector encoded_paths; encoded_paths.ensure_capacity(paths.size()); for (auto& segment : paths) encoded_paths.unchecked_append(deprecated_string_percent_encode(segment, PercentEncodeSet::Path)); m_paths = move(encoded_paths); } else { m_paths = move(paths); } m_valid = compute_validity(); } void URL::append_path(DeprecatedString path, ApplyPercentEncoding apply_percent_encoding) { if (apply_percent_encoding == ApplyPercentEncoding::Yes) path = deprecated_string_percent_encode(path, PercentEncodeSet::Path); m_paths.append(path); } void URL::set_query(DeprecatedString query, ApplyPercentEncoding apply_percent_encoding) { if (apply_percent_encoding == ApplyPercentEncoding::Yes) query = deprecated_string_percent_encode(query, is_special() ? PercentEncodeSet::SpecialQuery : PercentEncodeSet::Query); m_query = move(query); } void URL::set_fragment(DeprecatedString fragment, ApplyPercentEncoding apply_percent_encoding) { if (apply_percent_encoding == ApplyPercentEncoding::Yes) fragment = deprecated_string_percent_encode(fragment, PercentEncodeSet::Fragment); m_fragment = move(fragment); } // FIXME: This is by no means complete. // NOTE: This relies on some assumptions about how the spec-defined URL parser works that may turn out to be wrong. bool URL::compute_validity() const { if (m_scheme.is_empty()) return false; if (m_scheme == "data") { if (m_data_mime_type.is_empty()) return false; if (m_data_payload_is_base64) { if (m_data_payload.length() % 4 != 0) return false; for (auto character : m_data_payload) { if (!is_ascii_alphanumeric(character) || character == '+' || character == '/' || character == '=') return false; } } } else if (m_cannot_be_a_base_url) { if (m_paths.size() != 1) return false; if (m_paths[0].is_empty()) return false; } else { if (m_scheme.is_one_of("about", "mailto")) return false; // NOTE: Maybe it is allowed to have a zero-segment path. if (m_paths.size() == 0) return false; } // NOTE: A file URL's host should be the empty string for localhost, not null. if (m_scheme == "file" && m_host.is_null()) return false; return true; } bool URL::scheme_requires_port(StringView scheme) { return (default_port_for_scheme(scheme) != 0); } u16 URL::default_port_for_scheme(StringView scheme) { if (scheme == "http") return 80; if (scheme == "https") return 443; if (scheme == "gemini") return 1965; if (scheme == "irc") return 6667; if (scheme == "ircs") return 6697; if (scheme == "ws") return 80; if (scheme == "wss") return 443; return 0; } URL URL::create_with_file_scheme(DeprecatedString const& path, DeprecatedString const& fragment, DeprecatedString const& hostname) { LexicalPath lexical_path(path); if (!lexical_path.is_absolute()) return {}; URL url; url.set_scheme("file"); // NOTE: If the hostname is localhost (or null, which implies localhost), it should be set to the empty string. // This is because a file URL always needs a non-null hostname. url.set_host(hostname.is_null() || hostname == "localhost" ? DeprecatedString::empty() : hostname); url.set_paths(lexical_path.parts()); if (path.ends_with('/')) url.append_slash(); url.set_fragment(fragment); return url; } URL URL::create_with_help_scheme(DeprecatedString const& path, DeprecatedString const& fragment, DeprecatedString const& hostname) { LexicalPath lexical_path(path); URL url; url.set_scheme("help"); // NOTE: If the hostname is localhost (or null, which implies localhost), it should be set to the empty string. // This is because a file URL always needs a non-null hostname. url.set_host(hostname.is_null() || hostname == "localhost" ? DeprecatedString::empty() : hostname); url.set_paths(lexical_path.parts()); if (path.ends_with('/')) url.append_slash(); url.set_fragment(fragment); return url; } URL URL::create_with_url_or_path(DeprecatedString const& url_or_path) { URL url = url_or_path; if (url.is_valid()) return url; DeprecatedString path = LexicalPath::canonicalized_path(url_or_path); return URL::create_with_file_scheme(path); } // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#special-scheme bool URL::is_special_scheme(StringView scheme) { return scheme.is_one_of("ftp", "file", "http", "https", "ws", "wss"); } DeprecatedString URL::serialize_path(ApplyPercentDecoding apply_percent_decoding) const { if (cannot_be_a_base_url()) return m_paths[0]; StringBuilder builder; for (auto& path : m_paths) { builder.append('/'); builder.append(apply_percent_decoding == ApplyPercentDecoding::Yes ? percent_decode(path) : path); } return builder.to_deprecated_string(); } DeprecatedString URL::serialize_data_url() const { VERIFY(m_scheme == "data"); VERIFY(!m_data_mime_type.is_null()); VERIFY(!m_data_payload.is_null()); StringBuilder builder; builder.append(m_scheme); builder.append(':'); builder.append(m_data_mime_type); if (m_data_payload_is_base64) builder.append(";base64"sv); builder.append(','); // NOTE: The specification does not say anything about encoding this, but we should encode at least control and non-ASCII // characters (since this is also a valid representation of the same data URL). builder.append(URL::percent_encode(m_data_payload, PercentEncodeSet::C0Control)); return builder.to_deprecated_string(); } // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url-serializer DeprecatedString URL::serialize(ExcludeFragment exclude_fragment) const { if (m_scheme == "data") return serialize_data_url(); // 1. Let output be url’s scheme and U+003A (:) concatenated. StringBuilder output; output.append(m_scheme); output.append(':'); // 2. If url’s host is non-null: if (!m_host.is_null()) { // 1. Append "//" to output. output.append("//"sv); // 2. If url includes credentials, then: if (includes_credentials()) { // 1. Append url’s username to output. output.append(m_username); // 2. If url’s password is not the empty string, then append U+003A (:), followed by url’s password, to output. if (!m_password.is_empty()) { output.append(':'); output.append(m_password); } // 3. Append U+0040 (@) to output. output.append('@'); } // 3. Append url’s host, serialized, to output. output.append(m_host); // 4. If url’s port is non-null, append U+003A (:) followed by url’s port, serialized, to output. if (m_port.has_value()) output.appendff(":{}", *m_port); } // 3. If url’s host is null, url does not have an opaque path, url’s path’s size is greater than 1, and url’s path[0] is the empty string, then append U+002F (/) followed by U+002E (.) to output. // 4. Append the result of URL path serializing url to output. // FIXME: Implement this closer to spec steps. if (cannot_be_a_base_url()) { output.append(m_paths[0]); } else { if (m_host.is_null() && m_paths.size() > 1 && m_paths[0].is_empty()) output.append("/."sv); for (auto& segment : m_paths) { output.append('/'); output.append(segment); } } // 5. If url’s query is non-null, append U+003F (?), followed by url’s query, to output. if (!m_query.is_null()) { output.append('?'); output.append(m_query); } // 6. If exclude fragment is false and url’s fragment is non-null, then append U+0023 (#), followed by url’s fragment, to output. if (exclude_fragment == ExcludeFragment::No && !m_fragment.is_null()) { output.append('#'); output.append(m_fragment); } // 7. Return output. return output.to_deprecated_string(); } // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#url-rendering // NOTE: This does e.g. not display credentials. // FIXME: Parts of the URL other than the host should have their sequences of percent-encoded bytes replaced with code points // resulting from percent-decoding those sequences converted to bytes, unless that renders those sequences invisible. DeprecatedString URL::serialize_for_display() const { VERIFY(m_valid); if (m_scheme == "data") return serialize_data_url(); StringBuilder builder; builder.append(m_scheme); builder.append(':'); if (!m_host.is_null()) { builder.append("//"sv); builder.append(m_host); if (m_port.has_value()) builder.appendff(":{}", *m_port); } if (cannot_be_a_base_url()) { builder.append(m_paths[0]); } else { if (m_host.is_null() && m_paths.size() > 1 && m_paths[0].is_empty()) builder.append("/."sv); for (auto& segment : m_paths) { builder.append('/'); builder.append(segment); } } if (!m_query.is_null()) { builder.append('?'); builder.append(m_query); } if (!m_fragment.is_null()) { builder.append('#'); builder.append(m_fragment); } return builder.to_deprecated_string(); } ErrorOr URL::to_string() const { return String::from_deprecated_string(serialize()); } // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/origin.html#ascii-serialisation-of-an-origin // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#concept-url-origin DeprecatedString URL::serialize_origin() const { VERIFY(m_valid); if (m_scheme == "blob"sv) { // TODO: 1. If URL’s blob URL entry is non-null, then return URL’s blob URL entry’s environment’s origin. // 2. Let url be the result of parsing URL’s path[0]. VERIFY(!m_paths.is_empty()); URL url = m_paths[0]; // 3. Return a new opaque origin, if url is failure, and url’s origin otherwise. if (!url.is_valid()) return "null"; return url.serialize_origin(); } else if (!m_scheme.is_one_of("ftp"sv, "http"sv, "https"sv, "ws"sv, "wss"sv)) { // file: "Unfortunate as it is, this is left as an exercise to the reader. When in doubt, return a new opaque origin." return "null"; } StringBuilder builder; builder.append(m_scheme); builder.append("://"sv); builder.append(m_host); if (m_port.has_value()) builder.appendff(":{}", *m_port); return builder.to_deprecated_string(); } bool URL::equals(URL const& other, ExcludeFragment exclude_fragments) const { if (this == &other) return true; if (!m_valid || !other.m_valid) return false; return serialize(exclude_fragments) == other.serialize(exclude_fragments); } void URL::append_percent_encoded(StringBuilder& builder, u32 code_point) { if (code_point <= 0x7f) builder.appendff("%{:02X}", code_point); else if (code_point <= 0x07ff) builder.appendff("%{:02X}%{:02X}", ((code_point >> 6) & 0x1f) | 0xc0, (code_point & 0x3f) | 0x80); else if (code_point <= 0xffff) builder.appendff("%{:02X}%{:02X}%{:02X}", ((code_point >> 12) & 0x0f) | 0xe0, ((code_point >> 6) & 0x3f) | 0x80, (code_point & 0x3f) | 0x80); else if (code_point <= 0x10ffff) builder.appendff("%{:02X}%{:02X}%{:02X}%{:02X}", ((code_point >> 18) & 0x07) | 0xf0, ((code_point >> 12) & 0x3f) | 0x80, ((code_point >> 6) & 0x3f) | 0x80, (code_point & 0x3f) | 0x80); else VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } // https://url.spec.whatwg.org/#c0-control-percent-encode-set bool URL::code_point_is_in_percent_encode_set(u32 code_point, URL::PercentEncodeSet set) { switch (set) { case URL::PercentEncodeSet::C0Control: return code_point < 0x20 || code_point > 0x7E; case URL::PercentEncodeSet::Fragment: return code_point_is_in_percent_encode_set(code_point, URL::PercentEncodeSet::C0Control) || " \"<>`"sv.contains(code_point); case URL::PercentEncodeSet::Query: return code_point_is_in_percent_encode_set(code_point, URL::PercentEncodeSet::C0Control) || " \"#<>"sv.contains(code_point); case URL::PercentEncodeSet::SpecialQuery: return code_point_is_in_percent_encode_set(code_point, URL::PercentEncodeSet::Query) || code_point == '\''; case URL::PercentEncodeSet::Path: return code_point_is_in_percent_encode_set(code_point, URL::PercentEncodeSet::Query) || "?`{}"sv.contains(code_point); case URL::PercentEncodeSet::Userinfo: return code_point_is_in_percent_encode_set(code_point, URL::PercentEncodeSet::Path) || "/:;=@[\\]^|"sv.contains(code_point); case URL::PercentEncodeSet::Component: return code_point_is_in_percent_encode_set(code_point, URL::PercentEncodeSet::Userinfo) || "$%&+,"sv.contains(code_point); case URL::PercentEncodeSet::ApplicationXWWWFormUrlencoded: return code_point_is_in_percent_encode_set(code_point, URL::PercentEncodeSet::Component) || "!'()~"sv.contains(code_point); case URL::PercentEncodeSet::EncodeURI: // NOTE: This is the same percent encode set that JS encodeURI() uses. // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/encodeURI return code_point > 0x7E || (!is_ascii_alphanumeric(code_point) && !";,/?:@&=+$-_.!~*'()#"sv.contains(static_cast(code_point))); default: VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } void URL::append_percent_encoded_if_necessary(StringBuilder& builder, u32 code_point, URL::PercentEncodeSet set) { if (code_point_is_in_percent_encode_set(code_point, set)) append_percent_encoded(builder, code_point); else builder.append_code_point(code_point); } DeprecatedString URL::percent_encode(StringView input, URL::PercentEncodeSet set, SpaceAsPlus space_as_plus) { StringBuilder builder; for (auto code_point : Utf8View(input)) { if (space_as_plus == SpaceAsPlus::Yes && code_point == ' ') builder.append('+'); else append_percent_encoded_if_necessary(builder, code_point, set); } return builder.to_deprecated_string(); } DeprecatedString URL::percent_decode(StringView input) { if (!input.contains('%')) return input; StringBuilder builder; Utf8View utf8_view(input); for (auto it = utf8_view.begin(); !it.done(); ++it) { if (*it != '%') { builder.append_code_point(*it); } else if (!is_ascii_hex_digit(it.peek(1).value_or(0)) || !is_ascii_hex_digit(it.peek(2).value_or(0))) { builder.append_code_point(*it); } else { ++it; u8 byte = parse_ascii_hex_digit(*it) << 4; ++it; byte += parse_ascii_hex_digit(*it); builder.append(byte); } } return builder.to_deprecated_string(); } }