@GUI::Widget { fill_with_background_color: true layout: @GUI::VerticalBoxLayout {} // Add a tasteful separating line between the menu and the main UI. @GUI::HorizontalSeparator { fixed_height: 2 } @GUI::Widget { layout: @GUI::VerticalBoxLayout { margins: [0, 4, 4] } @GUI::TabWidget { name: "main_tabs" @GUI::Widget { title: "Processes" name: "processes" layout: @GUI::VerticalBoxLayout { margins: [4] spacing: 0 } @GUI::TreeView { name: "process_table" column_headers_visible: true should_fill_selected_rows: true selection_behavior: "SelectRows" } } @GUI::Widget { title: "Performance" name: "performance" background_role: "Button" fill_with_background_color: true layout: @GUI::VerticalBoxLayout { margins: [4] } @GUI::GroupBox { title: "CPU usage" name: "cpu_graph" layout: @GUI::VerticalBoxLayout {} } @GUI::GroupBox { title: "Memory usage" fixed_height: 120 layout: @GUI::VerticalBoxLayout { margins: [6] } @SystemMonitor::GraphWidget { stack_values: true name: "memory_graph" } } @SystemMonitor::MemoryStatsWidget { name: "memory_stats" memory_graph: "memory_graph" } } @SystemMonitor::StorageTabWidget { title: "Storage" name: "storage" layout: @GUI::VerticalBoxLayout { margins: [4] } @GUI::TableView { name: "storage_table" } } @SystemMonitor::NetworkStatisticsWidget { title: "Network" name: "network" } } } @GUI::Statusbar { segment_count: 3 name: "statusbar" } }