@MouseSettings::MouseWidget { fill_with_background_color: true layout: @GUI::VerticalBoxLayout { margins: [8] } @GUI::GroupBox { title: "Cursor speed" fixed_height: 106 layout: @GUI::VerticalBoxLayout { margins: [6] spacing: 2 } @GUI::Widget { layout: @GUI::HorizontalBoxLayout { spacing: 16 } @GUI::ImageWidget { fixed_width: 32 fixed_height: 32 bitmap: "/res/graphics/mouse-cursor-speed.png" } @GUI::Label { text: "The relative speed of the mouse cursor." text_alignment: "CenterLeft" } } @GUI::Widget { layout: @GUI::HorizontalBoxLayout { spacing: 16 } @GUI::Widget { fixed_width: 32 } @GUI::HorizontalSlider { name: "speed_slider" min: 0 max: 100 value: 50 } @GUI::Label { fixed_width: 40 name: "speed_label" } } } @GUI::GroupBox { title: "Scroll wheel" fixed_height: 106 layout: @GUI::VerticalBoxLayout { margins: [6] spacing: 2 } @GUI::Widget { layout: @GUI::HorizontalBoxLayout { spacing: 16 } @GUI::ImageWidget { fixed_width: 32 fixed_height: 32 bitmap: "/res/graphics/scroll-wheel-step-size.png" } @GUI::Label { text: "The number of steps taken when the scroll wheel is\nmoved a single notch." text_alignment: "CenterLeft" } } @GUI::Widget { layout: @GUI::HorizontalBoxLayout { margins: [4, 0, 2, 8] spacing: 8 } @GUI::Widget { fixed_width: 32 } @GUI::Label { autosize: true text: "Step size:" } @GUI::SpinBox { name: "scroll_length_spinbox" min: 0 max: 100 value: 50 preferred_width: "opportunistic_grow" } @GUI::Widget { fixed_width: 16 } @GUI::CheckBox { name: "natural_scroll_checkbox" text: "Natural scrolling" tooltip: "Content follows motion instead of the viewport,\nalso commonly referred to as \"reverse scrolling\"." preferred_width: 110 } } } @GUI::GroupBox { title: "Double-click speed" fixed_height: 106 layout: @GUI::VerticalBoxLayout { margins: [6] spacing: 2 } @GUI::Widget { layout: @GUI::HorizontalBoxLayout { spacing: 16 } @MouseSettings::DoubleClickArrowWidget { fixed_width: 32 fixed_height: 32 name: "double_click_arrow_widget" } @GUI::Label { text: "The maximum time that may pass between two clicks\nin order for them to become a double-click." text_alignment: "CenterLeft" } } @GUI::Widget { layout: @GUI::HorizontalBoxLayout { margins: [8] spacing: 8 } @GUI::Widget { fixed_width: 32 } @GUI::HorizontalSlider { name: "double_click_speed_slider" min: 0 max: 100 value: 50 } @GUI::Label { fixed_width: 40 name: "double_click_speed_label" } } } @GUI::GroupBox { title: "Button configuration" fixed_height: 68 layout: @GUI::VerticalBoxLayout { margins: [16, 8, 8] spacing: 2 } @GUI::Widget { layout: @GUI::HorizontalBoxLayout { spacing: 16 } @GUI::ImageWidget { fixed_width: 32 fixed_height: 32 name: "switch_buttons_image" } @GUI::CheckBox { name: "switch_buttons_checkbox" text: "Switch primary and secondary buttons" } } } }