# SerenityOS build instructions ## Prerequisites Make sure you have all the dependencies installed: ### Debian / Ubuntu ```console sudo apt install build-essential cmake curl libmpfr-dev libmpc-dev libgmp-dev e2fsprogs ninja-build qemu-system-gui qemu-system-x86 qemu-utils ccache rsync unzip texinfo ``` #### GCC 10 On Ubuntu gcc-10 is available in the repositories of 20.04 (Focal) and later - add the `ubuntu-toolchain-r/test` PPA if you're running an older version: ```console sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test ``` Now on Ubuntu or Debian you can install gcc-10 with apt like this: ```console sudo apt install gcc-10 g++-10 ``` #### QEMU 5 or later QEMU version 5 is available in Ubuntu 20.10, but it is recommended to build Qemu as provided by the toolchain by running `Toolchain/BuildQemu.sh`. Note that you might need additional dev packages: ```console sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev libpixman-1-dev libsdl2-dev libspice-server-dev ``` ### Windows If you're on Windows you can use WSL2 to build SerenityOS. Please have a look at the [Windows guide](BuildInstructionsWindows.md) for details. ### Arch Linux / Manjaro ```console sudo pacman -S --needed base-devel cmake curl mpfr libmpc gmp e2fsprogs ninja qemu qemu-arch-extra ccache rsync unzip ``` ### Other systems There is also documentation for installing the build prerequisites for some less commonly used systems: * [Other Linux distributions and \*NIX systems](BuildInstructionsOther.md) * [macOS](BuildInstructionsMacOS.md) ## Build In order to build SerenityOS you will first need to build the toolchain by running the following command: ```console Meta/serenity.sh rebuild-toolchain ``` Later on, when you use `git pull` to get the latest changes, there's (usually) no need to rebuild the toolchain. Run the following command to build and run SerenityOS: ```console Meta/serenity.sh run ``` This will compile all of SerenityOS and install the built files into the `Build/i686/Root` directory inside your Git repository. It will also build a disk image and start SerenityOS using QEMU. Note that the `anon` user is able to become `root` without a password by default, as a development convenience. To prevent this, remove `anon` from the `wheel` group and he will no longer be able to run `/bin/su`. By default the `anon` user account's password is: `foo` If you want to test whether your code changes compile without running the VM you can use `Meta/serenity.sh build`. The `serenity.sh` script also provides a number of other commands. Run the script without arguments for a list. ## Ports To add a package from the ports collection to Serenity, for example curl, change into the `Ports/curl` directory and run `./package.sh`. The source code for the package will be downloaded and the package will be built. The next time you start Serenity, `curl` will be available. ## More information At this point you should have a fully functioning VM for SerenityOS. The [advanced build instructions guide](AdvancedBuildInstructions.md) has more information for some less commonly used features of the build system.