/* * Copyright (c) 2020, the SerenityOS developers. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(AK_OS_SERENITY) && !defined(KERNEL) # include #endif #ifdef KERNEL # include # include # include #else # include # include # include #endif namespace AK { class FormatParser : public GenericLexer { public: struct FormatSpecifier { StringView flags; size_t index; }; explicit FormatParser(StringView input); StringView consume_literal(); bool consume_number(size_t& value); bool consume_specifier(FormatSpecifier& specifier); bool consume_replacement_field(size_t& index); }; namespace { static constexpr size_t use_next_index = NumericLimits::max(); // The worst case is that we have the largest 64-bit value formatted as binary number, this would take // 65 bytes (85 bytes with separators). Choosing a larger power of two won't hurt and is a bit of mitigation against out-of-bounds accesses. static constexpr size_t convert_unsigned_to_string(u64 value, Array& buffer, u8 base, bool upper_case, bool use_separator) { VERIFY(base >= 2 && base <= 16); constexpr char const* lowercase_lookup = "0123456789abcdef"; constexpr char const* uppercase_lookup = "0123456789ABCDEF"; if (value == 0) { buffer[0] = '0'; return 1; } size_t used = 0; size_t digit_count = 0; while (value > 0) { if (upper_case) buffer[used++] = uppercase_lookup[value % base]; else buffer[used++] = lowercase_lookup[value % base]; digit_count++; value /= base; if (use_separator && value > 0 && digit_count % 3 == 0) buffer[used++] = ','; } for (size_t i = 0; i < used / 2; ++i) swap(buffer[i], buffer[used - i - 1]); return used; } ErrorOr vformat_impl(TypeErasedFormatParams& params, FormatBuilder& builder, FormatParser& parser) { auto const literal = parser.consume_literal(); TRY(builder.put_literal(literal)); FormatParser::FormatSpecifier specifier; if (!parser.consume_specifier(specifier)) { VERIFY(parser.is_eof()); return {}; } if (specifier.index == use_next_index) specifier.index = params.take_next_index(); auto& parameter = params.parameters().at(specifier.index); FormatParser argparser { specifier.flags }; TRY(parameter.formatter(params, builder, argparser, parameter.value)); TRY(vformat_impl(params, builder, parser)); return {}; } } // namespace AK::{anonymous} FormatParser::FormatParser(StringView input) : GenericLexer(input) { } StringView FormatParser::consume_literal() { auto const begin = tell(); while (!is_eof()) { if (consume_specific("{{")) continue; if (consume_specific("}}")) continue; if (next_is(is_any_of("{}"sv))) return m_input.substring_view(begin, tell() - begin); consume(); } return m_input.substring_view(begin); } bool FormatParser::consume_number(size_t& value) { value = 0; bool consumed_at_least_one = false; while (next_is(is_ascii_digit)) { value *= 10; value += parse_ascii_digit(consume()); consumed_at_least_one = true; } return consumed_at_least_one; } bool FormatParser::consume_specifier(FormatSpecifier& specifier) { VERIFY(!next_is('}')); if (!consume_specific('{')) return false; if (!consume_number(specifier.index)) specifier.index = use_next_index; if (consume_specific(':')) { auto const begin = tell(); size_t level = 1; while (level > 0) { VERIFY(!is_eof()); if (consume_specific('{')) { ++level; continue; } if (consume_specific('}')) { --level; continue; } consume(); } specifier.flags = m_input.substring_view(begin, tell() - begin - 1); } else { if (!consume_specific('}')) VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); specifier.flags = ""sv; } return true; } bool FormatParser::consume_replacement_field(size_t& index) { if (!consume_specific('{')) return false; if (!consume_number(index)) index = use_next_index; if (!consume_specific('}')) VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); return true; } ErrorOr FormatBuilder::put_padding(char fill, size_t amount) { for (size_t i = 0; i < amount; ++i) TRY(m_builder.try_append(fill)); return {}; } ErrorOr FormatBuilder::put_literal(StringView value) { for (size_t i = 0; i < value.length(); ++i) { TRY(m_builder.try_append(value[i])); if (value[i] == '{' || value[i] == '}') ++i; } return {}; } ErrorOr FormatBuilder::put_string( StringView value, Align align, size_t min_width, size_t max_width, char fill) { auto const used_by_string = min(max_width, value.length()); auto const used_by_padding = max(min_width, used_by_string) - used_by_string; if (used_by_string < value.length()) value = value.substring_view(0, used_by_string); if (align == Align::Left || align == Align::Default) { TRY(m_builder.try_append(value)); TRY(put_padding(fill, used_by_padding)); } else if (align == Align::Center) { auto const used_by_left_padding = used_by_padding / 2; auto const used_by_right_padding = ceil_div(used_by_padding, 2); TRY(put_padding(fill, used_by_left_padding)); TRY(m_builder.try_append(value)); TRY(put_padding(fill, used_by_right_padding)); } else if (align == Align::Right) { TRY(put_padding(fill, used_by_padding)); TRY(m_builder.try_append(value)); } return {}; } ErrorOr FormatBuilder::put_u64( u64 value, u8 base, bool prefix, bool upper_case, bool zero_pad, bool use_separator, Align align, size_t min_width, char fill, SignMode sign_mode, bool is_negative) { if (align == Align::Default) align = Align::Right; Array buffer; auto const used_by_digits = convert_unsigned_to_string(value, buffer, base, upper_case, use_separator); size_t used_by_prefix = 0; if (align == Align::Right && zero_pad) { // We want DeprecatedString::formatted("{:#08x}", 32) to produce '0x00000020' instead of '0x000020'. This // behavior differs from both fmtlib and printf, but is more intuitive. used_by_prefix = 0; } else { if (is_negative || sign_mode != SignMode::OnlyIfNeeded) used_by_prefix += 1; if (prefix) { if (base == 8) used_by_prefix += 1; else if (base == 16) used_by_prefix += 2; else if (base == 2) used_by_prefix += 2; } } auto const used_by_field = used_by_prefix + used_by_digits; auto const used_by_padding = max(used_by_field, min_width) - used_by_field; auto const put_prefix = [&]() -> ErrorOr { if (is_negative) TRY(m_builder.try_append('-')); else if (sign_mode == SignMode::Always) TRY(m_builder.try_append('+')); else if (sign_mode == SignMode::Reserved) TRY(m_builder.try_append(' ')); if (prefix) { if (base == 2) { if (upper_case) TRY(m_builder.try_append("0B"sv)); else TRY(m_builder.try_append("0b"sv)); } else if (base == 8) { TRY(m_builder.try_append("0"sv)); } else if (base == 16) { if (upper_case) TRY(m_builder.try_append("0X"sv)); else TRY(m_builder.try_append("0x"sv)); } } return {}; }; auto const put_digits = [&]() -> ErrorOr { for (size_t i = 0; i < used_by_digits; ++i) TRY(m_builder.try_append(buffer[i])); return {}; }; if (align == Align::Left) { auto const used_by_right_padding = used_by_padding; TRY(put_prefix()); TRY(put_digits()); TRY(put_padding(fill, used_by_right_padding)); } else if (align == Align::Center) { auto const used_by_left_padding = used_by_padding / 2; auto const used_by_right_padding = ceil_div(used_by_padding, 2); TRY(put_padding(fill, used_by_left_padding)); TRY(put_prefix()); TRY(put_digits()); TRY(put_padding(fill, used_by_right_padding)); } else if (align == Align::Right) { auto const used_by_left_padding = used_by_padding; if (zero_pad) { TRY(put_prefix()); TRY(put_padding('0', used_by_left_padding)); TRY(put_digits()); } else { TRY(put_padding(fill, used_by_left_padding)); TRY(put_prefix()); TRY(put_digits()); } } return {}; } ErrorOr FormatBuilder::put_i64( i64 value, u8 base, bool prefix, bool upper_case, bool zero_pad, bool use_separator, Align align, size_t min_width, char fill, SignMode sign_mode) { auto const is_negative = value < 0; value = is_negative ? -value : value; TRY(put_u64(static_cast(value), base, prefix, upper_case, zero_pad, use_separator, align, min_width, fill, sign_mode, is_negative)); return {}; } ErrorOr FormatBuilder::put_fixed_point( bool is_negative, i64 integer_value, u64 fraction_value, u64 fraction_one, u8 base, bool upper_case, bool zero_pad, bool use_separator, Align align, size_t min_width, size_t precision, char fill, SignMode sign_mode, RealNumberDisplayMode display_mode) { StringBuilder string_builder; FormatBuilder format_builder { string_builder }; if (is_negative) integer_value = -integer_value; TRY(format_builder.put_u64(static_cast(integer_value), base, false, upper_case, false, use_separator, Align::Right, 0, ' ', sign_mode, is_negative)); if (precision > 0) { // FIXME: This is a terrible approximation but doing it properly would be a lot of work. If someone is up for that, a good // place to start would be the following video from CppCon 2019: // https://youtu.be/4P_kbF0EbZM (Stephan T. Lavavej “Floating-Point : Making Your Code 10x Faster With C++17's Final Boss”) u64 scale = pow(10, precision); auto fraction = (scale * fraction_value) / fraction_one; // TODO: overflows if (is_negative) fraction = scale - fraction; size_t leading_zeroes = 0; { auto scale_tmp = scale / 10; for (; fraction < scale_tmp; ++leading_zeroes) { scale_tmp /= 10; } } while (fraction != 0 && fraction % 10 == 0) fraction /= 10; size_t visible_precision = 0; { auto fraction_tmp = fraction; for (; visible_precision < precision; ++visible_precision) { if (fraction_tmp == 0 && display_mode != RealNumberDisplayMode::FixedPoint) break; fraction_tmp /= 10; } } if (visible_precision == 0) leading_zeroes = 0; if (zero_pad || visible_precision > 0) TRY(string_builder.try_append('.')); if (leading_zeroes > 0) TRY(format_builder.put_u64(0, base, false, false, true, use_separator, Align::Right, leading_zeroes)); if (visible_precision > 0) TRY(format_builder.put_u64(fraction, base, false, upper_case, true, use_separator, Align::Right, visible_precision)); if (zero_pad && (precision - leading_zeroes - visible_precision) > 0) TRY(format_builder.put_u64(0, base, false, false, true, use_separator, Align::Right, precision - leading_zeroes - visible_precision)); } TRY(put_string(string_builder.string_view(), align, min_width, NumericLimits::max(), fill)); return {}; } #ifndef KERNEL ErrorOr FormatBuilder::put_f64( double value, u8 base, bool upper_case, bool zero_pad, bool use_separator, Align align, size_t min_width, size_t precision, char fill, SignMode sign_mode, RealNumberDisplayMode display_mode) { StringBuilder string_builder; FormatBuilder format_builder { string_builder }; if (isnan(value) || isinf(value)) [[unlikely]] { if (value < 0.0) TRY(string_builder.try_append('-')); else if (sign_mode == SignMode::Always) TRY(string_builder.try_append('+')); else if (sign_mode == SignMode::Reserved) TRY(string_builder.try_append(' ')); if (isnan(value)) TRY(string_builder.try_append(upper_case ? "NAN"sv : "nan"sv)); else TRY(string_builder.try_append(upper_case ? "INF"sv : "inf"sv)); TRY(put_string(string_builder.string_view(), align, min_width, NumericLimits::max(), fill)); return {}; } bool is_negative = value < 0.0; if (is_negative) value = -value; TRY(format_builder.put_u64(static_cast(value), base, false, upper_case, false, use_separator, Align::Right, 0, ' ', sign_mode, is_negative)); if (precision > 0) { // FIXME: This is a terrible approximation but doing it properly would be a lot of work. If someone is up for that, a good // place to start would be the following video from CppCon 2019: // https://youtu.be/4P_kbF0EbZM (Stephan T. Lavavej “Floating-Point : Making Your Code 10x Faster With C++17's Final Boss”) value -= static_cast(value); double epsilon = 0.5; for (size_t i = 0; i < precision; ++i) epsilon /= 10.0; size_t visible_precision = 0; for (; visible_precision < precision; ++visible_precision) { if (value - static_cast(value) < epsilon && display_mode != RealNumberDisplayMode::FixedPoint) break; value *= 10.0; epsilon *= 10.0; } if (zero_pad || visible_precision > 0) TRY(string_builder.try_append('.')); if (visible_precision > 0) TRY(format_builder.put_u64(static_cast(value), base, false, upper_case, true, false, Align::Right, visible_precision)); if (zero_pad && (precision - visible_precision) > 0) TRY(format_builder.put_u64(0, base, false, false, true, false, Align::Right, precision - visible_precision)); } TRY(put_string(string_builder.string_view(), align, min_width, NumericLimits::max(), fill)); return {}; } ErrorOr FormatBuilder::put_f80( long double value, u8 base, bool upper_case, bool use_separator, Align align, size_t min_width, size_t precision, char fill, SignMode sign_mode, RealNumberDisplayMode display_mode) { StringBuilder string_builder; FormatBuilder format_builder { string_builder }; if (isnan(value) || isinf(value)) [[unlikely]] { if (value < 0.0l) TRY(string_builder.try_append('-')); else if (sign_mode == SignMode::Always) TRY(string_builder.try_append('+')); else if (sign_mode == SignMode::Reserved) TRY(string_builder.try_append(' ')); if (isnan(value)) TRY(string_builder.try_append(upper_case ? "NAN"sv : "nan"sv)); else TRY(string_builder.try_append(upper_case ? "INF"sv : "inf"sv)); TRY(put_string(string_builder.string_view(), align, min_width, NumericLimits::max(), fill)); return {}; } bool is_negative = value < 0.0l; if (is_negative) value = -value; TRY(format_builder.put_u64(static_cast(value), base, false, upper_case, false, use_separator, Align::Right, 0, ' ', sign_mode, is_negative)); if (precision > 0) { // FIXME: This is a terrible approximation but doing it properly would be a lot of work. If someone is up for that, a good // place to start would be the following video from CppCon 2019: // https://youtu.be/4P_kbF0EbZM (Stephan T. Lavavej “Floating-Point : Making Your Code 10x Faster With C++17's Final Boss”) value -= static_cast(value); long double epsilon = 0.5l; for (size_t i = 0; i < precision; ++i) epsilon /= 10.0l; size_t visible_precision = 0; for (; visible_precision < precision; ++visible_precision) { if (value - static_cast(value) < epsilon && display_mode != RealNumberDisplayMode::FixedPoint) break; value *= 10.0l; epsilon *= 10.0l; } if (visible_precision > 0) { string_builder.append('.'); TRY(format_builder.put_u64(static_cast(value), base, false, upper_case, true, false, Align::Right, visible_precision)); } } TRY(put_string(string_builder.string_view(), align, min_width, NumericLimits::max(), fill)); return {}; } #endif ErrorOr FormatBuilder::put_hexdump(ReadonlyBytes bytes, size_t width, char fill) { auto put_char_view = [&](auto i) -> ErrorOr { TRY(put_padding(fill, 4)); for (size_t j = i - width; j < i; ++j) { auto ch = bytes[j]; TRY(m_builder.try_append(ch >= 32 && ch <= 127 ? ch : '.')); // silly hack } return {}; }; for (size_t i = 0; i < bytes.size(); ++i) { if (width > 0) { if (i % width == 0 && i) { TRY(put_char_view(i)); TRY(put_literal("\n"sv)); } } TRY(put_u64(bytes[i], 16, false, false, true, false, Align::Right, 2)); } if (width > 0 && bytes.size() && bytes.size() % width == 0) TRY(put_char_view(bytes.size())); return {}; } ErrorOr vformat(StringBuilder& builder, StringView fmtstr, TypeErasedFormatParams& params) { FormatBuilder fmtbuilder { builder }; FormatParser parser { fmtstr }; TRY(vformat_impl(params, fmtbuilder, parser)); return {}; } void StandardFormatter::parse(TypeErasedFormatParams& params, FormatParser& parser) { if ("<^>"sv.contains(parser.peek(1))) { VERIFY(!parser.next_is(is_any_of("{}"sv))); m_fill = parser.consume(); } if (parser.consume_specific('<')) m_align = FormatBuilder::Align::Left; else if (parser.consume_specific('^')) m_align = FormatBuilder::Align::Center; else if (parser.consume_specific('>')) m_align = FormatBuilder::Align::Right; if (parser.consume_specific('-')) m_sign_mode = FormatBuilder::SignMode::OnlyIfNeeded; else if (parser.consume_specific('+')) m_sign_mode = FormatBuilder::SignMode::Always; else if (parser.consume_specific(' ')) m_sign_mode = FormatBuilder::SignMode::Reserved; if (parser.consume_specific('#')) m_alternative_form = true; if (parser.consume_specific('\'')) m_use_separator = true; if (parser.consume_specific('0')) m_zero_pad = true; if (size_t index = 0; parser.consume_replacement_field(index)) { if (index == use_next_index) index = params.take_next_index(); m_width = params.parameters().at(index).to_size(); } else if (size_t width = 0; parser.consume_number(width)) { m_width = width; } if (parser.consume_specific('.')) { if (size_t index = 0; parser.consume_replacement_field(index)) { if (index == use_next_index) index = params.take_next_index(); m_precision = params.parameters().at(index).to_size(); } else if (size_t precision = 0; parser.consume_number(precision)) { m_precision = precision; } } if (parser.consume_specific('b')) m_mode = Mode::Binary; else if (parser.consume_specific('B')) m_mode = Mode::BinaryUppercase; else if (parser.consume_specific('d')) m_mode = Mode::Decimal; else if (parser.consume_specific('o')) m_mode = Mode::Octal; else if (parser.consume_specific('x')) m_mode = Mode::Hexadecimal; else if (parser.consume_specific('X')) m_mode = Mode::HexadecimalUppercase; else if (parser.consume_specific('c')) m_mode = Mode::Character; else if (parser.consume_specific('s')) m_mode = Mode::String; else if (parser.consume_specific('p')) m_mode = Mode::Pointer; else if (parser.consume_specific('f')) m_mode = Mode::FixedPoint; else if (parser.consume_specific('a')) m_mode = Mode::Hexfloat; else if (parser.consume_specific('A')) m_mode = Mode::HexfloatUppercase; else if (parser.consume_specific("hex-dump")) m_mode = Mode::HexDump; if (!parser.is_eof()) dbgln("{} did not consume '{}'", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, parser.remaining()); VERIFY(parser.is_eof()); } ErrorOr Formatter::format(FormatBuilder& builder, StringView value) { if (m_sign_mode != FormatBuilder::SignMode::Default) VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); if (m_zero_pad) VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); if (m_mode != Mode::Default && m_mode != Mode::String && m_mode != Mode::Character && m_mode != Mode::HexDump) VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); m_width = m_width.value_or(0); m_precision = m_precision.value_or(NumericLimits::max()); if (m_mode == Mode::HexDump) return builder.put_hexdump(value.bytes(), m_width.value(), m_fill); return builder.put_string(value, m_align, m_width.value(), m_precision.value(), m_fill); } ErrorOr Formatter::vformat(FormatBuilder& builder, StringView fmtstr, TypeErasedFormatParams& params) { StringBuilder string_builder; TRY(AK::vformat(string_builder, fmtstr, params)); TRY(Formatter::format(builder, string_builder.string_view())); return {}; } template ErrorOr Formatter::format(FormatBuilder& builder, T value) { if (m_mode == Mode::Character) { // FIXME: We just support ASCII for now, in the future maybe unicode? // VERIFY(value >= 0 && value <= 127); m_mode = Mode::String; Formatter formatter { *this }; return formatter.format(builder, StringView { reinterpret_cast(&value), 1 }); } if (m_precision.has_value()) VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); if (m_mode == Mode::Pointer) { if (m_sign_mode != FormatBuilder::SignMode::Default) VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); if (m_align != FormatBuilder::Align::Default) VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); if (m_alternative_form) VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); if (m_width.has_value()) VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); m_mode = Mode::Hexadecimal; m_alternative_form = true; m_width = 2 * sizeof(void*); m_zero_pad = true; } u8 base = 0; bool upper_case = false; if (m_mode == Mode::Binary) { base = 2; } else if (m_mode == Mode::BinaryUppercase) { base = 2; upper_case = true; } else if (m_mode == Mode::Octal) { base = 8; } else if (m_mode == Mode::Decimal || m_mode == Mode::Default) { base = 10; } else if (m_mode == Mode::Hexadecimal) { base = 16; } else if (m_mode == Mode::HexadecimalUppercase) { base = 16; upper_case = true; } else if (m_mode == Mode::HexDump) { m_width = m_width.value_or(32); return builder.put_hexdump({ &value, sizeof(value) }, m_width.value(), m_fill); } else { VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } m_width = m_width.value_or(0); if constexpr (IsSame, T>) return builder.put_u64(value, base, m_alternative_form, upper_case, m_zero_pad, m_use_separator, m_align, m_width.value(), m_fill, m_sign_mode); else return builder.put_i64(value, base, m_alternative_form, upper_case, m_zero_pad, m_use_separator, m_align, m_width.value(), m_fill, m_sign_mode); } ErrorOr Formatter::format(FormatBuilder& builder, char value) { if (m_mode == Mode::Binary || m_mode == Mode::BinaryUppercase || m_mode == Mode::Decimal || m_mode == Mode::Octal || m_mode == Mode::Hexadecimal || m_mode == Mode::HexadecimalUppercase) { // Trick: signed char != char. (Sometimes weird features are actually helpful.) Formatter formatter { *this }; return formatter.format(builder, static_cast(value)); } else { Formatter formatter { *this }; return formatter.format(builder, { &value, 1 }); } } ErrorOr Formatter::format(FormatBuilder& builder, wchar_t value) { if (m_mode == Mode::Binary || m_mode == Mode::BinaryUppercase || m_mode == Mode::Decimal || m_mode == Mode::Octal || m_mode == Mode::Hexadecimal || m_mode == Mode::HexadecimalUppercase) { Formatter formatter { *this }; return formatter.format(builder, static_cast(value)); } else { StringBuilder codepoint; codepoint.append_code_point(value); Formatter formatter { *this }; return formatter.format(builder, codepoint.string_view()); } } ErrorOr Formatter::format(FormatBuilder& builder, bool value) { if (m_mode == Mode::Binary || m_mode == Mode::BinaryUppercase || m_mode == Mode::Decimal || m_mode == Mode::Octal || m_mode == Mode::Hexadecimal || m_mode == Mode::HexadecimalUppercase) { Formatter formatter { *this }; return formatter.format(builder, static_cast(value)); } else if (m_mode == Mode::HexDump) { return builder.put_hexdump({ &value, sizeof(value) }, m_width.value_or(32), m_fill); } else { Formatter formatter { *this }; return formatter.format(builder, value ? "true"sv : "false"sv); } } #ifndef KERNEL ErrorOr Formatter::format(FormatBuilder& builder, long double value) { u8 base; bool upper_case; FormatBuilder::RealNumberDisplayMode real_number_display_mode = FormatBuilder::RealNumberDisplayMode::General; if (m_mode == Mode::Default || m_mode == Mode::FixedPoint) { base = 10; upper_case = false; if (m_mode == Mode::FixedPoint) real_number_display_mode = FormatBuilder::RealNumberDisplayMode::FixedPoint; } else if (m_mode == Mode::Hexfloat) { base = 16; upper_case = false; } else if (m_mode == Mode::HexfloatUppercase) { base = 16; upper_case = true; } else { VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } m_width = m_width.value_or(0); m_precision = m_precision.value_or(6); return builder.put_f80(value, base, upper_case, m_use_separator, m_align, m_width.value(), m_precision.value(), m_fill, m_sign_mode, real_number_display_mode); } ErrorOr Formatter::format(FormatBuilder& builder, double value) { u8 base; bool upper_case; FormatBuilder::RealNumberDisplayMode real_number_display_mode = FormatBuilder::RealNumberDisplayMode::General; if (m_mode == Mode::Default || m_mode == Mode::FixedPoint) { base = 10; upper_case = false; if (m_mode == Mode::FixedPoint) real_number_display_mode = FormatBuilder::RealNumberDisplayMode::FixedPoint; } else if (m_mode == Mode::Hexfloat) { base = 16; upper_case = false; } else if (m_mode == Mode::HexfloatUppercase) { base = 16; upper_case = true; } else { VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } m_width = m_width.value_or(0); m_precision = m_precision.value_or(6); return builder.put_f64(value, base, upper_case, m_zero_pad, m_use_separator, m_align, m_width.value(), m_precision.value(), m_fill, m_sign_mode, real_number_display_mode); } ErrorOr Formatter::format(FormatBuilder& builder, float value) { Formatter formatter { *this }; return formatter.format(builder, value); } #endif #ifndef KERNEL void vout(FILE* file, StringView fmtstr, TypeErasedFormatParams& params, bool newline) { StringBuilder builder; MUST(vformat(builder, fmtstr, params)); if (newline) builder.append('\n'); auto const string = builder.string_view(); auto const retval = ::fwrite(string.characters_without_null_termination(), 1, string.length(), file); if (static_cast(retval) != string.length()) { auto error = ferror(file); dbgln("vout() failed ({} written out of {}), error was {} ({})", retval, string.length(), error, strerror(error)); } } #endif static bool is_debug_enabled = true; void set_debug_enabled(bool value) { is_debug_enabled = value; } void vdbg(StringView fmtstr, TypeErasedFormatParams& params, bool newline) { if (!is_debug_enabled) return; StringBuilder builder; #ifdef AK_OS_SERENITY # ifdef KERNEL if (Kernel::Processor::is_initialized() && TimeManagement::is_initialized()) { struct timespec ts = TimeManagement::the().monotonic_time(TimePrecision::Coarse).to_timespec(); if (Kernel::Thread::current()) { auto& thread = *Kernel::Thread::current(); thread.process().name().with([&](auto& process_name) { builder.appendff("{}.{:03} \033[34;1m[#{} {}({}:{})]\033[0m: ", ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec / 1000000, Kernel::Processor::current_id(), process_name->view(), thread.pid().value(), thread.tid().value()); }); } else { builder.appendff("{}.{:03} \033[34;1m[#{} Kernel]\033[0m: ", ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec / 1000000, Kernel::Processor::current_id()); } } else { builder.appendff("\033[34;1m[Kernel]\033[0m: "); } # else static TriState got_process_name = TriState::Unknown; static char process_name_buffer[256]; if (got_process_name == TriState::Unknown) { if (get_process_name(process_name_buffer, sizeof(process_name_buffer)) == 0) got_process_name = TriState::True; else got_process_name = TriState::False; } struct timespec ts; clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE, &ts); if (got_process_name == TriState::True) builder.appendff("{}.{:03} \033[33;1m{}({}:{})\033[0m: ", ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec / 1000000, process_name_buffer, getpid(), gettid()); # endif #endif MUST(vformat(builder, fmtstr, params)); if (newline) builder.append('\n'); auto const string = builder.string_view(); #ifdef AK_OS_SERENITY # ifdef KERNEL if (!Kernel::Processor::is_initialized()) { kernelearlyputstr(string.characters_without_null_termination(), string.length()); return; } # endif #endif dbgputstr(string.characters_without_null_termination(), string.length()); } #ifdef KERNEL void vdmesgln(StringView fmtstr, TypeErasedFormatParams& params) { StringBuilder builder; # ifdef AK_OS_SERENITY struct timespec ts = {}; if (TimeManagement::is_initialized()) { ts = TimeManagement::the().monotonic_time(TimePrecision::Coarse).to_timespec(); if (Kernel::Processor::is_initialized() && Kernel::Thread::current()) { auto& thread = *Kernel::Thread::current(); thread.process().name().with([&](auto& process_name) { builder.appendff("{}.{:03} \033[34;1m[{}({}:{})]\033[0m: ", ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec / 1000000, process_name->view(), thread.pid().value(), thread.tid().value()); }); } else { builder.appendff("{}.{:03} \033[34;1m[Kernel]\033[0m: ", ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec / 1000000); } } else { builder.appendff("\033[34;1m[Kernel]\033[0m: "); } # endif MUST(vformat(builder, fmtstr, params)); builder.append('\n'); auto const string = builder.string_view(); kernelputstr(string.characters_without_null_termination(), string.length()); } void v_critical_dmesgln(StringView fmtstr, TypeErasedFormatParams& params) { // FIXME: Try to avoid memory allocations further to prevent faulting // at OOM conditions. StringBuilder builder; # ifdef AK_OS_SERENITY if (Kernel::Processor::is_initialized() && Kernel::Thread::current()) { auto& thread = *Kernel::Thread::current(); thread.process().name().with([&](auto& process_name) { builder.appendff("[{}({}:{})]: ", process_name->view(), thread.pid().value(), thread.tid().value()); }); } else { builder.appendff("[Kernel]: "); } # endif MUST(vformat(builder, fmtstr, params)); builder.append('\n'); auto const string = builder.string_view(); kernelcriticalputstr(string.characters_without_null_termination(), string.length()); } #endif template struct Formatter; template struct Formatter; template struct Formatter; template struct Formatter; template struct Formatter; template struct Formatter; template struct Formatter; template struct Formatter; template struct Formatter; template struct Formatter; } // namespace AK