#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2018-2023, the SerenityOS developers. # Copyright (c) 2023, kleines Filmröllchen # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause from __future__ import annotations import os import re import sys from dataclasses import dataclass, field from enum import Enum, unique from itertools import chain, repeat from os import access, environ from pathlib import Path from shutil import which from subprocess import run from typing import Any, Callable, Literal import shlex QEMU_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_MAJOR_VERSION = 6 QEMU_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_MINOR_VERSION = 2 class RunError(Exception): pass @unique class Arch(Enum): """SerenityOS architecture, not host architecture.""" Aarch64 = "aarch64" RISCV64 = "riscv64" x86_64 = "x86_64" @unique class QEMUKind(Enum): """VM distinctions determining which hardware acceleration technology *might* be used.""" # Linux and anything that may or may not have KVM, including WSL with Linux QEMU. Other = "kvm" # WSL with native Windows QEMU (and possibly WHPX). NativeWindows = "whpx" # MacOS with HVF. MacOS = "hvf" # Serenity on Serenity with ported QEMU SerenityOS = "tcg" @unique class MachineType(Enum): Default = "" QEMUTap = "qtap" QEMUWithoutNetwork = "qn" QEMUExtLinux = "qextlinux" QEMU35 = "q35" QEMU35Grub = "q35grub" QEMUGrub = "qgrub" CI = "ci" Limine = "limine" Bochs = "b" MicroVM = "microvm" ISAPC = "isapc" def uses_grub(self) -> bool: return self in [MachineType.QEMU35Grub, MachineType.QEMUGrub] def is_q35(self) -> bool: return self in [MachineType.QEMU35Grub, MachineType.QEMU35] def supports_pc_speaker(self) -> bool: """Whether the pcspk-audiodev option is allowed for this machine type.""" return self in [ MachineType.Default, MachineType.QEMUTap, MachineType.QEMUWithoutNetwork, MachineType.QEMUExtLinux, MachineType.QEMU35, MachineType.QEMU35Grub, MachineType.QEMUGrub, MachineType.Limine, ] def arguments_generator(prefix: str) -> Any: """ Construct an argument generator that returns some prefix and the member value(s) if the member value is not None, or returns an empty list otherwise. The member value is the return value of the function decorated with this decorator. If a default is provided, in this case we return [prefix, default] instead. Many of our configurable QEMU arguments work like this. """ def decorate_function(member_accessor: Callable[[Configuration], str | list[str]]): def generate_arguments(self: Configuration) -> list[str]: member_value = member_accessor(self) if member_value is not None: if type(member_value) is list: # apply the prefix to every element of the list return list(chain(*zip(repeat(prefix), member_value))) # NOTE: the typechecker gets confused and can't figure out that # type(member_value) is *always* str here. elif type(member_value) is str: return [prefix, member_value] return [] return generate_arguments return decorate_function @dataclass class Configuration: """Run configuration, populated from command-line or environment variable data.""" # ## Programs and environmental configuration virtualization_support: bool = False bochs_binary: Path = Path("bochs") qemu_binary: Path | None = None qemu_kind: QEMUKind | None = None kvm_usable: bool | None = None architecture: Arch | None = None serenity_src: Path | None = None # ## High-level run configuration machine_type: MachineType = MachineType.Default enable_gdb: bool = False enable_gl: bool = False # FIXME: Replace these three flags by a boot drive enum, see FIXME for boot_drive below. nvme_enable: bool = True sd_enable: bool = False usb_boot_enable: bool = False virtio_block_enable: bool = False screen_count: int = 1 host_ip: str = "" ethernet_device_type: str = "e1000" disk_image: Path = Path("_disk_image") # ## Low-level QEMU configuration # QEMU -append kernel_cmdline: list[str] = field(default_factory=lambda: ["hello"]) # QEMU -m ram_size: str | None = "2G" # QEMU -cpu qemu_cpu: str | None = "max" # QEMU -smp cpu_count: int | None = 2 # QEMU -machine qemu_machine: str | None = None # QEMU -usb enable_usb: bool = False # QEMU -audiodev audio_backend: str | None = "none,id=snd0" # Each is a QEMU -device related to audio. audio_devices: list[str] = field(default_factory=list) # QEMU -vga vga_type: str | None = "none" # QEMU -display; if None, will omit the option and let QEMU figure out which backend to use on its own. display_backend: str | None = None # A QEMU -device for the graphics card. display_device: str | None = "VGA,vgamem_mb=64" # QEMU -netdev network_backend: str | None = None # A QEMU -device for networking. # Note that often, there are other network devices in the generic device list, added by specific machine types. network_default_device: str | None = None # QEMU -drive # FIXME: Make an enum for the various boot drive options to handle boot drive selection more cleanly. boot_drive: str | None = None # Each is a QEMU -chardev character_devices: list[str] = field(default_factory=list) # Each is a QEMU -device devices: list[str] = field(default_factory=list) # ## Argument lists and methods generating them # Argument list pertaining to Kernel and Prekernel image(s) kernel_and_initrd_arguments: list[str] = field(default_factory=list) # Argument list provided by the user for performing packet logging packet_logging_arguments: list[str] = field(default_factory=list) # Various arguments relating to SPICE setup spice_arguments: list[str] = field(default_factory=list) # Arbitrary extra arguments extra_arguments: list[str] = field(default_factory=list) @property @arguments_generator(prefix="-accel") def accelerator_arguments(self) -> str | None: return self.qemu_kind.value if self.virtualization_support and (self.qemu_kind is not None) else "tcg" @property def kernel_cmdline_arguments(self) -> list[str]: return ["-append", " ".join(self.kernel_cmdline)] if len(self.kernel_cmdline) != 0 else [] @property @arguments_generator(prefix="-m") def ram_arguments(self) -> str | None: return self.ram_size @property @arguments_generator(prefix="-cpu") def cpu_arguments(self) -> str | None: return self.qemu_cpu @property @arguments_generator(prefix="-smp") def smp_arguments(self) -> str | None: return str(self.cpu_count) if self.cpu_count is not None else None @property @arguments_generator(prefix="-machine") def machine_arguments(self) -> str | None: return self.qemu_machine @property def usb_arguments(self) -> list[str]: return ["-usb"] if self.enable_usb else [] @property @arguments_generator(prefix="-audiodev") def audio_backend_arguments(self) -> str | None: return self.audio_backend @property @arguments_generator(prefix="-device") def audio_devices_arguments(self) -> list[str] | None: return self.audio_devices @property @arguments_generator(prefix="-vga") def vga_arguments(self) -> str | None: return self.vga_type @property @arguments_generator(prefix="-display") def display_backend_arguments(self) -> str | None: return self.display_backend @property @arguments_generator(prefix="-device") def display_device_arguments(self) -> str | None: return self.display_device @property def network_backend_arguments(self) -> list[str]: return ["-netdev", self.network_backend] if self.network_backend is not None else ["-nic", "none"] @property @arguments_generator(prefix="-device") def network_default_arguments(self) -> str | None: return self.network_default_device @property @arguments_generator(prefix="-drive") def boot_drive_arguments(self) -> str | None: return self.boot_drive @property @arguments_generator(prefix="-chardev") def character_device_arguments(self) -> list[str]: return self.character_devices @property @arguments_generator(prefix="-device") def device_arguments(self) -> list[str]: return self.devices def add_device(self, device: str): self.devices.append(device) def add_devices(self, devices: list[str]): self.devices.extend(devices) def kvm_usable() -> bool: return access("/dev/kvm", os.R_OK | os.W_OK) def determine_qemu_kind() -> QEMUKind: if which("wslpath") is not None and environ.get("SERENITY_NATIVE_WINDOWS_QEMU", "1") == "1": # Assume native Windows QEMU for now, # we might discard that assuption later when we properly # look for the binary. return QEMUKind.NativeWindows if sys.platform == "darwin": return QEMUKind.MacOS if os.uname().sysname == "SerenityOS": return QEMUKind.SerenityOS return QEMUKind.Other def determine_serenity_arch() -> Arch: arch = environ.get("SERENITY_ARCH") if arch == "aarch64": return Arch.Aarch64 if arch == "riscv64": return Arch.RISCV64 if arch == "x86_64": return Arch.x86_64 raise RunError("Please specify a valid SerenityOS architecture") def determine_machine_type() -> MachineType: provided_machine_type = environ.get("SERENITY_RUN") if provided_machine_type is not None: try: value = MachineType(provided_machine_type) except ValueError: raise RunError(f"{provided_machine_type} is not a valid SerenityOS machine type") return value return MachineType.Default def detect_bochs() -> Path: return Path(environ.get("SERENITY_BOCHS_BIN", "bochs")) def detect_ram_size() -> str | None: return environ.get("SERENITY_RAM_SIZE", "2G") def set_up_qemu_binary(config: Configuration): qemu_binary_basename: str | None = None if "SERENITY_QEMU_BIN" in environ: qemu_binary_basename = environ.get("SERENITY_QEMU_BIN") else: if config.architecture == Arch.Aarch64: qemu_binary_basename = "qemu-system-aarch64" elif config.architecture == Arch.RISCV64: qemu_binary_basename = "qemu-system-riscv64" elif config.architecture == Arch.x86_64: qemu_binary_basename = "qemu-system-x86_64" if qemu_binary_basename is None: raise RunError("QEMU binary could not be determined") # Try finding native Windows QEMU first if config.qemu_kind == QEMUKind.NativeWindows: # FIXME: Consider using the wslwinreg module instead to access the registry more conveniently. # Some Windows systems don't have reg.exe's directory on the PATH by default. environ["PATH"] = environ["PATH"] + ":/mnt/c/Windows/System32" try: qemu_install_dir_result = run( ["reg.exe", "query", r"HKLM\Software\QEMU", "/v", "Install_Dir", "/t", "REG_SZ"], capture_output=True, ) if qemu_install_dir_result.returncode == 0: registry_regex = re.compile(rb"Install_Dir\s+REG_SZ\s+(.*)$", flags=re.MULTILINE) qemu_install_dir_match = registry_regex.search(qemu_install_dir_result.stdout) if qemu_install_dir_match is not None: # If Windows prints non-ASCII characters, those will most likely not be UTF-8. # Therefore, don't decode sooner. Also, remove trailing '\r' qemu_install_dir = Path(qemu_install_dir_match.group(1).decode("utf-8").strip()) config.qemu_binary = Path( run( ["wslpath", "--", Path(qemu_install_dir, qemu_binary_basename)], encoding="utf-8", capture_output=True, ).stdout.strip() ).with_suffix(".exe") # No native Windows QEMU, reconfigure to Linux QEMU without KVM else: config.virtualization_support = False config.qemu_kind = QEMUKind.Other except Exception: # reg.exe not found; errors in reg.exe itself do not throw an error. config.qemu_kind = QEMUKind.Other if config.qemu_binary is None: # Set up full path for the binary if possible (otherwise trust system PATH) local_qemu_bin = Path(str(config.serenity_src), "Toolchain/Local/qemu/bin/", qemu_binary_basename) old_local_qemu_bin = Path(str(config.serenity_src), "Toolchain/Local/x86_64/bin/", qemu_binary_basename) if local_qemu_bin.exists(): config.qemu_binary = local_qemu_bin elif old_local_qemu_bin.exists(): config.qemu_binary = old_local_qemu_bin else: config.qemu_binary = Path(qemu_binary_basename) def check_qemu_version(config: Configuration): if config.qemu_binary is None: raise RunError( f"Please install QEMU version {QEMU_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_MAJOR_VERSION}.{QEMU_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_MINOR_VERSION} or newer or use the Toolchain/BuildQemu.sh script." # noqa: E501 ) version_information = run([config.qemu_binary, "-version"], capture_output=True, encoding="utf-8").stdout qemu_version_regex = re.compile(r"QEMU emulator version ([1-9][0-9]*|0)\.([1-9][0-9]*|0)") version_groups = qemu_version_regex.search(version_information) if version_groups is None: raise RunError(f'QEMU seems to be defective, its version information is "{version_information}"') major = int(version_groups.group(1)) minor = int(version_groups.group(2)) if major < QEMU_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_MAJOR_VERSION or ( major == QEMU_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_MAJOR_VERSION and minor < QEMU_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_MINOR_VERSION ): raise RunError( f"Required QEMU >= {QEMU_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_MAJOR_VERSION}.{QEMU_MINIMUM_REQUIRED_MINOR_VERSION}!\ Found {major}.{minor}. Please install a newer version of QEMU or use the Toolchain/BuildQemu.sh script." ) def set_up_virtualization_support(config: Configuration): provided_virtualization_enable = environ.get("SERENITY_VIRTUALIZATION_SUPPORT") # The user config always forces the platform-appropriate virtualizer to be used, # even if we couldn't detect it otherwise; this is intended behavior. if provided_virtualization_enable is not None: config.virtualization_support = provided_virtualization_enable == "1" elif config.architecture == Arch.x86_64 and os.uname().machine == Arch.x86_64.value: # FIXME: Can RISC-V use hardware acceleration? config.virtualization_support = (config.qemu_kind in [QEMUKind.NativeWindows, QEMUKind.MacOS] or kvm_usable()) if config.virtualization_support: available_accelerators = run( [str(config.qemu_binary), "-accel", "help"], capture_output=True, ).stdout # Check if HVF is actually available if we're on MacOS if config.qemu_kind == QEMUKind.MacOS and (b"hvf" not in available_accelerators): config.virtualization_support = False def set_up_basic_kernel_cmdline(config: Configuration): provided_cmdline = environ.get("SERENITY_KERNEL_CMDLINE") if provided_cmdline is not None: # Split environment variable at spaces, since we don't pass arguments like shell scripts do. config.kernel_cmdline.extend(provided_cmdline.split(sep=None)) # Handle system-specific arguments now, boot type specific arguments are handled later. if config.qemu_kind == QEMUKind.NativeWindows: config.kernel_cmdline.append("disable_virtio") def set_up_disk_image_path(config: Configuration): provided_disk_image = environ.get("SERENITY_DISK_IMAGE") if provided_disk_image is not None: config.disk_image = Path(provided_disk_image) else: if config.machine_type.uses_grub(): config.disk_image = Path("grub_disk_image") elif config.machine_type == MachineType.Limine: config.disk_image = Path("limine_disk_image") elif config.machine_type == MachineType.QEMUExtLinux: config.disk_image = Path("extlinux_disk_image") if config.qemu_kind == QEMUKind.NativeWindows: config.disk_image = Path( run(["wslpath", "-w", config.disk_image], capture_output=True, encoding="utf-8").stdout.strip() ) def set_up_cpu(config: Configuration): if config.qemu_kind == QEMUKind.NativeWindows: config.qemu_cpu = "max,vmx=off" else: provided_cpu = environ.get("SERENITY_QEMU_CPU") if provided_cpu is not None: config.qemu_cpu = provided_cpu def set_up_cpu_count(config: Configuration): if config.architecture != Arch.x86_64: return provided_cpu_count = environ.get("SERENITY_CPUS") if provided_cpu_count is not None: try: config.cpu_count = int(provided_cpu_count) except ValueError: raise RunError(f"Non-integer CPU count {provided_cpu_count}") if config.cpu_count is not None and config.qemu_cpu is not None and config.cpu_count <= 8: # -x2apic is not a flag, but disables x2APIC for easier testing on lower CPU counts. config.qemu_cpu += ",-x2apic" def set_up_spice(config: Configuration): if environ.get("SERENITY_SPICE") == "1": chardev_info = run( [str(config.qemu_binary), "-chardev", "help"], capture_output=True, encoding="utf-8", ).stdout.lower() if "qemu-vdagent" in chardev_info: config.spice_arguments = [ "-chardev", "qemu-vdagent,clipboard=on,mouse=off,id=vdagent,name=vdagent", ] elif "spicevmc" in chardev_info: config.spice_arguments = ["-chardev", "spicevmc,id=vdagent,name=vdagent"] else: raise RunError("No compatible SPICE character device was found") if "spice" in chardev_info: config.spice_arguments.extend(["-spice", "port=5930,agent-mouse=off,disable-ticketing=on"]) if "spice" in chardev_info or "vdagent" in chardev_info: config.spice_arguments.extend(["-device", "virtserialport,chardev=vdagent,nr=1"]) def set_up_audio_backend(config: Configuration): if config.qemu_kind == QEMUKind.MacOS: config.audio_backend = "coreaudio" elif config.qemu_kind == QEMUKind.NativeWindows: config.audio_backend = "dsound,timer-period=2000" elif config.machine_type != MachineType.CI: # FIXME: Use "-audiodev help" once that contains information on all our supported versions, # "-audio-help" is marked as deprecated. qemu_audio_help = run( [str(config.qemu_binary), "-audio-help"], capture_output=True, encoding="utf-8", ).stdout if qemu_audio_help == "": qemu_audio_help = run( [str(config.qemu_binary), "-audiodev", "help"], capture_output=True, encoding="utf-8", ).stdout if "sdl" in qemu_audio_help: config.audio_backend = "sdl" elif "pa" in qemu_audio_help: config.audio_backend = "pa,timer-period=2000" if config.audio_backend is not None: config.audio_backend += ",id=snd0" def set_up_audio_hardware(config: Configuration): provided_audio_hardware = environ.get("SERENITY_AUDIO_HARDWARE", "intelhda") if provided_audio_hardware == "ac97": config.audio_devices = ["ac97,audiodev=snd0"] elif provided_audio_hardware == "intelhda": config.audio_devices = ["ich9-intel-hda", "hda-output,audiodev=snd0"] else: raise RunError(f"Unknown audio hardware {provided_audio_hardware}. Supported values: ac97, intelhda") if config.machine_type.supports_pc_speaker() and config.architecture == Arch.x86_64: config.extra_arguments.extend(["-machine", "pcspk-audiodev=snd0"]) def has_virgl() -> bool: try: ldconfig_result = run(["ldconfig", "-p"], capture_output=True, encoding="utf-8").stdout.lower() return "virglrenderer" in ldconfig_result except FileNotFoundError: print("Warning: ldconfig not found in PATH, assuming virgl support to not be present.") return False def set_up_screens(config: Configuration): provided_screen_count_unparsed = environ.get("SERENITY_SCREENS", "1") try: config.screen_count = int(provided_screen_count_unparsed) except ValueError: raise RunError(f"Invalid screen count {provided_screen_count_unparsed}") provided_display_backend = environ.get("SERENITY_QEMU_DISPLAY_BACKEND") if provided_display_backend is not None: config.display_backend = provided_display_backend else: qemu_display_info = run( [str(config.qemu_binary), "-display", "help"], capture_output=True, encoding="utf-8", ).stdout.lower() if len(config.spice_arguments) != 0: config.display_backend = "spice-app" elif config.qemu_kind == QEMUKind.NativeWindows: # QEMU for windows does not like gl=on, so detect if we are building in wsl, and if so, disable it # Also, when using the GTK backend we run into this problem: # https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/issues/7657 config.display_backend = "sdl,gl=off" elif config.screen_count > 1 and "sdl" in qemu_display_info: config.display_backend = "sdl,gl=off" elif "sdl" in qemu_display_info and has_virgl(): config.display_backend = "sdl,gl=on" elif "cocoa" in qemu_display_info: config.display_backend = "cocoa,gl=off" elif config.qemu_kind == QEMUKind.SerenityOS: config.display_backend = "sdl,gl=off" else: config.display_backend = "gtk,gl=off" def set_up_display_device(config: Configuration): config.enable_gl = environ.get("SERENITY_GL") == "1" provided_display_device = environ.get("SERENITY_QEMU_DISPLAY_DEVICE") if provided_display_device is not None: config.display_device = provided_display_device elif config.enable_gl: # QEMU appears to not support the GL backend for VirtIO GPU variant on macOS. if config.qemu_kind == QEMUKind.MacOS: raise RunError("SERENITY_GL is not supported since there's no GL backend on macOS") elif config.screen_count > 1: raise RunError("SERENITY_GL and multi-monitor support cannot be set up simultaneously") config.display_device = "virtio-vga-gl" elif config.screen_count > 1: # QEMU appears to not support the virtio-vga VirtIO GPU variant on macOS. # To ensure we can still boot on macOS with VirtIO GPU, use the virtio-gpu-pci # variant, which lacks any VGA compatibility (which is not relevant for us anyway). if config.qemu_kind == QEMUKind.MacOS: config.display_device = f"virtio-gpu-pci,max_outputs={config.screen_count}" else: config.display_device = f"virtio-vga,max_outputs={config.screen_count}" # QEMU appears to always relay absolute mouse coordinates relative to the screen that the mouse is # pointed to, without any way for us to know what screen it was. So, when dealing with multiple # displays force using relative coordinates only. config.kernel_cmdline.append("vmmouse=off") def set_up_boot_drive(config: Configuration): provided_nvme_enable = environ.get("SERENITY_NVME_ENABLE") if provided_nvme_enable is not None: config.nvme_enable = provided_nvme_enable == "1" provided_sdcard_enable = environ.get("SERENITY_USE_SDCARD") if provided_sdcard_enable is not None: config.sd_enable = provided_sdcard_enable == "1" provided_usb_boot_enable = environ.get("SERENITY_USE_USBDRIVE") if provided_usb_boot_enable is not None: config.usb_boot_enable = provided_usb_boot_enable == "1" provided_virtio_block_enable = environ.get("SERENITY_USE_VIRTIOBLOCK") if provided_virtio_block_enable is not None: config.virtio_block_enable = provided_virtio_block_enable == "1" if config.machine_type in [MachineType.MicroVM, MachineType.ISAPC]: if config.nvme_enable: print("Warning: NVMe does not work under MicroVM/ISA PC, automatically disabling it.") config.nvme_enable = False if config.architecture == Arch.Aarch64: config.boot_drive = f"file={config.disk_image},if=sd,format=raw,id=disk" elif config.nvme_enable: config.boot_drive = f"file={config.disk_image},format=raw,index=0,media=disk,if=none,id=disk" config.add_devices( [ "i82801b11-bridge,id=bridge4", "nvme,serial=deadbeef,drive=disk,bus=bridge4,logical_block_size=4096,physical_block_size=4096", ] ) config.kernel_cmdline.append("root=nvme0:1:0") elif config.sd_enable: config.boot_drive = f"id=sd-boot-drive,if=none,format=raw,file={config.disk_image}" config.add_devices(["sdhci-pci", "sd-card,drive=sd-boot-drive"]) config.kernel_cmdline.append("root=sd2:0:0") elif config.usb_boot_enable: config.boot_drive = f"if=none,id=usbstick,format=raw,file={config.disk_image}" config.add_device("usb-storage,drive=usbstick") # FIXME: Find a better way to address the usb drive config.kernel_cmdline.append("root=block3:0") elif config.virtio_block_enable: config.boot_drive = f"if=none,id=virtio-root,format=raw,file={config.disk_image}" config.add_device("virtio-blk-pci,drive=virtio-root") config.kernel_cmdline.append("root=lun3:0:0") else: config.boot_drive = f"file={config.disk_image},format=raw,index=0,media=disk,id=disk" def determine_host_address() -> str: return environ.get("SERENITY_HOST_IP", "") def set_up_gdb(config: Configuration): config.enable_gdb = environ.get("SERENITY_DISABLE_GDB_SOCKET") != "1" if config.qemu_kind == QEMUKind.NativeWindows or ( config.virtualization_support and config.qemu_kind == QEMUKind.MacOS ): config.enable_gdb = False if config.enable_gdb: config.extra_arguments.extend(["-gdb", f"tcp:{config.host_ip}:1234"]) def set_up_network_hardware(config: Configuration): config.packet_logging_arguments = (environ.get("SERENITY_PACKET_LOGGING_ARG", "")).split() provided_ethernet_device_type = environ.get("SERENITY_ETHERNET_DEVICE_TYPE") if provided_ethernet_device_type is not None: config.ethernet_device_type = provided_ethernet_device_type if config.architecture == Arch.Aarch64: config.network_backend = None config.network_default_device = None else: config.network_backend = f"user,id=breh,hostfwd=tcp:{config.host_ip}:8888-,\ hostfwd=tcp:{config.host_ip}:8823-,\ hostfwd=tcp:{config.host_ip}:8000-,\ hostfwd=tcp:{config.host_ip}:2222-" config.network_default_device = f"{config.ethernet_device_type},netdev=breh" def set_up_kernel(config: Configuration): if config.architecture == Arch.Aarch64: config.kernel_and_initrd_arguments = ["-kernel", "Kernel/Kernel"] elif config.architecture == Arch.RISCV64: config.kernel_and_initrd_arguments = ["-kernel", "Kernel/Kernel.bin"] elif config.architecture == Arch.x86_64: config.kernel_and_initrd_arguments = ["-kernel", "Kernel/Kernel"] def set_up_machine_devices(config: Configuration): # TODO: Maybe disable SPICE everwhere except the default machine? if config.qemu_kind != QEMUKind.NativeWindows: config.extra_arguments.extend(["-qmp", "unix:qmp-sock,server,nowait"]) config.extra_arguments.extend(["-name", "SerenityOS", "-d", "guest_errors"]) # Architecture specifics. if config.architecture == Arch.Aarch64: config.qemu_machine = "raspi3b" config.cpu_count = None config.ram_size = "1G" # The raspi3b machine only accepts 1G as a valid RAM size. config.vga_type = None config.display_device = None if config.machine_type != MachineType.CI: # FIXME: Windows QEMU crashes when we set the same display as usual here. config.display_backend = None config.audio_devices = [] config.extra_arguments.extend(["-serial", "stdio"]) config.qemu_cpu = None return elif config.architecture == Arch.RISCV64: config.qemu_machine = "virt" config.cpu_count = None config.audio_devices = [] config.extra_arguments.extend(["-serial", "stdio"]) config.kernel_cmdline.extend(["serial_debug", "nvme_poll"]) config.qemu_cpu = None config.add_devices( [ "virtio-keyboard", "virtio-tablet", ] ) return # Machine specific base setups if config.machine_type in [MachineType.QEMU35Grub, MachineType.QEMU35]: config.qemu_machine = "q35" config.vga_type = None # We set up our own custom display devices. config.display_device = None config.add_devices( [ "isa-debugcon,chardev=stdout", "vmware-svga", "ich9-usb-ehci1,bus=pcie.0,multifunction=on,addr=0x05.3,multifunction=on,id=ehci1", "ich9-usb-uhci1,bus=pcie.0,multifunction=on,addr=0x05.0,masterbus=ehci1.0,firstport=0", "ich9-usb-uhci2,bus=pcie.0,multifunction=on,addr=0x05.1,masterbus=ehci1.0,firstport=2", "ich9-usb-uhci3,bus=pcie.0,multifunction=on,addr=0x05.2,masterbus=ehci1.0,firstport=4", "ich9-usb-ehci2,bus=pcie.0,multifunction=on,addr=0x07.3,multifunction=on,id=ehci2", "ich9-usb-uhci4,bus=pcie.0,multifunction=on,addr=0x07.0,masterbus=ehci2.0,firstport=0", "ich9-usb-uhci5,bus=pcie.0,multifunction=on,addr=0x07.1,masterbus=ehci2.0,firstport=2", "ich9-usb-uhci6,bus=pcie.0,multifunction=on,addr=0x07.2,masterbus=ehci2.0,firstport=4", "pcie-root-port,port=0x10,chassis=1,id=pcie.1,bus=pcie.0,multifunction=on,addr=0x6", "pcie-root-port,port=0x11,chassis=2,id=pcie.2,bus=pcie.0,addr=0x6.0x1", "pcie-root-port,port=0x12,chassis=3,id=pcie.3,bus=pcie.0,addr=0x6.0x2", "pcie-root-port,port=0x13,chassis=4,id=pcie.4,bus=pcie.0,addr=0x6.0x3", "pcie-root-port,port=0x14,chassis=5,id=pcie.5,bus=pcie.0,addr=0x6.0x4", "pcie-root-port,port=0x15,chassis=6,id=pcie.6,bus=pcie.0,addr=0x6.0x5", "pcie-root-port,port=0x16,chassis=7,id=pcie.7,bus=pcie.0,addr=0x6.0x6", "pcie-root-port,port=0x17,chassis=8,id=pcie.8,bus=pcie.0,addr=0x6.0x7", "ich9-intel-hda,bus=pcie.2,addr=0x03.0x0", "bochs-display", "nec-usb-xhci,bus=pcie.2,addr=0x11.0x0", "pci-bridge,chassis_nr=1,id=bridge1,bus=pcie.4,addr=0x3.0x0", "sdhci-pci,bus=bridge1,addr=0x1.0x0", ] ) config.character_devices.append("stdio,id=stdout,mux=on") config.enable_usb = True elif config.machine_type in [MachineType.MicroVM, MachineType.ISAPC]: config.character_devices.append("stdio,id=stdout,mux=on") config.qemu_cpu = "qemu64" config.cpu_count = None config.display_device = None config.network_default_device = None config.audio_devices = [] config.add_devices(["isa-debugcon,chardev=stdout", "isa-vga", "ne2k_isa,netdev=breh"]) if config.machine_type == MachineType.MicroVM: config.qemu_machine = "microvm,pit=on,rtc=on,pic=on" config.add_devices(["isa-ide", "ide-hd,drive=disk", "i8042"]) else: # ISAPC config.qemu_machine = "isapc" elif config.machine_type == MachineType.CI: config.display_backend = "none" config.audio_backend = None config.audio_devices = [] config.extra_arguments.extend(["-serial", "stdio", "-no-reboot", "-monitor", "none"]) config.spice_arguments = [] if config.architecture == Arch.Aarch64: config.extra_arguments.extend(["-serial", "file:debug.log"]) else: config.add_device("ich9-ahci") config.extra_arguments.extend(["-debugcon", "file:debug.log"]) else: # Default machine config.network_default_device = f"{config.network_default_device},bus=bridge1" config.add_devices( [ "virtio-serial,max_ports=2", "virtconsole,chardev=stdout", "isa-debugcon,chardev=stdout", "virtio-rng-pci", "pci-bridge,chassis_nr=1,id=bridge1", "i82801b11-bridge,bus=bridge1,id=bridge2", "sdhci-pci,bus=bridge2", "i82801b11-bridge,id=bridge3", "sdhci-pci,bus=bridge3", "ich9-ahci,bus=bridge3", ] ) config.character_devices.append("stdio,id=stdout,mux=on") config.enable_usb = True # Modifications for machine types that are *mostly* like the default, # but not entirely (especially in terms of networking). if config.machine_type in [MachineType.QEMUWithoutNetwork, MachineType.QEMU35Grub]: config.network_backend = None config.network_default_device = config.ethernet_device_type config.packet_logging_arguments = [] elif config.machine_type == MachineType.QEMUTap: config.network_backend = "tap,ifname=tap0,id=br0" config.network_default_device = f"{config.ethernet_device_type},netdev=br0" elif config.machine_type in [MachineType.QEMUGrub, MachineType.QEMUExtLinux]: config.kernel_cmdline = [] def assemble_arguments(config: Configuration) -> list[str | Path]: if config.machine_type == MachineType.Bochs: boch_src = Path(config.serenity_src or ".", "Meta/bochsrc") return [config.bochs_binary, "-q", "-f", boch_src] passed_qemu_args = shlex.split(environ.get("SERENITY_EXTRA_QEMU_ARGS", "")) return [ config.qemu_binary or "", # Deviate from standard order here: # The device list contains PCI bridges which must be available for other devices. *config.device_arguments, *config.kernel_and_initrd_arguments, *config.packet_logging_arguments, *config.spice_arguments, *config.extra_arguments, *config.accelerator_arguments, *config.kernel_cmdline_arguments, *config.ram_arguments, *config.cpu_arguments, *config.smp_arguments, *config.machine_arguments, *config.usb_arguments, *config.audio_backend_arguments, *config.audio_devices_arguments, *config.vga_arguments, *config.display_backend_arguments, *config.display_device_arguments, *config.network_backend_arguments, *config.network_default_arguments, *config.boot_drive_arguments, *config.character_device_arguments, *passed_qemu_args, ] class TapController: """Context manager for setting up and tearing down a tap device when QEMU is run with tap networking.""" def __init__(self, machine_type: MachineType): self.should_enable_tap = machine_type == MachineType.QEMUTap def __enter__(self) -> None: if self.should_enable_tap: run(["sudo", "ip", "tuntap", "del", "dev", "tap0", "mode", "tap"]) user = os.getuid() run(["sudo", "ip", "tuntap", "add", "dev", "tap0", "mode", "tap", "user", str(user)]) def __exit__(self, exc_type: type | None, exc_value: Any | None, traceback: Any | None) -> Literal[False]: if self.should_enable_tap: run(["sudo", "ip", "tuntap", "del", "dev", "tap0", "mode", "tap"]) # Re-raise exceptions in any case. return False def configure_and_run(): config = Configuration() config.kvm_usable = kvm_usable() config.qemu_kind = determine_qemu_kind() config.architecture = determine_serenity_arch() config.machine_type = determine_machine_type() config.bochs_binary = detect_bochs() config.ram_size = detect_ram_size() config.host_ip = determine_host_address() serenity_src = environ.get("SERENITY_SOURCE_DIR") if serenity_src is None: raise RunError("SERENITY_SOURCE_DIR not set or empty") config.serenity_src = Path(serenity_src) set_up_qemu_binary(config) check_qemu_version(config) set_up_virtualization_support(config) set_up_basic_kernel_cmdline(config) set_up_disk_image_path(config) set_up_cpu(config) set_up_cpu_count(config) set_up_spice(config) set_up_audio_backend(config) set_up_audio_hardware(config) set_up_screens(config) set_up_display_device(config) set_up_boot_drive(config) set_up_gdb(config) set_up_network_hardware(config) set_up_kernel(config) set_up_machine_devices(config) arguments = assemble_arguments(config) build_directory = environ.get("SERENITY_BUILD", ".") os.chdir(build_directory) with TapController(config.machine_type): run(arguments) def main(): try: configure_and_run() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except RunError as e: print(f"Error: {e}") except Exception as e: print(f"Unknown error: {e}") print("This is likely a bug, consider filing a bug report.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()