#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e script_path=$(cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "$0")" && pwd -P) cd "${script_path}/.." || exit 1 if [ "$#" -eq "1" ]; then mapfile -t files < <( git ls-files -- \ '*.cpp' \ '*.h' \ '*.mm' \ ':!:Base' \ ':!:Kernel/Devices/HID/VirtIO/EvDevDefinitions.h' \ ':!:Kernel/FileSystem/Ext2FS/Definitions.h' \ ':!:Userland/Libraries/LibCodeComprehension/Cpp/Tests/*' \ ':!:Userland/Libraries/LibCpp/Tests/parser/*' \ ':!:Userland/Libraries/LibCpp/Tests/preprocessor/*' ) else files=() for file in "${@:2}"; do if [[ "${file}" == *".cpp" || "${file}" == *".h" || "${file}" == *".mm" ]]; then files+=("${file}") fi done fi if (( ${#files[@]} )); then TOOLCHAIN_DIR=Toolchain/Local/clang/bin CLANG_FORMAT=false if command -v clang-format-18 >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then CLANG_FORMAT=clang-format-18 elif command -v brew >/dev/null 2>&1 && command -v "$(brew --prefix llvm@18)"/bin/clang-format >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then CLANG_FORMAT="$(brew --prefix llvm@18)"/bin/clang-format elif command -v $TOOLCHAIN_DIR/clang-format >/dev/null 2>&1 && $TOOLCHAIN_DIR/clang-format --version | grep -qF ' 18.' ; then CLANG_FORMAT=$TOOLCHAIN_DIR/clang-format elif command -v clang-format >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then CLANG_FORMAT=clang-format if ! "${CLANG_FORMAT}" --version | awk '{ if (substr($NF, 1, index($NF, ".") - 1) < 18) exit 1; }'; then echo "You are using '$("${CLANG_FORMAT}" --version)', which appears to not be clang-format 18 or later." echo "It is very likely that the resulting changes are not what you wanted." fi else echo "clang-format-18 is not available, but C or C++ files need linting! Either skip this script, or install clang-format-18." echo "(If you install a package 'clang-format', please make sure it's version 18 or later.)" exit 1 fi if [ "$#" -gt "0" ] && [ "--overwrite-inplace" = "$1" ] ; then true # The only way to run this script. else # Note that this branch also covers --help, -h, -help, -?, etc. echo "USAGE: $0 --overwrite-inplace" echo "The argument is necessary to make you aware that this *will* overwrite your local files." exit 1 fi echo "Using ${CLANG_FORMAT}" "${CLANG_FORMAT}" -style=file -i "${files[@]}" echo "Maybe some files have changed. Sorry, but clang-format doesn't indicate what happened." else echo "No .cpp, .h or .mm files to check." fi