#!/bin/bash # shellcheck disable=SC1004 # literal backslash+linefeed is intended set -e script_path=$(cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "$0")" && pwd -P) cd "${script_path}/.." export LC_ALL=C # Make the directory order reproducible export MAN_DIR=Base/usr/share/man/ if [[ -e output ]]; then echo "Directory 'output/' already exists. Delete it first." exit 1 fi # Use case-insensitive sorting, which will lead to more intuitive index pages. SORT="sort -f" # Prepare output directories for d in "${MAN_DIR}"*/; do dir_name=$(basename "$d") section="${dir_name/man}" mkdir -p "output/${dir_name}" done # Convert markdown to html # If you're here because your local results are different from the website: # Check that your pandoc version matches the pandoc-version specified in manpages.yaml. for md_file in $(find "${MAN_DIR}" -iname '*.md' | ${SORT}); do relative_path="$(realpath --relative-to="${MAN_DIR}" "${md_file}")" section="${relative_path%%/*}" section_number="${section#man}" filename="${relative_path#*/}" name="${filename%.md}" output_file="output/${section}/${name}.html" echo "Generating $md_file -> $output_file" mkdir -p "$(dirname "${output_file}")" pandoc -f gfm -t html5 -s \ -B Meta/Websites/man.serenityos.org/banner-preamble.inc \ --lua-filter=Meta/convert-markdown-links.lua \ --lua-filter=Meta/Websites/man.serenityos.org/add-anchors.lua \ --metadata title="${name}(${section_number}) - SerenityOS man pages" \ -o "${output_file}" \ "${md_file}" & done # Wait for all pandoc executions to finish so that man page indices are always correct. # shellcheck disable=SC2046 # Word splitting is intentional here wait $(jobs -p) # Generate man page listings through pandoc for section_directory in output/*/; do section=$(basename "${section_directory}") section_number="${section#man}" case "${section_number}" in 1) section_title="User Programs";; 2) section_title="System Calls";; 3) section_title="Library Functions";; 4) section_title="Special Files";; 5) section_title="File Formats";; 6) section_title="Games";; 7) section_title="Miscellanea";; 8) section_title="Sysadmin Tools";; *) section_title="SerenityOS man pages"; echo "WARNING: Unrecognized section ${section_number}?!";; esac output="output/${section}/index.html" echo "Generating section ${section_number} index -> ${output}" pandoc -f gfm -t html5 -s \ -B Meta/Websites/man.serenityos.org/banner-preamble.inc \ --metadata title="Section ${section_number} - ${section_title}" \ -o "${output}" \ <( for f in $(find "${section_directory}" -iname '*.html' | ${SORT}); do filename=$(realpath --relative-to="${section_directory}" "$f") if [[ "$filename" == "index.html" ]]; then continue fi filename_no_extension="${filename%.html}" # Generate indentation by subdirectory count: Replace each slash by the two Markdown indentation spaces, then remove all non-space characters. indentation=$(echo "${filename_no_extension}" | sed -e 's/ //g' -e 's/\// /g' -e 's/[^ ]//g') name="$(basename "${filename}")" name="${name%.html}" echo "${indentation}- [${name}](${filename})" done ) & done # Generate main landing page listings through pandoc echo 'Generating main pages' pandoc -f gfm -t html5 -s \ -B Meta/Websites/man.serenityos.org/banner-preamble.inc \ --metadata title="SerenityOS man pages" \ -o output/index.html \ Meta/Websites/man.serenityos.org/index.md & pandoc -f gfm -t html5 -s \ -B Meta/Websites/man.serenityos.org/banner-preamble.inc \ --metadata title="Can't run applications" \ -o output/cant-run-application.html \ Meta/Websites/man.serenityos.org/cant-run-application.md & # Copy pre-made files echo 'Copying images' rsync -a Meta/Websites/man.serenityos.org/banner.png output/ & rsync -a Base/usr/share/man/man7/LibDSP_classes.svg output/ & find Base/usr/share/man/ -iname '*.png' -exec rsync -a {} output/ \; & # Copy icons mkdir output/icons while read -r p; do rsync -a --relative Base/res/icons/./"$p" output/icons/ done < icons.txt rm icons.txt # shellcheck disable=SC2046 # Word splitting is intentional here wait $(jobs -p)