#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eo pipefail script_path=$(cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "$0")" && pwd -P) cd "${script_path}/.." MISSING_FILES=n while IFS= read -r FILENAME; do # Simply search whether the CMakeLists.txt *ever* mention the test files. if ! grep -qF "${FILENAME}" Tests/AK/CMakeLists.txt ; then echo "Tests/AK/CMakeLists.txt is either missing the test file ${FILENAME} or is not in the commit's staged changes" MISSING_FILES=y fi done < <( git ls-files 'Tests/AK/Test*.cpp' | xargs basename ) if [ "n" != "${MISSING_FILES}" ] ; then echo "Some files are missing from the Tests/AK/CMakeLists.txt." echo "If a new test file is being added, ensure it is in the CMakeLists.txt." echo "This ensures the new tests are always run." exit 1 fi