/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Tim Flynn * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace AK { static constexpr u16 high_surrogate_min = 0xd800; static constexpr u16 high_surrogate_max = 0xdbff; static constexpr u16 low_surrogate_min = 0xdc00; static constexpr u16 low_surrogate_max = 0xdfff; static constexpr u32 replacement_code_point = 0xfffd; static constexpr u32 first_supplementary_plane_code_point = 0x10000; template static Vector to_utf16_impl(UtfViewType const& view) requires(IsSame || IsSame) { Vector utf16_data; utf16_data.ensure_capacity(view.length()); for (auto code_point : view) code_point_to_utf16(utf16_data, code_point); return utf16_data; } Vector utf8_to_utf16(StringView const& utf8_view) { return to_utf16_impl(Utf8View { utf8_view }); } Vector utf8_to_utf16(Utf8View const& utf8_view) { return to_utf16_impl(utf8_view); } Vector utf32_to_utf16(Utf32View const& utf32_view) { return to_utf16_impl(utf32_view); } void code_point_to_utf16(Vector& string, u32 code_point) { VERIFY(is_unicode(code_point)); if (code_point < first_supplementary_plane_code_point) { string.append(static_cast(code_point)); } else { code_point -= first_supplementary_plane_code_point; string.append(static_cast(high_surrogate_min | (code_point >> 10))); string.append(static_cast(low_surrogate_min | (code_point & 0x3ff))); } } bool Utf16View::is_high_surrogate(u16 code_unit) { return (code_unit >= high_surrogate_min) && (code_unit <= high_surrogate_max); } bool Utf16View::is_low_surrogate(u16 code_unit) { return (code_unit >= low_surrogate_min) && (code_unit <= low_surrogate_max); } u32 Utf16View::decode_surrogate_pair(u16 high_surrogate, u16 low_surrogate) { VERIFY(is_high_surrogate(high_surrogate)); VERIFY(is_low_surrogate(low_surrogate)); return ((high_surrogate - high_surrogate_min) << 10) + (low_surrogate - low_surrogate_min) + first_supplementary_plane_code_point; } String Utf16View::to_utf8(AllowInvalidCodeUnits allow_invalid_code_units) const { StringBuilder builder; if (allow_invalid_code_units == AllowInvalidCodeUnits::Yes) { for (auto const* ptr = begin_ptr(); ptr < end_ptr(); ++ptr) { if (is_high_surrogate(*ptr)) { auto const* next = ptr + 1; if ((next < end_ptr()) && is_low_surrogate(*next)) { auto code_point = decode_surrogate_pair(*ptr, *next); builder.append_code_point(code_point); ++ptr; continue; } } builder.append_code_point(static_cast(*ptr)); } } else { for (auto code_point : *this) builder.append_code_point(code_point); } return builder.build(); } size_t Utf16View::length_in_code_points() const { if (!m_length_in_code_points.has_value()) m_length_in_code_points = calculate_length_in_code_points(); return *m_length_in_code_points; } u16 Utf16View::code_unit_at(size_t index) const { VERIFY(index < length_in_code_units()); return m_code_units[index]; } u32 Utf16View::code_point_at(size_t index) const { VERIFY(index < length_in_code_units()); u32 code_point = code_unit_at(index); if (!is_high_surrogate(code_point) && !is_low_surrogate(code_point)) return code_point; if (is_low_surrogate(code_point) || (index + 1 == length_in_code_units())) return code_point; auto second = code_unit_at(index + 1); if (!is_low_surrogate(second)) return code_point; return decode_surrogate_pair(code_point, second); } size_t Utf16View::code_point_offset_of(size_t code_unit_offset) const { size_t code_point_offset = 0; for (auto it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) { if (code_unit_offset == 0) return code_point_offset; code_unit_offset -= it.length_in_code_units(); ++code_point_offset; } return code_point_offset; } size_t Utf16View::code_unit_offset_of(size_t code_point_offset) const { size_t code_unit_offset = 0; for (auto it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) { if (code_point_offset == 0) return code_unit_offset; code_unit_offset += it.length_in_code_units(); --code_point_offset; } return code_unit_offset; } Utf16View Utf16View::substring_view(size_t code_unit_offset, size_t code_unit_length) const { VERIFY(!Checked::addition_would_overflow(code_unit_offset, code_unit_length)); VERIFY(code_unit_offset + code_unit_length <= length_in_code_units()); return Utf16View { m_code_units.slice(code_unit_offset, code_unit_length) }; } Utf16View Utf16View::unicode_substring_view(size_t code_point_offset, size_t code_point_length) const { if (code_point_length == 0) return {}; auto code_unit_offset_of = [&](Utf16CodePointIterator const& it) { return it.m_ptr - begin_ptr(); }; size_t code_point_index = 0; size_t code_unit_offset = 0; for (auto it = begin(); it != end(); ++it) { if (code_point_index == code_point_offset) code_unit_offset = code_unit_offset_of(it); if (code_point_index == (code_point_offset + code_point_length - 1)) { size_t code_unit_length = code_unit_offset_of(++it) - code_unit_offset; return substring_view(code_unit_offset, code_unit_length); } ++code_point_index; } VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } bool Utf16View::validate(size_t& valid_code_units) const { valid_code_units = 0; for (auto const* ptr = begin_ptr(); ptr < end_ptr(); ++ptr) { if (is_high_surrogate(*ptr)) { if ((++ptr >= end_ptr()) || !is_low_surrogate(*ptr)) return false; ++valid_code_units; } else if (is_low_surrogate(*ptr)) { return false; } ++valid_code_units; } return true; } size_t Utf16View::calculate_length_in_code_points() const { size_t code_points = 0; for ([[maybe_unused]] auto code_point : *this) ++code_points; return code_points; } bool Utf16View::equals_ignoring_case(Utf16View const& other) const { if (length_in_code_units() == 0) return other.length_in_code_units() == 0; if (length_in_code_units() != other.length_in_code_units()) return false; for (size_t i = 0; i < length_in_code_units(); ++i) { // FIXME: Handle non-ASCII case insensitive comparisons. if (to_ascii_lowercase(m_code_units[i]) != to_ascii_lowercase(other.m_code_units[i])) return false; } return true; } Utf16CodePointIterator& Utf16CodePointIterator::operator++() { size_t code_units = length_in_code_units(); if (code_units > m_remaining_code_units) { // If there aren't enough code units remaining, skip to the end. m_ptr += m_remaining_code_units; m_remaining_code_units = 0; } else { m_ptr += code_units; m_remaining_code_units -= code_units; } return *this; } u32 Utf16CodePointIterator::operator*() const { VERIFY(m_remaining_code_units > 0); if (Utf16View::is_high_surrogate(*m_ptr)) { if ((m_remaining_code_units > 1) && Utf16View::is_low_surrogate(*(m_ptr + 1))) return Utf16View::decode_surrogate_pair(*m_ptr, *(m_ptr + 1)); return replacement_code_point; } else if (Utf16View::is_low_surrogate(*m_ptr)) { return replacement_code_point; } return static_cast(*m_ptr); } size_t Utf16CodePointIterator::length_in_code_units() const { VERIFY(m_remaining_code_units > 0); if (Utf16View::is_high_surrogate(*m_ptr)) { if ((m_remaining_code_units > 1) && Utf16View::is_low_surrogate(*(m_ptr + 1))) return 2; } // If this return is reached, either the encoded code point is a valid single code unit, or that // code point is invalid (e.g. began with a low surrogate, or a low surrogate did not follow a // high surrogate). In the latter case, a single replacement code unit will be used. return 1; } }