/* * Copyright (c) 2020, Hunter Salyer * Copyright (c) 2021-2022, Andreas Kling * Copyright (c) 2021, Sam Atkins * Copyright (c) 2022, the SerenityOS developers. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include "ConsoleWidget.h" #include "Utilities.h" #include "WebContentView.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace Ladybird { static bool is_using_dark_system_theme(QWidget& widget) { // FIXME: Qt does not provide any method to query if the system is using a dark theme. We will have to implement // platform-specific methods if we wish to have better detection. For now, this inspects if Qt is using a // dark color for widget backgrounds using Rec. 709 luma coefficients. // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rec._709#Luma_coefficients auto color = widget.palette().color(widget.backgroundRole()); auto luma = 0.2126f * color.redF() + 0.7152f * color.greenF() + 0.0722f * color.blueF(); return luma <= 0.5f; } ConsoleWidget::ConsoleWidget() { setLayout(new QVBoxLayout); m_output_view = new WebContentView({}, WebView::EnableCallgrindProfiling::No); if (is_using_dark_system_theme(*this)) m_output_view->update_palette(WebContentView::PaletteMode::Dark); m_output_view->load("data:text/html,"sv); // Wait until our output WebView is loaded, and then request any messages that occurred before we existed m_output_view->on_load_finish = [this](auto&) { if (on_request_messages) on_request_messages(0); }; layout()->addWidget(m_output_view); auto* bottom_container = new QWidget(this); bottom_container->setLayout(new QHBoxLayout); layout()->addWidget(bottom_container); m_input = new QLineEdit(bottom_container); bottom_container->layout()->addWidget(m_input); QObject::connect(m_input, &QLineEdit::returnPressed, [this] { auto js_source = ak_deprecated_string_from_qstring(m_input->text()); if (js_source.is_whitespace()) return; m_input->clear(); print_source_line(js_source); if (on_js_input) on_js_input(js_source); }); setFocusProxy(m_input); auto* clear_button = new QPushButton(bottom_container); bottom_container->layout()->addWidget(clear_button); clear_button->setFixedSize(22, 22); clear_button->setText("X"); clear_button->setToolTip("Clear the console output"); QObject::connect(clear_button, &QPushButton::pressed, [this] { clear_output(); }); m_input->setFocus(); } void ConsoleWidget::request_console_messages() { VERIFY(!m_waiting_for_messages); VERIFY(on_request_messages); on_request_messages(m_highest_received_message_index + 1); m_waiting_for_messages = true; } void ConsoleWidget::notify_about_new_console_message(i32 message_index) { if (message_index <= m_highest_received_message_index) { dbgln("Notified about console message we already have"); return; } if (message_index <= m_highest_notified_message_index) { dbgln("Notified about console message we're already aware of"); return; } m_highest_notified_message_index = message_index; if (!m_waiting_for_messages) request_console_messages(); } void ConsoleWidget::handle_console_messages(i32 start_index, Vector const& message_types, Vector const& messages) { i32 end_index = start_index + message_types.size() - 1; if (end_index <= m_highest_received_message_index) { dbgln("Received old console messages"); return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < message_types.size(); i++) { auto& type = message_types[i]; auto& message = messages[i]; if (type == "html") { print_html(message); } else if (type == "clear") { clear_output(); } else if (type == "group") { // FIXME: Implement. } else if (type == "groupCollapsed") { // FIXME: Implement. } else if (type == "groupEnd") { // FIXME: Implement. } else { VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } } m_highest_received_message_index = end_index; m_waiting_for_messages = false; if (m_highest_received_message_index < m_highest_notified_message_index) request_console_messages(); } void ConsoleWidget::print_source_line(StringView source) { StringBuilder html; html.append(""sv); html.append("> "sv); html.append(""sv); html.append(JS::MarkupGenerator::html_from_source(source).release_value_but_fixme_should_propagate_errors()); print_html(html.string_view()); } void ConsoleWidget::print_html(StringView line) { StringBuilder builder; builder.append(R"~~~( var p = document.createElement("p"); p.innerHTML = ")~~~"sv); builder.append_escaped_for_json(line); builder.append(R"~~~(" document.body.appendChild(p); )~~~"sv); // FIXME: Make it scroll to the bottom, using `window.scrollTo()` in the JS above. // We used to call `m_output_view->scroll_to_bottom();` here, but that does not work because // it runs synchronously, meaning it happens before the HTML is output via IPC above. m_output_view->run_javascript(builder.string_view()); } void ConsoleWidget::clear_output() { m_output_view->run_javascript(R"~~~( document.body.innerHTML = ""; )~~~"sv); } void ConsoleWidget::reset() { clear_output(); m_highest_notified_message_index = -1; m_highest_received_message_index = -1; m_waiting_for_messages = false; } }