/* * Copyright (c) 2023, Liav A. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef KERNEL # include # include # include #endif namespace AK { template class FixedStringBuffer { public: [[nodiscard]] static ErrorOr> vformatted(StringView fmtstr, AK::TypeErasedFormatParams& params) requires(Size < StringBuilder::inline_capacity) { StringBuilder builder { StringBuilder::UseInlineCapacityOnly::Yes }; TRY(AK::vformat(builder, fmtstr, params)); FixedStringBuffer buffer {}; buffer.store_characters(builder.string_view()); return buffer; } template [[nodiscard]] static ErrorOr> formatted(CheckedFormatString&& fmtstr, Parameters const&... parameters) requires(Size < StringBuilder::inline_capacity) { AK::VariadicFormatParams variadic_format_parameters { parameters... }; return vformatted(fmtstr.view(), variadic_format_parameters); } void store_characters(StringView characters) { // NOTE: Only store the characters up to the first null terminator // because we don't care about any further characters. // This matches some expected behavior in the Kernel code, because // technically userspace programs could send a syscall argument with // multiple null terminators - we only care about the *first* chunk up to // the first null terminator, if present at all. size_t stored_length = 0; for (; stored_length < min(Size, characters.length()); stored_length++) { if (characters[stored_length] == '\0') break; m_storage[stored_length] = characters[stored_length]; } m_stored_length = stored_length; // NOTE: Fill the rest of the array bytes with zeroes, just to be // on the safe side. // Technically, it means that a sent StringView could occupy the // entire storage without any null terminators and that's OK as well. for (size_t index = m_stored_length; index < Size; index++) m_storage[index] = '\0'; } #ifdef KERNEL ErrorOr copy_characters_from_user(Userspace user_str, size_t user_str_size) { if (user_str_size > Size) return EFAULT; bool is_user = Kernel::Memory::is_user_range(user_str.vaddr(), user_str_size); if (!is_user) return EFAULT; Kernel::SmapDisabler disabler; void* fault_at; ssize_t length = Kernel::safe_strnlen(user_str.unsafe_userspace_ptr(), user_str_size, fault_at); if (length < 0) { dbgln("FixedStringBuffer::copy_characters_into_storage({:p}, {}) failed at {} (strnlen)", static_cast(user_str.unsafe_userspace_ptr()), user_str_size, VirtualAddress { fault_at }); return EFAULT; } if (!Kernel::safe_memcpy(m_storage.data(), user_str.unsafe_userspace_ptr(), (size_t)length, fault_at)) { dbgln("FixedStringBuffer::copy_characters_into_storage({:p}, {}) failed at {} (memcpy)", static_cast(user_str.unsafe_userspace_ptr()), user_str_size, VirtualAddress { fault_at }); return EFAULT; } m_stored_length = (size_t)length; for (size_t index = m_stored_length; index < Size; index++) m_storage[index] = '\0'; return {}; } #endif Span storage() { return m_storage.span(); } StringView representable_view() const { return StringView(m_storage.data(), m_stored_length); } Span span_view_ensuring_ending_null_char() { VERIFY(m_stored_length + 1 <= Size); m_storage[m_stored_length] = '\0'; return Span(m_storage.data(), m_stored_length + 1); } size_t stored_length() const { return m_stored_length; } FixedStringBuffer() { m_storage.fill(0); } private: Array m_storage; size_t m_stored_length { 0 }; }; } #if USING_AK_GLOBALLY using AK::FixedStringBuffer; #endif