#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eo pipefail # === CONFIGURATION AND SETUP === DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" echo "$DIR" PREFIX="$DIR/Local/clang/" BUILD="$DIR/../Build/" USERLAND_ARCHS="i686 x86_64" ARCHS="$USERLAND_ARCHS aarch64" MD5SUM="md5sum" REALPATH="realpath" NPROC="nproc" INSTALL="install" SED="sed" SYSTEM_NAME="$(uname -s)" if [ "$SYSTEM_NAME" = "OpenBSD" ]; then MD5SUM="md5 -q" REALPATH="readlink -f" NPROC="sysctl -n hw.ncpuonline" export CC=egcc export CXX=eg++ export LDFLAGS=-Wl,-z,notext elif [ "$SYSTEM_NAME" = "FreeBSD" ]; then MD5SUM="md5 -q" NPROC="sysctl -n hw.ncpu" elif [ "$SYSTEM_NAME" = "Darwin" ]; then MD5SUM="md5 -q" NPROC="sysctl -n hw.ncpu" REALPATH="grealpath" # GNU coreutils INSTALL="ginstall" # GNU coreutils SED="gsed" # GNU sed fi if [ -z "$MAKEJOBS" ]; then MAKEJOBS=$($NPROC) fi if [ ! -d "$BUILD" ]; then mkdir -p "$BUILD" fi BUILD=$($REALPATH "$BUILD") dev= ci= while [ "$1" != "" ]; do case $1 in --dev ) dev=1 ;; --ci ) ci=1 ;; esac shift done if [ "$dev" = "1" ] && [ "$ci" = "1" ]; then echo "Please only set one of --dev or --ci." exit 1 fi echo PREFIX is "$PREFIX" mkdir -p "$DIR/Tarballs" LLVM_VERSION="13.0.0" LLVM_MD5SUM="bfc5191cbe87954952d25c6884596ccb" LLVM_NAME="llvm-project-$LLVM_VERSION.src" LLVM_PKG="$LLVM_NAME.tar.xz" LLVM_URL="https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/releases/download/llvmorg-$LLVM_VERSION/$LLVM_PKG" buildstep() { NAME=$1 shift "$@" 2>&1 | "$SED" $'s|^|\e[34m['"${NAME}"$']\e[39m |' } buildstep_ninja() { # When ninja writes to a pipe, it strips ANSI escape codes and prints one line per buildstep. # Instead, use NINJA_STATUS so that we get colored output from LLVM's build and fewer lines of output when running in a tty. # ANSI escape codes in NINJA_STATUS are slightly janky (ninja thinks that "\e[34m" needs 5 output characters instead of 5, so # its middle elision is slightly off; also it would happily elide the "\e39m" which messes up the output if the terminal is too # narrow), but it's still working better than the alternative. NAME=$1 shift env NINJA_STATUS=$'\e[34m['"${NAME}"$']\e[39m [%f/%t] ' "$@" } # === DEPENDENCIES === buildstep dependencies echo "Checking whether Ninja is available..." if ! command -v ninja >/dev/null; then buildstep dependencies echo "Please make sure to install Ninja." exit 1 fi buildstep dependencies echo "Checking whether CMake is available..." if ! command -v cmake >/dev/null; then buildstep dependencies echo "Please make sure to install CMake." exit 1 fi buildstep dependencies echo "Checking whether 'patch' is available..." if ! command -v patch >/dev/null; then buildstep dependencies echo "Please make sure to install GNU patch." fi buildstep dependencies echo "Checking whether your C compiler works..." if ! ${CC:-cc} -o /dev/null -xc - >/dev/null <<'PROGRAM' int main() {} PROGRAM then buildstep dependencies echo "Please make sure to install a working C compiler." exit 1 fi buildstep dependencies echo "Checking whether your C++ compiler works..." if ! ${CXX:-c++} -o /dev/null -xc - >/dev/null <<'PROGRAM' int main() {} PROGRAM then buildstep dependencies echo "Please make sure to install a working C++ compiler." exit 1 fi link_lld= buildstep dependencies echo "Checking whether the LLD linker is available..." if ${CXX:-c++} -o /dev/null -fuse-ld=lld -xc - >/dev/null 2>/dev/null << 'PROGRAM' int main() {} PROGRAM then link_lld=1 buildstep dependencies echo "Using LLD for linking LLVM." else buildstep dependencies echo "LLD not found. Using the default linker." fi # === CHECK CACHE AND REUSE === pushd "$DIR" if [ "$TRY_USE_LOCAL_TOOLCHAIN" = "y" ]; then mkdir -p Cache echo "Cache (before):" ls -l Cache CACHED_TOOLCHAIN_ARCHIVE="Cache/ToolchainBinariesGithubActions.tar.gz" if [ -r "${CACHED_TOOLCHAIN_ARCHIVE}" ] ; then echo "Cache at ${CACHED_TOOLCHAIN_ARCHIVE} exists!" echo "Extracting toolchain from cache:" if tar xzf "${CACHED_TOOLCHAIN_ARCHIVE}" ; then echo "Done 'building' the toolchain." echo "Cache unchanged." exit 0 else echo echo echo echo "Could not extract cached toolchain archive." echo "This means the cache is broken and *should be removed*!" echo "As Github Actions cannot update a cache, this will unnecessarily" echo "slow down all future builds for this hash, until someone" echo "resets the cache." echo echo echo rm -f "${CACHED_TOOLCHAIN_ARCHIVE}" fi else echo "Cache at ${CACHED_TOOLCHAIN_ARCHIVE} does not exist." echo "Will rebuild toolchain from scratch, and save the result." fi fi echo "::group::Actually building Toolchain" popd # === DOWNLOAD AND PATCH === pushd "$DIR/Tarballs" md5="" if [ -e "$LLVM_PKG" ]; then md5="$($MD5SUM ${LLVM_PKG} | cut -f1 -d' ')" echo "llvm md5='$md5'" fi if [ "$md5" != "$LLVM_MD5SUM" ] ; then rm -f "$LLVM_PKG" curl -LO "$LLVM_URL" else echo "Skipped downloading LLVM" fi if [ -d "$LLVM_NAME" ]; then # Drop the previously patched extracted dir rm -rf "${LLVM_NAME}" # Also drop the build dir rm -rf "$DIR/Build/clang" fi echo "Extracting LLVM..." tar -xJf "$LLVM_PKG" pushd "$LLVM_NAME" if [ "$dev" = "1" ]; then git init > /dev/null git add . > /dev/null git commit -am "BASE" > /dev/null git am "$DIR"/Patches/llvm-backport-objcopy-update-section.patch > /dev/null git apply "$DIR"/Patches/llvm.patch > /dev/null else patch -p1 < "$DIR/Patches/llvm.patch" > /dev/null patch -p1 < "$DIR/Patches/llvm-backport-objcopy-update-section.patch" > /dev/null fi $MD5SUM "$DIR/Patches/llvm.patch" "$DIR/Patches/llvm-backport-objcopy-update-section.patch" > .patch.applied popd popd # === COPY HEADERS === SRC_ROOT=$($REALPATH "$DIR"/..) FILES=$(find "$SRC_ROOT"/Kernel/API "$SRC_ROOT"/Userland/Libraries/LibC "$SRC_ROOT"/Userland/Libraries/LibM "$SRC_ROOT"/Userland/Libraries/LibPthread "$SRC_ROOT"/Userland/Libraries/LibDl -name '*.h' -print) for arch in $ARCHS; do mkdir -p "$BUILD/${arch}clang" pushd "$BUILD/${arch}clang" mkdir -p Root/usr/include/ for header in $FILES; do target=$(echo "$header" | "$SED" -e "s@$SRC_ROOT/Userland/Libraries/LibC@@" -e "s@$SRC_ROOT/Userland/Libraries/LibM@@" -e "s@$SRC_ROOT/Userland/Libraries/LibPthread@@" -e "s@$SRC_ROOT/Userland/Libraries/LibDl@@" -e "s@$SRC_ROOT/Kernel/@Kernel/@") buildstep "system_headers" "$INSTALL" -D "$header" "Root/usr/include/$target" done popd done unset SRC_ROOT # === COPY LIBRARY STUBS === for arch in $USERLAND_ARCHS; do pushd "$BUILD/${arch}clang" mkdir -p Root/usr/lib/ for lib in "$DIR/Stubs/${arch}clang/"*".so"; do lib_name=$(basename "$lib") [ ! -f "Root/usr/lib/${lib_name}" ] && cp "$lib" "Root/usr/lib/${lib_name}" done popd done # === COMPILE AND INSTALL === rm -rf "$PREFIX" mkdir -p "$PREFIX" mkdir -p "$DIR/Build/clang" pushd "$DIR/Build/clang" mkdir -p llvm pushd llvm buildstep "llvm/configure" cmake "$DIR/Tarballs/$LLVM_NAME/llvm" \ -G Ninja \ -DSERENITY_i686-pc-serenity_SYSROOT="$BUILD/i686clang/Root" \ -DSERENITY_x86_64-pc-serenity_SYSROOT="$BUILD/x86_64clang/Root" \ -DSERENITY_aarch64-pc-serenity_SYSROOT="$BUILD/aarch64clang/Root" \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$PREFIX" \ -DSERENITY_MODULE_PATH="$DIR/CMake" \ -C "$DIR/CMake/LLVMConfig.cmake" \ ${link_lld:+"-DLLVM_ENABLE_LLD=ON"} \ ${dev:+"-DLLVM_CCACHE_BUILD=ON"} \ ${ci:+"-DLLVM_CCACHE_BUILD=ON"} \ ${ci:+"-DLLVM_CCACHE_DIR=$LLVM_CCACHE_DIR"} \ ${ci:+"-DLLVM_CCACHE_MAXSIZE=$LLVM_CCACHE_MAXSIZE"} buildstep_ninja "llvm/build" ninja -j "$MAKEJOBS" buildstep "llvm/install" ninja install/strip popd for arch in $ARCHS; do mkdir -p runtimes/"$arch" pushd runtimes/"$arch" buildstep "runtimes/$arch/configure" cmake "$DIR/Tarballs/$LLVM_NAME/runtimes" \ -G Ninja \ -DSERENITY_TOOLCHAIN_ARCH="$arch" \ -DSERENITY_TOOLCHAIN_ROOT="$PREFIX" \ -DSERENITY_BUILD_DIR="$BUILD/${arch}clang/" \ -DSERENITY_MODULE_PATH="$DIR/CMake" \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$PREFIX" \ -C "$DIR/CMake/LLVMRuntimesConfig.cmake" buildstep "runtimes/$arch/build" ninja -j "$MAKEJOBS" buildstep "runtimes/$arch/install" ninja install popd done popd # === SAVE TO CACHE === pushd "$DIR" if [ "$TRY_USE_LOCAL_TOOLCHAIN" = "y" ]; then echo "::endgroup::" echo "Building cache tar:" echo "Building cache tar:" rm -f "${CACHED_TOOLCHAIN_ARCHIVE}" # Just in case tar czf "${CACHED_TOOLCHAIN_ARCHIVE}" Local/ echo "Cache (after):" ls -l Cache fi popd