/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2020, Andreas Kling * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace AK { constexpr bool is_space(int ch) { return ch == '\t' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r' || ch == ' '; } // ECMA-404 9 String // Boils down to // STRING = "\"" *("[^\"\\]" | "\\" ("[\"\\bfnrt]" | "u[0-9A-Za-z]{4}")) "\"" // │├── " ──╮───────────────────────────────────────────────╭── " ──┤│ // │ │ // │ ╭───────────────────<─────────────────────╮ │ // │ │ │ │ // ╰──╰──╮───────────── [^"\\] ──────────────╭──╯──╯ // │ │ // ╰── \ ───╮──── ["\\bfnrt] ───────╭──╯ // │ │ // ╰─── u[0-9A-Za-z]{4} ──╯ // ErrorOr JsonParser::consume_and_unescape_string() { if (!consume_specific('"')) return Error::from_string_literal("JsonParser: Expected '\"'"); StringBuilder final_sb; for (;;) { // OPTIMIZATION: We try to append as many literal characters as possible at a time // This also pre-checks some error conditions // Note: All utf8 characters are either plain ascii, or have their most signifiant bit set, // which puts the, above plain ascii in value, so they will always consist // of a set of "legal" non-special bytes, // hence we don't need to bother with a code-point iterator, // as a simple byte iterator suffices, which GenericLexer provides by default size_t literal_characters = 0; for (;;) { char ch = peek(literal_characters); // Note: We get a 0 byte when we hit EOF if (ch == 0) return Error::from_string_literal("JsonParser: EOF while parsing String"); // Spec: All code points may be placed within the quotation marks except // for the code points that must be escaped: quotation mark (U+0022), // reverse solidus (U+005C), and the control characters U+0000 to U+001F. // There are two-character escape sequence representations of some characters. if (is_ascii_c0_control(ch)) return Error::from_string_literal("JsonParser: ASCII control sequence encountered"); if (ch == '"' || ch == '\\') break; ++literal_characters; } final_sb.append(consume(literal_characters)); // We have checked all cases except end-of-string and escaped characters in the loop above, // so we now only have to handle those two cases char ch = peek(); if (ch == '"') { consume(); break; } ignore(); // '\' switch (peek()) { case '\0': return Error::from_string_literal("JsonParser: EOF while parsing String"); case '"': case '\\': case '/': final_sb.append(consume()); break; case 'b': ignore(); final_sb.append('\b'); break; case 'f': ignore(); final_sb.append('\f'); break; case 'n': ignore(); final_sb.append('\n'); break; case 'r': ignore(); final_sb.append('\r'); break; case 't': ignore(); final_sb.append('\t'); break; case 'u': { ignore(); // 'u' // https://ecma-international.org/wp-content/uploads/ECMA-404_2nd_edition_december_2017.pdf // // To escape a code point that is not in the Basic Multilingual Plane, the character may be represented as a // twelve-character sequence, encoding the UTF-16 surrogate pair corresponding to the code point. So for // example, a string containing only the G clef character (U+1D11E) may be represented as "\uD834\uDD1E". // However, whether a processor of JSON texts interprets such a surrogate pair as a single code point or as an // explicit surrogate pair is a semantic decision that is determined by the specific processor. auto code_point = decode_single_or_paired_surrogate(); if (code_point.is_error()) return Error::from_string_literal("JsonParser: Error while parsing Unicode escape"); final_sb.append_code_point(code_point.value()); break; } default: dbgln("JsonParser: Invalid escaped character '{}' ({:#x}) ", peek(), peek()); return Error::from_string_literal("JsonParser: Invalid escaped character"); } } return final_sb.to_byte_string(); } ErrorOr JsonParser::parse_object() { JsonObject object; if (!consume_specific('{')) return Error::from_string_literal("JsonParser: Expected '{'"); for (;;) { ignore_while(is_space); if (peek() == '}') break; ignore_while(is_space); auto name = TRY(consume_and_unescape_string()); ignore_while(is_space); if (!consume_specific(':')) return Error::from_string_literal("JsonParser: Expected ':'"); ignore_while(is_space); auto value = TRY(parse_helper()); object.set(name, move(value)); ignore_while(is_space); if (peek() == '}') break; if (!consume_specific(',')) return Error::from_string_literal("JsonParser: Expected ','"); ignore_while(is_space); if (peek() == '}') return Error::from_string_literal("JsonParser: Unexpected '}'"); } if (!consume_specific('}')) return Error::from_string_literal("JsonParser: Expected '}'"); return JsonValue { move(object) }; } ErrorOr JsonParser::parse_array() { JsonArray array; if (!consume_specific('[')) return Error::from_string_literal("JsonParser: Expected '['"); for (;;) { ignore_while(is_space); if (peek() == ']') break; auto element = TRY(parse_helper()); TRY(array.append(move(element))); ignore_while(is_space); if (peek() == ']') break; if (!consume_specific(',')) return Error::from_string_literal("JsonParser: Expected ','"); ignore_while(is_space); if (peek() == ']') return Error::from_string_literal("JsonParser: Unexpected ']'"); } ignore_while(is_space); if (!consume_specific(']')) return Error::from_string_literal("JsonParser: Expected ']'"); return JsonValue { move(array) }; } ErrorOr JsonParser::parse_string() { auto string = TRY(consume_and_unescape_string()); return JsonValue(move(string)); } ErrorOr JsonParser::parse_number() { Vector number_buffer; auto start_index = tell(); bool negative = false; if (peek() == '-') { number_buffer.append('-'); ++m_index; negative = true; if (!is_ascii_digit(peek())) return Error::from_string_literal("JsonParser: Unexpected '-' without further digits"); } auto fallback_to_double_parse = [&]() -> ErrorOr { #ifdef KERNEL # error JSONParser is currently not available for the Kernel because it disallows floating point. \ If you want to make this KERNEL compatible you can just make this fallback_to_double \ function fail with an error in KERNEL mode. #endif // FIXME: Since we know all the characters so far are ascii digits (and one . or e) we could // use that in the floating point parser. // The first part should be just ascii digits StringView view = m_input.substring_view(start_index); char const* start = view.characters_without_null_termination(); auto parse_result = parse_first_floating_point(start, start + view.length()); if (parse_result.parsed_value()) { auto characters_parsed = parse_result.end_ptr - start; m_index = start_index + characters_parsed; return JsonValue(parse_result.value); } return Error::from_string_literal("JsonParser: Invalid floating point"); }; if (peek() == '0') { if (is_ascii_digit(peek(1))) return Error::from_string_literal("JsonParser: Cannot have leading zeros"); // Leading zeros are not allowed, however we can have a '.' or 'e' with // valid digits after just a zero. These cases will be detected by having the next element // start with a '.' or 'e'. } bool all_zero = true; for (;;) { char ch = peek(); if (ch == '.') { if (!is_ascii_digit(peek(1))) return Error::from_string_literal("JsonParser: Must have digits after decimal point"); return fallback_to_double_parse(); } if (ch == 'e' || ch == 'E') { char next = peek(1); if (!is_ascii_digit(next) && ((next != '+' && next != '-') || !is_ascii_digit(peek(2)))) return Error::from_string_literal("JsonParser: Must have digits after exponent with an optional sign inbetween"); return fallback_to_double_parse(); } if (is_ascii_digit(ch)) { if (ch != '0') all_zero = false; number_buffer.append(ch); ++m_index; continue; } break; } // Negative zero is always a double if (negative && all_zero) return JsonValue(-0.0); StringView number_string(number_buffer.data(), number_buffer.size()); auto to_unsigned_result = number_string.to_number(); if (to_unsigned_result.has_value()) { if (*to_unsigned_result <= NumericLimits::max()) return JsonValue((u32)*to_unsigned_result); return JsonValue(*to_unsigned_result); } else if (auto signed_number = number_string.to_number(); signed_number.has_value()) { if (*signed_number <= NumericLimits::max()) return JsonValue((i32)*signed_number); return JsonValue(*signed_number); } // It's possible the unsigned value is bigger than u64 max return fallback_to_double_parse(); } ErrorOr JsonParser::parse_true() { if (!consume_specific("true"sv)) return Error::from_string_literal("JsonParser: Expected 'true'"); return JsonValue(true); } ErrorOr JsonParser::parse_false() { if (!consume_specific("false"sv)) return Error::from_string_literal("JsonParser: Expected 'false'"); return JsonValue(false); } ErrorOr JsonParser::parse_null() { if (!consume_specific("null"sv)) return Error::from_string_literal("JsonParser: Expected 'null'"); return JsonValue {}; } ErrorOr JsonParser::parse_helper() { ignore_while(is_space); auto type_hint = peek(); switch (type_hint) { case '{': return parse_object(); case '[': return parse_array(); case '"': return parse_string(); case '-': case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': return parse_number(); case 'f': return parse_false(); case 't': return parse_true(); case 'n': return parse_null(); } return Error::from_string_literal("JsonParser: Unexpected character"); } ErrorOr JsonParser::parse() { auto result = TRY(parse_helper()); ignore_while(is_space); if (!is_eof()) return Error::from_string_literal("JsonParser: Didn't consume all input"); return result; } }