Documentation: Reorganize Ladybird build docs to put easy path first

Instead of explaining custom build directories first and then following
that up with a an explainer that Meta/ is the easiest way to
get the browser up and running to try it out was not very ergonmic.

Also reorganize some of the per-distro documentation to put the compiler
requirements front and center.
This commit is contained in:
Andrew Kaster 2023-02-03 04:58:48 -07:00 committed by Andreas Kling
parent 82bac7e665
commit fa637e29d2

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@ -2,12 +2,20 @@
## Build Prerequisites
Qt6 development packages and a C++20 capable compiler are required. On Debian/Ubuntu required packages include, but are not limited to:
Qt6 development packages and a C++20 capable compiler are required. gcc-12 or clang-13 are required at a minimum for c++20 support.
On Debian/Ubuntu required packages include, but are not limited to:
sudo apt install build-essential cmake libgl1-mesa-dev ninja-build qt6-base-dev qt6-tools-dev-tools
For Ubuntu 20.04 and above, ensure that the Qt6 Wayland packages are available:
sudo apt install qt6-wayland
On Arch Linux/Manjaro:
@ -26,26 +34,68 @@ nix-shell ladybird.nix
On macOS:
Note that XCode 13.x does not have sufficient C++20 support to build ladybird. XCode 14.x or clang from homebrew may be required to successfully build ladybird.
xcode-select --install
brew install cmake qt ninja
For the C++ compiler, gcc-12 or clang-13 are required at a minimum for c++20 support.
For Ubuntu 20.04 and above, ensure that the Qt6 Wayland packages are available:
sudo apt install qt6-wayland
On Windows:
WSL2/WSLg are preferred, as they provide a linux environment that matches one of the above distributions.
MinGW/MSYS2 are not supported, but may work with sufficient elbow grease. Native Windows builds are not supported with either clang-cl or MSVC.
## Build steps
Basic workflow, if you only want to build Ladybird
### Using
The simplest way to build and run ladybird is via the script:
# From /path/to/serenity
./Meta/ run lagom ladybird
./Meta/ debug lagom ladybird
Note that running ladybird from the script will change the CMake cache in your Build/lagom build
directory to always build LibWeb and Ladybird for Lagom when rebuilding SerenityOS using the script to run a qemu instance.
To restore the previous behavior that only builds code generators and tools from Lagom when
rebuilding serenity, you must modify the CMake cache back to the default.
### Resource files
Ladybird requires resource files from the serenity/Base/res directory in order to properly load
icons, fonts, and other theming information. The script calls into custom CMake targets
that set these variables, and ensure that the $PWD is set properly to allow execution from the build
directory. To run the built binary without using the script, one can either directly invoke the
ninja rules, set $SERENITY_SOURCE_DIR to the root of their serenity checkout, or install ladybird
using the provided CMake install rules. See the ``Custom CMake build directory`` section below for
### Custom CMake build directory
If you want to build ladybird on its own, or are interested in packaging ladybird for distribution,
then a separate CMake build directory may be desired. Note that ladybird can be build via the Lagom
CMakeLists.txt, or via the CMakeLists.txt found in the Ladybird directory. For distributions, using
Ladybird as the source directory will give the desired results.
The install rules in Ladybird/cmake/InstallRules.cmake define which binaries and libraries will be
installed into the configured CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or path passed to ``cmake --install``.
Note that when using a custom build directory rather than Meta/, the user may need to provide
a suitable C++ compiler (g++ >= 12, clang >= 13, Apple Clang >= 14) via the CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER and
CMAKE_C_COMPILER cmake options.
cmake -GNinja -S Ladybird -B Build/ladybird
# optionally, add -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=<suitable compiler> -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=<matching c compiler>
cmake --build Build/ladybird
ninja -C Build/ladybird run
@ -61,21 +111,6 @@ export SERENITY_SOURCE_DIR=$(realpath ../)
./Build/ladybird/ladybird # or, in macOS: open ./Build/ladybird/
However, if you already have a serenity build, you might want to enable ladybird as part of your pre-existing build directories:
# From /path/to/serenity
./Meta/ run lagom ladybird
./Meta/ debug lagom ladybird
Doing so will re-build Lagom LibWeb and ladybird whenever you change any related serenity library source code. To disable this after
enabling it, simply disable LibWeb and ladybird on the Lagom binary directory:
## Experimental Android Build Steps
### Prepping Qt Creator