Shell: Suggest local executables and directories

...when no matching executable could be found in $PATH
This commit is contained in:
Stephan Unverwerth 2020-04-13 12:57:06 +02:00 committed by Andreas Kling
parent 109c24ae97
commit f0fd85dc1b

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@ -1040,8 +1040,82 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
auto match = binary_search(, cached_path.size(), token, [](const String& token, const String& program) -> int {
return strncmp(token.characters(), program.characters(), token.length());
if (!match)
return {};
if (!match) {
// There is no executable in the $PATH starting with $token
// Suggest local executables and directories
auto mut_token = token; // copy it :(
String path;
Vector<String> local_suggestions;
bool suggest_executables = true;
ssize_t last_slash = token.length() - 1;
while (last_slash >= 0 && token[last_slash] != '/')
if (last_slash >= 0) {
// Split on the last slash. We'll use the first part as the directory
// to search and the second part as the token to complete.
path = mut_token.substring(0, last_slash + 1);
if (path[0] != '/')
path = String::format("%s/%s", g.cwd.characters(), path.characters());
path = canonicalized_path(path);
mut_token = mut_token.substring(last_slash + 1, mut_token.length() - last_slash - 1);
} else {
// We have no slashes, so the directory to search is the current
// directory and the token to complete is just the original token.
// In this case, do not suggest executables but directories only.
path = g.cwd;
suggest_executables = false;
// the invariant part of the token is actually just the last segment
// e.g. in `cd /foo/bar', 'bar' is the invariant
// since we are not suggesting anything starting with
// `/foo/', but rather just `bar...'
editor.suggest(mut_token.length(), 0);
// only suggest dot-files if path starts with a dot
Core::DirIterator files(path,
mut_token.starts_with('.') ? Core::DirIterator::NoFlags : Core::DirIterator::SkipDots);
while (files.has_next()) {
auto file = files.next_path();
// manually skip `.' and `..'
if (file == "." || file == "..")
if (file.starts_with(mut_token)) {
String file_path = String::format("%s/%s", path.characters(), file.characters());
struct stat program_status;
int stat_error = stat(file_path.characters(), &program_status);
if (stat_error)
if (!(program_status.st_mode & (S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH)))
if (!S_ISDIR(program_status.st_mode) && !suggest_executables)
// If we have a single match and it's a directory, we add a slash. If it's
// a regular file, we add a space, unless we already have one.
if (local_suggestions.size() == 1) {
auto& completion = local_suggestions[0];
String file_path = String::format("%s/%s", path.characters(), completion.characters());
struct stat program_status;
int stat_error = stat(file_path.characters(), &program_status);
if (!stat_error) {
if (S_ISDIR(program_status.st_mode))
completion = String::format("%s/", local_suggestions[0].characters());
else if (editor.cursor() == editor.buffer().size() || editor.buffer_at(editor.cursor()) != ' ')
completion = String::format("%s ", local_suggestions[0].characters());
return local_suggestions;
String completion = *match;
Vector<String> suggestions;