LibGfx: Start a very basic anti-aliased Painter implementation

This can currently draw AA lines (and by proxy, AA paths), and passes
all its output through a 2D affine transform to an underlying
This commit is contained in:
Ali Mohammad Pur 2021-09-17 12:01:48 +04:30 committed by Ali Mohammad Pur
parent f4ea235a33
commit e2cd558101
5 changed files with 364 additions and 157 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
* Copyright (c) 2021, Ali Mohammad Pur <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include "FillPathImplementation.h"
#include <AK/Function.h>
#include <LibGfx/AntiAliasingPainter.h>
#include <LibGfx/Path.h>
static float fractional_part(float x)
return x - floorf(x);
// Base algorithm from,
// because there seems to be no other known method for drawing AA'd lines (?)
void Gfx::AntiAliasingPainter::draw_line(FloatPoint const& actual_from, FloatPoint const& actual_to, Color color, float thickness, Gfx::Painter::LineStyle style, Color)
// FIXME: Implement this :P
VERIFY(style == Painter::LineStyle::Solid);
auto corrected_thickness = thickness > 1 ? thickness - 1 : thickness;
auto size = IntSize(corrected_thickness, corrected_thickness);
auto draw_point = [&](FloatPoint const& point, Color color) {
auto center =<int>();
m_underlying_painter.fill_rect(Gfx::IntRect::centered_on(center, size), color);
auto color_with_alpha = [&color](float new_alpha) {
return color.with_alpha(color.alpha() * new_alpha);
auto actual_distance = actual_to - actual_from;
auto from = actual_from;
auto to = actual_to;
auto is_steep = fabsf(actual_distance.y()) > fabsf(actual_distance.x());
if (is_steep) {
from = { from.y(), from.x() };
to = { to.y(), to.x() };
if (from.x() > to.x())
swap(from, to);
auto distance = to - from;
auto gradient = fabsf(distance.x()) < 1e-10f ? 1.0f : distance.y() / distance.x();
auto draw_one_end = [&](auto& point) {
auto end_x = roundf(point.x());
auto end_point = FloatPoint { end_x, point.y() + gradient * (end_x - point.x()) };
auto x_gap = 1 - fractional_part(point.x() + 0.5f);
auto current_point = FloatPoint { end_point.x(), floorf(end_point.y()) };
if (is_steep) {
draw_point({ current_point.y(), current_point.x() }, color_with_alpha(x_gap * (1 - fractional_part(end_point.y()))));
draw_point({ current_point.y() + 1, current_point.x() }, color_with_alpha(x_gap * fractional_part(end_point.y())));
} else {
draw_point(current_point, color_with_alpha(x_gap * (1 - fractional_part(end_point.y())) * 255));
draw_point({ current_point.x(), current_point.y() + 1 }, color_with_alpha(x_gap * fractional_part(end_point.y())));
return end_point;
auto first_end_point = draw_one_end(from);
auto last_end_point = draw_one_end(to);
auto next_intersection = first_end_point.y() + gradient;
auto delta_x = 0.7f; // Should be max(fabsf(sin_x), fabsf(cos_x)) with fewer samples needed if the line is axis-aligned.
// but there's no point in doing expensive calculations when the delta range is so small (0.7-1.0)
// so instead, just pick the smallest delta.
auto delta_y = gradient * delta_x;
auto x = first_end_point.x();
while (x < last_end_point.x()) {
if (is_steep) {
draw_point({ floorf(next_intersection), x }, color_with_alpha(1 - fractional_part(next_intersection)));
draw_point({ floorf(next_intersection) + 1, x }, color_with_alpha(fractional_part(next_intersection)));
} else {
draw_point({ x, floorf(next_intersection) }, color_with_alpha(1 - fractional_part(next_intersection)));
draw_point({ x, floorf(next_intersection) + 1 }, color_with_alpha(fractional_part(next_intersection)));
next_intersection += delta_y;
x += delta_x;
void Gfx::AntiAliasingPainter::fill_path(Path& path, Color color, Painter::WindingRule rule)
Detail::fill_path<Detail::FillPathMode::AllowFloatingPoints>(*this, path, color, rule);
void Gfx::AntiAliasingPainter::stroke_path(Path const& path, Color color, float thickness)
FloatPoint cursor;
for (auto& segment : path.segments()) {
switch (segment.type()) {
case Segment::Type::Invalid:
case Segment::Type::MoveTo:
cursor = segment.point();
case Segment::Type::LineTo:
draw_line(cursor, segment.point(), color, thickness);
cursor = segment.point();
case Segment::Type::QuadraticBezierCurveTo: {
auto& through = static_cast<QuadraticBezierCurveSegment const&>(segment).through();
draw_quadratic_bezier_curve(through, cursor, segment.point(), color, thickness);
cursor = segment.point();
case Segment::Type::EllipticalArcTo:
auto& arc = static_cast<EllipticalArcSegment const&>(segment);
draw_elliptical_arc(cursor, segment.point(),, arc.radii(), arc.x_axis_rotation(), arc.theta_1(), arc.theta_delta(), color, thickness);
cursor = segment.point();
void Gfx::AntiAliasingPainter::draw_elliptical_arc(FloatPoint const& p1, FloatPoint const& p2, FloatPoint const& center, FloatPoint const& radii, float x_axis_rotation, float theta_1, float theta_delta, Color color, float thickness, Painter::LineStyle style)
Gfx::Painter::for_each_line_segment_on_elliptical_arc(p1, p2, center, radii, x_axis_rotation, theta_1, theta_delta, [&](FloatPoint const& fp1, FloatPoint const& fp2) {
draw_line(fp1, fp2, color, thickness, style);
void Gfx::AntiAliasingPainter::draw_quadratic_bezier_curve(FloatPoint const& control_point, FloatPoint const& p1, FloatPoint const& p2, Color color, float thickness, Painter::LineStyle style)
Gfx::Painter::for_each_line_segment_on_bezier_curve(control_point, p1, p2, [&](FloatPoint const& fp1, FloatPoint const& fp2) {
draw_line(fp1, fp2, color, thickness, style);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
* Copyright (c) 2021, Ali Mohammad Pur <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <LibGfx/Painter.h>
namespace Gfx {
class AntiAliasingPainter {
explicit AntiAliasingPainter(Painter& painter)
: m_underlying_painter(painter)
void draw_line(FloatPoint const&, FloatPoint const&, Color, float thickness = 1, Painter::LineStyle style = Painter::LineStyle::Solid, Color alternate_color = Color::Transparent);
void fill_path(Path&, Color, Painter::WindingRule rule = Painter::WindingRule::Nonzero);
void stroke_path(Path const&, Color, float thickness);
void draw_quadratic_bezier_curve(FloatPoint const& control_point, FloatPoint const&, FloatPoint const&, Color, float thickness = 1, Painter::LineStyle style = Painter::LineStyle::Solid);
void draw_elliptical_arc(FloatPoint const& p1, FloatPoint const& p2, FloatPoint const& center, FloatPoint const& radii, float x_axis_rotation, float theta_1, float theta_delta, Color, float thickness = 1, Painter::LineStyle style = Painter::LineStyle::Solid);
void translate(float dx, float dy) { m_transform.translate(dx, dy); }
void translate(FloatPoint const& delta) { m_transform.translate(delta); }
Painter& m_underlying_painter;
AffineTransform m_transform;

View file

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@

View file

@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
* Copyright (c) 2021, Ali Mohammad Pur <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <AK/Debug.h>
#include <AK/QuickSort.h>
#include <LibGfx/Color.h>
#include <LibGfx/Painter.h>
#include <LibGfx/Path.h>
namespace Gfx::Detail {
[[maybe_unused]] inline static void approximately_place_on_int_grid(FloatPoint ffrom, FloatPoint fto, IntPoint& from, IntPoint& to, Optional<IntPoint> previous_to)
auto diffs = fto - ffrom;
// Truncate all first (round down).
from = ffrom.to_type<int>();
to = fto.to_type<int>();
// There are 16 possible configurations, by deciding to round each
// coord up or down (and there are four coords, from.x from.y to.x to.y)
// we will simply choose one which most closely matches the correct slope
// with the following heuristic:
// - if the x diff is positive or zero (that is, a right-to-left slant), round 'from.x' up and 'to.x' down.
// - if the x diff is negative (that is, a left-to-right slant), round 'from.x' down and 'to.x' up.
// Note that we do not need to touch the 'y' attribute, as that is our scanline.
if (diffs.x() >= 0) {
from.set_x(from.x() + 1);
} else {
to.set_x(to.x() + 1);
if (previous_to.has_value() && from.x() != previous_to.value().x()) // The points have to line up, since we're using these lines to fill a shape.
enum class FillPathMode {
template<FillPathMode fill_path_mode, typename Painter>
void fill_path(Painter& painter, Path const& path, Color color, Gfx::Painter::WindingRule winding_rule)
using GridCoordinateType = Conditional<fill_path_mode == FillPathMode::PlaceOnIntGrid, int, float>;
using PointType = Point<GridCoordinateType>;
auto const& segments = path.split_lines();
if (segments.size() == 0)
Vector<Path::SplitLineSegment> active_list;
// first, grab the segments for the very first scanline
GridCoordinateType first_y = path.bounding_box().bottom_right().y() + 1;
GridCoordinateType last_y = path.bounding_box().top_left().y() - 1;
float scanline = first_y;
size_t last_active_segment { 0 };
for (auto& segment : segments) {
if (segment.maximum_y != scanline)
auto is_inside_shape = [winding_rule](int winding_number) {
if (winding_rule == Gfx::Painter::WindingRule::Nonzero)
return winding_number != 0;
if (winding_rule == Gfx::Painter::WindingRule::EvenOdd)
return winding_number % 2 == 0;
auto increment_winding = [winding_rule](int& winding_number, PointType const& from, PointType const& to) {
if (winding_rule == Gfx::Painter::WindingRule::EvenOdd) {
if (winding_rule == Gfx::Painter::WindingRule::Nonzero) {
if (from.dy_relative_to(to) < 0)
while (scanline >= last_y) {
Optional<PointType> previous_to;
if (active_list.size()) {
// sort the active list by 'x' from right to left
quick_sort(active_list, [](auto const& line0, auto const& line1) {
return line1.x < line0.x;
if constexpr (fill_path_mode == FillPathMode::PlaceOnIntGrid && FILL_PATH_DEBUG) {
if ((int)scanline % 10 == 0) {
painter.draw_text(Gfx::Rect<GridCoordinateType>(active_list.last().x - 20, scanline, 20, 10), String::number((int)scanline));
if (active_list.size() > 1) {
auto winding_number { winding_rule == Gfx::Painter::WindingRule::Nonzero ? 1 : 0 };
for (size_t i = 1; i < active_list.size(); ++i) {
auto& previous = active_list[i - 1];
auto& current = active_list[i];
PointType from, to;
PointType truncated_from { previous.x, scanline };
PointType truncated_to { current.x, scanline };
if constexpr (fill_path_mode == FillPathMode::PlaceOnIntGrid) {
approximately_place_on_int_grid({ previous.x, scanline }, { current.x, scanline }, from, to, previous_to);
} else {
from = truncated_from;
to = truncated_to;
if (is_inside_shape(winding_number)) {
// The points between this segment and the previous are
// inside the shape
dbgln_if(FILL_PATH_DEBUG, "y={}: {} at {}: {} -- {}", scanline, winding_number, i, from, to);
painter.draw_line(from, to, color, 1);
auto is_passing_through_maxima = scanline == previous.maximum_y
|| scanline == previous.minimum_y
|| scanline == current.maximum_y
|| scanline == current.minimum_y;
auto is_passing_through_vertex = false;
if (is_passing_through_maxima) {
is_passing_through_vertex = previous.x == current.x;
if (!is_passing_through_vertex || previous.inverse_slope * current.inverse_slope < 0)
increment_winding(winding_number, truncated_from, truncated_to);
// update the x coord
active_list[i - 1].x -= active_list[i - 1].inverse_slope;
active_list.last().x -= active_list.last().inverse_slope;
} else {
auto point = PointType(active_list[0].x, scanline);
painter.draw_line(point, point, color);
// update the x coord
active_list.first().x -= active_list.first().inverse_slope;
// remove any edge that goes out of bound from the active list
for (size_t i = 0, count = active_list.size(); i < count; ++i) {
if (scanline <= active_list[i].minimum_y) {
for (size_t j = last_active_segment; j < segments.size(); ++j, ++last_active_segment) {
auto& segment = segments[j];
if (segment.maximum_y < scanline)
if (segment.minimum_y >= scanline)
if constexpr (FILL_PATH_DEBUG) {
size_t i { 0 };
for (auto& segment : segments) {
painter.draw_line(PointType(segment.from), PointType(, Color::from_hsv(i++ * 360.0 / segments.size(), 1.0, 1.0), 1);

View file

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#include <AK/Utf32View.h>
#include <AK/Utf8View.h>
#include <LibGfx/CharacterBitmap.h>
#include <LibGfx/FillPathImplementation.h>
#include <LibGfx/Palette.h>
#include <LibGfx/Path.h>
#include <LibGfx/TextDirection.h>
@ -1983,166 +1984,10 @@ void Painter::stroke_path(const Path& path, Color color, int thickness)
[[maybe_unused]] static void approximately_place_on_int_grid(FloatPoint ffrom, FloatPoint fto, IntPoint& from, IntPoint& to, Optional<IntPoint> previous_to)
auto diffs = fto - ffrom;
// Truncate all first (round down).
from = ffrom.to_type<int>();
to = fto.to_type<int>();
// There are 16 possible configurations, by deciding to round each
// coord up or down (and there are four coords, from.x from.y to.x to.y)
// we will simply choose one which most closely matches the correct slope
// with the following heuristic:
// - if the x diff is positive or zero (that is, a right-to-left slant), round 'from.x' up and 'to.x' down.
// - if the x diff is negative (that is, a left-to-right slant), round 'from.x' down and 'to.x' up.
// Note that we do not need to touch the 'y' attribute, as that is our scanline.
if (diffs.x() >= 0) {
from.set_x(from.x() + 1);
} else {
to.set_x(to.x() + 1);
if (previous_to.has_value() && from.x() != previous_to.value().x()) // The points have to line up, since we're using these lines to fill a shape.
void Painter::fill_path(Path const& path, Color color, WindingRule winding_rule)
VERIFY(scale() == 1); // FIXME: Add scaling support.
auto const& segments = path.split_lines();
if (segments.size() == 0)
Vector<Path::SplitLineSegment> active_list;
// first, grab the segments for the very first scanline
int first_y = path.bounding_box().bottom_right().y() + 1;
int last_y = path.bounding_box().top_left().y() - 1;
float scanline = first_y;
size_t last_active_segment { 0 };
for (auto& segment : segments) {
if (segment.maximum_y != scanline)
auto is_inside_shape = [winding_rule](int winding_number) {
if (winding_rule == WindingRule::Nonzero)
return winding_number != 0;
if (winding_rule == WindingRule::EvenOdd)
return winding_number % 2 == 0;
auto increment_winding = [winding_rule](int& winding_number, const IntPoint& from, const IntPoint& to) {
if (winding_rule == WindingRule::EvenOdd) {
if (winding_rule == WindingRule::Nonzero) {
if (from.dy_relative_to(to) < 0)
while (scanline >= last_y) {
Optional<IntPoint> previous_to;
if (active_list.size()) {
// sort the active list by 'x' from right to left
quick_sort(active_list, [](const auto& line0, const auto& line1) {
return line1.x < line0.x;
if constexpr (FILL_PATH_DEBUG) {
if ((int)scanline % 10 == 0) {
draw_text(IntRect(active_list.last().x - 20, scanline, 20, 10), String::number((int)scanline));
if (active_list.size() > 1) {
auto winding_number { winding_rule == WindingRule::Nonzero ? 1 : 0 };
for (size_t i = 1; i < active_list.size(); ++i) {
auto& previous = active_list[i - 1];
auto& current = active_list[i];
IntPoint from, to;
IntPoint truncated_from { previous.x, scanline };
IntPoint truncated_to { current.x, scanline };
approximately_place_on_int_grid({ previous.x, scanline }, { current.x, scanline }, from, to, previous_to);
if (is_inside_shape(winding_number)) {
// The points between this segment and the previous are
// inside the shape
dbgln_if(FILL_PATH_DEBUG, "y={}: {} at {}: {} -- {}", scanline, winding_number, i, from, to);
draw_line(from, to, color, 1);
auto is_passing_through_maxima = scanline == previous.maximum_y
|| scanline == previous.minimum_y
|| scanline == current.maximum_y
|| scanline == current.minimum_y;
auto is_passing_through_vertex = false;
if (is_passing_through_maxima) {
is_passing_through_vertex = previous.x == current.x;
if (!is_passing_through_vertex || previous.inverse_slope * current.inverse_slope < 0)
increment_winding(winding_number, truncated_from, truncated_to);
// update the x coord
active_list[i - 1].x -= active_list[i - 1].inverse_slope;
active_list.last().x -= active_list.last().inverse_slope;
} else {
auto point = IntPoint(active_list[0].x, scanline);
draw_line(point, point, color);
// update the x coord
active_list.first().x -= active_list.first().inverse_slope;
// remove any edge that goes out of bound from the active list
for (size_t i = 0, count = active_list.size(); i < count; ++i) {
if (scanline <= active_list[i].minimum_y) {
for (size_t j = last_active_segment; j < segments.size(); ++j, ++last_active_segment) {
auto& segment = segments[j];
if (segment.maximum_y < scanline)
if (segment.minimum_y >= scanline)
if constexpr (FILL_PATH_DEBUG) {
size_t i { 0 };
for (auto& segment : segments) {
draw_line(Point<int>(segment.from), Point<int>(, Color::from_hsv(i++ * 360.0 / segments.size(), 1.0, 1.0), 1);
Detail::fill_path<Detail::FillPathMode::PlaceOnIntGrid>(*this, path, color, winding_rule);
void Painter::blit_disabled(const IntPoint& location, const Gfx::Bitmap& bitmap, const IntRect& rect, const Palette& palette)