LibWeb: Start fleshing out "apply the history step" for traversables

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Aliaksandr Kalenik 2023-04-13 10:23:59 +03:00 committed by Andreas Kling
parent caf7fd4f19
commit c90136d48d
3 changed files with 221 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -930,7 +930,8 @@ WebIDL::ExceptionOr<void> Navigable::navigate(
target_step = traversable->current_session_history_step();
// FIXME: 10. Apply the history step targetStep to traversable.
// 10. Apply the history step targetStep to traversable.

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@ -8,8 +8,10 @@
#include <LibWeb/DOM/Document.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/BrowsingContextGroup.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/DocumentState.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/NavigationParams.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/SessionHistoryEntry.h>
#include <LibWeb/HTML/TraversableNavigable.h>
#include <LibWeb/Platform/EventLoopPlugin.h>
namespace Web::HTML {
@ -222,6 +224,221 @@ Vector<JS::Handle<Navigable>> TraversableNavigable::get_all_navigables_whose_cur
return results;
void TraversableNavigable::apply_the_history_step(int step, Optional<SourceSnapshotParams> source_snapshot_params)
// FIXME: 1. Assert: This is running within traversable's session history traversal queue.
// 2. Let targetStep be the result of getting the used step given traversable and step.
auto target_step = get_the_used_step(step);
// FIXME: 3. If initiatorToCheck is given, then:
// FIXME: 4. Let navigablesCrossingDocuments be the result of getting all navigables that might experience a cross-document traversal given traversable and targetStep.
// FIXME: 5. If checkForUserCancelation is true, and the result of checking if unloading is user-canceled given navigablesCrossingDocuments given traversable and targetStep is true, then return.
// 6. Let changingNavigables be the result of get all navigables whose current session history entry will change or reload given traversable and targetStep.
auto changing_navigables = get_all_navigables_whose_current_session_history_entry_will_change_or_reload(target_step);
// FIXME: 7. Let nonchangingNavigablesThatStillNeedUpdates be the result of getting all navigables that only need history object length/index update given traversable and targetStep.
// 8. For each navigable of changingNavigables:
for (auto& navigable : changing_navigables) {
// 1. Let targetEntry be the result of getting the target history entry given navigable and targetStep.
auto target_entry = navigable->get_the_target_history_entry(target_step);
// 2. Set navigable's current session history entry to targetEntry.
// 3. Set navigable's ongoing navigation to "traversal".
m_ongoing_navigation = Traversal::Tag;
// 9. Let totalChangeJobs be the size of changingNavigables.
auto total_change_jobs = changing_navigables.size();
// 10. Let completedChangeJobs be 0.
size_t completed_change_jobs = 0;
struct ChangingNavigableContinuationState {
JS::Handle<DOM::Document> displayed_document;
JS::Handle<SessionHistoryEntry> target_entry;
JS::Handle<Navigable> navigable;
bool update_only;
// 11. Let changingNavigableContinuations be an empty queue of changing navigable continuation states.
Queue<ChangingNavigableContinuationState> changing_navigable_continuations;
// 12. For each navigable of changingNavigables, queue a global task on the navigation and traversal task source of navigable's active window to run the steps:
for (auto& navigable : changing_navigables) {
queue_global_task(Task::Source::NavigationAndTraversal, *navigable->active_window(), [&] {
// 1. Let displayedEntry be navigable's active session history entry.
auto displayed_entry = navigable->active_session_history_entry();
// 2. Let targetEntry be navigable's current session history entry.
auto target_entry = navigable->current_session_history_entry();
// 3. Let changingNavigableContinuation be a changing navigable continuation state with:
auto changing_navigable_continuation = ChangingNavigableContinuationState {
.displayed_document = displayed_entry->document_state->document(),
.target_entry = target_entry,
.navigable = navigable,
.update_only = false
// 4. If displayedEntry is targetEntry and targetEntry's document state's reload pending is false, then:
if (displayed_entry == target_entry && !target_entry->document_state->reload_pending()) {
// 1. Set changingNavigableContinuation's update-only to true.
changing_navigable_continuation.update_only = true;
// 2. Enqueue changingNavigableContinuation on changingNavigableContinuations.
// 3. Abort these steps.
// 5. Let oldOrigin be targetEntry's document state's origin.
[[maybe_unused]] auto old_origin = target_entry->document_state->origin();
auto after_document_populated = [target_entry, changing_navigable_continuation, &changing_navigable_continuations]() mutable {
// 1. If targetEntry's document is null, then set changingNavigableContinuation's update-only to true.
if (!target_entry->document_state->document()) {
changing_navigable_continuation.update_only = true;
// FIXME: 2. If targetEntry's document's origin is not oldOrigin, then set targetEntry's serialized state to StructuredSerializeForStorage(null).
// FIXME: 3. If all of the following are true:
// 4. Enqueue changingNavigableContinuation on changingNavigableContinuations.
// 6. If targetEntry's document is null, or targetEntry's document state's reload pending is true, then:
if (!target_entry->document_state->document() || target_entry->document_state->reload_pending()) {
// FIXME: 1. Let navTimingType be "back_forward" if targetEntry's document is null; otherwise "reload".
// FIXME: 2. Let targetSnapshotParams be the result of snapshotting target snapshot params given navigable.
// 3. Let potentiallyTargetSpecificSourceSnapshotParams be sourceSnapshotParams.
Optional<SourceSnapshotParams> potentially_target_specific_source_snapshot_params = source_snapshot_params;
// FIXME: 4. If potentiallyTargetSpecificSourceSnapshotParams is null, then set it to the result of snapshotting source snapshot params given navigable's active document.
if (!potentially_target_specific_source_snapshot_params.has_value()) {
potentially_target_specific_source_snapshot_params = SourceSnapshotParams {
.has_transient_activation = false,
.sandboxing_flags = navigable->active_document()->active_sandboxing_flag_set(),
.allows_downloading = true,
.fetch_client = navigable->active_document()->relevant_settings_object(),
.source_policy_container = navigable->active_document()->policy_container()
// 5. Set targetEntry's document state's reload pending to false.
// FIXME: 6. Let allowPOST be targetEntry's document state's reload pending.
// 7. In parallel, attempt to populate the history entry's document for targetEntry, given navigable, potentiallyTargetSpecificSourceSnapshotParams,
// targetSnapshotParams, with allowPOST set to allowPOST and completionSteps set to queue a global task on the navigation and traversal task source given
// navigable's active window to run afterDocumentPopulated.
navigable->populate_session_history_entry_document(target_entry, {}, {}, *potentially_target_specific_source_snapshot_params, [this, after_document_populated]() mutable {
queue_global_task(Task::Source::NavigationAndTraversal, *active_window(), [after_document_populated]() mutable {
// Otherwise, run afterDocumentPopulated immediately.
else {
// FIXME: 13. Let navigablesThatMustWaitBeforeHandlingSyncNavigation be an empty set.
// FIXME: 14. While completedChangeJobs does not equal totalChangeJobs:
while (completed_change_jobs != total_change_jobs) {
// FIXME: 1. If traversable's running nested apply history step is false, then:
// AD-HOC: Since currently populate_session_history_entry_document does not run in parallel
// we call spin_until to interrupt execution of this function and let document population
// to complete.
Platform::EventLoopPlugin::the().spin_until([&] {
return !changing_navigable_continuations.is_empty() || completed_change_jobs == total_change_jobs;
if (changing_navigable_continuations.is_empty()) {
// 2. Let changingNavigableContinuation be the result of dequeuing from changingNavigableContinuations.
auto changing_navigable_continuation = changing_navigable_continuations.dequeue();
// 3. If changingNavigableContinuation is nothing, then continue.
// 4. Let displayedDocument be changingNavigableContinuation's displayed document.
auto displayed_document = changing_navigable_continuation.displayed_document;
// 5. Let targetEntry be changingNavigableContinuation's target entry.
auto target_entry = changing_navigable_continuation.target_entry;
// 6. Let navigable be changingNavigableContinuation's navigable.
auto navigable = changing_navigable_continuation.navigable;
// 7. Set navigable's ongoing navigation to null.
m_ongoing_navigation = {};
// 8. Let (scriptHistoryLength, scriptHistoryIndex) be the result of getting the history object length and index given traversable and targetStep.
auto [script_history_length, script_history_index] = get_the_history_object_length_and_index(target_step);
// FIXME: 9. Append navigable to navigablesThatMustWaitBeforeHandlingSyncNavigation.
// 10. Queue a global task on the navigation and traversal task source given navigable's active window to run the steps:
queue_global_task(Task::Source::NavigationAndTraversal, *navigable->active_window(), [&, target_entry, navigable, displayed_document, update_only = changing_navigable_continuation.update_only] {
// 1. If changingNavigableContinuation's update-only is false, then:
if (!update_only) {
// 1. Unload displayedDocument given targetEntry's document.
// FIXME: 2. For each childNavigable of displayedDocument's descendant navigables, queue a global task on the navigation and traversal task source given
// childNavigable's active window to unload childNavigable's active document.
// 3. Activate history entry targetEntry for navigable.
// FIXME: 2. If targetEntry's document is not equal to displayedDocument, then queue a global task on the navigation and traversal task source given targetEntry's document's
// relevant global object to perform the following step. Otherwise, continue onward to perform the following step within the currently-queued task.
// FIXME: 3. Update document for history step application given targetEntry's document, targetEntry, changingNavigableContinuation's update-only, scriptHistoryLength, and
// scriptHistoryIndex.
// 4. Increment completedChangeJobs.
// FIXME: 15. Let totalNonchangingJobs be the size of nonchangingNavigablesThatStillNeedUpdates.
// FIXME: 16. Let completedNonchangingJobs be 0.
// FIXME: 17. Let (scriptHistoryLength, scriptHistoryIndex) be the result of getting the history object length and index given traversable and targetStep.
// FIXME: 18. For each navigable of nonchangingNavigablesThatStillNeedUpdates, queue a global task on the navigation and traversal task source given navigable's active window to run the steps:
// FIXME: 19. Wait for completedNonchangingJobs to equal totalNonchangingJobs.
// 20. Set traversable's current session history step to targetStep.
m_current_session_history_step = target_step;
void TraversableNavigable::clear_the_forward_session_history()

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@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ public:
HistoryObjectLengthAndIndex get_the_history_object_length_and_index(int) const;
void apply_the_history_step(int step, Optional<SourceSnapshotParams> = {});
int get_the_used_step(int step) const;
Vector<JS::Handle<Navigable>> get_all_navigables_whose_current_session_history_entry_will_change_or_reload(int) const;
Vector<int> get_all_used_history_steps() const;