LibCrypto: Add a way to compare a SignedBigInteger with a double

This supports any double value (except for NaNs) instead of having to
cast the double to some smaller type which doesn't work for very large
This commit is contained in:
davidot 2022-08-19 23:45:36 +02:00 committed by Linus Groh
parent 14264ca022
commit b5c00830c2
3 changed files with 271 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
#include <LibCrypto/BigInt/UnsignedBigInteger.h>
#include <LibCrypto/NumberTheory/ModularFunctions.h>
#include <LibTest/TestCase.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <math.h>
static Crypto::UnsignedBigInteger bigint_fibonacci(size_t n)
@ -658,3 +658,114 @@ TEST_CASE(test_negative_zero_is_not_allowed)
#define EXPECT_LESS_THAN(bigint, double_value) EXPECT_EQ(bigint.compare_to_double(double_value), Crypto::SignedBigInteger::CompareResult::DoubleGreaterThanBigInt)
#define EXPECT_GREATER_THAN(bigint, double_value) EXPECT_EQ(bigint.compare_to_double(double_value), Crypto::SignedBigInteger::CompareResult::DoubleLessThanBigInt)
#define EXPECT_EQUAL_TO(bigint, double_value) EXPECT_EQ(bigint.compare_to_double(double_value), Crypto::SignedBigInteger::CompareResult::DoubleEqualsBigInt)
Crypto::SignedBigInteger zero { 0 };
EXPECT_EQUAL_TO(zero, 0.0);
EXPECT_EQUAL_TO(zero, -0.0);
Crypto::SignedBigInteger one { 1 };
EXPECT_EQUAL_TO(one, 1.0);
EXPECT_LESS_THAN(one, 1.000001);
auto const& negative_one = one;
EXPECT_EQUAL_TO(negative_one, -1.0);
EXPECT_LESS_THAN(negative_one, 1.0);
EXPECT_LESS_THAN(one, -0.5);
EXPECT_LESS_THAN(one, 1.000001);
EXPECT_GREATER_THAN(one, -1.000001);
double double_max_value = NumericLimits<double>::max();
double double_below_max_value = nextafter(double_max_value, 0.0);
VERIFY(double_below_max_value < double_max_value);
VERIFY(double_below_max_value < (double_max_value - 1.0));
auto max_value_in_bigint = Crypto::SignedBigInteger::from_base(16, "fffffffffffff800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"sv);
auto max_value_plus_one = { 1 });
auto max_value_minus_one = max_value_in_bigint.minus(Crypto::SignedBigInteger { 1 });
auto below_max_value_in_bigint = Crypto::SignedBigInteger::from_base(16, "fffffffffffff000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"sv);
EXPECT_EQUAL_TO(max_value_in_bigint, double_max_value);
EXPECT_LESS_THAN(max_value_minus_one, double_max_value);
EXPECT_GREATER_THAN(max_value_plus_one, double_max_value);
EXPECT_LESS_THAN(below_max_value_in_bigint, double_max_value);
EXPECT_GREATER_THAN(max_value_in_bigint, double_below_max_value);
EXPECT_GREATER_THAN(max_value_minus_one, double_below_max_value);
EXPECT_GREATER_THAN(max_value_plus_one, double_below_max_value);
EXPECT_EQUAL_TO(below_max_value_in_bigint, double_below_max_value);
double double_min_value = NumericLimits<double>::lowest();
double double_above_min_value = nextafter(double_min_value, 0.0);
VERIFY(double_above_min_value > double_min_value);
VERIFY(double_above_min_value > (double_min_value + 1.0));
auto min_value_in_bigint = Crypto::SignedBigInteger::from_base(16, "-fffffffffffff800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"sv);
auto min_value_plus_one = { 1 });
auto min_value_minus_one = min_value_in_bigint.minus(Crypto::SignedBigInteger { 1 });
auto above_min_value_in_bigint = Crypto::SignedBigInteger::from_base(16, "-fffffffffffff000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"sv);
EXPECT_EQUAL_TO(min_value_in_bigint, double_min_value);
EXPECT_LESS_THAN(min_value_minus_one, double_min_value);
EXPECT_GREATER_THAN(min_value_plus_one, double_min_value);
EXPECT_GREATER_THAN(above_min_value_in_bigint, double_min_value);
EXPECT_LESS_THAN(min_value_in_bigint, double_above_min_value);
EXPECT_LESS_THAN(min_value_minus_one, double_above_min_value);
EXPECT_LESS_THAN(min_value_plus_one, double_above_min_value);
EXPECT_EQUAL_TO(above_min_value_in_bigint, double_above_min_value);
double just_above_255 = bit_cast<double>(0x406fe00000000001ULL);
double just_below_255 = bit_cast<double>(0x406fdfffffffffffULL);
double double_255 = 255.0;
Crypto::SignedBigInteger bigint_255 { 255 };
EXPECT_EQUAL_TO(bigint_255, double_255);
EXPECT_GREATER_THAN(bigint_255, just_below_255);
EXPECT_LESS_THAN(bigint_255, just_above_255);
namespace AK {
struct Formatter<Crypto::SignedBigInteger::CompareResult> : Formatter<StringView> {
ErrorOr<void> format(FormatBuilder& builder, Crypto::SignedBigInteger::CompareResult const& compare_result)
switch (compare_result) {
case Crypto::SignedBigInteger::CompareResult::DoubleEqualsBigInt:
return builder.put_string("Equals"sv);
case Crypto::SignedBigInteger::CompareResult::DoubleLessThanBigInt:
return builder.put_string("LessThan"sv);
case Crypto::SignedBigInteger::CompareResult::DoubleGreaterThanBigInt:
return builder.put_string("GreaterThan"sv);
return builder.put_string("???"sv);

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@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
* Copyright (c) 2020, the SerenityOS developers.
* Copyright (c) 2022, David Tuin <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#include "SignedBigInteger.h"
#include <AK/StringBuilder.h>
#include <math.h>
namespace Crypto {
@ -334,6 +336,155 @@ bool SignedBigInteger::operator>=(SignedBigInteger const& other) const
return !(*this < other);
SignedBigInteger::CompareResult SignedBigInteger::compare_to_double(double value) const
if (isinf(value)) {
bool is_positive_infinity = __builtin_isinf_sign(value) > 0;
return is_positive_infinity ? CompareResult::DoubleGreaterThanBigInt : CompareResult::DoubleLessThanBigInt;
bool bigint_is_negative = m_sign;
bool value_is_negative = value < 0;
if (value_is_negative != bigint_is_negative)
return bigint_is_negative ? CompareResult::DoubleGreaterThanBigInt : CompareResult::DoubleLessThanBigInt;
// Value is zero, and from above the signs must be the same.
if (value == 0.0) {
VERIFY(!value_is_negative && !bigint_is_negative);
// Either we are also zero or value is certainly less than us.
return is_zero() ? CompareResult::DoubleEqualsBigInt : CompareResult::DoubleLessThanBigInt;
// If value is not zero but we are, then since the signs are the same value must be greater.
if (is_zero())
return CompareResult::DoubleGreaterThanBigInt;
constexpr u64 mantissa_size = 52;
constexpr u64 exponent_size = 11;
constexpr auto exponent_bias = (1 << (exponent_size - 1)) - 1;
union FloatExtractor {
struct {
unsigned long long mantissa : mantissa_size;
unsigned exponent : exponent_size;
unsigned sign : 1;
double d;
} extractor;
extractor.d = value;
VERIFY(extractor.exponent != (1 << exponent_size) - 1);
// Exponent cannot be filled as than we must be NaN or infinity.
i32 real_exponent = extractor.exponent - exponent_bias;
if (real_exponent < 0) {
// |value| is less than 1, and we cannot be zero so if we are negative
// value must be greater and vice versa.
return bigint_is_negative ? CompareResult::DoubleGreaterThanBigInt : CompareResult::DoubleLessThanBigInt;
u64 bigint_bits_needed = m_unsigned_data.one_based_index_of_highest_set_bit();
VERIFY(bigint_bits_needed > 0);
// Double value is `-1^sign (1.mantissa) * 2^(exponent - bias)` so we need
// `exponent - bias + 1` bit to represent doubles value,
// for example `exponent - bias` = 3, sign = 0 and mantissa = 0 we get
// `-1^0 * 2^3 * 1 = 8` which needs 4 bits to store 8 (0b1000).
u32 double_bits_needed = real_exponent + 1;
if (bigint_bits_needed > double_bits_needed) {
// If we need more bits to represent us, we must be of greater magnitude
// this means that if we are negative we are below value and if positive above value.
return bigint_is_negative ? CompareResult::DoubleGreaterThanBigInt : CompareResult::DoubleLessThanBigInt;
if (bigint_bits_needed < double_bits_needed)
return bigint_is_negative ? CompareResult::DoubleLessThanBigInt : CompareResult::DoubleGreaterThanBigInt;
u64 mantissa_bits = extractor.mantissa;
// We add the bit which represents the 1. of the double value calculation
constexpr u64 mantissa_extended_bit = 1ull << mantissa_size;
mantissa_bits |= mantissa_extended_bit;
// Now we shift value to the left virtually, with `exponent - bias` steps
// we then pretend both it and the big int are extended with virtual zeros.
using Word = UnsignedBigInteger::Word;
auto next_bigint_word = (UnsignedBigInteger::BITS_IN_WORD - 1 + bigint_bits_needed) / UnsignedBigInteger::BITS_IN_WORD;
VERIFY(next_bigint_word + 1 == trimmed_length());
auto msb_in_top_word_index = (bigint_bits_needed - 1) % UnsignedBigInteger::BITS_IN_WORD;
VERIFY(msb_in_top_word_index == (UnsignedBigInteger::BITS_IN_WORD - count_leading_zeroes(words()[next_bigint_word - 1]) - 1));
// We will keep the bits which are still valid in the mantissa at the top of mantissa bits.
mantissa_bits <<= 64 - (mantissa_size + 1);
auto bits_left_in_mantissa = mantissa_size + 1;
auto get_next_value_bits = [&](size_t num_bits) -> Word {
VERIFY(num_bits < 63);
VERIFY(bits_left_in_mantissa > 0);
if (num_bits > bits_left_in_mantissa)
num_bits = bits_left_in_mantissa;
bits_left_in_mantissa -= num_bits;
u64 extracted_bits = mantissa_bits & (((1ull << num_bits) - 1) << (64 - num_bits));
// Now shift the bits down to put the most significant bit on the num_bits position
// this means the rest will be "virtual" zeros.
extracted_bits >>= 32;
// Now shift away the used bits and fit the result into a Word.
mantissa_bits <<= num_bits;
VERIFY(extracted_bits <= NumericLimits<Word>::max());
return static_cast<Word>(extracted_bits);
auto bits_in_next_bigint_word = msb_in_top_word_index + 1;
while (next_bigint_word > 0 && bits_left_in_mantissa > 0) {
Word bigint_word = words()[next_bigint_word - 1];
Word double_word = get_next_value_bits(bits_in_next_bigint_word);
// For the first bit we have to align it with the top bit of bigint
// and for all the other cases bits_in_next_bigint_word is 32 so this does nothing.
double_word >>= 32 - bits_in_next_bigint_word;
if (bigint_word < double_word)
return value_is_negative ? CompareResult::DoubleLessThanBigInt : CompareResult::DoubleGreaterThanBigInt;
if (bigint_word > double_word)
return value_is_negative ? CompareResult::DoubleGreaterThanBigInt : CompareResult::DoubleLessThanBigInt;
bits_in_next_bigint_word = UnsignedBigInteger::BITS_IN_WORD;
// If there are still bits left in bigint than any non zero bit means it has greater magnitude.
if (next_bigint_word > 0) {
VERIFY(bits_left_in_mantissa == 0);
while (next_bigint_word > 0) {
if (words()[next_bigint_word - 1] != 0)
return value_is_negative ? CompareResult::DoubleGreaterThanBigInt : CompareResult::DoubleLessThanBigInt;
} else if (bits_left_in_mantissa > 0) {
VERIFY(next_bigint_word == 0);
// Similarly if there are still any bits set in the mantissa it has greater magnitude.
if (mantissa_bits != 0)
return value_is_negative ? CompareResult::DoubleLessThanBigInt : CompareResult::DoubleGreaterThanBigInt;
// Otherwise if both don't have bits left or the rest of the bits are zero they are equal.
return CompareResult::DoubleEqualsBigInt;
ErrorOr<void> AK::Formatter<Crypto::SignedBigInteger>::format(FormatBuilder& fmtbuilder, Crypto::SignedBigInteger const& value)

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@ -139,6 +139,14 @@ public:
[[nodiscard]] bool operator<(UnsignedBigInteger const& other) const;
[[nodiscard]] bool operator>(UnsignedBigInteger const& other) const;
enum class CompareResult {
[[nodiscard]] CompareResult compare_to_double(double) const;
void ensure_sign_is_valid()