LibWeb: Add FilterValueListStyleValue

This style value holds a list of CSS filter function calls e.g.

blur(10px) invert() grayscale()

It will be used to implement backdrop-filter, but the same style value
can be used for the image filter property.

(The name is a little awkward but it's referenced to as
filter-value-list in the spec too).
This commit is contained in:
MacDue 2022-09-15 08:31:14 +01:00 committed by Sam Atkins
parent 776538a6c4
commit 980c92e9b5
3 changed files with 249 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -96,6 +96,12 @@ ContentStyleValue const& StyleValue::as_content() const
return static_cast<ContentStyleValue const&>(*this);
FilterValueListStyleValue const& StyleValue::as_filter_value_list() const
return static_cast<FilterValueListStyleValue const&>(*this);
FlexStyleValue const& StyleValue::as_flex() const
@ -1163,6 +1169,171 @@ bool ContentStyleValue::equals(StyleValue const& other) const
return true;
float Filter::Blur::resolved_radius(Layout::Node const& node) const
// Default value when omitted is 0px.
auto sigma = 0;
if (radius.has_value())
sigma = radius->resolved(node).to_px(node);
// Note: The radius/sigma of the blur needs to be doubled for LibGfx's blur functions.
return sigma * 2;
Filter::DropShadow::Resolved Filter::DropShadow::resolved(Layout::Node const& node) const
// The default value for omitted values is missing length values set to 0
// and the missing used color is taken from the color property.
return Resolved {
radius.has_value() ? radius->resolved(node).to_px(node) : 0.0f,
color.has_value() ? *color : node.computed_values().color()
float Filter::HueRotate::angle_degrees() const
// Default value when omitted is 0deg.
if (!angle.has_value())
return 0.0f;
return angle->visit([&](Angle const& angle) { return angle.to_degrees(); }, [&](auto) { return 0.0f; });
float Filter::Color::resolved_amount() const
if (amount.has_value()) {
if (amount->is_percentage())
return amount->percentage().as_fraction();
return amount->number().value();
// All color filters (brightness, sepia, etc) have a default amount of 1.
return 1.0f;
String FilterValueListStyleValue::to_string() const
StringBuilder builder {};
bool first = true;
for (auto& filter_function : filter_value_list()) {
if (!first)
builder.append(' ');
[&](Filter::Blur const& blur) {
if (blur.radius.has_value())
[&](Filter::DropShadow const& drop_shadow) {
builder.appendff("drop-shadow({} {}"sv,
drop_shadow.offset_x, drop_shadow.offset_y);
if (drop_shadow.radius.has_value())
builder.appendff(" {}", drop_shadow.radius->to_string());
if (drop_shadow.color.has_value()) {
builder.append(' ');
serialize_a_srgb_value(builder, *drop_shadow.color);
[&](Filter::HueRotate const& hue_rotate) {
if (hue_rotate.angle.has_value()) {
[&](Angle const& angle) {
[&](auto&) {
[&](Filter::Color const& color) {
[&] {
switch (color.operation) {
case Filter::Color::Operation::Brightness:
return "brightness"sv;
case Filter::Color::Operation::Contrast:
return "contrast"sv;
case Filter::Color::Operation::Grayscale:
return "grayscale"sv;
case Filter::Color::Operation::Invert:
return "invert"sv;
case Filter::Color::Operation::Opacity:
return "opacity"sv;
case Filter::Color::Operation::Saturate:
return "saturate"sv;
case Filter::Color::Operation::Sepia:
return "sepia"sv;
if (color.amount.has_value())
first = false;
return builder.to_string();
static bool operator==(Filter::Blur const& a, Filter::Blur const& b)
return a.radius == b.radius;
static bool operator==(Filter::DropShadow const& a, Filter::DropShadow const& b)
return a.offset_x == b.offset_x && a.offset_y == b.offset_y && a.radius == b.radius && a.color == b.color;
static bool operator==(Filter::HueRotate::Zero const&, Filter::HueRotate::Zero const&)
return true;
static bool operator==(Filter::Color const& a, Filter::Color const& b)
return a.operation == b.operation && a.amount == b.amount;
static bool operator==(Filter::HueRotate const& a, Filter::HueRotate const& b)
return a.angle == b.angle;
static bool variant_equals(auto const& a, auto const& b)
return a.visit([&](auto const& held_value) {
using HeldType = AK::Detail::Decay<decltype(held_value)>;
bool other_holds_same_type = b.template has<HeldType>();
return other_holds_same_type && held_value == b.template get<HeldType>();
static bool operator==(Filter::HueRotate::AngleOrZero const& a, Filter::HueRotate::AngleOrZero const& b)
return variant_equals(a, b);
static bool operator==(FilterFunction const& a, FilterFunction const& b)
return variant_equals(a, b);
bool FilterValueListStyleValue::equals(StyleValue const& other) const
if (type() != other.type())
return false;
auto const& typed_other = other.as_filter_value_list();
if (m_filter_value_list.size() != typed_other.m_filter_value_list.size())
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_filter_value_list.size(); i++) {
if (m_filter_value_list[i] != typed_other.m_filter_value_list[i])
return false;
return true;
String FlexStyleValue::to_string() const
return String::formatted("{} {} {}", m_grow->to_string(), m_shrink->to_string(), m_basis->to_string());

View file

@ -97,6 +97,52 @@ struct EdgeRect {
Gfx::FloatRect resolved(Layout::Node const&, Gfx::FloatRect) const;
namespace Filter {
struct Blur {
Optional<Length> radius {};
float resolved_radius(Layout::Node const&) const;
struct DropShadow {
Length offset_x;
Length offset_y;
Optional<Length> radius {};
Optional<Color> color {};
struct Resolved {
float offset_x;
float offset_y;
float radius;
Color color;
Resolved resolved(Layout::Node const&) const;
struct HueRotate {
struct Zero { };
using AngleOrZero = Variant<Angle, Zero>;
Optional<AngleOrZero> angle {};
float angle_degrees() const;
struct Color {
enum class Operation {
} operation;
Optional<NumberPercentage> amount {};
float resolved_amount() const;
using FilterFunction = Variant<Filter::Blur, Filter::DropShadow, Filter::HueRotate, Filter::Color>;
// FIXME: Find a better place for this helper.
inline Gfx::Painter::ScalingMode to_gfx_scaling_mode(CSS::ImageRendering css_value)
@ -128,6 +174,7 @@ public:
@ -172,6 +219,7 @@ public:
bool is_calculated() const { return type() == Type::Calculated; }
bool is_color() const { return type() == Type::Color; }
bool is_content() const { return type() == Type::Content; }
bool is_filter_value_list() const { return type() == Type::FilterValueList; }
bool is_flex() const { return type() == Type::Flex; }
bool is_flex_flow() const { return type() == Type::FlexFlow; }
bool is_font() const { return type() == Type::Font; }
@ -214,6 +262,7 @@ public:
CalculatedStyleValue const& as_calculated() const;
ColorStyleValue const& as_color() const;
ContentStyleValue const& as_content() const;
FilterValueListStyleValue const& as_filter_value_list() const;
FlexFlowStyleValue const& as_flex_flow() const;
FlexStyleValue const& as_flex() const;
FontStyleValue const& as_font() const;
@ -254,6 +303,7 @@ public:
CalculatedStyleValue& as_calculated() { return const_cast<CalculatedStyleValue&>(const_cast<StyleValue const&>(*this).as_calculated()); }
ColorStyleValue& as_color() { return const_cast<ColorStyleValue&>(const_cast<StyleValue const&>(*this).as_color()); }
ContentStyleValue& as_content() { return const_cast<ContentStyleValue&>(const_cast<StyleValue const&>(*this).as_content()); }
FilterValueListStyleValue& as_filter_value_list() { return const_cast<FilterValueListStyleValue&>(const_cast<StyleValue const&>(*this).as_filter_value_list()); }
FlexFlowStyleValue& as_flex_flow() { return const_cast<FlexFlowStyleValue&>(const_cast<StyleValue const&>(*this).as_flex_flow()); }
FlexStyleValue& as_flex() { return const_cast<FlexStyleValue&>(const_cast<StyleValue const&>(*this).as_flex()); }
FontStyleValue& as_font() { return const_cast<FontStyleValue&>(const_cast<StyleValue const&>(*this).as_font()); }
@ -803,6 +853,33 @@ private:
RefPtr<StyleValueList> m_alt_text;
class FilterValueListStyleValue final : public StyleValue {
static NonnullRefPtr<FilterValueListStyleValue> create(
Vector<FilterFunction> filter_value_list)
VERIFY(filter_value_list.size() >= 1);
return adopt_ref(*new FilterValueListStyleValue(move(filter_value_list)));
Vector<FilterFunction> const& filter_value_list() const { return m_filter_value_list; }
virtual String to_string() const override;
virtual bool equals(StyleValue const& other) const override;
virtual ~FilterValueListStyleValue() override = default;
FilterValueListStyleValue(Vector<FilterFunction> filter_value_list)
: StyleValue(Type::FilterValueList)
, m_filter_value_list(move(filter_value_list))
// FIXME: No support for SVG filters yet
Vector<FilterFunction> m_filter_value_list;
class FlexStyleValue final : public StyleValue {
static NonnullRefPtr<FlexStyleValue> create(

View file

@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ class CSSStyleSheet;
class CSSSupportsRule;
class Display;
class ElementInlineCSSStyleDeclaration;
class FilterValueListStyleValue;
class FlexFlowStyleValue;
class FlexStyleValue;
class FontFace;