LibGfx/JBIG2: Implement basic symbol segment processing

A symbol segment defines a bunch of small bitmaps and associates them
with numeric IDs.

This only implements reading symbols encoded with the arithmetic coder.
It does not support huffman coding. (In practice, everything seems to
use arithmetic coding.)

Support for refinement or aggregate coding isn't implemented yet.
Support for retaining bitmap coding contexts isn't implemented yet.
Support for symbol segments referring to other symbol segments isn't
implemented yet.
But all produce diagnostics if encountered, so we won't forget about
them. (I haven't seen either being used in the wild.)

No visible behavior change yet, but with JBIG2_DEBUG turned on,
it produces all kinds of debug output.
This commit is contained in:
Nico Weber 2024-03-20 21:34:07 -04:00 committed by Tim Flynn
parent 93fcb529cf
commit 754e1b46fc

View file

@ -429,9 +429,30 @@ BitBuffer::BitBuffer(ByteBuffer bits, size_t width, size_t height, size_t pitch)
class Symbol : public RefCounted<Symbol> {
static NonnullRefPtr<Symbol> create(NonnullOwnPtr<BitBuffer> bitmap)
return adopt_ref(*new Symbol(move(bitmap)));
BitBuffer const& bitmap() const { return *m_bitmap; }
Symbol(NonnullOwnPtr<BitBuffer> bitmap)
: m_bitmap(move(bitmap))
NonnullOwnPtr<BitBuffer> m_bitmap;
struct SegmentData {
SegmentHeader header;
ReadonlyBytes data;
// Set on dictionary segments after they've been decoded.
Optional<Vector<NonnullRefPtr<Symbol>>> symbols;
// Page segment flags
@ -647,7 +668,7 @@ static ErrorOr<void> decode_segment_headers(JBIG2LoadingContext& context, Readon
if (segment_headers.size() != segment_datas.size())
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Segment headers and segment datas have different sizes");
for (size_t i = 0; i < segment_headers.size(); ++i)
context.segments.append({ segment_headers[i], segment_datas[i] });
context.segments.append({ segment_headers[i], segment_datas[i], {} });
return {};
@ -881,9 +902,343 @@ static ErrorOr<NonnullOwnPtr<BitBuffer>> generic_region_decoding_procedure(Gener
return result;
static ErrorOr<void> decode_symbol_dictionary(JBIG2LoadingContext&, SegmentData const&)
// 6.5.2 Input parameters
// Table 13 Parameters for the symbol dictionary decoding procedure
struct SymbolDictionaryDecodingInputParameters {
bool uses_huffman_encoding { false }; // "SDHUFF" in spec.
bool uses_refinement_or_aggregate_coding { false }; // "SDREFAGG" in spec.
Vector<NonnullRefPtr<Symbol>> input_symbols; // "SDNUMINSYMS", "SDINSYMS" in spec.
u32 number_of_new_symbols { 0 }; // "SDNUMNEWSYMS" in spec.
u32 number_of_exported_symbols { 0 }; // "SDNUMEXSYMS" in spec.
u8 symbol_template { 0 }; // "SDTEMPLATE" in spec.
Array<AdaptiveTemplatePixel, 4> adaptive_template_pixels; // "SDATX" / "SDATY" in spec.
u8 refinement_template { 0 }; // "SDRTEMPLATE" in spec;
Array<AdaptiveTemplatePixel, 2> refinement_adaptive_template_pixels; // "SDRATX" / "SDRATY" in spec.
// 6.5 Symbol Dictionary Decoding Procedure
static ErrorOr<Vector<NonnullRefPtr<Symbol>>> symbol_dictionary_decoding_procedure(SymbolDictionaryDecodingInputParameters const& inputs, ReadonlyBytes data)
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Cannot decode symbol dictionary yet");
if (inputs.uses_huffman_encoding)
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Cannot decode huffman symbol dictionaries yet");
if (inputs.uses_refinement_or_aggregate_coding)
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Cannot decode SDREFAGG symbol dictionaries yet");
auto decoder = TRY(JBIG2::ArithmeticDecoder::initialize(data));
Vector<JBIG2::ArithmeticDecoder::Context> contexts;
u8 template_size = inputs.symbol_template == 0 ? 16 : (inputs.symbol_template == 1 ? 13 : 10);
contexts.resize(1 << template_size);
// 6.5.6 Height class delta height
// "If SDHUFF is 1, decode a value using the Huffman table specified by SDHUFFDH.
// If SDHUFF is 0, decode a value using the IADH integer arithmetic decoding procedure (see Annex A)."
// FIXME: Implement support for SDHUFF = 1.
JBIG2::ArithmeticIntegerDecoder delta_height_integer_decoder(decoder);
auto read_delta_height = [&]() -> i32 {
// No OOB values for delta height.
return delta_height_integer_decoder.decode().value();
// 6.5.7 Delta width
// "If SDHUFF is 1, decode a value using the Huffman table specified by SDHUFFDW.
// If SDHUFF is 0, decode a value using the IADW integer arithmetic decoding procedure (see Annex A).
// In either case it is possible that the result of this decoding is the out-of-band value OOB."
// FIXME: Implement support for SDHUFF = 1.
JBIG2::ArithmeticIntegerDecoder delta_width_integer_decoder(decoder);
auto read_delta_width = [&]() -> Optional<i32> {
return delta_width_integer_decoder.decode();
// 6.5.8 Symbol bitmap
// "This field is only present if SDHUFF = 0 or SDREFAGG = 1. This field takes one of two forms; SDREFAGG
// determines which form is used."
// FIXME: Add support for SDEFRAG = 1.
// Direct-coded symbol bitmap
// "If SDREFAGG is 0, then decode the symbol's bitmap using a generic region decoding procedure as described in 6.2.
// Set the parameters to this decoding procedure as shown in Table 16."
auto read_bitmap = [&](u32 width, u32 height) {
GenericRegionDecodingInputParameters generic_inputs;
generic_inputs.is_modified_modified_read = false;
generic_inputs.region_width = width;
generic_inputs.region_height = height;
generic_inputs.gb_template = inputs.symbol_template;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
generic_inputs.adaptive_template_pixels[i] = inputs.adaptive_template_pixels[i];
generic_inputs.arithmetic_decoder = &decoder;
return generic_region_decoding_procedure(generic_inputs, {}, contexts);
// 6.5.5 Decoding the symbol dictionary
// "1) Create an array SDNEWSYMS of bitmaps, having SDNUMNEWSYMS entries."
Vector<NonnullRefPtr<Symbol>> new_symbols;
// "2) If SDHUFF is 1 and SDREFAGG is 0, create an array SDNEWSYMWIDTHS of integers, having SDNUMNEWSYMS entries."
// FIXME: Implement support for SDHUFF = 1.
// "3) Set:
u32 height_class_height = 0;
u32 number_of_symbols_decoded = 0;
// "4) Decode each height class as follows:
// a) If NSYMSDECODED == SDNUMNEWSYMS then all the symbols in the dictionary have been decoded; proceed to step 5)."
while (number_of_symbols_decoded < inputs.number_of_new_symbols) {
// "b) Decode the height class delta height as described in 6.5.6. Let HCDH be the decoded value. Set:
i32 delta_height = read_delta_height();
height_class_height += delta_height;
u32 symbol_width = 0;
u32 total_width = 0;
u32 height_class_first_symbol = number_of_symbols_decoded;
// "c) Decode each symbol within the height class as follows:"
while (true) {
// "i) Decode the delta width for the symbol as described in 6.5.7."
auto opt_delta_width = read_delta_width();
// " If the result of this decoding is OOB then all the symbols in this height class have been decoded; proceed to step 4 d)."
if (!opt_delta_width.has_value())
VERIFY(number_of_symbols_decoded < inputs.number_of_new_symbols);
// " Otherwise let DW be the decoded value and set:"
i32 delta_width = opt_delta_width.value();
symbol_width += delta_width;
total_width += symbol_width;
// "ii) If SDHUFF is 0 or SDREFAGG is 1, then decode the symbol's bitmap as described in 6.5.8.
// Let BS be the decoded bitmap (this bitmap has width SYMWIDTH and height HCHEIGHT). Set:
// FIXME: Implement support for SDHUFF = 1.
// FIXME: Doing this eagerly is pretty wasteful. Decode on demand instead?
auto bitmap = TRY(read_bitmap(symbol_width, height_class_height));
// "iii) If SDHUFF is 1 and SDREFAGG is 0, then set:
// FIXME: Implement support for SDHUFF = 1.
// "iv) Set:
// d) If SDHUFF is 1 and SDREFAGG is 0, [...long text elided...]
// FIXME: Implement support for SDHUFF = 1.
// 5) Determine which symbol bitmaps are exported from this symbol dictionary, as described in 6.5.10. These
// bitmaps can be drawn from the symbols that are used as input to the symbol dictionary decoding
// procedure as well as the new symbols produced by the decoding procedure."
JBIG2::ArithmeticIntegerDecoder export_integer_decoder(decoder);
// 6.5.10 Exported symbols
Vector<bool> export_flags;
export_flags.resize(inputs.input_symbols.size() + inputs.number_of_new_symbols);
// "1) Set:
// EXINDEX = 0
u32 exported_index = 0;
bool current_export_flag = false;
do {
// "2) Decode a value using Table B.1 if SDHUFF is 1, or the IAEX integer arithmetic decoding procedure if
// SDHUFF is 0. Let EXRUNLENGTH be the decoded value."
// FIXME: Implement support for SDHUFF = 1.
i32 export_run_length = export_integer_decoder.decode().value(); // No OOB value.
// If EXRUNLENGTH = 0, then this step does not change any values."
for (int i = 0; i < export_run_length; ++i)
export_flags[exported_index + i] = current_export_flag;
// "4) Set:
exported_index += export_run_length;
current_export_flag = !current_export_flag;
// 5) Repeat steps 2) through 4) until EXINDEX == SDNUMINSYMS + SDNUMNEWSYMS.
} while (exported_index < inputs.input_symbols.size() + inputs.number_of_new_symbols);
// "6) The array EXFLAGS now contains 1 for each symbol that is exported from the dictionary, and 0 for each
// symbol that is not exported."
Vector<NonnullRefPtr<Symbol>> exported_symbols;
// "7) Set:
// I = 0
// J = 0
// 8) For each value of I from 0 to SDNUMINSYMS + SDNUMNEWSYMS 1,"
for (size_t i = 0; i < inputs.input_symbols.size() + inputs.number_of_new_symbols; ++i) {
// "if EXFLAGS[I] == 1 then perform the following steps:"
if (!export_flags[i])
// "a) If I < SDNUMINSYMS then set:
// J = J + 1"
if (i < inputs.input_symbols.size())
// "b) If I >= SDNUMINSYMS then set:
// J = J + 1"
if (i >= inputs.input_symbols.size())
exported_symbols.append(move(new_symbols[i - inputs.input_symbols.size()]));
if (exported_symbols.size() != inputs.number_of_exported_symbols)
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Unexpected number of exported symbols");
return exported_symbols;
static ErrorOr<void> decode_symbol_dictionary(JBIG2LoadingContext&, SegmentData& segment)
// 7.4.2 Symbol dictionary segment syntax
// Symbol dictionary segment data header
FixedMemoryStream stream(;
// Symbol dictionary flags
u16 flags = TRY(stream.read_value<BigEndian<u16>>());
bool uses_huffman_encoding = (flags & 1) != 0; // "SDHUFF" in spec.
bool uses_refinement_or_aggregate_coding = (flags & 2) != 0; // "SDREFAGG" in spec.
u8 huffman_table_selection_for_height_differences = (flags >> 2) & 0b11; // "SDHUFFDH" in spec.
if (huffman_table_selection_for_height_differences == 2)
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Invalid huffman_table_selection_for_height_differences");
if (!uses_huffman_encoding && huffman_table_selection_for_height_differences != 0)
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Invalid huffman_table_selection_for_height_differences");
u8 huffman_table_selection_for_width_differences = (flags >> 4) & 0b11; // "SDHUFFDW" in spec.
if (huffman_table_selection_for_width_differences == 2)
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Invalid huffman_table_selection_for_width_differences");
if (!uses_huffman_encoding && huffman_table_selection_for_width_differences != 0)
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Invalid huffman_table_selection_for_width_differences");
bool uses_user_supplied_size_table = (flags >> 6) & 1; // "SDHUFFBMSIZE" in spec.
if (!uses_huffman_encoding && uses_user_supplied_size_table)
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Invalid uses_user_supplied_size_table");
bool uses_user_supplied_aggregate_table = (flags >> 7) & 1; // "SDHUFFAGGINST" in spec.
if (!uses_huffman_encoding && uses_user_supplied_aggregate_table)
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Invalid uses_user_supplied_aggregate_table");
bool bitmap_coding_context_used = (flags >> 8) & 1;
if (uses_huffman_encoding && !uses_refinement_or_aggregate_coding && bitmap_coding_context_used)
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Invalid bitmap_coding_context_used");
bool bitmap_coding_context_retained = (flags >> 9) & 1;
if (uses_huffman_encoding && !uses_refinement_or_aggregate_coding && bitmap_coding_context_retained)
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Invalid bitmap_coding_context_retained");
u8 template_used = (flags >> 10) & 0b11; // "SDTEMPLATE" in spec.
if (uses_huffman_encoding && template_used != 0)
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Invalid template_used");
u8 refinement_template_used = (flags >> 12) & 0b11; // "SDREFTEMPLATE" in spec.
if (!uses_refinement_or_aggregate_coding && refinement_template_used != 0)
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Invalid refinement_template_used");
if (flags & 0b1110'0000'0000'0000)
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Invalid symbol dictionary flags");
// Symbol dictionary AT flags
Array<AdaptiveTemplatePixel, 4> adaptive_template {};
if (!uses_huffman_encoding) {
int number_of_adaptive_template_pixels = template_used == 0 ? 4 : 1;
for (int i = 0; i < number_of_adaptive_template_pixels; ++i) {
adaptive_template[i].x = TRY(stream.read_value<i8>());
adaptive_template[i].y = TRY(stream.read_value<i8>());
// Symbol dictionary refinement AT flags
Array<AdaptiveTemplatePixel, 2> adaptive_refinement_template {};
if (uses_refinement_or_aggregate_coding && refinement_template_used == 0) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < adaptive_refinement_template.size(); ++i) {
adaptive_refinement_template[i].x = TRY(stream.read_value<i8>());
adaptive_refinement_template[i].y = TRY(stream.read_value<i8>());
// Number of exported symbols (SDNUMEXSYMS)
u32 number_of_exported_symbols = TRY(stream.read_value<BigEndian<u32>>());
// Number of new symbols (SDNUMNEWSYMS)
u32 number_of_new_symbols = TRY(stream.read_value<BigEndian<u32>>());
dbgln_if(JBIG2_DEBUG, "Symbol dictionary: uses_huffman_encoding={}", uses_huffman_encoding);
dbgln_if(JBIG2_DEBUG, "Symbol dictionary: uses_refinement_or_aggregate_coding={}", uses_refinement_or_aggregate_coding);
dbgln_if(JBIG2_DEBUG, "Symbol dictionary: huffman_table_selection_for_height_differences={}", huffman_table_selection_for_height_differences);
dbgln_if(JBIG2_DEBUG, "Symbol dictionary: huffman_table_selection_for_width_differences={}", huffman_table_selection_for_width_differences);
dbgln_if(JBIG2_DEBUG, "Symbol dictionary: uses_user_supplied_size_table={}", uses_user_supplied_size_table);
dbgln_if(JBIG2_DEBUG, "Symbol dictionary: uses_user_supplied_aggregate_table={}", uses_user_supplied_aggregate_table);
dbgln_if(JBIG2_DEBUG, "Symbol dictionary: bitmap_coding_context_used={}", bitmap_coding_context_used);
dbgln_if(JBIG2_DEBUG, "Symbol dictionary: bitmap_coding_context_retained={}", bitmap_coding_context_retained);
dbgln_if(JBIG2_DEBUG, "Symbol dictionary: template_used={}", template_used);
dbgln_if(JBIG2_DEBUG, "Symbol dictionary: refinement_template_used={}", refinement_template_used);
dbgln_if(JBIG2_DEBUG, "Symbol dictionary: number_of_exported_symbols={}", number_of_exported_symbols);
dbgln_if(JBIG2_DEBUG, "Symbol dictionary: number_of_new_symbols={}", number_of_new_symbols);
// Symbol dictionary segment Huffman table selection
// Decoding a symbol dictionary segment
// "1) Interpret its header, as described in"
// Done!
// "2) Decode (or retrieve the results of decoding) any referred-to symbol dictionary and tables segments."
if (segment.header.referred_to_segment_numbers.size() != 0)
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Cannot decode referred-to symbol dictionary segments yet");
// "3) If the "bitmap coding context used" bit in the header was 1, ..."
if (bitmap_coding_context_used)
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Cannot decode bitmap coding context segment yet");
// "4) If the "bitmap coding context used" bit in the header was 0, then, as described in E.3.7,
// reset all the arithmetic coding statistics for the generic region and generic refinement region decoding procedures to zero."
// Nothing to do.
// "5) Reset the arithmetic coding statistics for all the contexts of all the arithmetic integer coders to zero."
// "6) Invoke the symbol dictionary decoding procedure described in 6.5, with the parameters to the symbol dictionary decoding procedure set as shown in Table 31."
SymbolDictionaryDecodingInputParameters inputs;
inputs.uses_huffman_encoding = uses_huffman_encoding;
inputs.uses_refinement_or_aggregate_coding = uses_refinement_or_aggregate_coding;
inputs.input_symbols = {};
inputs.number_of_new_symbols = number_of_new_symbols;
inputs.number_of_exported_symbols = number_of_exported_symbols;
inputs.symbol_template = template_used;
inputs.adaptive_template_pixels = adaptive_template;
inputs.refinement_template = refinement_template_used;
inputs.refinement_adaptive_template_pixels = adaptive_refinement_template;
auto result = TRY(symbol_dictionary_decoding_procedure(inputs,;
// "7) If the "bitmap coding context retained" bit in the header was 1, then, as described in E.3.8, preserve the current contents
// of the arithmetic coding statistics for the generic region and generic refinement region decoding procedures."
if (bitmap_coding_context_retained)
return Error::from_string_literal("JBIG2ImageDecoderPlugin: Cannot retain bitmap coding context yet");
segment.symbols = move(result);
return {};
static ErrorOr<void> decode_intermediate_text_region(JBIG2LoadingContext&, SegmentData const&)
@ -1172,7 +1527,7 @@ static ErrorOr<void> decode_data(JBIG2LoadingContext& context)
for (size_t i = 0; i < context.segments.size(); ++i) {
auto const& segment = context.segments[i];
auto& segment = context.segments[i];
if (segment.header.page_association != 0 && segment.header.page_association != 1)